Agriculture   Animal Husbandry    Kerala Chicken   DDU-GKY   NRO  PR   SD   SVEP   Tribal   Attappady


Projects at a Glance (2021-22)
Updating monthly on 10th
Annual Budget (Amount In Cr)
Project Budget Received Expenditure % (Against Budget) % (Against Received) Plan Document
State Plan Fund 200 200 149.01 74.51 74.51  
Special Livelihood Project 40 40 17.47 43.69 43.69  
RKDP 53.92          
NRLM 243.64 153.45 154.36 63 100  
NULM 38.97 30.71 30.71 78.8 100  
NRO 14.87          
Multi Year Projects (Amount In Cr)  
  Budget Received Expenditure % of expenditure Remarks Plan Document
DDU-GKY 1008.97 632.25 373.33 37 as on 31-03-2021  
DDU-GKY Allocation 2021-22 274.7 Nil 10.30 3.75 2021-22  
SVEP (15 blocks) 76.12 59.44 54.46 92 as on 31-03-2021 SVEP
SVEP Allocation 2021-22 17.65 12.89 0.35 3 2021-22  
Demand Based Projects (Amount In Cr)  
  Budget Received Expenditure % of expenditure Remarks Plan Document
PMAY 3760 1351.38 1344.05 99.46 Till Now  
  400       2021-22  
PM Yuva 0.46 0.36 0.36 100 Till Now  
Summary of Projects (Amount In Cr)  
    No. of Projects Budget- State Plan Fund Budget- NRLM Total AAP Presentation
  Click here for all Presentations

Organizational Strengthening

Organization 5 50.35 49.53 99.88   Orgn
MIS     14     MIS
Admin     13     Admin

Local Economic Development

MF 4 44.5 49.25 93.75   MF
ME 7 10 28 38   ME
Marketing 6 5 24 29   Marketing
SVEP 13 6.67 10.01 16.69   SVEP
AH 10 12.21 16.95 29.16   AH  KC
Agri 4 25.07 16.7 41.77   Agri
Other Financial Assistance            

Social Development

Asraya 3 27.64 0 27.64   SD
BUDS 5 9.47 0 9.47    
Gender 3 7.76 13.31 21.07   Gender
Balasabha 2 4 0 4    
Tribal 14 4 13 17   Tribal  Attappady








1.Crime Mapping
Goal Identifying the types, occurances, areas and patterns of crime in a particular area (CDS) which will help in the formation of policies, stategies , programmes and other safegaurd measures.
Project Name Conducting Crime Mapping in 152 CDS
Brief about Project Women and children are facing violence in different forms in everyday life. Most of the crimes are not recorded and such cases to be reported. It is a collective attempt to identify the rate, intensity and situation and suggesting solutions. It is decided to conduct crime mapping in 152 CDS (each in a block) in
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending Date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu.V, Gender Team
Budget 1.51 Cr


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May-21 Tool development Workshop conducted for tool development Draft tool prepared  
Jun-21 Circular preparation      
Jul-21 Training to State and district resource persons State level workshop conducted   District wise data sheet
Aug-21 Training to Block and ward level resource persons     District wise data sheet
Sep-21 Crime mapping NHG, ward and CDS level Tool finalized, RP selection completed RP training plan developed District wise data sheet
Oct-21 Crime mapping NHG, ward and CDS level     District wise data sheet
Nov-21 Crime mapping NHG, ward and CDS level State level RP training first session completed RP training completed District wise data sheet
Dec-21 Crime mapping NHG, ward and CDS level Handbook, survey format finalized RP training and content developed District wise data sheet
Jan-22 Crime mapping NHG, ward and CDS level District level training completed, CDS level training started RP training started at CDS level District wise data sheet
Feb-22 Consolidation and report writing     District wise data sheet
Mar-22 Consolidation and report writing     District wise data sheet



2.Snehitha Help Desk
Goal: To provide help and support to those women and children who are in distress and provide voice for their issues and concerns, also to prevent, protect and prevail over domestic violence through advocacy, empowerment and social change
Project Name Snehitha Help Desk
Brief about Project: It is 24 hrs working gender help desk which is providing short stay home for women and children who are facing atrocities and violence. Also providing short stay for those women who are traveling alone in night.
Giving assisitance to family, individual, adolescent and premarital counseling.
Conducting awareness campaigns.Providing legal and medical assistance, 24 hrs Tele counseling and rehabilitation through the convergence with other departments and NGO’s
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SAPM
Budget 6.02 Cr


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 154 direct cases and 304 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 49 people. Couselling cases are 218.   District wise data
May-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 26 direct cases and 825 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 17 people. Couselling cases are 324. 180 direct cases and 1129 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 66 people. Counselling cases are 542 in this year. District wise data
Jun-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 96 direct cases and 626 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 41 people. Couselling cases are 335. 276 direct cases and 1755 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 105 people. Counselling cases are 877 in this year. District wise data
Jul-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 174 direct cases and 610 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 83 people. Counselling cases are 336. 450 direct cases and 2365 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 188 people. Counselling cases are 1213 in this year. District wise data
Aug-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 133 direct cases and 489 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 58 people. Counselling cases are 197. 583 direct cases and 2854 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 246 people. Counselling cases are 1410 in this year. District wise data
Sep-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 194 direct cases and 521 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 94 people. Counselling cases are 277. 777 direct cases and 3375 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 340 people. Counselling cases are 1687 in this year. District wise data
Oct-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 214 direct cases and 380 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 92 people. Counselling cases are 245. 991 direct cases and 3755 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 432 people. Counselling cases are 1932 in this year. District wise data
Nov-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 202 direct cases and 378 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 107 people. Counselling cases are 224. 1193 direct cases and 4133 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 539 people. Counselling cases are 2156 in this year. District wise data
Dec-21 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 274 direct cases and 482 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 121 people. Counselling cases are 274. 1467 direct cases and 4615 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 660 people. Counselling cases are 2430 in this year. District wise data
Jan-22 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign 228 direct cases and 402 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 77 people. Counselling cases are 244. 1695 direct cases and 5017 tele cases were registered. Provided shelter for 737 people. Counselling cases are 2674 in this year. District wise data
Feb-22 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign     District wise data
Mar-22 Providing short stay for the women and children in need, Giving counseling (both tele and direct ) for the needy people, Conducting area specific awareness campaign     District wise data



Goal: To create a platform to discuss family democracy among people.
Project Name Gender Self Learning Programme on the theme Family Democracy and conducting a certificate course for staff and community cadre
Brief about Project: Developing 5 thematical notes on the concept of family democracy and distribute to CDS once in every month. Developing online course material and conducting class to the staffs twice in every week. After completing six months course certificate will be distributed.
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 30-03-2021
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 214.4 Lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 1. Tool preparation (Implementation &Evaluation) 2. Course note preparation Two State level workshops conducted for tool and course note. State resource pool members are assigned with 5 thematic areas to prepare course notes. Sate level workshops were conducted.  
May-21 1. Tool preparation (Implementation & Evaluation) 2. Course material preparation Focus group discussion conducted in two districts regading the content development. Cource note preparation continues. Content development is ongoing. Two FGDs are completed  
Jun-21 1. Resource Person selection. 2. Course material and note preparation and registration started GSLP workshop conducted course content developed District data sheet
Jul-21 1. State and Distict level workshop. 2. Course note preparation, Registration completed.     District data sheet
Aug-21 1. Campaign at NHGs. 2. Recording classes and starting online classes     District data sheet
Sep-21 1. Campaign at NHGs. 2. Online classes Completed first phase training of district level RPs RP selection process started District data sheet
Oct-21 1. Campaign at NHGs. 2. Online classes     District data sheet
Nov-21 1. Campaign at NHGs. 2. Online classes Completed second phase training of district level RPs RP training completed with practical session. District data sheet
Dec-21 1. Campaign at NHGs. 2. Online classes Sthreepaksha Navakeralam campaign started with various activities including NHG level and auxiliary groups with discussions, poster campaign etc Inaugurated Sthreepaksha Navakeralam Campaign against dowry and violence against women District data sheet
Jan-22 1. Campaign at NHGs. 2. Online classes Sthreepaksha Navakeralam campaign started with various activities including NHG level and auxiliary groups with discussions, poster campaign, reels competition etc Started various activities in different level and continouing the same. District data sheet
Feb-22 Evaluation and Certificate distribution     District data sheet



Goal: To bring gender equity at LSGI level by implementing various gender development activities
Project Name Gender Resource centre at CDS level
Brief about Project: Conducting various Gender Development activities in 509 GRCs such as gender sensitisation trainings to Kudumbashree members, youth clubs, balasabha children and other department representatives, conducting various studies in developing programmes of gender development.
Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu.V
Budget 75 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Preparation of GRC level action plan, Action plan prepared    
May-21 Covid helpline activities All GRCs are working as covid help centers Conducted online sessions on Covid 19 for NHG members  
Jun-21 Poster competion- for Children conducted poster competition in all CDS Ensured children's participation and created platform to discuss about dowry and gender based violence District wise Data sheet
Jul-21 Gender sensitisation for Youth clubs Video competition conducted in the theme dowry and gender based violence and selected quality videos from each district. created a platform to discuss about the issue of dowry and gender based violence for women. District wise Data sheet
Aug-21 Training to CDS and Elected representatives Module preparation completed and training given to 903 CDS and 1289 elected representatives Awareness and training process started in LSG level District wise Data sheet
Sep-21 Analysis of women component plan     District wise Data sheet
Oct-21 GRC week GRC week celebration conducted in all 14 districts. GRC week celebration completed in all 14 districts. District wise Data sheet
Nov-21 Training to CDS and Elected representatives on Gender planning and budgetting Planned and conducted specific monthly activities Area specific activities emerged District wise Data sheet
Dec-21 Campaign on the importance of gramasabha in NHGs Campaign continued against dowry Awareness creation against dowry continuing District wise Data sheet
Jan-22 Conducting Situational analysis Campaign continued against dowry Awareness creation against dowry continuing District wise Data sheet
Feb-22 State level workshop for further Action plan     District wise Data sheet
Mar-22 Meet the Departments- Programme     District wise Data sheet



5.Model GRC
Goal: To bring gender equity at LSGI level by implementing various gender development activities
Project Name Model GRC
Brief about Project: Conducting various Gender Development activities in 509 GRCs such as gender sensitisation trainings to Kudumbashree members, youth clubs, balasabha children and other department representatives, conducting various studies in developing programmes of gender development.
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 505 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Workshop on women status study- tool preparation State level Tool preparation workshop conducted ,   District wise Data
May-21 Guideline preparation GRC Guideline submitted for approval , Draft tool prepared   District wise Data
Jun-21 GRC documentation Documentation completed   District wise Data
Jul-21 Monthly activity, Capacity building of CRPs, Community counselors Conducting monthly activities   District wise Data
Aug-21 Gender sensitisation programmes for CDS and Elected representatives     District wise Data
Sep-21 Training to academic committee members     District wise Data
Oct-21 Meet the department campaign Module preparation completed and training given to 140 CDS Awareness and training process started in LSG level District wise Data
Nov-21 Training to Youth clubs, Monthly action programme     District wise Data
Dec-21 Convergence meeting     District wise Data
Jan-22 Conducting Adalath     District wise Data
Feb-22 Model GRC meet     District wise Data
Mar-22 Monthly activity and documentation     District wise Data



6.Community Counselors
Goal: Building a healthy environment physically and mentally by reducing domestic violence and other issues.
Project Name

Community Counseling support in CDS level

Brief about Project:

Intervention in alcoholic issues and affected families by forming a group of affected families

Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 388.8 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 State level workshop about yanam program Workshops conducted with state level and district level staffs    
May-21 Guideline formulation Draft guideline prepared and submitted for approval Draft guideline prepared District wise Data
Jun-21 Orientation to districts Conducted in district level orientation   District wise Data
Jul-21 District level workshop about Yanam programme     District wise Data
Aug-21 Formation of Groups     District wise Data
Sep-21 Formation of Groups and activities initiated, lauching the programme     District wise Data
Oct-21 formation of Groups and activities initiated     District wise Data
Nov-21 formation of Groups and activities initiated     District wise Data
Dec-21 monthly activities Coordinated Sthreepaksha Navakeralam in NHG level and auxiliary group level.   District wise Data
Jan-22 monthly activities Coordinated Sthreepaksha Navakeralam in NHG level and auxiliary group level. Covid related activities among CDS and NHGs   District wise Data
Feb-22 monthly activities     District wise Data
Mar-22 monthly activities     District wise Data



7.Theme based Programmes
Goal: Identifying women in different art forms and literature and providing visibility in public domain
Project Name Theme based programme
Brief about Project: Identifying women who are performing different instruments and promoting these women by giving opportunity in fests and workshops .
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-12-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 50 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Jun-21 Identification of women who are talented in local instruments     District wise data
Jul-21 Workshop for Rangashree teams on consortium formation     District wise data
Aug-21 Guieline , Identification of women who are talented in local instruments     District wise data
Sep-21 District level workshop for art group     District wise data
Oct-21 Conducting District level fest     District wise data
Nov-21 District level campaign by Rangashree group in convergence with other departments     District wise data
Dec-21 Conducting Exhibition Conducted scriptshop for plays related Sthreepaksha Navakeralam Campaign Script finalized District wise data
Jan-22 District level task to writer's forum State level training started First phase of rehersal camp conducted for rangashree members of 14 districts  



8.Gender Clubs in Schools

To create a gender friendly environment in schools by forming gender clubs and gender development activities.

Project Name

Formation of Gender clubs in schools

Brief about Project: selecting one school in each district and forming gender clubs having 15 to 20 member group of plus one students. Comprehensive action plan including gender sensitisation of teachers, parents and children, monthly action programmes ensuring gender friendly atmosphere and breaking gender stereotypes.
Start Date 01-07-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 14 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Jun-21 Guideline formulation      
Jul-21 Government order from Education Department, Orientation in schools     District wise data sheet
Aug-21 Gender sensitisation to children     District wise data sheet
Sep-21 Formation of gender clubs     District wise data sheet
Oct-21 Monthly activity of Gender club     District wise data sheet
Nov-21 Gender sensitisation to Parents 20 gender clubs formed   District wise data sheet
Dec-21 Monthly activity of Gender club 21 gender clubs formed 41 Gender clubs formed District wise data sheet
Jan-22 Monthly activity of Gender club Guideline given to districts, 32 gender clubs formed and 38 schools identified 73 Gender clubs formed and 38 schools identified to form gender clubs District wise data sheet
Feb-22 Monthly activity of Gender club and evaluation of Gender club and status study     District wise data sheet



9.Gender Clubs in Colleges
Goal: Creating a gender friendly environment in colleges and to create a pool of gender sensitive youth for diseminating the concept of gender
Project Name

Formation of Gender clubs in Colleges

Brief about Project:

Formation of gender clubs and gender sensitization activities among youth

Start Date 01-06-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 14 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Jun-21 Guideline formulation      
Jul-21 Government Order from Collegiate education     District wise Data sheet

Orientation about Gender clubs and its activities, Status study

    District wise Data sheet
Sep-21 Formation of Gender clubs     District wise Data sheet
Oct-21 Gender training to Youth 2 gender clubs formed   District wise Data sheet
Nov-21 Monthly action programme- Conducting Seminar     District wise Data sheet
Dec-21 Monthly action programme- street play 15 gender clubs formed 17 gender clubs formed District wise Data sheet
Jan-22 Monthly action programme-Breaking gender stereotypes Guideline given to distrcts,8 gender clubs formed and 13 colleges identified. 25 gender clubs formed and 13 colleges identified. District wise Data sheet
Feb-22 TOT for Gender club members     District wise Data sheet
Mar-22 Monthly action programme-Field orientation by Gender club members and Evaluation of Gender club . Status study     District wise Data sheet



Goal: To create awareness about sex and gender, gender sensitization and healthy gender relations, Spread out the message of gender equity and building a gender sensitive society
Project Name Gender sensitization training for DDU-GKY students
Brief about Project: The program is designed in such a way that gender sensitazation sessions will be taken to each batch in 11 sessions (12 hours).It will take two days discussions. Two districtrict level facilitators are trained and they will facilitate the sessions in each district. Total 450 DDU-GKY batches will be sensitized.
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SPM
Budget 27.25 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Developing module and training to District level facilitators, Module developed , Workshops conducted for district level RPs.    
Jul-21 Starting sensitization in two centers     District wise Data
Aug-21 Starting sensitization in two centers 80 centers     District wise Data
Sep-21 Starting sensitization in 92 centers and Evaluation     District wise Data
Oct-21 Starting sensitization in 92 centers      
Nov-21 Starting sensitization in 92 centers      
Dec-21 Starting sensitization in 92 centers and Evaluation      
Jan-22 Starting sensitization in 92 centers and Evaluation      



11.Balasabha gender training

Creating space for children to think about Gender and society

Project Name Gender education to Balasabha children
Brief about Project:

Gender education among children is necessary and it will create space for children to

Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha, Gender team
Budget 50 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Module Preparation Workshops conducted for module preparation. Snehitha staff and RPs are assisged to write down the modules Workshops conducted for module preparation  
May-21 Module Preparation Module Preparation Module preparation ongoing  
Jun-21 RP selection Module prepared    
Jul-21 RP training     District wise Data sheet

Training in balasabhas

    District wise Data sheet
Sep-21 Evaluation     District wise Data sheet
Oct-21 Monthly Activity- Family and Gender     District wise Data sheet
Nov-21 Monthly activity- Play ground and Gender     District wise Data sheet
Dec-21 Evaluation     District wise Data sheet
Jan-22 Monthly activity- Peergroup and Gender     District wise Data sheet
Feb-22 Monthly activity- Art and Gender     District wise Data sheet
Mar-22 Evaluation     District wise Data sheet



12.Capacity Building

Strengthening the capacity of the implementation team

Project Name Capacity building for District Progrmme Managers, Snehitha team, Community Counselors and Resource persons
Brief about Project: Conducting Trainings, workshops, exposure visits, discussions to State Mission team, DPMs, Snehitha Team, Community Counselors and Resource persons
Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu.V, Gender Team
Budget 98.6 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
July Training to DPMs, Snehitha staffs Protocol developed for the training for district mission staff and training given to 15 staffs of other departments.    

Training to Community Counselors

Training procedures for district mission staff started at Kottayam and 120 staffs of other departments got trained. A total of 135 staffs gone through gender sensitisation training. District wise data sheet
September Training to Resource Persons Training given to 30 staffs at district mission and 132 staffs of other departments. Training process progressing simultaneously in state and district level. A total of 297 staffs gone through gender sensitisation training. District wise data sheet
October Capacity Building to Snehitha Counselors Training given to 113 staffs at district mission and 89 staffs of other departments. Also training given on office management and accounting to all office assistants in Snehitha. Office procedures and registers changed to uniform manner. A total of 499 staffs gone through gender sensitisation training. District wise data sheet
November Exposure visit to DPMs, Capacity Building to Snehitha Service Providers Training given to 107 staffs at district mission and 115 staffs of other departments. A total of 721 staffs gone through gender sensitisation training. District wise data sheet
December   Training given to 88 staffs at district mission. A total of 809 staffs gone through gender sensitisation training.  
February Capacity Building to Snehitha Counselors, Service Providers     District wise data sheet



13.Gender Resource pool
Goal Creating 4200 gender sensitive officials across Kerala.
Project Name Gender training to officials of different department
Brief about Project Creating gender friendly atmosphere in every department is a necessary thing while cosidering equal access of resources. We have a state resource pool of 10 members. These resource persons will train a resource pool of 42 members having three persons in each district. These members will give training to 300 officials in each month. Totally 4200 members will be trained at the end of the year.
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending Date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha, Gender Team
Budget 3 lakhs ( Convergence with other departments)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Action Plan      
Jun-21 Strengthening SRPs and DRPs    

District wise data sheet

Jul-21 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by Kudumbashree 15 officials got trained  

District wise data sheet

Aug-21 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments 55 officials got trained  

District wise data sheet

Sep-21 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments 197 officials got trained Training process progressing to various departments

District wise data sheet

Oct-21 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments Gender sensitisation given to 16 staffs of Kudumbashree State Mission. Awareness on gender perspective development developed especially at workplace.

District wise data sheet

Nov-21 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments Gender sensitisation given to 24 staffs of Kudumbashree State Mission. A total of 40 staffs gone through gender sensitisation.

