Kudumbashree to extend services at COVID Firstline Treatment Centres across the State Updated On 2020-07-13
Kudumbashree would extend services at COVID Firstline Treatment Centres across the state. Kudumbashree is extending two types of services at these centres as per the guidance of the respective District Collectors and the District Health Department.
Serving needed food is one of the important services that Kudumbashree extends to these centres and they also extend housekeeping services at selected Firstline Treatment Centres as well.
As of now, Kudumbashree serves food to the treatment centres at 14 locations.Kudumbashree serves food at 3 First Line Treatment Centres each at Palakkad, Malappuram districts and 2 centres each at Pathanamthitta, Kottayam districts. Kudumbashree entrepreneurs provide an average of 1200 food packets to these Firstline Treatment Centres across Kerala on a daily basis. In addition, Kudumbashree members extend the housekeeping services to 6 Firstline Treatment Centres.
Firstline Treatment Centres are being opened in all districts under the leadership of the Health Department in connection with the spread of covid-19 pandemic. These are developed as the centres that treat the covid-19 patients in the primary phase. Till 9 July 2020, more than 30 Firstline Treatment Centres were opened in Kerala. It brings immense pride to Kudumbashree NHG members and CDSs that they are able to provide services in the needed areas converging with the Health Department and district administration for fighting back Covid.