kasaragod kudumbasree district mission conduct a cookery show for catering units in kudumbashreeThe aim of the competition is to enhance the Marketting oppurtunities of kudumbashree cattering units.The winner awarded 10000 rupees ,5000rupees ,2500 rupees respectively.
Street Venders ID Card distribution will be inagurated by Pro.K P Jayarajan at muncipal anex hall
EST&P mobilisation camp held on 05.07.2018 at A.C. Kannan Nair park Hall, Kanhangad
Municipal level Bankers meeting at Municipal Chairman's Chamber on 26.06.2018
EST&P mobilisation camp held on 26.04.2018 at A.C. Kannan Nair park Hall, Kanhangad
Task forrce for SEP held on 24.04.2018 at Municipal Secretary"s Chamber
new batch banking and accounting course inaugurated and last batch course certificate distributed by Beefathima Ibrahim, Chairperson Kasaragod Municipality
three-days EDP training conducted on June 28 to 30. Thirty-Five beneficiaries have participated in this training.
ESTP mobilization camp conducted by the cooperation of three institutions and around 75 candidates participated in this event.
ESTP mobilization Conducted at Anex Hall Nileshwaram Muncipality. Twenty three Candidates are attended.
SEP orientation program conducted in Nileshwaram CDS Office at 10 am. Function inaguratd by CDS Chairperson.Thirty seven kudumbashree members are attended in the meeting.
Conducted ESTP Moblization Campaign at Muncipal Anex Hall. Thirty candidates are attended.
Conducted Financial Litteracy Campaign . Sixty Kudumbashree members are participated.
ESTP mobilization campaign conducted at Anex Hall Nileshwaram Muncipality.Fifty four candidates attended