District wise data sheet

Dec-21 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments    

District wise data sheet

Jan-22 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments    

District wise data sheet

Feb-22 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments    

District wise data sheet

Mar-22 Training to 30 officials in each district funded by own departments    

District wise data sheet



14.Vigilant group

Strengthening and activating vigilant group for addressing the issues and make them as

Project Name Vigilant group activities
Brief about Project:

Strengthening the group by giving trainings and Monitoring Vigilant group activities. Giving an activity to the team

Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 53.25 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Monthly action programme- covid related activities Covid related sensitization programs conducted in all wards   District wise Data
May-21 Monthly action programme- covid related activities Conducted covid related programs Covid related sensitization programs conducted in all wards District wise Data
Jun-21 Monthly action programme- covid related activities Covid related sensitization programs conducted in all wards   District wise Data
Jul-21 Monthly Action programme-Theme- Alcoholism     District wise Data
Aug-21 Monthly Action programme-Theme- Dowry Activities conducted with the theme of dowry in NHG level   District wise Data
Sep-21 Monthly action programme- Theme- Life saving Tips- First Aid Conducted activities based on first aid treatment Awareness on life saving tips developed District wise Data
Oct-21 Monthly Action programme-Theme- Mental issues Conducted activities based on mental issues Awareness developed on mental health District wise Data
Nov-21 Visiting local institutions     District wise Data
Dec-21 Monthly Action programme-Theme- Cyber issues Conducted activities based on cyber issues Cyber education developed District wise Data
Jan-22 Monthly action programme- Theme- security at work place Conducted activities based on security at work place Awareness developed on the importance of security at workplace District wise Data
Feb-22 Monthly action programme- Role of socieity in children's security     District wise Data
Mar-22 Monthly action programme- Womens day     District wise Data



Goal: Developing Rangashree community theatre group and enhancing their economic status
Project Name Rangashree Community theatre
Brief about Project: Forming consortium of Rangashree teams and giving opportunity to take projects inside kudumbashree and in other departments
Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SAPM
Budget Convergence with departments


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May-21       District wise Data sheet
Jun-21 Workshop for Rangashree teams on consortium formation     District wise Data sheet
Jul-21 State level meeting of rangashree representatives and registering consortium.     District wise Data sheet
Aug-21 DDU-GKY awareness campaign State level meeting of rangashree representatives conducted online at preliminary level and for registering consortium offline meeting at state level meeting planned.   District wise Data sheet
Sep-21 FNHW- 1000 days awareness campaign State level workshop conducted to decide on consortium formation. District level discussion progressing on consortium formation District wise Data sheet
Oct-21 District wise task - one play in convergence with other departments     District wise Data sheet
Nov-21 District wise task - one play in convergence with other departments     District wise Data sheet
Dec-21 District wise task - one play in convergence with other departments     District wise Data sheet
Jan-22 Snehitha Help Desk- campaign     District wise Data sheet
Feb-22 District wise task - one play in convergence with other departments     District wise Data sheet
Mar-22 FNHW- awareness campaign     District wise Data sheet



Goal: To enrich the life of anti human trafficking survivors and victims by giving livelihood support and other mental and social support.
Project Name Comprehensive development of Anti-Human Trafficking survivors and victims
Brief about Project: Giving income generation activities, mental and social support to the identified victims Idukki, Malappuram, Palakkd and Wayanad districts.
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 8 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Jun-21 Identifying victims and developing individual plan Plan development is ongoing   District wise data sheet
Jul-21 Monitoring      
Aug-21 Convergence activities with other departments Convergence activities conducting with various departments   District wise data sheet
Sep-21 Monitoring Monitoring ongoing    
Oct-21 Monitoring Monitoring ongoing    
Nov-21 Monitoring Monitoring ongoing    
Dec-21 Monitoring Monitoring ongoing    
Jan-22 Monitoring Monitoring ongoing    
Feb-22 Monitoring      
Mar-22 Monitoring      



17.Documentation and IEC
Goal: Documenting all the gender Development activities and strengthen the documentation group
Project Name Documentation and IEC
Brief about Project: Documentation of various gender development programs. awareness and knowledge dissemination through media such as radio, television, short film making and social media
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 26.80 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Preparation of articles for State Gender Resource centre, Annual Report of Snehitha. All districts completed snehitha annual report, IEC materials prepared IEC materials circulated through social media District wise Data
May-21 Model GRC documentation Documented model GRC activities of all districts Model GRC activities updated in website District wise Data
Jul-21 Preparation of IEC materials for GRC IEC materials prepared    
Aug-21 Preparation short videos for State Gender Resource Centre      
Sep-21 Preparation short videos for State Gender Resource Centre      
Dec-21 Documentation of Gender Clubs Documentation of Sthreepaksha navakeralam campaign going on    
Jan-22   Documentation of Sthreepaksha navakeralam campaign going on    
Feb-22 GSLP Documentation      
Mar-22 Annual report preparation      



18.Review and Monitoring
Goal: To ensure that all the activities are time bound, achieving its goal. Identifying the gaps while implementing the activities and filling it properly.
Project Name Review and monitoring of activities
Brief about Project: District wise and state wise monitoring of all the activities by reviewing DPMs, Community Counselors, Snehitha staffs,Resource persons, Vigilant group members, CDS chair persons, CDS and ADS volunteers.
Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SPM
Budget 25 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level Review meeting conducted with all DPMs   District wise Data
May-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level. Reviewing DPMs, Snehitha staffs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Jun-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level, Review of CCs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Jul-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Aug-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs and snehitha staffs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Sep-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Oct-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Nov-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs and snehitha staff at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Dec-21 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Jan-22 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs and Snehitha staff at state level Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs Review and action plan meeting conducted with all DPMs District wise Data
Feb-22 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs at state level     District wise Data
Mar-22 Reviewing Snehitha staffs, Community Counselors, Resource persons, Vigilant group members , CDS and ADS representatives in District level, Review of DPMs and Snehitha staff at state level     District wise Data



Goal: Make aware of people about nutritious food, health of mother and child, diseases, sanitation and waste management by conducting different programmes and campaigns through NHGs.
Project Name Food, Nutrition, Health and WASH programmes in coastal, tribal and plantation area of seven districts
Brief about Project: Conducting awareness programmes about Food, Nutrition, Health and wash for NHG members through defined modules on 1000 days window, Diet Diversity, reducing anemia, Menstrual hygiene, Communicable Diseases, Reproductive health, Health and nutrition care for Elderly, differently abled and mental patients, Substance Abuse, Junk food, Pesticides, use of sanitary toilet, Hand washing practices, Management of wastes. Conducting campaigns on health, Nutrition and waste Management
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SAPM
Budget 334 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Guideline formulation, Module preparation Module preparation started Module preparation started  
May-21 Guideline finalisation Module not finalised   District wise Data sheet
Jun-21 Orientation to districts 6 modules developed on Hygiene and menstrual hygiene, Nutrition Security, Pesticide, Junk food, Thousand days and substance abuse.   District wise Data sheet
Jul-21 Selection of Resource persons and training     District wise Data sheet
Aug-21 Training to CDS and ADS District level orientation completed from state and district wise discussions taking place in each districts.   District wise Data sheet
Sep-21 Training to NHGs Preliminary discussion completed on program implementation.   District wise Data sheet
Oct-21 Training to NHGs     District wise Data sheet
Nov-21 Conducting Nurtition mela State level training of RP completed   District wise Data sheet
Dec-21 Campaign on alcoholism and health issues. Conducting Street play by Rangashree     District wise Data sheet
Jan-22 Conducting health camps     District wise Data sheet
Feb-22 Awareness Campaign on communicable diseases     District wise Data sheet
Mar-22 Campaign on waste management     District wise Data sheet





1.Crime Mapping
Goal Identifying the types, occurances, areas and patterns of crime in a particular area (CDS) which will help in the formation of policies, stategies , programmes and other safegaurd measures.
Project Name Conducting Crime Mapping in 152 CDS
Brief about Project Women and children are facing violence in different forms in everyday life. Most of the crimes are not recorded and such cases to be reported. It is a collective attempt to identify the rate, intensity and situation and suggesting solutions. It is decided to conduct crime mapping in 152 CDS (each in a block) in
Starting Date 01-04-2021
Ending Date 31-03-2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu.V, Gender Team
Budget 1.51 Cr


2-Snehitha Help Desk
Goal: To provide help and support to those women and children who are in distress and provide voice for their issues and concerns, also to prevent, protect and prevail over domestic violence through advocacy, empowerment and social change
Project Name Snehitha Help Desk
Brief about Project: It is 24 hrs working gender help desk which is providing short stay home for women and children who are facing atrocities and violence. Also providing short stay for those women who are traveling alone in night.
Giving assisitance to family, individual, adolescent and premarital counseling.
Conducting awareness campaigns.Providing legal and medical assistance, 24 hrs Tele counseling and rehabilitation through the convergence with other departments and NGO’s
Starting Date Apr-21
Ending date Mar-22
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SAPM
Budget 6.02 Cr


Goal: To create a platform to discuss family democracy among people.
Project Name Gender Self Learning Programme on the theme Family Democracy and conducting a certificate course for staff and community cadre
Brief about Project: Developing 5 thematical notes on the concept of family democracy and distribute to CDS once in every month. Developing online course material and conducting class to the staffs twice in every week. After completing six months course certificate will be distributed.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending date 2/28/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 214.4 Lakhs


Goal: To bring gender equity at LSGI level by implementing various gender development activities
Project Name Gender Resource centre at CDS level
Brief about Project: Conducting various Gender Development activities in 509 GRCs such as gender sensitisation trainings to Kudumbashree members, youth clubs, balasabha children and other department representatives, conducting various studies in developing programmes of gender development.
Start Date 4/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu.V
Budget 75 lakhs


5.Model GRC
Goal: To bring gender equity at LSGI level by implementing various gender development activities
Project Name Model GRC
Brief about Project: Conducting various Gender Development activities in 509 GRCs such as gender sensitisation trainings to Kudumbashree members, youth clubs, balasabha children and other department representatives, conducting various studies in developing programmes of gender development.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 505 lakhs


6.Community Counselors
Goal: Building a healthy environment physically and mentally by reducing domestic violence and other issues.
Project Name

Community Counseling support in CDS level

Brief about Project:

Intervention in alcoholic issues and affected families by forming a group of affected families

Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 388.8 lakhs


7.Theme based Programmes
Goal: Identifying women in different art forms and literature and providing visibility in public domain
Project Name Theme based programme
Brief about Project: Identifying women who are performing different instruments and promoting these women by giving opportunity in fests and workshops .
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending date 12/31/2021
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 50 lakhs


8.Gender Clubs in Schools

To create a gender friendly environment in schools by forming gender clubs and gender development activities.

Project Name

Formation of Gender clubs in schools

Brief about Project: selecting one school in each district and forming gender clubs having 15 to 20 member group of plus one students. Comprehensive action plan including gender sensitisation of teachers, parents and children, monthly action programmes ensuring gender friendly atmosphere and breaking gender stereotypes.
Start Date 7/1/2021
End date 2/28/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 14 lakhs


9.Gender Clubs in Colleges
Goal: Creating a gender friendly environment in colleges and to create a pool of gender sensitive youth for diseminating the concept of gender
Project Name

Formation of Gender clubs in Colleges

Brief about Project:

Formation of gender clubs and gender sensitization activities among youth

Start Date 7/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 14 lakhs


Goal: To create awareness about sex and gender, gender sensitization and healthy gender relations, Spread out the message of gender equity and building a gender sensitive society
Project Name Gender sensitization training for DDU-GKY students
Brief about Project: The program is designed in such a way that gender sensitazation sessions will be taken to each batch in 11 sessions (12 hours).It will take two days discussions. Two districtrict level facilitators are trained and they will facilitate the sessions in each district. Total 450 DDU-GKY batches will be sensitized.
Starting Date Apr-21
Ending date Sep-22
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SPM
Budget 27.25 lakhs


11.Balasabha gender training

Creating space for children to think about Gender and society

Project Name Gender education to Balasabha children
Brief about Project:

Gender education among children is necessary and it will create space for children to

Start Date 4/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha, Gender team
Budget 50 lakhs


12.Capacity Building

Strengthening the capacity of the implementation team

Project Name Capacity building for District Progrmme Managers, Snehitha team, Community Counselors and Resource persons
Brief about Project: Conducting Trainings, workshops, exposure visits, discussions to State Mission team, DPMs, Snehitha Team, Community Counselors and Resource persons
Start Date 4/1/2021
End date 2/28/2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu.V, Gender Team
Budget 98.6 lakhs


13.Gender Resource pool
Goal Creating 4200 gender sensitive officials across Kerala.
Project Name Gender training to officials of different department
Brief about Project Creating gender friendly atmosphere in every department is a necessary thing while cosidering equal access of resources. We have a state resource pool of 10 members. These resource persons will train a resource pool of 42 members having three persons in each district. These members will give training to 300 officials in each month. Totally 4200 members will be trained at the end of the year.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha, Gender Team
Budget 3 lakhs ( Convergence with other departments)


14.Vigilant group

Strengthening and activating vigilant group for addressing the issues and make them as

Project Name Vigilant group activities
Brief about Project:

Strengthening the group by giving trainings and Monitoring Vigilant group activities. Giving an activity to the team

Start Date 4/1/2021
End date 3/30/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 53.25 lakhs


Goal: Developing Rangashree community theatre group and enhancing their economic status
Project Name Rangashree Community theatre
Brief about Project: Forming consortium of Rangashree teams and giving opportunity to take projects inside kudumbashree and in other departments
Start Date Apr-21
End date Mar-22
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SAPM
Budget Convergence with departments


Goal: To enrich the life of anti human trafficking survivors and victims by giving livelihood support and other mental and social support.
Project Name Comprehensive development of Anti-Human Trafficking survivors and victims
Brief about Project: Giving income generation activities, mental and social support to the identified victims Idukki, Malappuram, Palakkd and Wayanad districts.
Starting Date 3/1/2021
Ending date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sindhu
Budget 8 lakhs


17.Documentation and IEC
Goal: Documenting all the gender Development activities and strengthen the documentation group
Project Name Documentation and IEC
Brief about Project: Documentation of various gender development programs. awareness and knowledge dissemination through media such as radio, television, short film making and social media
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending date 3/31/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sujitha
Budget 26.80 lakhs


18-Review and Monitoring
Goal: To ensure that all the activities are time bound, achieving its goal. Identifying the gaps while implementing the activities and filling it properly.
Project Name Review and monitoring of activities
Brief about Project: District wise and state wise monitoring of all the activities by reviewing DPMs, Community Counselors, Snehitha staffs,Resource persons, Vigilant group members, CDS chair persons, CDS and ADS volunteers.
Start Date Apr-21
End date Mar-22
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SPM
Budget 25 lakhs


Goal: Make aware of people about nutritious food, health of mother and child, diseases, sanitation and waste management by conducting different programmes and campaigns through NHGs.
Project Name Food, Nutrition, Health and WASH programmes in coastal, tribal and plantation area of seven districts
Brief about Project: Conducting awareness programmes about Food, Nutrition, Health and wash for NHG members through defined modules on 1000 days window, Diet Diversity, reducing anemia, Menstrual hygiene, Communicable Diseases, Reproductive health, Health and nutrition care for Elderly, differently abled and mental patients, Substance Abuse, Junk food, Pesticides, use of sanitary toilet, Hand washing practices, Management of wastes. Conducting campaigns on health, Nutrition and waste Management
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending date 31/4/2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SAPM
Budget 334 lakhs







1.ME Formation
Goal: To start 5000 new Micro Enterprises
Project Name Skill Training & Micro Enterprise Formation
Brief about Project: To provide employment opportunities to 10,000 Kudumbashree women by setting up of 5 enterprises in each CDS (Individual 3 and Group 2) .
To conduct a campaign at CDS level .After that General Orientation trainings , Enterpreneurial development trainings and skill trainings will be provided to the interested candidates.
Providing Livelihood Training (Skilling in Production/services/trades) to 15,000 women in 2021-22 with a good number of women belonging to coastal population, Asraya, elderly, transgenders, PWDs and other vulnerable sections.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget 50 Lakhs -Plan Fund,12Cr NRLM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 1.Skill training is being conducted in some districts as a continuation of Athijeevanam 100 days programme.
2. New enterprises will be formed.
1) Skill trainings given to 294 beneficiaries
2)Started 142 new enterprises.
Started 142 enterprises  
May Developed a job portal for employment registration.Those who are interested to start an entrerprise or wage employment they can directly register to the portal. Job portal started functioning Job portal started functioning  
June Roll out training for DPMs and BCs regarding this portal will be conducted 100 days programme has been started.Target is to create 2000jobs within 100 days.As part of 100 days programme ,employment Provided to 542 beneficiaries.

Job portal orientation will be done by July 15th
Employment provided to 542 beneficiaries  
July Circular will be issued to district Mission about this campaign.An action plan will be prepared . 100 days programme has been started.Target is to create 2000jobs within 100 days.As part of 100 days programme ,employment Provided to 2214 beneficiaries.

Job portal orientation has given to 3 districts

Circular given to district missions to start CDS wise campaign
Employment provided to 2214 beneficiaries  
August NHG Wise Campaign will be conducted.Interested candidates can register their details in the Job portal.
2.List out all the vulnerable category those who are interested to start enterprise-Keep a separate register at CDS for Prathyasa Scheme
As part of 100 days programme ,employment Provided to 5866 beneficiaries.

Started NHG wise campaign.

9823 kudumbashree members or their family members registered in Job portal application for self/wage employment
Employment provided to 5866 beneficiaries  
September General Orientation trainings will be started      
October Continuation of GOT, EDP will be started      
November EDP , Skill trainings will be started      
December Skill Training, ME Formation      
January Skill Training,ME Formation(Provide Capital subsidy for Prathyasa,Coastal MEs)      
February ME Formation      
March ME Formation      



2.Interest Subsidy
Goal: To provide interest subsidy to Micro enterprise on demand
Project Name Interest subsidy for Micro Enterprises
Brief about Project: Assessment of the utiliuzation of the interest subsidy in the previous year along with the assessment of loan size and disbursement of interest subsidy to enterprises on demand
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 10.03.2021
Updation Monthly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME team
Budget 50 Lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

ME Loan Campaign ( Ist phase ) - Data collection and analysis of total entrepreneures having live loan and average loan size

July Actual Demand analysis of interest subsidy requirement MECs and BCs are in the process of field verification for the assessing the actual need , CDS level review meetings were also conducted    
August Processing of interest subsidy fund MECs and BCs are in the process of field verification for the assessing the actual need , CDS level review meetings were also conducted    

Disbursement of interest subsidy




3.ME funds
Goal: To provide financial support to ME units
Project Name Financial assistance to ME
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree is providing 10 types of financial assistance for enterprise development and sustainability. District Missions are expected to disburse financial assistance based on the actual requirement and adhering to the guidelines issued for each financial assistance.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Monthly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila , ME team
Budget 4Cr


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Give awareness about each funding assistance for ME sector in the CDS review meeting .
Take actual demand from field using BCs
In the pandemic senario, MECs were entrusted to take the actual demand from the field for analysing the demand for each fund.    
July Encourage submission of application for various funding assistance .
Official processing including field verification by district Team and sanctioning
MECs and BCs are in the process of field verification for the assessing the actual need CDS level review meetings were also conducted    

Disbursement of various fund

MECs and BCs are in the process of field verification for the assessing the actual need CDS level review meetings were also conducted    
March Expenditure Completion      



4.Janakeeya Hotel
Goal: Establish 1000 Jankeeya Hotels and monitor the performance using software
Project Name Janakeeya Hotel
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree as part of Hunger free Kerala project, initiated Janakeeya hotel to provide meals at 20/-. Kudumbashree convergeed with LSGIs and Food and civilsupplied department to establish 1000 Janakeeya Hotels across Kerala.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Complete formation of 1000 JH .      
May Start new JHs or Community Kitchens as part of Covid Pandemic 107 new Budget Hotels started. 107 new Budget Hotels started.  
June Implement Software , start data entry in software .Avail 60Cr from finance as additional autherization Received 20 Cr, Submitted proposal for SDG, Completed testing of the software 20 Cr distributed to disctricts  
July Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software) Grading tool for JH developed and also billing and monitoring software training completed. Fund utilization is in progress    
August Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software) Expended 18.20 Cr. SDG proposal send for additional fund.    
September Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      
October Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      
November Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      
December Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      
January Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      
February Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      
March Fund utilization and data entry (Billing in JH Software)      



Goal: Insurance Cover for Micro Enterprises/ Entrpreneur
Project Name Comprehensive Insurance Scheme for MICROENTERPRISES
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree Micro Enterises had huge loss during recent flood and pandemic attack. Hence Comprehensive Insurance Scheme intends to provide insurance cover for Microenterprsises in Manufacturing Sector and health insurance for Entrepreneurs in service Sectorso. The Annual Premium of this insurance scheme will be shared between Kudumbashree and entrepreneur in equal proportion
Start Date 5.02.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team
Budget 2Cr from State Plan


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
February e-tender to select Insurance Agency , signing MoU, Guidelines to District All target Achieved    
March       Copy of circular
April       Dist wise data sheet
May       Dist wise data sheet
June Training to District Team and commence Enrolment , Premium payment to Insurance Company Orientation Training to District team is conducted.Enrolment is yet to start as Mobile Application is not ready.   Dist wise data sheet

