27June 2017
workshop on Book Keeping Registers

 Two day Workshop for Standardising the Book Keeping process in ME sector is scheduled at Maria Rani Training Center , Trivandrum.

22June 2017
Kudumbashree Byelaw Amendment – State Level Workshop
  • Maria Rani Centre Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram

The three tier Kudumbashree general election processes will be conducted once in three years. The next Kudumbashree election should be completed by the month of December and January. A subcommittee of the Governing body is constituted to modify the existing byelaw through an intense, interactive and consultative process.

As part of byelaw modification a one day workshop to review the existing bylaw will be held on 22.06.2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference hall Maria Rani Centre Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram. Two Selected CDS Chairpersons from each district, experienced selected member secretaries and Returning officers who have conducted Kudumbashree election in 2014 will participate in the workshop. The Kudumbashree GB Subcommittee will consider the suggestions of this workshop.

22June 2017
Agriculture Animal Husbandry plan Workshop (22 June 2017)
  • Maria Rani Centre

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry plan  workshop at Maria Rani Centre on 22nd and 23rd June  2017

20June 2017
Strategies for Strengthening Coastal Community – Workshop
  • Conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram

Inclusion of coastal communities in to a Kudumbashree envelope is a priority area of Kudumbashree Mission. It is decided to develop new strategies for strengthening the coastal communities.

A half day workshop to discuss the Kudumbashree strategies for strengthening coastal communities in Kerala will be held on 20.06.2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram. Honorable Minister for Fisheries Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma will be the Chief gust and lead the discussion. Representatives from Government Departments, NGOs, Kudumbashree Missions and experienced persons who have worked among coastal areas will participate in the workshop.

20June 2017
Elderly Special NHGs - Guideline preparation workshop
  • Conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram

In the present scenario where Kerala is all set to witness a demographic transition with a rise in the proportion of aged in the total population along with declining growth rate of the population, mobilizing the elderly into a platform to tackle the multiple dimensions and manifestations of poverty through concerted community action has paramount importance. Hence Kudumbashree has taken Elderly Inclusion as a new intervention area and formed special Elderly NHGs comprising Elderly people as members through a process of local mobilization.

A half day workshop to discuss the guidelines for Elderly special NHGs will be held on 20.06.2017 at 02:00 PM in the conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram. Representatives from Government Departments, NGOs, Kudumbashree District Missions and members of Elderly special NHGs will participate in the workshop.

19June 2017
Kudumbashree School – “Aasayakkoottam”
  • Conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram

Kudumbashree School is a training programme to create awareness among the Kudumbashree NHG members about their social responsibilities and improve their standard of living through knowledge. Under the programme over 43 lakh Kudumbashree NHG members would be given training on various subjects.

A half day workshop (“Aasayakkoottam”) to discuss and plan the Kudumbashree School Activities will be held on 19.06.2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram. 

17June 2017
PWD Special NHGs - Guideline preparation workshop
  • Conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram

Kudumbashree Mission formed special NHGs comprising Persons with Disabilities (PWD) /members of PWD families as members. Through this PWD special NHGs, Kudumbashree will help them for their sustainable livelihood, rehabilitation and integration into society and their participation in mainstream developmental process.

A half day workshop to discuss the guidelines for PWD Special NHGs will be held on 17.06.2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram.. Representatives from Government Departments, NGOs, Kudumbashree District Missions and members of special PWD NHGs will participate in the workshop.

17June 2017
DMCs & ADMCs Two day Kudumbashree Scheme Familiarization Workshop - First batch
  • Maria Rani Centre Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram.

The first batch workshop for newly joined Kudumbashree DMCs and ADMCs to familiarize Kudumbashree schemes will be held on 17-18 June 2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference hall, Maria Rani Centre Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram.

16June 2017
Transgender Special NHGs - Guideline preparation workshop
  • Conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram

Kudumbashree Mission formed special NHGs comprising Transgender as members through a process of local mobilization for poverty eradication. Through this Transgender (TG) special NHGs, Kudumbashree will help them for their sustainable livelihood, rehabilitation and integration into society and their participation in mainstream developmental process.

A half day workshop to discuss the guidelines for Transgender Special NHGs will be held on 16.06.2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference hall, Centre for Management Development, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram. Representatives from Government Departments, Kerala State AIDS Control Societies, Sexual and Gender Minorities Federation Kerala (SGMFK), Kudumbashree District Missions, members of special TG NHGs will participate in the workshop.

7June 2017
Jan Aushadhi Stores MoU Signing (07 June 2017)
  • Office of Hon Minister LSGD, Kerala

Jan Aushadhi Stores MoU Signing between Principal Secretary,LSGD, Executive Director,Kudumbashree and Director/CEO of BPPI. Tripartie Agreement

6June 2017
Kudumbashree NRO: MoU signing with Assam SRLM (06 June 2017)
  • Office of Hon Minister LSGD, Kerala

Signing of MoU with Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission for the PRI-CBO Convergence proeject

5June 2017

A training is organised at Nedumpana Apparel Park for stiching coats for Anganwadi Workers

31May 2017
Training for JEEVA group (31 May 2017)
  • NSS Auditorium

Training on JEEVA Evaluation for the 44 JEEVA members.

30May 2017
Training for Railway Parking Team (30 May 2017)
  • Collectorate Conference Hall

Training on Group dynamics, Team building, Confidance building, Customer management etc

22May 2017
Kudumbashree NRO: NRLM Roll Out Workshop at Lakshadweep (22 May 2017)
  • Lakshadweep

NRLM rollout workshop at  Kavaratti Lakshadweep on 22nd and 23rd May 2017.