"Culinary Canvas - Crafting Food Service Enterprises," the national workshop organised by Kudumbashree NRO, dedicated to explore the vast potential of food service enterprises in the context of the National Rural Livelihood Mission.

The workshop is strategically designed to place Community-Based Organizations at the core of discussions surrounding the food service sector.


Objectives of the Workshop


  1. Understand the scope and Impact of food service enterprises for SHG entrepreneurs under the National Rural Livelihood Mission.
  2. Develop cross-learning opportunities and partnerships with different agencies and states to promote food service enterprises.
  3. Launch of National Food Service Promotional Goals.
  4. Developing an action plan for the FY 23-24 to promote food service enterprises in all states across India.








No Date Title PDF Word Doc
1 18-10-2023 Culinary-Canvas-100 Days Campaign - Kudumbashree Press Release_Malayalam(18-10-2023) Read / Download Read / Download
2 25-10-2023 Culinary-Canvas-100 Days Campaign-State Level Inauguration-Kudumbashree Press Release_Malayalam(25-10-2023) Read / Download Read / Download