Enrolment , premium transfer and claim settlement will be a ongoing activity

District Level Training for Insurance Mobile APP is completed in 9 district.   Dist wise data sheet
Aug District level Training is completed. Amex needs correction in mobile app data base.   Dist wise data sheet
Sep     Dist wise data sheet
Oct     Dist wise data sheet
Dec     Dist wise data sheet



Goal: To increase the income for Haritha Karma Sena Team- Minimum income per member per month is planned to Rs.7000
Project Name Sustainability of Harithakarma Sena Project
Brief about Project: Harithakarma sena project is a convergence project with Local Self Government department, Haritha Keralam Mission, Suchitwa Mission and Clean Kerala Company. The main aim of the project is to make Kerala free from plastic dumps. Harithakarma sena members collect non degradable wastes from households and then segregate the wastes as per its quality and then sell it to Clean Kerala Company or other agencies. User fee collection from households, shops etc is the major income source of HKS. Apart from that, some of the members are engaged in doing additional income generation activities like grow bag making, cloth bag/paper bag stitching unit etc
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Data collection of LSGs in which HKS members are getting income below Rs.7000 Collected the details of HKS members who are getting income below Rs.7000 Collected the details of HKS members who are getting income below Rs.7000  
June (a)Collect the details from district missions about the reasons why the HKS members are getting less revenue. A plan of action will be prepared by DPMs with the help of BCs for increasing their revenue. (b) Enrolling HKS members in ME insurance Scheme.Give a note to principal secretary LSGD about the LSGs which are not providing support to HKS members Motivation sessions should be provided to all HKS members Software implemented for HKS data entry and rolled out to districts.Data entry will be completed by 5th July 2021 Software implemented for HKS data entry and rolled out to districts.Data entry will be completed by 5th July 2021  
July (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income. (b) Skill trainings will be provided to HKS members for doing additional income generating activities Started HKS District wise Review meeting including ADMC, DPM, BC and MEC. Completed the review of TVM and Kollam districts. Will complete the whole district review by August 16th Started HKS District wise Review meeting including ADMC, DPM, BC and MEC. Completed the review of TVM and Kollam districts. Will complete the whole district review by August 16th  
August (a) Providing Insurance coverage to HKS members (b)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income. (c) Skill trainings will be provided to HKS members for doing additional income generating activities (a) will start the enrollment of HKS members sson after the finalization of ME Insurance scheme. (b) income monitoring of HKS members is monitored with the help of HKS software. District Review meeting of HKS project is completed. Activities of DPM, BC and MEC were monitored in the review meeting. (c) Gave instructions to district missions to start the skill training for the interested HKS members for starting additional income generation activities. (a) will start the enrollment of HKS members sson after the finalization of ME Insurance scheme. (b) income monitoring of HKS members is monitored with the help of HKS software. District Review meeting of HKS project is completed. Activities of DPM, BC and MEC were monitored in the review meeting. (c) Gave instructions to district missions to start the skill training for the interested HKS members for starting additional income generation activities.  
September (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income.      
October (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income. (b) Skill trainings will be provided to HKS members for doing additional income generating activities      
November (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income. (b) Skill trainings will be provided to HKS members for doing additional income generating activities      
December (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income. (b) Skill trainings will be provided to HKS members for doing additional income generating activities      
January (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income. (b) Skill trainings will be provided to HKS members for doing additional income generating activities      
February (a)Monthly revenue monitoring of HKS through software. VC will be conducted with district missions in which the HKS members are not getting the minimum standard of income.      
March Documentation on HKS activities in this financial year      



Goal: To start Multi TaskTeams in all LSGIs.To get maximum work orders from KWA/ Jalanidhi etc..
Project Name To start maximum potential Micro Enterprises in Production and service sectors
Brief about Project: To start Multi task teams in all LSGIs.As of now 224 teams have been formed but majority of the teams are not active. So we have planned to give a second level training to these beneficiaries.Second level trainings will be provided in assosiation with KWA and KASE.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget 10 Cr (NRLM Fund) for Skill training


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Second level Trainings will be started in assosiation with KWA and KASE Trainings given to 162 candidates in assosiation with KWA, KASE and ITD Trainings given to 162 candidates in assosiation with KWA,KASE and ITD  
May Mobilization, Second Level Training,Ensure that to get atleast one work order to ARISE Team per district.Try to get more Jal Jeeven Mission's works to ARISE Teams Identified candidates for second level training.In assosiation with Water authority and KASE ,second level training will be started after Onam Identified candidates for second level training.  
August Proper Monitoring (Weekly) of the activities of ARISE Teams. Skill trainings, OJT, Second level trainings will be provided. Formation of ew MTTs. Jal Jeeven Mission's works to ARISE Teams Spreadsheet prepared to monitor the weekly status of ARISE Teams. Conducted district level review regarding this.    
January Proper functioning of MTTs in all LSGIs.Regular monitoring of their Income.      



8.Sick ME revival
Goal: Revival of ME units which are identified as Sick
Project Name Sick ME revival
Brief about Project: In the post flood situation, Kudumbashree identified 192 enterprises as sick , and strategies has been formulated to revive such units using MEC system and funding assistance. In Current pandemic situation, there are possibilities of more units falling sick . In this circumstances, Identification of Sick ME units and to provide financial as well as handholding support for revival is our primary objective
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget Rs.50,000 for individual enterprise and 2.5 lakhs for Group MEs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details


Complete identification of total Sick ME units in the district Assign charge to concerned MECs - MECs need to be entrusted with the responsibilty of revival of identified Sick ME units and ensure systematic hand holding support is provided for the timely revival of Sick ME units.      
June Financial Support - Disburse SMERF fund for those units which need financial support for revival. In the pandemic senario, MECs were entrusted to take the actual demand from the field for analysing the demand for each fund.    
July BCs need to assess the involvement of MECs in sick ME revival process. Track the performance of ME units using UID number By conducting CDS level review meeting and ME unit visit, MECs identified sick ME units and collected the details of ME units affected by covid    

Track the performance of ME units using UID number - Assess the progress of Sick ME units by tracking the turnover and also by conducting CDS level ME meet by BC

By conducting CDS level review meeting and ME unit visit, MECs identified sick ME units and collected the details of ME units affected by covid    
October Conduct mid term evaluation of whole process by DPM- Review the progress of sick ME units with the intervention of MECs (Give feed back, suggestions and advice for improvement)      
November Track progess by assessing monthly turnover of sick ME units      
December Track progess by assessing monthly turnover of sick ME units      
January Track progess by assessing monthly turnover of sick ME units      
February Track progess by assessing monthly turnover of sick ME units      
March Assess the annual progress of each ME unit andd evaluate the performance of MEC (Give performance incentive accordingly)      



Goal: Capacitation of MEC
Project Name MEC capacitation and Handholding
Brief about Project: To rejuvenate the MEC system and to provide adequate hand holding support to ME units, a comprihensive policy for MEC has been developed. In this policy, roles and responsibilities of MECs has been clearly mentioned. District mission need to assign task to MEC and provide training in weaker area.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget 4Cr (NRLM Fund)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Check the previous months performance and assign new task.Conduct performance Improvement training .Review meeting of MECs to assess the training need and to assign work based on MEC policy including Sick ME revival      
May Follow up training programme by ILO is ongoing for Sick ME revival, DPMs are being assigned with the task of conducting review meetings for MECs. ILOs follow up training is ongoing  
July Quaterly check the progress of Sick ME units which are assigned to MECs District level review meetings are in progress to check the performance of MECs.    
August Review Quaterly performance of MECs and give suggestion and necessary corrective measures Preparation of revised MEC policy ongoing with the support of all members concerned.    
September Assign new units and new tasks      
October Assess the prgress in terms of the no of units benefitted      
November Assess the prgress of Sick ME units in terms of the turnover of ME units using ME mobile application      
December Assign new units and new tasks      
January Assess the prgress in terms of the no of units benefitted      
February Assess the prgress of Sick ME units in terms of the turnover of ME units using ME mobile application      
March Assess the overall annual performance of MEC and grade them      



10. Microenterprises Resource Center
Goal: Ensuring Regular Income by creating Sustainable Enterprises
Project Name Micro Enterprises Resource Center
Brief about Project: Launching Resource Centers at Block Level to exclusively focus Enterpises.MERCs will extend handholding support to furm and sustain Enterprises at least one year
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team
Budget 7Cr from NRLM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June State Level Writeshop and preparing Guidelines . Training to District Mission Staff State Level writeshop is conducted . As per the suggestion of district Preparation of DPR for all the blocks will be conducted    
July As a first phase launch 14 MERCs in 14 district Preparing guidelines    
Aug Provide Training to MERC on various Programs that need to be taken up .Create Monitoring Format      
Sep Review the Progress of MERC      
Oct Assess the impact of 14 MERCs submit the report      
Nov Replicate the model in other Blocks      
Dec Provide Training to newly formed MERC      
Jan Review the Progress      
Feb Finalise the structure and functioning of MERCs      



11.ME Sustainability
Goal: To ensure the sustainability of all ME units.
Project Name Sustainability of ME units
Brief about Project: 1.Registration and Geo tagging of ME units.
2.Monthly Turnover Monitoring
3.Formalization of Enterprises (Udhyam ,GeM registration)
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May 1. Monthly Turnover Monitoring.Conduct campaign to complete all the pending turnover entry of 2020-21
2. Udhyam Registration of all ME units-A campaign will be conducted to speed up this programme.
3. Complete the Registraion and Geo Tagging of all Mes in ME mobile app
Conduted campaigns at districts to complete all the pending turnover

Udhyam Registration of ME units started.It will be completed by Aug 31st
August Monthly Turnover Monitoring ,Registration of products on GeM 2 products from each block) Udhyam Registration of ME units will be completed by Sept 31st.

GeM Regsitration-43 Products

Monthly Turnover Entry- Entered 90% of the pending turnover of ME units
September Monthly Turnover Monitoring ,Registration of products on GeM 2 products from each block)      
October Monthly Turnover Monitoring ,Registration of products on GeM 2 products from each block)      
November Monthly Turnover Monitoring.
6 months Turnover analysis(April 2021-Sept 2021)-Submit a report at State Mission
December Monthly Turnover Monitoring.
Registration of new Mes
Grading of ME Units-Set the parameters
January Monthly Turnover Monitoring.Grading will be started      
February Monthly Turnover Monitoring.ME Grading will be completed      
March Monthly Turnover Monitoring.ME Grading- District wise report will be submitted at State Mission      



12. Construction
Goal: To help each member of Construction units to receive semi skill wage under MGNREGA or a Minimum wage of Rs. 1000 per day. Also to get Govt. Accreditation to the construction groups to undertake upto 15 lakhs orders without Tender Process.
Project Name Women Construction Groups
Brief about Project: There are 288 women construction units. The goal is to get Govt.accreditation and to form Micro contracting societies at district/state level and facilitate them to get skilled labour under MGNREGA regularly
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget Nil


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

Govt.Accreditation Follow up will do.
To get works of PWD / irrigation / MGNREGA Construction works for each construction units ( minimum 1 work)
Proposal submission for getting Govt. accredidation

Construction groups are getting work orders from MGNREGA.    

Formation of district level Micro Contracting Groups.Govt.Accreditation Follow up will do.
To get works of PWD / irrigation / MGNREGA Construction works for each construction units ( minimum 1 work)

District teams were instructed to monitor the current status of construction teams and to form district level micro contracting groups.    

Advanced trainings to Construction Groups.Formation of district level Micro Contracting Groups.


To get work orders from Govt.departments without tender process




13.Premium Cafe
Goal: Establish Kerala Café with 50000 per day turnover
Project Name Kerala Café
Brief about Project: Establish Kerala Cafe, a premium restuarent chain across the state with per day Rs.50000 turnover.Also 200 women will be benefitted through this project
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget Rs.10 lakhs per café


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Development of guidelines for Kerala café As per the request from the field, the implementation of premium cafe will be done in the third quarter of the financial year (In the case of premium cafe investment is huge and the major share is loan by beneficiary. Hence, implementation can be done after analysing the pandemic situation)    
July Identification of potential place for Kerala café
Identification of beneficiaries
As per the request from the field, the implementation of premium cafe will be done in the third quarter of the financial year (In the case of premium cafe investment is huge and the major share is loan by beneficiary. Hence, implementation can be done after analysing the pandemic situation)    
August Skill training to beneficiary As per the request from the field, the implementation of premium cafe will be done in the third quarter of the financial year (In the case of premium cafe investment is huge and the major share is loan by beneficiary. Hence, implementation can be done after analysing the pandemic situation)    
September Establish Kerala Café as a premium brand with new logo and brand image      
October Provide Hand holding support      
November Assess the turover per day      
December Attain 50000 turnover per day      
January Ensure consistant performance      
February Ensure consistant performance      
March Withdraw support frm mission      



Goal: To start atleast 200 enterprises (atleast 14 enterprises per district) under Prathyasha Scheme
Project Name Prathyasha Project
Brief about Project: Prathyasha Project aims at the economic empowerment of poor women belongs to the vulnerable communitites
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details


(a)Register and Geo tag all enterprises formed under Prathyasha scheme in ME mobile app (b)Identify beneficiaries for Prathyasha scheme from NHGs Registered 80% of Prathyasa MEs in ME App    
(a)Identify beneficiaries for Prathyasha scheme from NHGs    
(a)Identify beneficiaries for Prathyasha scheme from NHGs    
July (a)Identify beneficiaries for Prathyasha scheme from NHGs Campaign will start on Aug    
August Prioritize the applications received based on the vulnerability of the beneficiary and finalize the list of beneficiaries 53 Individual and 33 Group enterprises are formed    
September Prioritize the applications received based on the vulnerability of the beneficiary and finalize the list of beneficiaries      
October Sanction Prathyasha fund to enterprises and start the formation of enterprises      
November Monitoring the activities of enterprises by BC and monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
December Register the newly formed enterprises in ME Mobile app and It should be geo tagged (b) monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
January monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
February Fund utilization certificate collected from the units by the district missions and documented it      
March A report on the formation Prathyasha enterprises will be prepared      



15.Jalanidhi ISA
Goal: As an ISA the role of Kudumbashree is to mobilize and engage the communities to plan,design,operate and maintain village water supply infrastructure.It includes facilitation programmes, DPR preparation, IEC activities, trainings etc..
Project Name Jalanidhi's ISA works
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree has empanelled as an Implementing support agency of Jal Jeevan Mission's household tap connection activities.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget JJM Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Panchayath Alottment-256 Panchayaths allotted to Kudumbashree.      
May Meetingss,Workshops,Orientation Programmes Conducted state level workshop Conducted state level workshop  
June Positioning of ISA in all Panchayaths-Agreement Sigining,Office establishment,Staff positioning Circular given to districts to position ISA staffs at CDS level and to sign agreement with Panchayath,DWSM and IA.    

Monitor the following works of ISA teams:
1.Orientation to GP members and staff
2.GP Action plan-Make an outline
3.IEC & Training plan preparation
4.Conduct Inter departmental co-ordination meetings.
5.Resolution,Start Joint account
6.Ensure community participation & demand generation
7.Action Plan Approval,
8.Grama sabha Meetings,Beneficiary Contribution collection.
9.Assets register preparation and maintenance.
10.Support Services to GP

ISA Positioning activities are going on.    
August ISA Positioning activities are going on.    



Goal: To provide livelihood opportunities to 1000 Professionally Trained Kudumbashree Members in the field of Home Care, Elderly care, Baby Sitting and Patient Care.
Project Name HARSHAM
Brief about Project: Harsham intends to provide livelihood ooportunity in service sector. Pool of Kudumbashree Members will be given training in Home Care, elderly Care, Baby Sitting and Patient Care.
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

Provide Training to interested Members . Set up a state wide Help desk in one of the CFCs to manage this inititive.
Develop Harsham into a Self sustaining model

On the basis of discussion with Harsham Team it is understood that only by imparting training the project can not be run.Kudumbashree will have to set up harsham project as consultancy service with 24 hours grievance redressal mechanism both for public and entrpreneurs. A revival plan is submitted under RKDP    
Sep Review the Progress and extend immediate support to rectify the Issue      
Oct Program Monitoring and Review      
Nov Program Monitoring and Review      
Dec Program Monitoring and Review      
Jan Ensure that at least 70% of the trained Members could earn 1.5 lakhs per annum      
Feb Study and Submit a detailed Report      



17.Facility Management Center
Goal: Ensuring Regular Income by creating Sustainable Enterprises
Project Name Facility Management Center
Brief about Project: Launching Facility Management Center at District Level to exclusively focus Enterpises.Facility Mangement Center will provide help desk facilities, Organise State District Level studies, ensure support of Thematic Resource Person and so on
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team
Budget 3 Cr from NRLM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June State Level Writeshop and preparing Guidelines . Training to District Mission Staff      
July As a first phase launch 3 FMCs in 3 district      
Aug Provide Training to District Mission Staff regarding the functioning of FMCs Will be launched after the pilot of MERCs    
Sep Assess the impact of 3 MERCs submit the report      
Oct Replicate the model in other District      
Nov Provide Training to newly formed FMC      
Dec Review the progress      
Jan Review the Progress      
Feb Finalise the structure and functioning of FMcs      



Goal: Formalise and Scale up Existing Micro Enterprises in Food Processing Sector
Project Name PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprise Scheme
Brief about Project: A scheme by The Ministry of Food Processing Industries
(MoFPI) in partnership with the State/UT Governments for
providing financial, technical and business support for
upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises.
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Data Correction as per the new direction received from NRLM and MOFPI and Submission of data to State Nodal Agency( KBIP) Corrected data is submitted online to KBIP. Physical file to be submitted    
July Receipt of Fund and Disbursement of fund to District Mission continue Identification of at least 2000 micro enterprises in Food Processing sector and collection of Loan Application 2nd phase training is given to districts to collect data. Awaiting first installment from KBIP    
Aug Data Collection study the need of common facilty centers/ food Incubators/ packaging units etc. at district level Submitted 453 enterprises and claim request submitted for 3.4 cr. Awaiting Fund from KBIP    

submit proposals for common facilty centers/ food Incubators/ packaging units etc. at district level to MOFPI if required


Implement the project if approved




19.Common Facility Center
Goal: Bring together Enterpreneurs who have similar skill set or enterprise so as to provide common infrastructure and handholding support that help them to scale up
Project Name Common Facility Center
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree has set up Common Facility Centers in Apparel and food sector. These CFCs are intended to provide advanced machineries adequate training, quality management and marketing support to entrepreneurs .
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Study the existing conditions of Common Facility Centers      
July Submit the report and chart out need based training Programs      
Aug Professional support in quality Management that include packaging and marketing, prepare the center scale up them as a self sustaining entity      

fortnight review and handholding support to manage the center


Product Diversification , branding and launching new products




20.Disinfection Team
Goal: Equip disinfection team in Mosquito fogging and hospital fumigation
Project Name Disinfection Team
Brief about Project: The main aim of the disinfection team is to disinfect the premises during the pandemic situation.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Publicity-design Posters and distribute Designed posters and distributed to all districts Designed posters and distributed to all districts  
May Ensure more works to Disinfection team Monitoring the works of Disinfection team    
June Ensure more works to Disinfection team Monitoring the works of Disinfection team    
July Register and Geo tag all disinfection team formed in ME mobile app Instruction given to MECs    
August Conduct Skill training to all interested beneficiaries Monitoring and coordinating the works of disinfection team    
September Explore opportunities or tie ups with LSG and health dept.      
October Explore opportunities or tie ups with LSG and health dept.      
November Monitoring the activities of enterprises by BC and monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
December Register the newly formed enterprises in ME Mobile app and It should be geo tagged (b) monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
January monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
February monthly turn over monitoring by MEC      
March Document the activities of Disinfection team      



21.E seva kiosk
Goal: Setting up of 100 e seva kiosks at Crowded areas
Project Name E seva Kiosks
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree has already started e seva kendras at 52 RTO offices. Now Motor vehicle dept asked kudumbashree to start 100 e seva kiosks at crowded places like Bus stands, Major towns etc..
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget JJM Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Letter sent to District mission to start e seva kiosks      

Location & Beneficiary Identification

Districts were informed districts to find suitable places and intersted beneficiaries to start e seva kiosks    

Setting up of Kiosks

Districts are identifying suitable locations to start e seva kiosks.    



22.Cafe Branding
Goal: Brand all Café units
Project Name Café Branding
Brief about Project: Transform existing café units into new brand image
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget Beneficiary share


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April   All the new cafe units will be established with the prescribed brand credentials.    

Conduct district level meeting of all Café units and give awareness about the importance of Café branding. Start branding the 20 % café units (1st phase )

August Complete branding of 20% café units All the new cafe units will be established with the prescribed brand credentials  
September Start branding of next 20 % café units (3nd phase )    
October Complete 3nd phase café branding    
November Start branding of next 20 % café units (4th phase )    
December Complete 4th phase café branding    
January Start branding of next 20 % café units (5th phase )    
February Complete 5th phase café branding    
March 500 café units need to be branded as Café Kudumbashree    



23.Nutrimix Fortification
Goal: To conduct the smooth functioning nutrimix fortification project
Project Name Nutrimix Fortification
Brief about Project: Nutrimix fortification project aims at fortifying amrutham nutrimix. Premix, the micro nutrients are procured from premix manufacturing companies and supplied it to nutrimix units in 3 quarters.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April (a) Request for fortification fund from WCD dept (b)Collect the details on nutrimix production from districts and also collect uc of premix Collected UC of premix and production details Collected UC of premix and production details  
May Calculate unit wise premix requirement and then issue work order to Pristine Organics Pvt Ltd Work order issued to Pristine Organics Pvt.Ltd and they have suppied premix to all districts. Work order issued to Pristine Organics Pvt.Ltd and they have suppied premix to all districts.  
June Coordinate the supply of premix to collection centers Done all the activities related to Premix supply.    
July Sample of premix send to NABL accredited lab for testing Premix delivery in the month of June will be completed by August only. Due to lockdown restricts in Banglore, company is working in shift basis. So will be sending the random sample in August Premix delivery in the month of June will be completed by August only. Due to lockdown restricts in Banglore, company is working in shift basis. So will be sending the random sample in August  
August Payment to Pristine Organics Pvt Ltd Second quarter premix is planned to deliver in 3 schedules. Third schedule delivery is just started. Payment of first and second schedules are already done. Second quarter premix is planned to deliver in 3 schedules. Third schedule delivery is just started. Payment of first and second schedules are already done.  
October Collect the details on nutrimix production from districts and also collect uc of premix      
November Calculate unit wise premix requirement and then issue work order to Pristine Organics Pvt Ltd      
December (a)Coordinate the supply of premix to collection centers, (b) A Sample of premix send to NABL accredited lab for testing (c) Invite e tender from premix manufacturers for the next financial year      
January (a)Payment to Pristine Organics Pvt Ltd (b) tender opening      
February vendor finalization for next year supply of premix      
March (a)Issue new work order to new vendor (b)fund utilization submit to WCD dept      



24.Performance Improvement Programme
Goal: Conduct Performance Improvement Programme
Project Name Performance Improvement Programme
Brief about Project: Based on the training requirement and change in trends, units need to be provided with performance improvement trainings. District mission need to assess the training need before conducting PIP in various sectors
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.09.2021
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget 2 Cr (NRLM)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Sector wise training need assessment . Module development based on actual reqiurement      
July Impart training in Tailoring and Fashion designing (including embroidery, screen printing etc) Performance Improvement Training in Hospitality management, cafe is ongoing    
August Impart training for existing Harsham volunteers PIP in the field of tailoring is ongong    
September Conduct training in Accounting and Book keeping      
October Impart training for Gramakiranam .Impart training in Food and beverages production      
November Impart training in Fourth sector - Harithakarmasena      
December Calibration workshop for Santhwanam Volunteers      
January Training for construction teams      



25.IEC Activities
Goal: The objective of this program is to increase the reach of Kudumbasree ME activities across Kerala and to create awareness among the youth about Kudumbasree livelihood programs
Project Name IEC Activities
Brief about Project: 1.To conduct Livelihood Campaign
2.To conduct ME Summit
3.Award will be given to best ME, innovative enterprises, category wise best entrepreneurs, best MEC, best CDS, best banks giving loans to MEs.etc as recognition for their hard work and support
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra & ME Team
Budget 2 Cr NRLM Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
July NHG wise Livelihood Campaign Circular given to start NHG wise Livelihood Campaign.    
August NHG wise Livelihood Campaign Started NHG wise livelihood campaigns in all districts.    

Pre works related to ME Summit & ME awards distribution

February ME Summit & ME Awards      



26.Exposure Visit
Goal: To conduct monthly meetings, worksopes, Capacity Building training for ME Team etc..
Project Name Exposure visit, Meetings, Staff Trainings etc..
Brief about Project: Funds under the ME 15 head of account are utilizing to conduct activities such as meetings, workshopes, capacity building trainings for the ME team, Exposure visit to ME team etc..
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra & ME Team
Budget State Plan Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Monthly Meetings,Reviews Meetings, Reviews, Orientation classes etc, were conducted.    
July Monthly Meetings,Reviews Meetings, Reviews ,Orientation classes etc, were conducted.    
August Capacity Building Traning for Block Co-ordinators,Monthly Meetings,Reviews Meetings, Reviews, Orientation classes etc, were conducted.    
September Capacity Building Traning for DPMS,Monthly Meetings,Reviews      
October Monthly Meetings,Reviews      
November Monthly Meetings,Reviews      
December Exposure Visit,Monthly Meetings,Reviews      
January Monthly Meetings,Reviews      
February Monthly Meetings,Reviews      
March Monthly Meetings,Reviews      



Goal: To follow up convergence programmes
Project Name Convergence with Other depts.
Brief about Project: To follow up the below mentioned Convergence activities with other depts.
1.ITI Canteen-Nutrition meal distribution in 96 ITIs.
2.KSRTC Scrap Bus café-To start at least 1 scrap bus café in each district.
3.DDUGKY Uniform Co-ordination.
4.Supply of cloth bags to Beverage Corporation.
5.Napkin supply to KMSCL.
6.Coconics-Laptop service/installation Team.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

1.Co-ordination and follow up activities
2.Monitor the programmes
3.Good liasion with other dept.
4.Resolve the issues




1.ME Formation
Goal: To start 5000 new Micro Enterprises
Project Name Skill Training & Micro Enterprise Formation
Brief about Project: To provide employment opportunities to 10,000 Kudumbashree women by setting up of 5 enterprises in each CDS (Individual 3 and Group 2) .
To conduct a campaign at CDS level .After that General Orientation trainings , Enterpreneurial development trainings and skill trainings will be provided to the interested candidates.
Providing Livelihood Training (Skilling in Production/services/trades) to 15,000 women in 2021-22 with a good number of women belonging to coastal population, Asraya, elderly, transgenders, PWDs and other vulnerable sections.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget 50 Lakhs - Plan Fund,12Cr NRLM


2.Interest Subsidy
Goal: To provide interest subsidy to Micro enterprise on demand
Project Name Interest subsidy for Micro Enterprises
Brief about Project: Assessment of the utiliuzation of the interest subsidy in the previous year along with the assessment of loan size and disbursement of interest subsidy to enterprises on demand
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 10.03.2021
Updation Monthly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila , ME team
Budget 50 Lakhs


3.ME funds
Goal: To provide financial support to ME units
Project Name Financial assistance to ME
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree is providing 10 types of financial assistance for enterprise development and sustainability. District Missions are expected to disburse financial assistance based on the actual requirement and adhering to the guidelines issued for each financial assistance.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Monthly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila , ME team
Budget 4Cr


4.Janakeeya Hotel
Goal: Establish 1000 Jankeeya Hotels and monitor the performance using software
Project Name Janakeeya Hotel
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree as part of Hunger free Kerala project, initiated Janakeeya hotel to provide meals at 20/-. Kudumbashree convergeed with LSGIs and Food and civilsupplied department to establish 1000 Janakeeya Hotels across Kerala.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team


Goal: Insurance Cover for Micro Enterprises/ Entrpreneur
Project Name Comprehensive Insurance Scheme for MICROENTERPRISES
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree Micro Enterises had huge loss during recent flood and pandemic attack. Hence Comprehensive Insurance Scheme intends to provide insurance cover for Microenterprsises in Manufacturing Sector and health insurance for Entrepreneurs in service Sectorso. The Annual Premium of this insurance scheme will be shared between Kudumbashree and entrepreneur in equal proportion
Start Date 5.02.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team
Budget 2Cr from State Plan


Goal: To increase the income for Haritha Karma Sena Team- Minimum income per member per month is planned to Rs.7000
Project Name Sustainability of Harithakarma Sena Project
Brief about Project: Harithakarma sena project is a convergence project with Local Self Government department, Haritha Keralam Mission, Suchitwa Mission and Clean Kerala Company. The main aim of the project is to make Kerala free from plastic dumps. Harithakarma sena members collect non degradable wastes from households and then segregate the wastes as per its quality and then sell it to Clean Kerala Company or other agencies. User fee collection from households, shops etc is the major income source of HKS. Apart from that, some of the members are engaged in doing additional income generation activities like grow bag making, cloth bag/paper bag stitching unit etc
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


Goal: To start Multi TaskTeams in all LSGIs.To get maximum work orders from KWA/ Jalanidhi etc..
Project Name To start maximum potential Micro Enterprises in Production and service sectors
Brief about Project: To start Multi task teams in all LSGIs.As of now 224 teams have been formed but majority of the teams are not active. So we have planned to give a second level training to these beneficiaries.Second level trainings will be provided in assosiation with KWA and KASE.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget 10 Cr (NRLM Fund) for Skill training


8.Sick ME revival
Goal: Revival of ME units which are identified as Sick
Project Name Sick ME revival
Brief about Project: In the post flood situation, Kudumbashree identified 192 enterprises as sick , and strategies has been formulated to revive such units using MEC system and funding assistance. In Current pandemic situation, there are possibilities of more units falling sick . In this circumstances, Identification of Sick ME units and to provide financial as well as handholding support for revival is our primary objective
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget Rs.50000 for individual enterprise and 2.5 lakhs for Group MEs


Goal: Capacitation of MEC
Project Name MEC capacitation and Handholding
Brief about Project: To rejuvenate the MEC system and to provide adequate hand holding support to ME units, a comprihensive policy for MEC has been developed. In this policy, roles and responsibilities of MECs has been clearly mentioned. District mission need to assign task to MEC and provide training in weaker area.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget 4Cr (NRLM Fund)


10. Microenterprises Resource Center
Goal: Ensuring Regular Income by creating Sustainable Enterprises
Project Name Micro Enterprises Resource Center
Brief about Project: Launching Resource Centers at Block Level to exclusively focus Enterpises.MERCs will extend handholding support to furm and sustain Enterprises at least one year
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team
Budget 7Cr from NRLM


11.ME Sustainability
Goal: To ensure the sustainability of all ME units.
Project Name Sustainability of ME units
Brief about Project: 1.Registration and Geo tagging of ME units.
2.Monthly Turnover Monitoring
3.Formalization of Enterprises (Udhyam ,GeM registration)
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team


12. Construction
Goal: To help each member of Construction units to receive semi skill wage under MGNREGA or a Minimum wage of Rs. 1000 per day. Also to get Govt. Accreditation to the construction groups to undertake upto 15 lakhs orders without Tender Process.
Project Name Women Construction Groups
Brief about Project: There are 288 women construction units. The goal is to get Govt.accreditation and to form Micro contracting societies at district/state level and facilitate them to get skilled labour under MGNREGA regularly
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget Nil


13.Premium Cafe
Goal: Establish Kerala Café with 50000 per day turnover
Project Name Kerala Café
Brief about Project: Establish Kerala Cafe, a premium restuarent chain across the state with per day Rs.50000 turnover.Also 200 women will be benefitted through this project
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget Rs.10 lakhs per café


Goal: To start atleast 200 enterprises (atleast 14 enterprises per district) under Prathyasha Scheme
Project Name Prathyasha Project
Brief about Project: Prathyasha Project aims at the economic empowerment of poor women belongs to the vulnerable communitites
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


15.Jalanidhi ISA
Goal: As an ISA the role of Kudumbashree is to mobilize and engage the communities to plan,design,operate and maintain village water supply infrastructure.It includes facilitation programmes, DPR preparation, IEC activities, trainings etc..
Project Name Jalanidhi's ISA works
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree has empanelled as an Implementing support agency of Jal Jeevan Mission's household tap connection activities.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget JJM Fund


Goal: To provide livelihood opportunities to 1000 Professionally Trained Kudumbashree Members in the field of Home Care, Elderly care, Baby Sitting and Patient Care.
Project Name HARSHAM
Brief about Project: Harsham intends to provide livelihood ooportunity in service sector. Pool of Kudumbashree Members will be given training in Home Care, elderly Care, Baby Sitting and Patient Care.
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI, ME Team


17.Facility Management Center
Goal: Ensuring Regular Income by creating Sustainable Enterprises
Project Name Facility Management Center
Brief about Project: Launching Facility Management Center at District Level to exclusively focus Enterpises.Facility Mangement Center will provide help desk facilities, Organise State District Level studies, ensure support of Thematic Resource Person and so on
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team
Budget 3 Cr from NRLM


Goal: Formalise and Scale up Existing Micro Enterprises in Food Processing Sector
Project Name PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprise Scheme
Brief about Project: A scheme by The Ministry of Food Processing Industries
(MoFPI) in partnership with the State/UT Governments for
providing financial, technical and business support for
upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises.
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team


19.Common Facility Center
Goal: Bring together Enterpreneurs who have similar skill set or enterprise so as to provide common infrastructure and handholding support that help them to scale up
Project Name Common Facility Center
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree has set up Common Facility Centers in Apparel and food sector. These CFCs are intended to provide advanced machineries adequate training, quality management and marketing support to entrepreneurs .
Start Date 1.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination JIJI,ME Team


20.Disinfection Team
Goal: Equip disinfection team in Mosquito fogging and hospital fumigation
Project Name Disinfection Team
Brief about Project: The main aim of the disinfection team is to disinfect the premises during the pandemic situation.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


21.E seva kiosk
Goal: Setting up of 100 e seva kiosks at Crowded areas
Project Name E seva Kiosks
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree has already started e seva kendras at 52 RTO offices. Now Motor vehicle dept asked kudumbashree to start 100 e seva kiosks at crowded places like Bus stands, Major towns etc..
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra, ME Team
Budget JJM Fund


22.Cafe Branding
Goal: Brand all Café units
Project Name Café Branding
Brief about Project: Transform existing café units into new brand image
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget Beneficiary share


23.Nutrimix Fortification
Goal: To conduct the smooth functioning nutrimix fortification project
Project Name Nutrimix Fortification
Brief about Project: Nutrimix fortification project aims at fortifying amrutham nutrimix. Premix, the micro nutrients are procured from premix manufacturing companies and supplied it to nutrimix units in 3 quarters.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Renu, ME Team


24.Performance Improvement Programme
Goal: Conduct Performance Improvement Programme
Project Name Performance Improvement Programme
Brief about Project: Based on the training requirement and change in trends, units need to be provided with performance improvement trainings. District mission need to assess the training need before conducting PIP in various sectors
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.09.2021
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Akhila, ME Team
Budget 2 Cr (NRLM)


25.IEC Activities
Goal: The objective of this program is to increase the reach of Kudumbasree ME activities across Kerala and to create awareness among the youth about Kudumbasree livelihood programs
Project Name IEC Activities
Brief about Project: 1.To conduct Livelihood Campaign
2.To conduct ME Summit
3.Award will be given to best ME, innovative enterprises, category wise best entrepreneurs, best MEC, best CDS, best banks giving loans to MEs.etc as recognition for their hard work and support
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra & ME Team
Budget 2 Cr NRLM Fund


26.Exposure Visit
Goal: To conduct monthly meetings, worksopes, Capacity Building training for ME Team etc..
Project Name Exposure visit, Meetings, Staff Trainings etc..
Brief about Project: Funds under the ME 15 head of account are utilizing to conduct activities such as meetings, workshopes, capacity building trainings for the ME team, Exposure visit to ME team etc..
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Suchithra & ME Team
Budget State Plan Fund


Goal: To follow up convergence programmes
Project Name Convergence with Other depts.
Brief about Project: To follow up the below mentioned Convergence activities with other depts.
1.ITI Canteen-Nutrition meal distribution in 96 ITIs
2.KSRTC Scrap Bus café-To start at least 1 scrap bus café in each district
3.DDUGKY Uniform Co-ordination
4.Supply of cloth bags to Beverage Corporation
5.Napkin supply to KMSCL
6.Coconics-Laptop service/installation Team
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.02.2022
Updation 3rd of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination ME Team





1.Monthly Markets
Goal: 2750 Monthly Markets conducted by CDSs with Minimum participation of 3000 ME units and generate sales turnover of 10 crore rupees
Project Name Monthly Markets
Brief about Project: To promote the market opportunities of Kudumbashree products and to provide a steady and stable income for Kudumbashree entrepreneurs, a Marketing program of Monthly Markets was Started. Monthly Markets are temporary markets (exclusively for Kudumbashree products and farm produce) organized at CDS s, which will be conducted on fixed dates of each month at fixed locations in the premises of the respective CDS for a duration of not less than three consecutive days.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,79,30,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - - - -
April - - - -


- - -

1)Revised Proceedings for the conduct of Monthly Markets 2) CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.Preparing List of New CDS selected for conducting Monthly markets 3)Livelihoods Team Meeting.

Proceedings Issued. CDS orientation of conducting monthly markets and Livelihood team meeting completed.    

CDS Election

Conducted 256 Monthly markets.3985 ME units and 1894 JLG units participated.sales turnover 29.09 lakhs    

Conduct of Onam Markets instead of Monthly Markets.

Onam markets is conducted in all CDS instead of Monthly markets    

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

4) Monitoring and sales updation

Conducted 146 monthly markets.1710 ME units and 516 JLG units participated.Generated sales turnover of Rs.21.19 Lakhs    

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Mobilisation and Motivation to attend monthly markets (Ensure participation of all ME Units especially who availed Financial assistance)

4)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

5)Monitoring and sales updation

158 Monthly Markets conducted and generated sales turnover of Rs.64.51 Lakhs    

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Mobilisation and Motivation to attend monthly markets (Ensure participation of all ME Units especially who availed Financial assistance)

4)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

5) Monitoring and sales updation

137 Monthly Markets conducted and generated sales turnover of Rs.37.03 Lakhs    

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Mobilisation and Motivation to attend monthly markets (Ensure participation of all ME Units especially who availed Financial assistance)

4)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

5) Monitoring and sales updation

195 Monthly Markets conducted. 2144 ME units participated.Rs 42.31 Lakhs sales turnover generated  

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Mobilisation and Motivation to attend monthly markets (Ensure participation of all ME Units especially who availed Financial assistance)

4)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

5) Monitoring and sales updation

214 Monthly Markets conducted 2237 ME units Participated. Rs.57.66 Lakhs Sales turnover generated.  

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Mobilisation and Motivation to attend monthly markets (Ensure participation of all ME Units especially who availed Financial assistance)

4)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

5) Monitoring and sales updation

235 Monthly markets conducted. 2233 ME units participated. 65.28 lakhs sales turnover achieved  

1)CDS Orientation on conduct of Monthly Markets for CDSs selected for conducting Monthly Markets through district mission.

2)Livelihoods Team Meeting

3)Mobilisation and Motivation to attend monthly markets (Ensure participation of all ME Units especially who availed Financial assistance)

4)Conduct and Review of Monthly Markets.

5) Monitoring and sales updation

321 Monthly Markets conducted. Rs.76.93 lakhs sales achieved. 1662 monthly Markets conducted during the year with participation of 19303 ME units and 7155 JLG units. 3.85 cr sales turnover achieved Monitoring Table



2.Trade Fairs
Goal: Promotional and marketing opportunities provided to 1000 Kudumbashree Micro Enterprises at National/State/District/Local levels and generated a turnover of Rs. 3 crores.
Project Name Trade Fairs
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree, as part of brand image creation and to promote Kudumbashree products across the nation, Kudumbashree conducts and participate in Saras Melas, associate with various Government departments in special trade fairs, food fests and cultural fests featuring Kerala’s cuisine, art forms and cultural plurality
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 91,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - - - -
April - - - -
May - - - -

Revised guideline preparation.Reporting of trade fair opportunities from District Mission and Event Calendar Preparation at district level

Revised guidelines submitted for approval.    

Conduct CDS Orientation and ME Meets for Entrepreneur Awareness Creation and Motivation to participate in fairs at different levels and identification of Micro Enterprises / Products at block level for different fairs conducted at Local / Regional / State / National level etc.


1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Onam fairs) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

3 Trade fairs conducted 53 ME units participated and has generated sales turnover of 3.33 Lakhs  

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

2 Trade fairs conducted 69 ME units participated and generated sales turnover of Rs.3.09 Lakhs  

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

37 Trade fairs conducted. 672 ME units participated. 7.64 Lakhs sales  

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

9 Trade fairs conducted. 113 ME units Participated with a sales turnover of 4.79 lakhs  

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

43 Trade Fairs conducted as part of Christmas and new year. 974 ME units participated and generated a sales turnover 19.10 lakhs 974 ME units participated and generated a sales turnover 19.10 lakhs  

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

20 Trade Fairs conducted.194 ME units Participated and generated a sales turnover of Rs.7.11 Lakhs    

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

14 Trade Fairs conducted.160 ME units partipated. Achieved sales turover of 15.20 lakhs    

1)Ensure Smooth Conduct of trade fairs at block /City / district/state level (Demand based) and facilitate Participation of Entrepreneurs and MECs if there is a change is covid Situation.2)Sales Monitoring and Reporting.

12 Trade fairs conducted.32 ME units participated. Rs.40.26 Lakhs sales generated 140 Trade fairs conducted during the year.2267 ME units participated. Generated a total sales of Rs.80.96 lakhs Monitoring tables



3.Saras Mela
Goal: To conduct two Saras Fairs in the State and participate in at least 28 Saras Fairs outside the State and facilitate participation of 200 Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs, 25 Kudumbashree catering units, 100 artisans registered under SGSY, Kerala and 200 entrepreneurs/artisans from other States in these fairs.Generated a sales turnover of Rs. 15 crores.
Project Name Saras Mela
Brief about Project: Saras mela is a landmark initiative of the Ministry of Rurally Development, Government of India for promoting rural products and building capacities of artisans and entrepreneurs. SARAS Fairs are now major national events attracting both national and international interests. Every state across India will be hosting two Saras fairs in one fiscal year. Understanding the tremendous opportunities that Saras fairs brings, Kudumbashree has made it a norm to mark its presence at all Saras fairs hosted across the country henceforth. Kudumbashree will be grooming a marketing team specialised to participate in fairs so that the representation of Kudumbashree and its entrepreneurs is ensured across all fairs. Kudumbashree will present an impressive range of rural products in these fairs which include handicrafts, spices, curry powders, pickles, food products, garments, artworks, personal care products, kitchen utensils and other items of daily use.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,70,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - - - -
April Annual Saras calender is Awaited and action plan will be drafted accordingly about participation Annual Calendar Awaited Melas are postponed indefinitely due to pandemic  
May Annual Saras calender is Awaited and action plan will be drafted accordingly about participation Annual Calendar Awaited Melas are postponed indefinitely due to pandemic  
June Annual Saras calender is Awaited and action plan will be drafted accordingly about participation Annual Calendar Awaited Melas are postponed indefinitely due to pandemic  
July Annual Saras calender is Awaited and action plan will be drafted accordingly about participation      
August Annual Saras calender is Awaited and action plan will be drafted accordingly about participation      
September Saras Mela Organising committee formaton      
October committee formation and follow up      
November Follow up ,ensure the activities are going as per the guidelines Participated in IITF saras Mela.6 ME units and 2 cafe units participated Total sales turnover of 37 Lakhs  
December Conduct of first Saras Mela Participated in 3 Other state saras fairs. Kolkata, Orissa, Hyderabad and Goa 5 Units participated  
January Saras Mela Organising committee formaton      
February Committee formation and follow up,ensure the activities are going as per the guidelines Participated in 5 Other State SARAS Mela 13 Units participated with sales of 31 Lakhs  
March Conduct of second Saras Mela SARAS mela conducted at Thiruvanathapuram Kanakakunnu Palace ground from March 30 th to April 10th 237 Product stall 24 Food stalls, Generated Sales turn over of 12.22 Cr. website



4.Food festivals
Goal: Strengthened ‘Cafe Kudumbashree’ as a Food Brand in the State by providing hands on experience to 300 units through participation in PIPs/Food Festivals/Cookery Shows and generated salesturnover of 5 crore.
Project Name Food festivals
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree also hosts food festivals as part of major trade exhibitions, in and around the country in a view to promote its well trained café units. Food Courts of Café Kudumbashree; the food and hospitality brand of Kudumbashree, organized as part of various trade and cultural fairs, caters the ethnic cuisine of Keralite taste. Food festivals are conducted in a view to cater the ethnic dishes of Kerala to the Customer with utmost purity and taste thereby improving the revenue of Café units and to facilitate a platform for them to have on the job training and improve their performance.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 58,05,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - -    
April - -    



1)Revised guideline/SOP for cafe kudumbashree food Festivals 2) Planning with DPMs for conducting food festivals in association with major festivals /events.3) Selection / Identification of
newly formed Catering units who are interested in participating in food festivals conducted at different scales


Conduct of Food Fests according to the festival/event calender prepared by districts if there is a change in the covid situation and ensure participation of units in Food Fests –Block / District / State / National Level


Conduct of Food festivals as part of Onam Festivals.


Conduct of Food Fests according to the festival/event calender prepared by districts if there is a change in the covid situation and ensure participation of units in Food Fests –Block / District / State / National Level


Conduct of Food Fests according to the festival/event calender prepared by districts if there is a change in the covid situation and ensure participation of units in Food Fests –Block / District / State / National Level

4 food festivals conducted. 17 Cafe units participated. Total sales turnover of 2.57 Lakhs    

1) Conduct of Food Fests and ensure participation of units in Food Fests –Block / District / State / National Level

2) Monitoring and Sales tracking 3)Concept prepration,Committee formation. Unit identification of conducting cookery show

18 food fests conducted. 45 Units participated. Total sales turnover of Rs.10.24 Lakhs    

Organisation of cookery show / State level food fest

6 food festival conducted. 34 Cafe units Participated with sales turnover of Rs.12.07 lakhs  

Organisation of cookery show / State level food fest

4 Food festivals Conducted. 23 Cafe Units Associated with the food festivals. Rs.7.19 lakhs sales generated  

1) Conduct of Food Fests and ensure participation of units in Food Fests –Block / District / State / National Level

2) Monitoring and Sales tracking

3 Food festivals conducted. 12 Cafe units participated. Rs.4.10 lakhs sale generated.  

1) Conduct of Food Fests and ensure participation of units in Food Fests –Block / District / State / National Level

2) Monitoring and Sales tracking

4 Food festivals conducted.16 cafe units participated. Rs. 4.90 Lakhs sales generated. 39 Food festivals conducted in the year.147 cafe units participated and genearted a total sales of Rs.41.07 Lakhs Monitoring tables



5.Festival Fairs
Goal: To conduct 1052 Onam Fairs at CDS level, 14 Onam Fairs at District level, 14 Christmas Fairs/Cake fests at District level across Kerala during Onam and Christmas/New Year seasons
Project Name Festival Fairs
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree conducts festival markets as part of major festivals of Kerala like Onam, Christmas etc. in association with Local Self Government Bodies. These festival markets are conducted at panchayaths, Muncipalities, Corporations and also at District Levels, whereby the scope and scale of these festival markets varies increasingly. These markets proved to be best market intervention, as they regulate price and quality.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,66,95,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - - - -
April - - - -
May - - - -
June - - - -

1) Revised Guideline / SOP for organization of Onam and Christmas/New Year Fairs, Development of Common logo/Banners and Promotional activities 2)Conduct Preparatory Meeting of District Mission team for Onam MaketsConduct Special PRM including all CDS team and RPs for planning for the conduct of onam markets2)Conduct Block Level/ CDS Level Pre – Planning Meeting for the conduct of Onam3) ME Meets and JLG Meets to ensure product availability.

Revised Guidelines issued.Conduct District team Meeting regarding onam markets prepartions.Instructions were given to conduct onam markets following the covid protocols    

1) Conduct of Onam Markets in CDS level/Block/and District level

2) Sales Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and best practice documentation

926 Onam Markets conducted. 905 Markets at CDS level and 21 markets at Districts level. 6 CDS in Malappuram and 3 CDS in Kollam conducted Kit distribution to NHG members as part of onam Markets. 19,817 ME units and 16,434 JLG units were participated in onam markets and has generated sales turnover of 9.64 Cr.  


November 1)Conduct Preparatory Meeting of District Mission team for Christmas New year Markets at all Block / ULB / District level      

1) Facilitate to conduct of Christmas / New year Markets

2) Sales Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and best practice documentation

171 Christmas and New year Fairs conducted 2226 ME units participated and generated a sales turnover of Rs.65.61 lakhs  

1) Facilitate to conduct of Christmas / New year Markets

2) Sales Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and best practice documentation




6.Marketing Outlet
Goal: Facilitated year round market avenue for 2000 entrepreneurs by establishing 66 Kudumbashree Outlets (Block/ULB level) and generated a monthly sales turnover of Rs. 50,000/- per Outlet.
Project Name Marketing Outlet
Brief about Project: Effective retail marketing is vitally important for today’s Kudumbashree entrepreneurs. Without a presence of retail stores, Kudumbashree products cannot achieve the high level of exposure or widespread product distribution. Exclusive retail chain development also calls for effectively resonating the brand value Kudumbashree products now enjoy. Retail outlets will help even small entrepreneurs as they give customers a chance to view and test products and promote products directly to customers. The retail presence will not only contribute to Local Economic Development and provide consumers with a variety of products of small scale producers at their locality or door steps, but also empower the women entrepreneurs by linking them with higher markets and institutional buyers, and by facilitating them to compete in the open market.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,60,35,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - - - -
April - - - -
May - - - -
June Collection DPRs of identified location for starting Marketing outlets from Districts. Direction given to districts for submitting DPR before 15th july. As per the meeting with the district team date for DPR submission is extended to 15 th july  
July Guidelines and Proceedings issue. Inaugurate 5 marketing outlets where approval given in the last year. Total 13 outlets functioning benefitted to 86 ME units and generated sales of Rs.5 lakh DPR s pending from districts. 5 DPRs received.  
August Establishment of Outlets according to the common brand developed by state missionFacilitate CDS in overall Management of Outlets and conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting. Inaugurate 4 marketing outlets where approval given in the last year. Total 21 outlets functioning benefitted to 225 ME units and generated 21.15 Lakhs New DPRs Pending from District  
September Establishment of Outlets according to the common brand developed by state mission.Facilitate CDS in overall Management of Outlets and conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting. 21 Marketing outlets functioning benefitted to 537 ME units and generated sales of 8.75 Lakhs 35 New Proposals for starting marketing outlet received.  
October Establishment of Outlets according to the common brand developed by state mission.Facilitate CDS in overall Management of Outlets and conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting. Inauguarted 7 marketing outlets.28 marketing outlets functioning benefitted to 752 ME units and generated sales of Rs.10.95Lakhs Received 43 New Proposals for Marketing oulet  
November Establishment of Outlets according to the common brand developed by state mission.Facilitate CDS in overall Management of Outlets and conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting. Inauguarted 6 marketing outlets.34 marketing outlets functioning benefitted to 1069 ME units and generated sales of Rs.11.20 Lakhs DPR Appraisal committe is scheduled on December  
December Planning christmas and New year special disount sales. 4 Marketing outlets started in the current month. Total 38 Marketing outlets functioning, benefitted to 1154 Enterprises.17.21 Lakhs sales generated in the current month DPR approval committee conducted.
January Conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting. 1 Marketing outlet Inagurated Total 39 marketing outlets functioning benefitted to 1197 ME units.Rs.16.50 Lakhs sales generated in the current month Sanction given to 42 New DPR for Starting Marketing outlets.
February Conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting. 8 Marketing Outlet Inaugurated    
March Conduct Monthly Review, Sales Monitoring and Reporting.   Total 42 marketing outelts functioning benefitting to 973 ME units and 438 JLG units.  



7.Pink Cafe
Goal: Start 14 Pink cafe kiosks in major cities of kerala
Project Name Pink Cafes
Brief about Project: The project is proposed to set up a pink cafes in the major cities of Kerala. Portable kiosks with a maximum area of 200 sq.ft or rented spaces or buildings/refurbished KSRTC buses will be set for this purpose. Each pink café will employ five women. Pink Café aims to support self-propelled Kudumbashree women entrepreneurs through exclusive training and development. The units will have a uniform pattern, color, interior, furniture, equipment,standardized menu and common look and feel across the State. The major theme of the café would be steam baked food items.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 70,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March - - - -
April - - - -
May - - - -
June 1)Identification of suitable places to start pink cafes by District mission and obtain approval from concerned authority2)Beneficiary identification Place and beneficiary identificaton completed.    
July Guidelines and Proceedings issue Guidelines and proceedings issued.    
August Training to identified groups/Catering units through empannelled agencies One Pink cafe Started in Idukki.Total 3 pink cafes functioning benefitted to15 Members and generated sales of 6.36 Lakhs    
September Establishment of pink cafes according to the common brand developed by state mission. 3 Pink cafes functioning benefitted to 15 Members and generated sales of 1.67 Lakhs    
October Establishment of pink cafes according to the common brand developed by state mission. one pink cafe started.Total 4 pink cafes functioning with a sales turnover of Rs.16.04 Lakhs    
November Establishment of pink cafes according to the common brand developed by state mission. 4 pink cafes units functioning. Sales turnover of Rs.15.64 Lakhs    
December Monitoring sales analysis,PIP training to Groups 5 pink cafe functioning. 25 Members benfitted. Sales turnover of Rs.19.01 Lakhs    
January Monitoring and Sales updation 5 pink cafes functioning.25 Members benfitted. 22.17 Lakhs sales generated in January    
February Monitoring and Sales updation 1 pink cafe started    
March     6 pink cafe units functioning with 41 cafe unit members. Rs 2.06 Cr sales generated during the year Monitoring tables



Goal: Created a Community Based distribution system in all 14 Districts Ensuring the sustainability of the homeshop System and benefitting 700 enterprises and 2700 Home Shoppers, developed a sizeable consumer base in the Districts and generated a turnover of Rs.8 crores.
Project Name Homeshop
Brief about Project: Home shops are community based distribution network that are intended to market locally made products of Kudumbashree enterprises. Home shops facilitates a efficient marketing and distribution network for the entrepreneurs ,thereby ensuring steady income and cater the local economic development by providing incentive based income to stakeholders of the distribution network. Home shops are constituted of three basic factions, production faction (enterprises of local origin), marketing faction (Kudumbashree women, either called a home shop owners, who markets the products and facilitate door to door delivery) and Operations and Administration department ( Home shop Management Unit – Oversee the logistics, supply and smooth operation of the Home shop system.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing
Budget 47,70,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking.      
April Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking. Generated sales turnover 74.67lakhs. 1867 homeshop owners benefitted. 320 ME units benefitted.    
May Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking. Generated sales turnover 21.45 lakhs .1867 homeshop owners benefitted.320 ME units benefitted.    
June Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover 84.25 lakhs .1867 homeshop owners benefitted.320 ME units benefitted.    
July Issuing Proceedings Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 91.81 lakhs.458 ME units beneftted.    
August Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 92.08 Lakhs benefitted to 1312 Home shop Owners    
September Selection, training, induction of new 500 Home Shop owners ,Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 80.31 Lakhs benefitted to 1514 Home shop Owners    
October Traning of Homeshop Management team Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 80.09 Lakhs benefitted to 1711 Home shop owners    
November Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 74.73 Lakhs benefitted to 1769 Home shop owners    
December Selection, training, induction of new 500 Home Shop owners ,Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 76.97 Lakhs benefitted to 1808 Home shop owners    
January Selection, training, induction of new 500 Home Shop owners ,Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 73.20 Lakhs benefitted to 1882 Home shop owners    
February Selection, training, induction of new 300 Home Shop owners ,Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 78.70 Lakhs benefitted to 2005 Home shop owners    
March Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 72.86 Lakhs benefitted to 2458 Home shop owners 11 Districts, 17 Management Team, 2458 Homeshop owners, 8.68 Sales turnover  



9.Kudumbashree Bazaar
Goal: Ensuring sustainability of Kudumbashree. Benefitting 1500 Micro enterprises units and generate sales turnover 1.5 Crore
Project Name Kudumbashree Bazaar
Brief about Project: To create permanent marketing space for Kudumbashree products and to bring all Kudumbashree products under one common marketing outlet, Kudumbashree mission is initiating Kudumbashree bazaar – a single brand outlet for all Kudumbashree products.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing)
Budget 70,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking      
April Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs 1.39 Cr    
May Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs 29.36 lakhs    
June Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs 62.95 lakhs    
July Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 55.84 lakhs    
August Conduct a campaign as part of onam season for promoting kudumbashree products though bazaar Generated sales turnover of 1.89 Cr    
September Capacity Building training for Bazaar Managers and DPM Generated sales turnover of 1.07 Cr    
October Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 92.61 Lakhs    
November Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 74.73 Lakhs    
December Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 72.55 Lakhs    
January Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 78.95 Lakhs    
February Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 78.71 Lakhs    
March Establishing 14 Bazaar benefitting 1500 Micro enterpresis units and generate sales turnover 1.5 Crore Generated sales turnover of Rs. 72.86 Lakhs 11 Bazaar, 796 M E units, Generated sales turnover of 11.14 Cr Monitoring table



10.Nano Markets
Goal: Establishing 318 nano market in Super market, Triveni, Supplyco outlets
Project Name Nano Markets
Brief about Project: Nano Markets are either exclusive Kudumbashree product shelves or racks installed at various institutions like Office of Local Self Government Bodies, Community Development Societies, District Headquarters, Permanent shopping Outlets of Horticorp, Supply Co, Outlets of Government Marketing agencies, Private Shopping Malls and Super Markets etc, and/or Automatic Product Vending Machines of Kudumbashree products installed at Banks, Train and Bus Stations and also places of people gathering.Exclusive Kudumbashree product stands at these above mentioned areas would ensure that Kudumbashree products are available to the end customer at their reach and readily available for purchase at these places of convenience. These stands would reinforce the brand image of Kudumbashree products and would seek the requirement of permanent market spaces where Kudumbashree products are easily available. The strategy adopted to create such marketing spaces at points of crowd is through convergence and association.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing
Budget 63,60,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking      
April Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 9.08 lakhs    
May Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of Rs. 7.07 lakhs    
June Issuing a detailed Guideline Guideline issued for identifying new nanomarkets, Generated sales turnover 13.07    
July Monitoring, Supervision and Sales tracking Generated sales turnover of 16.61 Lakhs    
August Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Generated sales turnover of 14.54 Lakhs    
September Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Commenced 58 new nano market .Generated sales turnover of 16.05 Lakhs    
October Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Commenced 43 New nano markets .Generated sales turnover of 17.40 Lakhs    
November Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Commenced 25 New nano markets .Generated sales turnover of 12.71 Lakhs    
December Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Commenced 32 New nano markets. Generated sales turnover of 16.57 Lakhs    
January Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Commenced 13 New nano markets. Generated sales turnover of 19.45 Lakhs    
February Identification of self space, Sales monitoring and evaluation Commenced 29 New nano markets. Generated sales turnover of 15.70 Lakhs    
March Establishing 318 nano market in Super market, Triveni, Supplyco outlets Commenced 65 New nano markets. Generated sales turnover of 16.97 Lakhs Functioning 1288 Nano market and generated sales turnover of Rs. 1.90 Cr  



11.Speciality Store
Goal: Positioned Kudumbashree branded product from Apparels ,Curry powder Products,personal care products sectors to new market segments such as premium customers by establishing 3 Kudumbashree Products Stores as Specialty Stores and 500 Micro enterprises benefitted with new market segment, new channel of sales and increased revenue.
Project Name Speciality Store
Brief about Project: Specialty Stores are small retail outlets that focuses on selling the branded product of kudumbashree branded product from Apparels ,Curry powder ,personal care sectors . Specialty stores maintain considerable depth in the type of product that they specialize in selling, usually at premium prices, in addition to providing higher service quality and expert guidance to shoppers.
Start Date 01.07.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing)
Budget 90,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
September Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities – business plan, branding, designing etcDetailed guideline issued to 3 districts      
October Identification / hiring of space, setting up      
November Rental Agreement Execution, Infrastructre Work, Other Legal works      
December Rentel Agreement executed,Tenden process completed,      
January Infrastructure Development      
February Infrastructure Development      
March Launching of Stores      



12.Distribution Network
Goal: 500 MEs linked with Distributors &General trade
Project Name Distribution Network
Brief about Project: Associated with disributors links kudumbashree product to retail network.MEs will be supported to establish forward market linkage. District level distributor-ME meets will be conducted to integrate the supply chain. A dedicated sales team has been formed to develop the supply chain management of kudumbashree products.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing)
Budget 70,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities      
May Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities      
June Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities      
July Guildeline submitted to district      
August Microenterprises meeting, Identified Product Concept Development and Draft guidelines preparation completed    
September Distributor Identification process Concept Development and Draft guidelines preparation completed    
October Distributors and Microenterprises Meet in all district      
November Distributors and Microenterprises Meet in all district      
December Sales monitoring and Evaluation Piloted in one district    
January Sales monitoring and Evaluation 5 member Managment team identified, benefitted 13 micro enterprises units    
February Sales monitoring and Evaluation      
March Sales monitoring and Evaluation   1 Management team 33 ME units ,Generated sales turnover Rs 19.46 Lakhs  



13.Malabar Coffee
Goal: To create employment opportunity to 1000 Kudumbashree members through establising 100 coffee kiosks and 500 coffee vending machines.
Project Name Malabar Coffee
Brief about Project: The Government has announced the establishment of 100 coffee shops and 500 coffee vending machines in the budget 2021-22 to promote and create a brand for ” Malabar Coffee” . The Coffee Kiosks and Coffee Vending Machines will be established and Managed by the Kudumbashree Micro enterprises Units. The 100 Coffee Shops will be established in prominent places in various part of the state and 500 Vending Machines will be installed in Govt.Offices including Panchyath offices,Hospitals etc. Bramagiri development society will distributed Coffee powder to Kudumbashree at the rate of 400 Rs
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 20,00,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
July Release of Guidelines / Proceedings / SOPs and common design for establishment and operation etc. Identification of locations and beneficiaries      
August E tendering for procurement of coffee vending machines and empanellment of agencies for supply of coffee vending machines.      
September E tendering for procurement of coffee vending machines and empanellment of agencies for supply of coffee vending machines.      
October E tendering for procurement of coffee vending machines and empanellment of agencies for supply of coffee vending machines.      
November Completion of Identification of locations and beneficairies and completion of training      
December Establishing cofee kiosk in common design and coffee vending machines in identified locations      
January Establishing cofee kiosk in common design and coffee vending machines in identified locations      
February Establishing cofee kiosk in common design and coffee vending machines in identified locations      
March Completion of establishment of 500 vending points and 100 kiosks. Monitoring and Evaluation of project      



14.Online marketing
Goal: 1500 Products / 8000 Orders
Project Name Online marketing
Brief about Project: To list 1500 Kudumbashree products and all services in various e-Commerce portals and ensure greater reach to a larger audience and customer base expansion through undertaking various promotional campaigns thereby enabling 5000 orders.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Jiby Mathew Philip
Budget 34,00,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details


Management of Online Market Places

Online operations blocked due to pandemic regulation




Management of Online Market Places

Online operations blocked due to pandemic regulation




Management of Online Market Places

Meeting Conducted with development team to reinitiate operations. Second level meeting scheduled on July10th

Fssai registration for Samarth program completed



1) Improve the user experience of existing portal / Modification of portal

2) Monitoring

Existing portal modificatiom almost completed.An online campaign is planned as part of Onam.




1) Improve the user experience of existing portal / Modification of portal

2) Monitoring

Online Campaign 'Kudumbashree Utsav ' is ongoing from 18 th August to 15 th september 2021. 1447 products were arranged in the online portal .As of 31st August 8872 orders were received.




1) Improve the user experience of existing portal / Modification of portal

2) Monitoring

Online Campaign 'Kudumbashree Utsav ' ended on15 th september 2021. 1447 products were arranged in the online portal . 45730 orders processed in the campaign




1) Improve the user experience of existing portal / Modification of portal

2) Monitoring

In Staging Process




1) Social Media Campaigns, Strengthening Digital Marketing, Promotion Activities

2) Monitoring

In Staging Process




1) Supply chain and warehouse development for Online Marketing by strengthening systems and procedures of Kudumbashree bazaars

2) Monitoring

In Staging Process




1) Social Media Campaigns, Strengthening Digital Marketing, Promotion Activities

2) Monitoring

In Staging Process





In Staging Process





In Staging Process







Enabled around 2000 rural potential entrepreneurs / existing entrepreneurs to set up or strengthen their enterprises especially for improving packing & labelling and capacitated 200 CDSs to provide enterprise advisory services, to provide community loans and to monitor MECs / MEs.

Project Name

Community Enterprises Fund

Brief about Project:

Community Enterprise Fund is a dedicated fund given as grant on the lines of Community Investment Fund (CIF) provided under NRLM, for selected CDSs to give loans to the entrepreneurs selected as per the guidelines of CEF. It will help to enhance credit worthiness of the entrepreneurs and also showcase the ability of the CDS to demonstrate disciplined credit behavior. The sole purpose of the CEF is to purchase capital goods, inputs, working capital etc. to start new enterprise or diversify/expand the existing business as per the business need of individual business enterprise, as appraised by the MEC and BC and approved by the CBO. CEF will be given as a loan amount only to promote sustainable enterprises in the CDS at or lower than a rate of interest of 4% pa.

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Jiby Mathew Philip





Action Plan

Actual Achievement

Summary of outcome

Data sheet for details

















Identification of CDSs to be released CEF. CEF software refreshment training to DPM,BC,Accountant.

NRLM CEF disbursed. 19.68 Crores to 475 CDS. Software training conducted for Wayanad, Kozhikkode, Thiruvananthapuram


Web Monitoring Table and Dash Board of Loan Management System.


Release of funds to Districts and from Districts to CDSs / Revised Guidelines & Proceedings. Ensure complete fund flow. Smooth transition to Software use ensured.

Revised Guidelines issued.Instructions given to CDS for conducting loan mela and ensure 100 % loan disbursement.




Data entry is completed. Regualr Software usage ensured.

Fund Disbursment Started under NRLM




Ensuring disbursement of Loan from CDS to ME units through CEF software, Monitoring and evaluation

576 loans disbusred




Monitoring and evaluation

255 Loans disbursed




Monitoring and evaluation

231 Loans disbursed




Monitoring and evaluation

248 Loans Disbursed.




Monitoring and evaluation

322 loans disbursed




Monitoring and evaluation

200 loans disbursed




Monitoring and evaluation


2046 loans disbursed. Rs 14.41 Cr disbursed






50 Branded Products and value chain development of 500 ME Units

Project Name


Brief about Project:

To capacitate 500 selected Kudumbashree ME Units in Apparel ,Curry Powder, Toiletories to enhance their products and facilitate the units to explore new bigger markets through up-scaling their product quality & packing and overall branding and linking them to bigger markets through appropriate channels. Thereby rolling out 50 Branded products in the general trade. (Special Focus on Flour, Masalas, Textiles and Soaps and toileteris,Spices)

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Jiby Mathew Philip





Action Plan

Actual Achievement

Summary of outcome

Data sheet for details

















Field study and sector study at district level. DPR preparation at district level Capacity Building training to DPM

Training program will be conducted in July for DPMs

Barcodes renewed



DPR Prepared by all districts and Appraisal Completed

Initial awarenss training conducted.




Financial Support rendering and Skill development. Engagement of Experts and advisory agencies

Field Visit Put on Hold due to Utsav Campaign




Skill refresher training, Second level EDP, Soft interventions for cluster formalisation starts in all districts

Field Visit Put on Hold due to Utsav Campaign




Soft interventions for clustering, Branding interventions by expert agencies

Workshop on DPR preparation completed. Districts will present the DPR on selected




Enterprise development and entrepreneur development completed

DPR preparation by districts. Meeting scheduled at Malappuram on 8th December of DPR appraisal




Start of Branding Interventions

DPR presentation by district completed. DPR Submitted




Common supply chain development, institutional development and product launch

DPR Appraisal Completed. Implementation Plan under verification.




Product launch of all products completed

Implementation plan approved and District entrusted to intiate training




B2B Meets for forward market linkage. Product launch event hosted

Branding of 12 Kannur Branded products and Amrutham Nutrimix puttu podi in Kasaragod district completed





17.Coir and Craft Stores


To establish 300 Coir and craft stores benefitting to 1000 enterprises unit

Project Name

Coir and Craft Stores

Brief about Project:

The outlet or shop establishment is mainly focused on providing more market places for women entrepreneurs, artisans, craftsman and women who find livelihoods through traditional sectors like coir, cashew and crafts. 300 such outlets as envisioned across Kerala. Coir and Craft Stores will be owned by the Kudumbashree community federations such as CDS/ADS or by Kudumbashree members. The store will be established in rented commercial spaces or govt. owned buildings which are situated in prime locations that attract customers. The store will vend Kudumbashree products along with products from PSUs such as Coir Corporation, Milma, Handicrafts Corporation, KADCO, Cashew development Corporation, Hantex etc.These outlets will also operate as collection points for Kudumbashree Homeshops and also as warehouses for Home shop management team for effective supply chain.

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Marketing Team





Action Plan

Actual Achievement

Summary of outcome

Data sheet for details






















Release of Guidelines / Proceedings / SOPs for establishment and operation etc on a prospect of the reception of Livelihood Fund Approval

Reception of Special Livelihood Fund Approval Pending




1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores, Finalisation of Identification of locations and beneficiary identification. 2)Monitoring and evaluation.

Reception of Special Livelihood Fund Approval Pending.




1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores. 2)Monitoring and evaluation. 3) Completion of Fund Transfer.

Reception of Special Livelihood Fund Approval Pending




1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores, Identification of locations and beneficiary identification. 2)Monitoring and evaluation.

Reception of Special Livelihood Fund Approval Pending




1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores, Identification of locations and beneficiary identification. 2)Monitoring and evaluation.

Reception of Special Livelihood Fund Approval Pending




1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores, Identification of locations and beneficiary identification. 2)Monitoring and evaluation.

Reception of Special Livelihood Fund Approval Pending




1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores, Identification of locations and beneficiary identification. 2)Monitoring and evaluation.





1) Establishment of Coir and craft stores, Identification of locations and beneficiary identification. 2)Monitoring and evaluation.





1) Establishment of 200 Coir and craft stores. 2)Monitoring and evaluation

Approval Provided for 10 Coir & Craft Store





18.Digital Product Catalogue


To prepare a digital product catalogue for 500 Kudumbashree products

Project Name

Digital Product Catalogue

Brief about Project:

Digital product catelouge is designed for creating brand image and sales promotion of Kudumbashree products through Digital platform. Kudumbashree mission will install a digital wall for displaying kumbashree products in railway stations, bus stands and in various Govt.Offices. The detailed information on all the products across kerala which are available in Kudumbashree online portal is shown in the catalogue.Potential buyers will get a quickly understanding the features of all products and they can order the products instantly through this platform.

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Jiby Mathew Philip





Action Plan

Actual Achievement

Summary of outcome

Data sheet for details















































Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities. Detailed guideline issued to districts

Program Scrapped due to change in action plan for expansion of Online Presence




Photoshoot for cataloging ,Identification of prominent Location for establishing digital wall





Inaguration of Digital screen in identified locations





Follow up and Monitoring and Evaluation






19.Product promotion campaigns
Goal: To Conduct product promotional campaign benefitting to 5000 micro enterprises units and generate sales turnover of 7 crore
Project Name Product promotion Campaigns
Brief about Project: Campaign to promote the sale and usage of kudumbashree product in every Households.To convert more activity groups into MEs.The products will distributed through our kudumbambashree network .
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation September ,March
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S
Budget 1,10,50,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
June Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities      
July Concept / Plan of Action development / Issue of Guidelines      
August Poster campaign , Awarness campaigns,Implementation strategy ,ME units identification , NHG members identification      
September Conduct of campaign Detailed circular issued    
October Sales Monitoring Karuthal Campaign inititive started in Districts    
November   Karuthal Campaign conducted in 99 CDS. 12,715 product kit worth Rs.40.36 Lakhs distributed.    
December Concept / Plan of Action development / other preparatory activities Karuthal Campaign conducted in 505 CDS. 57,314 product kit worth Rs. 2.01 Cr distributed.    
January Poster campaign , Awarness campaigns,Implementation strategy ,ME units identification ,Activity group identification, NHG members identification Karuthal Campaign conducted in 576 CDS. 66,845 product kit worth Rs. 2.25 Cr distributed.    
February Conduct of campaign      
March Sales Monitoring Karuthal Campaign conducted in 723 CDS. 76,656 product kit worth Rs. 2.73 Cr distributed. Karuthal Campaign conducted in 723 CDS. 76,656 product kit worth Rs. 2.73 Cr distributed. Monitoring Table



20.Marketing Company
Goal: Holistic study about Kudumbashree Marketing to submit to GB Regarding Kudumbashree Marketing Company
Project Name Marketing Company
Brief about Project: To create a conducive institutional mechanism at the state level for marketing Kudumbashree products and strengthen the Marketing Division of Kudumbashree Mission in to a comprehensive Livelihood Promotion Organization (Marketing Society or Company) that promotes sustainable livelihoods and holistic development of micro enterprises in the State.
Start Date 01.08.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Jiby Mathew Philip
Budget 1,000,000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
September Internal team Meeting for concept Development Policy Decision needed    
October Concept Development / Consultations with CMD ,NABCONs& other Departments and SPB / Rapid studies (of similar models) Policy Decision needed    
November Field Visit Policy Decision needed    
December Field Visit Policy Decision needed    
January Field Visit Policy Decision needed    
February   Policy Decision needed    
March Study Report submission Policy Decision needed    



21.Business to Business Meet
Goal: Business to business meets to integrate producr market of Kudumbashree Branded Enterprises to 5 MNCs
Project Name Business to Business Meet
Brief about Project: Many MNCs and Large retail chains are providing opportunities of private label manufacturing and bulk procurement of women made products . Kudumbashree will host B2B Meets at state level in the month of March subsequent to the launch of branded products
Start Date 01/01/2022
End date 31/01/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Jiby Mathew Philip
Budget 6,200,000



Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
January ME Meetings and finalisation of products according to standards. Event announcements and identification of participation Program scrapped since outcome of branding intervention is intertwined with the project    
February Finalisation of participants, primary level meetings      
March Event Hosting. MoU Signing and Market Integration      



1.Monthly Markets
Goal: 2750 Monthly Markets conducted by CDSs with Minimum participation of 3000 ME units and generate sales turnover of 10 crore rupees
Project Name Monthly Markets
Brief about Project: To promote the market opportunities of Kudumbashree products and to provide a steady and stable income for Kudumbashree entrepreneurs, a Marketing program of Monthly Markets was Started. Monthly Markets are temporary markets (exclusively for Kudumbashree products and farm produce) organized at CDS s, which will be conducted on fixed dates of each month at fixed locations in the premises of the respective CDS for a duration of not less than three consecutive days.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,79,30,000


2.Trade Fairs
Goal: Promotional and marketing opportunities provided to 1000 Kudumbashree Micro Enterprises at National/State/District/Local levels and generated a turnover of Rs. 3 crores.
Project Name Trade Fairs
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree, as part of brand image creation and to promote Kudumbashree products across the nation, Kudumbashree conducts and participate in Saras Melas, associate with various Government departments in special trade fairs, food fests and cultural fests featuring Kerala’s cuisine, art forms and cultural plurality
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 91,00,000


3.Saras Mela
Goal: To conduct two Saras Fairs in the State and participate in at least 28 Saras Fairs outside the State and facilitate participation of 200 Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs, 25 Kudumbashree catering units, 100 artisans registered under SGSY, Kerala and 200 entrepreneurs/artisans from other States in these fairs.Generated a sales turnover of Rs. 15 crores.
Project Name Saras Mela
Brief about Project: Saras mela is a landmark initiative of the Ministry of Rurally Development, Government of India for promoting rural products and building capacities of artisans and entrepreneurs. SARAS Fairs are now major national events attracting both national and international interests. Every state across India will be hosting two Saras fairs in one fiscal year. Understanding the tremendous opportunities that Saras fairs brings, Kudumbashree has made it a norm to mark its presence at all Saras fairs hosted across the country henceforth. Kudumbashree will be grooming a marketing team specialised to participate in fairs so that the representation of Kudumbashree and its entrepreneurs is ensured across all fairs. Kudumbashree will present an impressive range of rural products in these fairs which include handicrafts, spices, curry powders, pickles, food products, garments, artworks, personal care products, kitchen utensils and other items of daily use.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,70,00,000


4.Food festivals
Goal: Strengthened ‘Cafe Kudumbashree’ as a Food Brand in the State by providing hands on experience to 300 units through participation in PIPs/Food Festivals/Cookery Shows and generated salesturnover of 5 crore.
Project Name Food festivals
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree also hosts food festivals as part of major trade exhibitions, in and around the country in a view to promote its well trained café units. Food Courts of Café Kudumbashree; the food and hospitality brand of Kudumbashree, organized as part of various trade and cultural fairs, caters the ethnic cuisine of Keralite taste. Food festivals are conducted in a view to cater the ethnic dishes of Kerala to the Customer with utmost purity and taste thereby improving the revenue of Café units and to facilitate a platform for them to have on the job training and improve their performance.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 58,05,000


5.Festival Fairs
Goal: To conduct 1052 Onam Fairs at CDS level, 14 Onam Fairs at District level, 14 Christmas Fairs/Cake fests at District level across Kerala during Onam and Christmas/New Year seasons
Project Name Festival Fairs
Brief about Project: Kudumbashree conducts festival markets as part of major festivals of Kerala like Onam, Christmas etc. in association with Local Self Government Bodies. These festival markets are conducted at panchayaths, Muncipalities, Corporations and also at District Levels, whereby the scope and scale of these festival markets varies increasingly. These markets proved to be best market intervention, as they regulate price and quality.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,66,95,000


6.Marketing Outlet
Goal: Facilitated year round market avenue for 2000 entrepreneurs by establishing 66 Kudumbashree Outlets (Block/ULB level) and generated a monthly sales turnover of Rs. 50,000/- per Outlet.
Project Name Marketing Outlet
Brief about Project: Effective retail marketing is vitally important for today’s Kudumbashree entrepreneurs. Without a presence of retail stores, Kudumbashree products cannot achieve the high level of exposure or widespread product distribution. Exclusive retail chain development also calls for effectively resonating the brand value Kudumbashree products now enjoy. Retail outlets will help even small entrepreneurs as they give customers a chance to view and test products and promote products directly to customers. The retail presence will not only contribute to Local Economic Development and provide consumers with a variety of products of small scale producers at their locality or door steps, but also empower the women entrepreneurs by linking them with higher markets and institutional buyers, and by facilitating them to compete in the open market.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 1,60,35,000


7.Pink Cafe
Goal: Start 14 Pink cafe kiosks in major cities of kerala
Project Name Pink Cafes
Brief about Project: The project is proposed to set up a pink cafes in the major cities of Kerala. Portable kiosks with a maximum area of 200 sq.ft or rented spaces or buildings/refurbished KSRTC buses will be set for this purpose. Each pink café will employ five women. Pink Café aims to support self-propelled Kudumbashree women entrepreneurs through exclusive training and development. The units will have a uniform pattern, color, interior, furniture, equipment,standardized menu and common look and feel across the State. The major theme of the café would be steam baked food items.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shaiju RS SAPM Marketing
Budget 70,00,000


Goal: Created a Community Based distribution system in all 14 Districts Ensuring the sustainability of the homeshop System and benefitting 700 enterprises and 2700 Home Shoppers, developed a sizeable consumer base in the Districts and generated a turnover of Rs.8 crores.
Project Name Homeshop
Brief about Project: Home shops are community based distribution network that are intended to market locally made products of Kudumbashree enterprises. Home shops facilitates a efficient marketing and distribution network for the entrepreneurs ,thereby ensuring steady income and cater the local economic development by providing incentive based income to stakeholders of the distribution network. Home shops are constituted of three basic factions, production faction (enterprises of local origin), marketing faction (Kudumbashree women, either called a home shop owners, who markets the products and facilitate door to door delivery) and Operations and Administration department ( Home shop Management Unit – Oversee the logistics, supply and smooth operation of the Home shop system.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing
Budget 47,70,000


9.Kudumbashree Bazaar
Goal: Ensuring sustainability of Kudumbashree. Benefitting 1500 Micro enterprises units and generate sales turnover 1.5 Crore
Project Name Kudumbashree Bazaar
Brief about Project: To create permanent marketing space for Kudumbashree products and to bring all Kudumbashree products under one common marketing outlet, Kudumbashree mission is initiating Kudumbashree bazaar – a single brand outlet for all Kudumbashree products.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing)
Budget 70,00,000


10.Nano Markets
Goal: Establishing 318 nano market in Super market, Triveni, Supplyco outlets
Project Name Nano Markets
Brief about Project: Nano Markets are either exclusive Kudumbashree product shelves or racks installed at various institutions like Office of Local Self Government Bodies, Community Development Societies, District Headquarters, Permanent shopping Outlets of Horticorp, Supply Co, Outlets of Government Marketing agencies, Private Shopping Malls and Super Markets etc, and/or Automatic Product Vending Machines of Kudumbashree products installed at Banks, Train and Bus Stations and also places of people gathering.Exclusive Kudumbashree product stands at these above mentioned areas would ensure that Kudumbashree products are available to the end customer at their reach and readily available for purchase at these places of convenience. These stands would reinforce the brand image of Kudumbashree products and would seek the requirement of permanent market spaces where Kudumbashree products are easily available. The strategy adopted to create such marketing spaces at points of crowd is through convergence and association.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing
Budget 63,60,000


11.Speciality Store
Goal: Positioned Kudumbashree branded product from Apparels ,Curry powder Products,personal care products sectors to new market segments such as premium customers by establishing 3 Kudumbashree Products Stores as Specialty Stores and 500 Micro enterprises benefitted with new market segment, new channel of sales and increased revenue.
Project Name Speciality Store
Brief about Project: Specialty Stores are small retail outlets that focuses on selling the branded product of kudumbashree branded product from Apparels ,Curry powder ,personal care sectors . Specialty stores maintain considerable depth in the type of product that they specialize in selling, usually at premium prices, in addition to providing higher service quality and expert guidance to shoppers.
Start Date 01.07.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing)
Budget 90,00,000


12.Distribution Network
Goal: 500 MEs linked with Distributors &General trade
Project Name Distribution Network
Brief about Project: Associated with disributors links kudumbashree product to retail network.MEs will be supported to establish forward market linkage. District level distributor-ME meets will be conducted to integrate the supply chain. A dedicated sales team has been formed to develop the supply chain management of kudumbashree products.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S (SAPM Marketing)
Budget 70,00,000


13.Malabar Coffee
Goal: To create employment opportunity to 1000 Kudumbashree members through establising 100 coffee kiosks and 500 coffee vending machines.
Project Name Malabar Coffee
Brief about Project: The Government has announced the establishment of 100 coffee shops and 500 coffee vending machines in the budget 2021-22 to promote and create a brand for ” Malabar Coffee” . The Coffee Kiosks and Coffee Vending Machines will be established and Managed by the Kudumbashree Micro enterprises Units. The 100 Coffee Shops will be established in prominent places in various part of the state and 500 Vending Machines will be installed in Govt.Offices including Panchyath offices,Hospitals etc. Bramagiri development society will distributed Coffee powder to Kudumbashree at the rate of 400 Rs
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 20,00,00,000


14.Online marketing
Goal: 1500 Products / 8000 Orders
Project Name Online marketing
Brief about Project: To list 1500 Kudumbashree products and all services in various e-Commerce portals and ensure greater reach to a larger audience and customer base expansion through undertaking various promotional campaigns thereby enabling 5000 orders.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Jiby Mathew Philip
Budget 34,00,000




Enabled around 2000 rural potential entrepreneurs / existing entrepreneurs to set up or strengthen their enterprises especially for improving packing & labelling and capacitated 200 CDSs to provide enterprise advisory services, to provide community loans and to monitor MECs / MEs.

Project Name

Community Enterprises Fund

Brief about Project:

Community Enterprise Fund is a dedicated fund given as grant on the lines of Community Investment Fund (CIF) provided under NRLM, for selected CDSs to give loans to the entrepreneurs selected as per the guidelines of CEF. It will help to enhance credit worthiness of the entrepreneurs and also showcase the ability of the CDS to demonstrate disciplined credit behavior. The sole purpose of the CEF is to purchase capital goods, inputs, working capital etc. to start new enterprise or diversify/expand the existing business as per the business need of individual business enterprise, as appraised by the MEC and BC and approved by the CBO. CEF will be given as a loan amount only to promote sustainable enterprises in the CDS at or lower than a rate of interest of 4% pa.

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Jiby Mathew Philip






50 Branded Products and value chain development of 500 ME Units

Project Name


Brief about Project:

To capacitate 500 selected Kudumbashree ME Units in Apparel ,Curry Powder, Toiletories to enhance their products and facilitate the units to explore new bigger markets through up-scaling their product quality & packing and overall branding and linking them to bigger markets through appropriate channels. Thereby rolling out 50 Branded products in the general trade. (Special Focus on Flour, Masalas, Textiles and Soaps and toileteris,Spices)

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Jiby Mathew Philip




17.Coir and Craft Stores


To establish 300 Coir and craft stores benefitting to 1000 enterprises unit

Project Name

Coir and Craft Stores

Brief about Project:

The outlet or shop establishment is mainly focused on providing more market places for women entrepreneurs, artisans, craftsman and women who find livelihoods through traditional sectors like coir, cashew and crafts. 300 such outlets as envisioned across Kerala. Coir and Craft Stores will be owned by the Kudumbashree community federations such as CDS/ADS or by Kudumbashree members. The store will be established in rented commercial spaces or govt. owned buildings which are situated in prime locations that attract customers. The store will vend Kudumbashree products along with products from PSUs such as Coir Corporation, Milma, Handicrafts Corporation, KADCO, Cashew development Corporation, Hantex etc.These outlets will also operate as collection points for Kudumbashree Homeshops and also as warehouses for Home shop management team for effective supply chain.

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Marketing Team




18.Digital Product Catalogue


To prepare a digital product catalogue for 500 Kudumbashree products

Project Name

Digital Product Catalogue

Brief about Project:

Digital product catelouge is designed for creating brand image and sales promotion of Kudumbashree products through Digital platform. Kudumbashree mission will install a digital wall for displaying kumbashree products in railway stations, bus stands and in various Govt.Offices. The detailed information on all the products across kerala which are available in Kudumbashree online portal is shown in the catalogue.Potential buyers will get a quickly understanding the features of all products and they can order the products instantly through this platform.

Start Date


End date



5th of Every month

Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination

Jiby Mathew Philip




19.Product promotion campaigns
Goal: To Conduct product promotional campaign benefitting to 5000 micro enterprises units and generate sales turnover of 7 crore
Project Name Product promotion Campaigns
Brief about Project: Campaign to promote the sale and usage of kudumbashree product in every Households.To convert more activity groups into MEs.The products will distributed through our kudumbambashree network .
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation September ,March
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Mohamed Shan S S
Budget 1,10,50,000



20.Marketing Company
Goal: Holistic study about Kudumbashree Marketing to submit to GB Regarding Kudumbashree Marketing Company
Project Name Marketing Company
Brief about Project: To create a conducive institutional mechanism at the state level for marketing Kudumbashree products and strengthen the Marketing Division of Kudumbashree Mission in to a comprehensive Livelihood Promotion Organization (Marketing Society or Company) that promotes sustainable livelihoods and holistic development of micro enterprises in the State.
Start Date 01.08.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Jiby Mathew Philip
Budget 1,000,000


21.Business to Business Meet
Goal: Business to business meets to integrate producr market of Kudumbashree Branded Enterprises to 5 MNCs
Project Name Business to Business Meet
Brief about Project: Many MNCs and Large retail chains are providing opportunities of private label manufacturing and bulk procurement of women made products . Kudumbashree will host B2B Meets at state level in the month of March subsequent to the launch of branded products
Start Date 01/01/2022
End date 31/01/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Jiby Mathew Philip
Budget 6,200,000







1.Bank Linkage
Goal: The goal is to provide inclusive growth of NHG members by providing easy access to low interest bank loans without any collateral security.
Project Name Bank Linkage
Brief about Project: The objective of the current financial year is to ensure that all graded NHGs are bank linked. Repeat linkage will be promoted. To ensure 80 % live linkage of all NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Conducting orientation Training regarding the targets for Bank linkage Conducted    
May Identify NHGs without Live linkage and categorise based on reasons. CDS level data collected at CDS Target identified  
June Conducting District level Bank Heads meeting to ensure bank support Meeting scheduled. 4986 NHG graded and 4453 NHG linked(236.97Cr)    
July Conduct grading clinic,linkage mela 7577 NHG graded and 6047 NHG linked (347.17Cr)    
August Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal Collected data of Bank Linkage repayment for analysising the impact of Covid in repayment    
September Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
October Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
November Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
December Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
January Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
February Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
March Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      



2.Interest subsidy
Goal: To disburse interest subsidy to all linked NHGS
Project Name Interest Subsidy and Interest Subvention
Brief about Project: Interest subsidy scheme started in 2016-17 for ensuring that all NHG s avail loan at 4% interest rate .The objective is timely disbursement of interest subsidy to all linked NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget 50 crore from Plan Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Introduction of new software for interest subsidy calculation and data updation Conducted A new software developed for interest subsidy  
May Training on software to DPMs ,Followup file-Unification of interest subsidy scheme(NULM & Plan) Online training conducted    
June Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs Started Rectifying issues related to software entry  
July Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs Entry Started and resolving issues regarding data entry    
August Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs Entry Started and resolving issues regarding data entry    
September Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      
October Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      
November Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      
December Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      
January Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      
February Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      
March Monitoring of interest subsidy release to NHGs      



3.CBO Audit
Goal: To ensure Auditing of all NHG, ADS and CDS and Capacity Building of KAASS team members
Project Name Auditing
Brief about Project: To monitor Auditing of NHG, ADS and CDS
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Preparation of Training Module, ToT,Region wise Capacity building training ,Revising KAASS fees Preparation of Training Module, ToT completed    
May Region wise Capacity building training ,Prepare Audit calender,CDS Audit Training postponed due to covid Prepared Audit Calender  
June CDS Audit,Review of Audit Progress Started NHG,ADS and CDS Audit Completed CDS Audit-291, ADS Audit-119, NHG Audit-4175
July ADS,NHG Audit,Review of Audit Progress NHG,ADS and CDS Audit in progress Completed CDS Audit-727, ADS Audit-2588, NHG Audit-23967  
August ADS,NHG Audit,Review of Audit Progress NHG,ADS and CDS Audit in progress Completed CDS Audit-788, ADS Audit-3657, NHG Audit-31127  
September ADS,NHG Audit,Review of Audit Progress      
October NHG Audit,Bulk Loan Audit, Monitoring Auditing of Bulk Loan      
November NHG Audit,Bulk Loan Audit, Monitoring Auditing of Bulk Loan      
December NHG Audit,State level Audit report Analysis workshop      
January District level Audit report Analysis workshop      
February Training on Circulars of Kudumbashree Schemes      
March Evalaution of Audit and Planning of Audit Schedule for 2022-23      



4.Community Funds
Goal: To give RF, VRF and Matching Grant to NHGs
Project Name Community Funds
Brief about Project: The objective is to release the Community Funds (RF, VRF and Matching grant) to eligible NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget 26.5 crore


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Revision of circular of RF,VRF and Matching Grant Not completed    
May Allocation of funds to Districts. Allocated District level collection of application started  
June Relese of Community Funds Release of fund started Released Revolving fund-5.55Cr, Vulnerability Reduction Fund-5.14Cr, Matching Grant- Rs.316699
July Monitoring of fund release to NHGs Distributed to NHG Distributed Revolving fund-5.55Cr, Vulnerability Reduction Fund-6.11Cr, Matching Grant- Rs.6514181  
August Monitoring of fund release to NHGs Distributed to NHG Distributed Revolving fund-6.24Cr, Vulnerability Reduction Fund-7.16Cr, Matching Grant- Rs.6514841  
September Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      
October Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      
November Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      
December Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      
January Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      
February Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      
March Monitoring of fund release to NHGs      



Goal: To ensure repayment of RKLS loan and ensure timely release of third installment interest subsidy
Project Name RKLS
Brief about Project: The objective is to ensure repayment of RKLS loan and releasing the interest subsidy to the NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Collection of UC From Districts regarding second installment subsidy release. Not collected    
May Collection and Analysis of Repayment data 3rd installment interest subsidy proposal submitted to govt    
June Monitoring of repayment, grievance Redressal Collecting irregular account details at CDS level    
July Monitoring of repayment, grievance Redressal,Collecting repayment details of NHG from district Collecting irregular account details at CDS level    
August Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal Instruction given to conduct CBRM    
September Monitoring of repayment,grievance Redressal      
October Monitoring of repayment, grievance Redressal      
November Monitoring of repayment, grievance Redressal      
December sending interest subsidy proposal to government for getting the third installment.      
January Releasing interest subsidy of RKLS to district, collecting utlilisation certificate from Districts      
February Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
March Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      



Goal: To ensure repayment of CMHHLS loan and ensure timely release of second installment interest subsidy
Project Name CMHHLS
Brief about Project: CMHHLS loan is started during covid to support the NHG members to copeup with income loss during lockdown. Rs 2 to 4 lakhs is given to each NHG as loan from various banks. The interest portion (9%) is given as interest subsidy. The objective is to ensure repayment of CMHHLS loan and releasing the interest subsidy to the NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget 92.83 crore


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Collection of UC From Districts regarding First installment subsidy release. Disbursement not completed    
May Collection and Analysis of Repayment data 2nd installment interest subsidy proposal submitted to govt    
June Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal Collecting irregular account details at CDS level. GO issued for 2nd installment allotment    
July Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal Follow up for releasing IInd installment of interest subsidy    
August Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal Follow up for releasing IInd installment of interest subsidy    
September Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal,Collecting repayment details of NHG from district      
October Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal,,Collecting repayment details of NHG from district      
November Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal,calculation of second installment interest subsidy      
December Sending interest subsidy proposal to government for getting the second installment.      
January Releasing interest subsidy of CMHHLS to district, collecting utlilisation certificate from Districts      
February Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      
March Monitoring of CBRM, grievance Redressal      



7.Vidyashree Laptop
Goal: To give laptop to 1.5 lakh Kudumbashree members
Project Name Vidyashree Laptop
Brief about Project: The objective is to ensure that members enrolled in Vidyashree chitty scheme get laptops within the stipulated time.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena and Neethu, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Enrollment monitoring , coordination with OEMs and KSFE, getting GO regarding extension of rate contract with the support of IT mission, Extended rate contract upto June 30 GO issued regarding extension of rate contract with the support of IT mission,  
May Identiification and Training of Service Team for laptop repair. In progress with ME team.    
June Enrollment will be completed , coordination with OEMs and KSFE for getting the laptop, 5045 Laptop distributed.    
July Co-ordination with OEMs and KSFE for getting the laptop IT mission has to provide option for beneficiary to select or cancel purchase or loan    
August Co-ordination with OEMs and KSFE for getting the laptop 9045 Laptop distributed    



Goal: To enroll 6 lakh Kudumbashree members in the new insurance scheme. Improving the claim management and settlement process.
Project Name Jeevan Deepam
Brief about Project: Jeevan Deepam insurance current policy is there till January 31st 2022. The objective is to enroll 6 lakh members in Insurance, Also planning to formulate new insurance scheme with health insurance component as well. Also exploring the possibility of Community life and Health insurance new products that can be managed by CDS
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena and Meena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Monitoring and Claim Settlement and Payment to Bima Mitra Progress Monitoring & Payment to Bima Mitra  
May Monitoring and Claim Settlement 12 Death Claim received Documents sent to LIC & SI  
June Monitoring and Claim Settlement Refund received from LIC regarding the invalid datas,12 Death Claim received Death claim sent to LIC & SI  
July Monitoring and Claim Settlement 40 Death claim Received Death claim sent to LIC & SI and followup for claim amount  
August Monitoring and Claim Settlement 136 Death claim Received 25 Death claim settled,136 Death claim sent to LIC & SI  
September Monitoring and Claim Settlement, discussion with insurance companies for improvising the policy/new insurance covering health and life      
October IEC works related to new insurance enrollment, Training of Bima Mitra regarding new insurance policy.      
November giving communication to NHGs regarding new insurance enrollment.      
December Monitoring and Claim Settlement, collection of Enrollment Amount      
January Collection of Enrollment amount and transferring the amount to insurance companies      
February Commencement of New insurance policy.      
March claim Management , coordination with LIC and State Insurance Department, settling of Bima Mitra Honarium.      



9.KSBCDC Bulk loan
Goal: To facilitate bulk loan to all MODEL CDS
Project Name Bulk Loan
Brief about Project: The objective is to give Bulk loan to all Model CDS and monitoring the bulkloan repayment
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena and Meena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Policy Formulation, Monitoring of Bulk Loan and Awareness Creation about Bulk Loan in Model CDS Policy Formulation pending Monitoring of Bulk Loan  
May Issuing Circular on interest usage of Bulk loan for CDS Own Fund. Pending    
June Monitoring of Bulk loan Draft prepared regarding the interest usage of Bulk loan for CDS Own Fund.    
July Monitoring of Bulk loan Draft pending    
August Monitoring of Bulk Loan, Discussion with KSBCDC. Solving issues related to TDS. Draft pending    
September Monitoring of Bulk Loan, Solving payment related issues and Recovery issues      
October Monitoring of Bulk Loan      
November Monitoring of Bulk Loan      
December Monitoring of Bulk Loan      
January Monitoring of Bulk Loan, Devising new products in association with KSBCDC for costal communities.      
February Monitoring of Bulk Loan      
March Monitoring of Bulk Loan      



10.Muttathe Mulla Scheme
Goal: To facilitate Muttathemullah Scheme implementaion in all MODEL CDS
Project Name Muttathe Mulla Scheme
Brief about Project: To implement Muttathemullah in all Model CDS and monitoring the muttathemullah repayment.Exploring the possibility of devising new products for debt swapping in association with Cooperative Banks.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Policy Formulation, Monitoring of Muttathe Mulla and Awareness Creation about Muttathe mulla in Model CDS Policy Formulation Pending Monitoring of Muttathe mulla  
May Issuing Circular. Pending    
June Monitoring of Muttathe Mulla Scheme Issuing circular pending    
July Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme Policy Formulation Pending    
August Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme Policy Formulation Pending    
September Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme. Exploring the possibility of devising new debt swapping products in association with Cooperative Department.      
October Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme      
November Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme      
December Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme      
January Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme      
February Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme      
March Monitoring of Muttathe mulla Scheme      



11.E Sakthi
Goal: To monitor E Sakthi implementation in Kasaragod, Kottayam
Project Name E Shakthi
Brief about Project: To monitor implementation of E sakthi Project. E sakthi Project is implemented in Kasargod district in association with NABARD. The project will be exapnded to Kottayam and Trivandrum after getting GB approval.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing    
May Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing    
June GB Approval for implementating E sakthi in Kottayam NABARD Terminated the project.    
July Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing, Quarterly Progress Review      
August Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing      
September Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing      
October Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing      
November Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing, Quarterly Progress Review      
December Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing      
January Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing      
February Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing, Quarterly Progress Review      
March Monitoring of E sakthi in Kasargod, Payment Processing      



12.Kudumbashree Bank
Goal: Conducting Feasibilty Study of Kudumbashree Bank
Project Name E Shakthi
Brief about Project: To conduct the feasibility Study of Kudumbashree Bank after getting GB approval.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May Getting GB approval of the selected agency, Awarding the work order to selected Agency Monitoring of Feasibilty Study GB meeting will be in June. Note prepared and submitted for the same.    
June Conducting First Presentation of Feasibility Study Waiting for GB meeting.    
July Final Report of Feasibilty Study Waiting for GB meeting.    
August Approval of Feasibility Study in GB and getting the approval for starting the Bank Letter given to Govt for Legal Vetting    
September Getting government permission for starting Kudumbashree Bank      
October Selection of agency for getting various Licences      
November Selection of Director Board members      
December Collection of Paid up capital from NHG members      
January Collection of Paid up capital from NHG members      
February Collection of Paid up capital from NHG members      
March Inauguration of First Branch      



13.Debt swapping
Goal: Debt swapping of loans of 5000 members with low interest rate loans
Project Name Debt swapping
Brief about Project: The NHG members have taken loan from MFIs at high interest rate (above 20 %). The objective is to identify such members and help them to close such loans and take loans at lower interest rates. A product for Debt swapping will be designed in coordination with SLBC.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meena and Shameena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May Data Collection regarding the no of members who have taken loans upto 1 lakh with higher interest rate. Postponed to June . bcoz our team are involved in war room duty.    
June Discussion with SLBC for starting a new product for Debt Swapping. Data Collection is pending.    
July Discussion with cooperative banks for starting a new product for Debt Swapping. Data Collection is pending    
August After approving the new product, Awareness creation aming the NHGs about the new product. Data Collection is pending    
September Launching of new product.      
October Monitoring of the Debtswapping progress      
November Monitoring of the Debtswapping progress      
December Monitoring of the Debtswapping progress      
January Monitoring of the Debtswapping progress      
February Monitoring of the Debtswapping progress      
March Monitoring of the Debtswapping progress      



Goal: Conducting Financial Literacy Campaign to 1.5 lakh NHGs. Trainings of KAASS members, CDS Accountants. Audit material Printing etc
Project Name Financial Literacy Campaign
Brief about Project: Financial Literacy camapigns are conducted among NHG members to increase their awareness regarding Fiannical Management, Financial Planning and introducing them to new financial products so that they will be able to manage their savings better. Also Trainings for KAASS members, CDS Accountants and Audit forms printing will be met from this fund.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget 200 lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Training module preperation of KAASS AND Accountant Training Completed.    
May Module Preperation of Financial Literacy Digital Literacy training provided by District Mission to the NHG Members.    
June Planning Workshop on Fiancial literacy implementation in the CDS Circular for conducting FLC issued to Districts.    
July Refresher Training of Master Trainers and FLC field staff, Training of all KAASS members Digital Literacy training provided to District Programme Managers    
August Scheduling Of CDS level Financial Literacy Campaigns. Starting of Fiancial Literacy Training in various CDS, Training of all CDS Accountants Financial literacy training given to 2316 NHGs    
September Finaincail Literacy Trainings and introduction of SAKSHAM app      
October Financial Literacy Trainings and introduction of SAKSHAM app      
November Financial Literacy Trainings and introduction of SAKSHAM app      
December Financial Literacy Trainings and introduction of SAKSHAM app      
January Financial Literacy Trainings and introduction of SAKSHAM app      
February Financial Literacy Trainings and introduction of SAKSHAM app      
March Completion of Financial literacy trainings .      



15.Bank Managers Training
Goal: Conducting Bank Managers Trainings
Project Name Bank Managers Trainings
Brief about Project: Trainings on Kudumbashree schemes to 1000 newly joined Bank Managers in coordination with SLBC. The major outcome will be there will be good rapo building and easy access to various banking products for Kudumbashree NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget included in FLC


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May Training module preperation in association with SLBC Postponed due to this pandemic situation.    
June Conducting discussions with Regional heads of various banks Issued circular to districts regarding conducting Bank Managers Training    
July Conducting District level trainings Trainings will start at district level    
August Conducting District level trainings      
October Conducting District level trainings      
November Conducting District level trainings      
December Completion of Trainings      



16. Tally
Goal: The objective is to Implement Tally Software in all CDS
Project Name Implementation of Tally Software in all CDS
Brief about Project: Completion of Tender Process of Tally, installation of Tally in all CDS, purchase of Computers / internet connections etc in required CDS, Refresher training of Tally to 1064 CDS accountants
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team, Software Team and Hardware Engineer
Budget included in FLC


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Discussion with Software team and Hardware Engineer for getting the Technical Specifications of the Remote Desktop. Completed Pending with Software Team  
May Getting Approval of the Speifications Pending    
June Conducting Technical Committee meeting Not finalised the Specifications. pending with Software team.    
July Purchase of the required software, server and other equipments Not finalised the Specifications. pending with Software team.    
August Installation in CDS, Conducting refresher training to CDS Accountants of 3 Districts ( Trivandrum, Kollam, Pathnamthitta) Tally Project dropped and ERP will be implemented.    
September Installation in CDS, Conducting refresher training to CDS Accountants of 3 Districts( Alp , Ktm, Idk)      
October Installation in CDS, Conducting refresher training to CDS Accountants of 3 Districts(Ekm, Tsr, Pkd)      
November Installation in CDS, Conducting refresher training to CDS Accountants of 3 Districts( Mlp, Kkd, Knr)      
December Installation in CDS, Conducting refresher training to CDS Accountants of 2 Districts ( Wyd, Ksd)      
January Trial Run of Tally      
February Functioning using Tally      



17. Studies and Exposure Visit
Goal: To study various possible development challenges in Microfinance activities and replicate good models in Kudumbashree
Project Name Studies and Exposure Visit
Brief about Project: Monthly workshop will be conducted based on topics mentioned below. The major outcome of this exercise will be the continuing education about the microfinance sector among DPMs and Block Coordinators thereby helping to devise new polices. Also members will be taken for exposure visit of various models like Sreenidhi, Banking Corresponent models etc in other states
Start Date 01.05.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
May Topic for the month-District level study on multiple lending among NHGs Postponed due to Covid    
June Topic for the month-Scope of Bank sakhi in Coastal and tribal areas Postponed due to Covid    
July Topic for the month-The study on thrift and linkage based enterprises Postponed due to covid and war room duty    
August Topic for the month-The study on innovative financial practices of NHGs in district Postponed due to covid and war room duty    
September Topic for the month-Kudumbashree Chitty scheme      
October Topic for the month-Community Life Insurance/Assurance Programme      
November Topic for the month-Significance of financial planning among NHGs and study on successful model of financial planning in district      
December Topic for the month-The study on the Implementation of Muttathemulla in district      
January Topic for the month-The study on ideal model for Debt swapping      
February Topic for the month-The study on self relaint CDS through financial activities      
March Topic for the month-The study on self relaint ADS through financial activities      



18.Policy Issues and follow ups
  Topics Responsible Person Time Period for Solving Remarks
1 Interest Subsidy - Raising the interest subsidy limit from Rs 3 lakhs to Rs 5 lakhs Shameena and Neethu May-21 Under preparation
2 Accountant Salary - File follow up in Government Shameena and Meena May-21 Waiting
3 E sakthi- approval in GB regarding Kottayam Shameena and Meena Jun-21 All India E shakti project closed. So no need for taking GB approval
4 Kudumbashree Bank- Approval in GB regarding workorder to mByom Shameena and Meena Jun-21 GB note regarding workorder to mByom prepared and submitted.
5 Vidyashree Rate contract GO Shameena and Neethu Apr-21 Revised GO received till 31st
6 Jeevan Deepam accidental insurance letter from State Insurance Department Shameena and Meena Apr-21 Followup being done.
7 GST issues of Vidyashree Chitty with GST office Shameena and Neethu Apr-21 Letter given to GST Office for clarification
8 Interest subsidy for getting 127 crore interest subsidy Shameena and Neethu Apr-21 Proposal sent to government





1.Bank Linkage
Goal: The goal is to provide inclusive growth of NHG members by providing easy access to low interest bank loans without any collateral security.
Project Name Bank Linkage
Brief about Project: The objective of the current financial year is to ensure that all graded NHGs are bank linked. Repeat linkage will be promoted. To ensure 80 % live linkage of all NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


2.Interest subsidy
Goal: To disburse interest subsidy to all linked NHGS
Project Name Interest Subsidy and Interest Subvention
Brief about Project: Interest subsidy scheme started in 2016-17 for ensuring that all NHG s avail loan at 4% interest rate .The objective is timely disbursement of interest subsidy to all linked NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget 50 crore from Plan Fund


3.CBO Audit
Goal: To ensure Auditing of all NHG, ADS and CDS and Capacity Building of KAASS team members
Project Name Auditing
Brief about Project: To monitor Auditing of NHG, ADS and CDS
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


4.Community Funds
Goal: To give RF, VRF and Matching Grant to NHGs
Project Name Community Funds
Brief about Project: The objective is to release the Community Funds (RF, VRF and Matching grant) to eligible NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget 26.5 crore


Goal: To ensure repayment of RKLS loan and ensure timely release of third installment interest subsidy
Project Name RKLS
Brief about Project: The objective is to ensure repayment of RKLS loan and releasing the interest subsidy to the NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team


Goal: To ensure repayment of CMHHLS loan and ensure timely release of second installment interest subsidy
Project Name CMHHLS
Brief about Project: CMHHLS loan is started during covid to support the NHG members to copeup with income loss during lockdown. Rs 2 to 4 lakhs is given to each NHG as loan from various banks. The interest portion (9%) is given as interest subsidy. The objective is to ensure repayment of CMHHLS loan and releasing the interest subsidy to the NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Neethu, MF Team
Budget 92.83 crore


7.Vidyashree Laptop
Goal: To give laptop to 1.5 lakh Kudumbashree members
Project Name Vidyashree Laptop
Brief about Project: The objective is to ensure that members enrolled in Vidyashree chitty scheme get laptops within the stipulated time.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena and Neethu, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Goal: To enroll 6 lakh Kudumbashree members in the new insurance scheme. Improving the claim management and settlement process.
Project Name Jeevan Deepam
Brief about Project: Jeevan Deepam insurance current policy is there till January 31st 2022. The objective is to enroll 6 lakh members in Insurance, Also planning to formulate new insurance scheme with health insurance component as well. Also exploring the possibility of Community life and Health insurance new products that can be managed by CDS
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena and Meena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


9.KSBCDC Bulk loan
Goal: To facilitate bulk loan to all MODEL CDS
Project Name Bulk Loan
Brief about Project: The objective is to give Bulk loan to all Model CDS and monitoring the bulkloan repayment
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena and Meena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


10.Muttathe Mulla Scheme
Goal: To facilitate Muttathemullah Scheme implementaion in all MODEL CDS
Project Name Muttathe Mulla Scheme
Brief about Project: To implement Muttathemullah in all Model CDS and monitoring the muttathemullah repayment.Exploring the possibility of devising new products for debt swapping in association with Cooperative Banks.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


11.E Sakthi
Goal: To monitor E Sakthi implementation in Kasaragod, Kottayam
Project Name E Shakthi
Brief about Project: To monitor implementation of E sakthi Project. E sakthi Project is implemented in Kasargod district in association with NABARD. The project will be exapnded to Kottayam and Trivandrum after getting GB approval.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Shameena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


12.Kudumbashree Bank
Goal: Conducting Feasibilty Study of Kudumbashree Bank
Project Name E Shakthi
Brief about Project: To conduct the feasibility Study of Kudumbashree Bank after getting GB approval.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget Not applicable


13.Debt swapping
Goal: Debt swapping of loans of 5000 members with low interest rate loans
Project Name Debt swapping
Brief about Project: The NHG members have taken loan from MFIs at high interest rate (above 20 %). The objective is to identify such members and help them to close such loans and take loans at lower interest rates. A product for Debt swapping will be designed in coordination with SLBC.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meena and Shameena, MF Team
Budget Not applicable


Goal: Conducting Financial Literacy Campaign to 1.5 lakh NHGs. Trainings of KAASS members, CDS Accountants. Audit material Printing etc
Project Name Financial Literacy Campaign
Brief about Project: Financial Literacy camapigns are conducted among NHG members to increase their awareness regarding Fiannical Management, Financial Planning and introducing them to new financial products so that they will be able to manage their savings better. Also Trainings for KAASS members, CDS Accountants and Audit forms printing will be met from this fund.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget 200 lakhs


15.Bank Managers Training
Goal: Conducting Bank Managers Trainings
Project Name Bank Managers Trainings
Brief about Project: Trainings on Kudumbashree schemes to 1000 newly joined Bank Managers in coordination with SLBC. The major outcome will be there will be good rapo building and easy access to various banking products for Kudumbashree NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget included in FLC


16. Tally
Goal: The objective is to Implement Tally Software in all CDS
Project Name Implementation of Tally Software in all CDS
Brief about Project: Completion of Tender Process of Tally, installation of Tally in all CDS, purchase of Computers / internet connections etc in required CDS, Refresher training of Tally to 1064 CDS accountants
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team, Software Team and Hardware Engineer
Budget included in FLC


17. Studies and Exposure Visit
Goal: To study various possible development challenges in Microfinance activities and replicate good models in Kudumbashree
Project Name Studies and Exposure Visit
Brief about Project: Monthly workshop will be conducted based on topics mentioned below. The major outcome of this exercise will be the continuing education about the microfinance sector among DPMs and Block Coordinators thereby helping to devise new polices. Also members will be taken for exposure visit of various models like Sreenidhi, Banking Corresponent models etc in other states
Start Date 01.05.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination MF Team
Budget Not applicable


18.Policy Issues and follow ups
  Topics Responsible Person Time Period for Solving Remarks
1 Interest Subsidy - Raising the interest subsidy limit from Rs 3 lakhs to Rs 5 lakhs Shameena and Neethu May-21  
2 Accountant Salary - File follow up in Government Shameena and Meena May-21  
3 E sakthi- approval in GB regarding Kottayam Shameena and Meena Jun-21  
4 Kudumbashree Bank- Approval in GB regarding workorder to mByom Shameena and Meena Jun-21  
5 Vidyashree Rate contract GO Shameena and Neethu Apr-21  
6 Jeevan Deepam accidental insurance letter from State Insurance Department Shameena and Meena Apr-21  
7 GST issues of Vidyashree Chitty with GST office Shameena and Neethu Apr-21  
8 SDG for getting 131 crore interest subsidy Shameena and Neethu Apr-21  





Project Name Transaction based SHG Digital Accounting System (TBSDAS) in all rural NHGs.
Goal To upload 100% rural SHG data into the NRLM portal.
Brief about Project: Transaction based details of all rural NHGs &members are uploading into CBOTRANS web portal as per the directives of NRLM MoRD. This is implementing through Kudumbashree. Both NHG profile data and transaction details are available through this portal. The data contains thrift, loan details, loan repayment details, grant from state & central government, nhg meeting details, payment & receipt details. Grading of NHGs will be available using this data.
Start Date 01.04.2017
End date  
Updation 2nd week and Forth week of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator
Budget 12.52 Cr


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Upload Monthly transaction - (65-70)% March Monthly Transaction - 84.28% In february and March month, district wise review meeting done. After that set target for each CDS and regularly follow up.  
May Upload Monthly transaction - (70-75)%, Cut off - 98% April Monthly Transaction - 51.13% Due to Corona, many areas were containment zone at the starting of 3rd week of April and also due to lock down, many CDS offices are not open.  
June Upload Monthly transaction - (75-80)% May Monthly Transaction - 52.88%    
July First Quarterly review meeting will conduct for all district. Upload Monthly transaction - (80-83)% June Monthly Transaction - 52.74%    
August Upload Monthly transaction - (83-85)% July Monthly Transaction - 59.24%    
September Upload Monthly transaction - (85-87)%, Cut off - 99% August Monthly Transaction - 66.48%    
October Upload Monthly transaction - (87-90)% September Monthly Transaction - 73.04%    
November Second Quarterly review meeting will conduct for all district. Upload Monthly transaction - (90-93)% October Monthly Transaction - 74.11%    
December Upload Monthly transaction - (93-95)%      
January Upload Monthly transaction - (95-97)%      
February Third Quarterly review meeting will conduct for all district. Upload Monthly transaction - (97-99)%      
March Upload Monthly transaction - 100%, Cut off - 100%      



Goal To upload 100% fund details(RF,VRF,CIF) in Fund disbursement module of NRLM portal.
Brief about Project:

All NRLM fund disbursement details are to be entered into NRLM MIS portal at district mission level from current financial year backwards. This will be monitored at district and state mission level

Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Every day
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April No entry No entry    
May No entry No entry    
June No entry 2021-22 FY entry started. RF- 85%, CIF - 50%, VRF - 70% completed    
July Upload (25-30)% data to portal. Entry on Progress. RF- 98.19%, CIF- 98.20%, VRF- 97.41% completed    
August Upload (30-35)% data to portal. Entry on Progress. RF- 87.48%, CIF- 69.87%, VRF- 99.55% completed    
September Upload (35-50)% data to portal. Entry on Progress. RF- 60%, CIF- 75%, VRF- 99.55% completed    
October Upload (50-60)% data to portal. Entry on Progress. RF- 78%, CIF- 80%, VRF- 99.55% completed    
November Upload (60-75)% data to portal. Entry on Progress. RF- 95.34%, CIF- 87.73%, VRF- 99.37% completed    
December Upload (75-85)% data to portal.      
January Upload (85-90)% data to portal.      
February Upload (90-95)% data to portal.      
March Upload (100)% data to portal.      



3. Webpage
Goal To upload the data of monitoring paramenters of different schemes in Kudumbashree into webiste
Brief about Project:

Upload the data of different parameters based on Organisation, Micro Finance, JLG, Micro Enterprise, Social Development and Gender into kudumbashree website.

Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Quarterly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Collect monitoring parameters from all teams in State mission. Collected all monitoring parameters from 7 teams(Organisation, Micro Finance, Micro enterprise, Farm Livelihood, Social Development, Gender and Animal Husbandry)    
May Create the field on each parameters in website. Created the field on each parameters in website.    
June Develop a user manual and conduct training to all CDS accountants. Provide usermanual and instructions to all CDS accountants. Data entry will start on July onwards.    
July Data entry will start. First Quarter of this FY entry on progress. 978 CDS completed all 7 Plan data entry. Will Complete all 1064 CDS before August 31.    
August Upload (30-35)% data to portal. First Quarter of this FY entry Completed by all CDS.    
September Upload (35-50)% data to portal. None    
October Upload (50-60)% data to portal. Second Quarter of this FY entry on progress.    
November Upload (60-75)% data to portal. Second Quarter of this FY entry on progress.    
December Upload (75-85)% data to portal.      
January Upload (85-90)% data to portal.      
February Upload (90-95)% data to portal.      
March Upload (100)% data to portal.      



4. Automotion Software
Goal Software for keeping the data on day to day use for CDS.
Brief about Project:

Develop a software for CDS to store the daily usage data and provide to take the report on monthly basis.

Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 15-12-2021
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Collect various parameters of different schemes from selected CDS from each district. Nil Due to preparation of Annual Action plan and field visit, it delayed.  
May Develop user interface. Ask districts to send the requirements for developing the software.    
June Develop database. Collected parameters from all Districts and filtered it.    
July Programming develop starting. Database creation started and Coding on going.    
August On progress Coding on progress.    
September On progress Coding on progress.    
October Will complete Coding on progress.    
November Report generation and testing Cumulative Entry Section Completed    
December Provide software for CDS as Live.      



5. Help desk Software
Project Name CDS Help desk SOFTWARE
Goal Software for provide the communication between CDS and State Mission.
Brief about Project:

Develop a software for CDS to communicate with State mission for doubts clearing about various schemes.

Start Date 01.07.2021
End date 15.02.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil Nil    
May Nil Nil    
June Nil Nil    
July Collecting the scheme details from each team. Nil    
August Develop user interface. Nil    
September Develop database. Nil    
October Will complete Nil    
November Programming develop starting. Nil    
December On progress      
January Report generation and testing      
February Provide software for CDS as Live.      



6.Management Information System
Goal: 100% data entry in all Modules of the MIS in a time bound manner
Project Name Kudmbashree MIS
Brief about Project: The objective of the current financial year is to ensure that all Data compliances are resolved in a timely manner
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget Not applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Monthly Data entry and data Compliances - 40% 40% entry completed Completed  
May Online training for new Officials.
Monthly Data entry and data Compliances- 50%
45% entry completed    
June Monthly Data entry and data Compliances- 60% 50% entry completed    
July Monthly Data entry and data Compliances- 70%.
First Quarterly review meeting will conduct for all districts.
50% entry completed    
August Monthly Data entry and data Compliances- 80% 50% entry completed
Conducted Zonal Review
September Monthly Data entry and data Compliances- 90% 45% data entry completed    
October Monthly Data entry and data Compliances- 100% 50% data entry completed    
November Second Quarterly review meeting will conduct for all districts. 20% data entry completed MIS technical issue hindered the data entry which is currently being rectified by the KSITM  
December Monitoring      
January Monitoring      
February Monitoring      
March Monitoring      



7.Implementation of ERP
Goal: Implementation of ERP in all Kudumbashree Offices
Project Name Kudmbashree ERP
Brief about Project: Real Time end to end Online Monitoring System which intergrates various operational units of Kudumbashree
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget 1 Crore


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April NIL NIL Tender to be uploded to eprocurement portal  
May E-Tender floating NIL    
June Award of Contact and System Study NIL    
July Software Development NIL    
August Software Development NIL    
September Software Development NIL Conducted discussion with Digital university regading the Scope of work
Detailed documentation created and was sent
October Software Development NIL    
November Software Development Work order for Digital University for the System Study is under process    
December Software Development      
January Testing and Security Audit
Software hosting at SDC
February Two day district level training for all staff      
March Deployment      



8.Implementation of E-office at all 14 DMO
Goal: 100% data entry in all Modules of the MIS in a time bound manner
Project Name E-office implementaion at DMO
Brief about Project: Implementation of file automation at 14 District Mission Offices
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.01.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget 54 Lakhs


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April NIL NIL    
May NIL NIL    
June Request For Proposal publishing File process on going    
July Award of Contact and System Study System study completed    
August Software Development NIL    
September Software Development File process on going    
October Software Development Data collection on going    
November Testing and Security Audit
Software hosting at SDC
State Level Employee list handed over for implementation a HO    
December One day district level training for all DMO staffs      
January Deployment      
February NIL      
March NIL      



9.Software Development
Goal: Development of Softwares for Kudumbashree teams
Project Name Software Development
Brief about Project: Real Time Online Monitoring of Kudumbashree Projects
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget NIL


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April NIL NIL    
May Interest Subsidy Software development for MF team Software development, hosting and training completed    
July Election Software development for Organisation team Development on going.    
August Software Development NIL    
September Software Development File process on going    
October Testing of Interest subsidy software on going by cdit On going    
November Development of Software for Insurance enrollment
Modification of Software for Election as per latest Bye-law
December One day district level training for all DMO staffs      





















Project Name Transaction based SHG Digital Accounting System (TBSDAS) in all rural NHGs.
Goal To upload 100% rural SHG data into the NRLM portal.
Brief about Project: Transaction based details of all rural NHGs &members are uploading into CBOTRANS web portal as per the directives of NRLM MoRD. This is implementing through Kudumbashree. Both NHG profile data and transaction details are available through this portal. The data contains thrift, loan details, loan repayment details, grant from state & central government, nhg meeting details, payment & receipt details. Grading of NHGs will be available using this data.
Start Date 01.04.2017
End date  
Updation 2nd week and Forth week of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator
Budget 12.52 Cr


Goal To upload 100% fund details(RF,VRF,CIF) in Fund disbursement module of NRLM portal.
Brief about Project:

All NRLM fund disbursement details are to be entered into NRLM MIS portal at district mission level from current financial year backwards. This will be monitored at district and state mission level

Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Every day
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


3. Webpage
Goal To upload the data of monitoring paramenters of different schemes in Kudumbashree into webiste
Brief about Project:

Upload the data of different parameters based on Organisation, Micro Finance, JLG, Micro Enterprise, Social Development and Gender into kudumbashree website.

Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Quarterly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


4. Automotion Software
Goal Software for keeping the data on day to day use for CDS.
Brief about Project:

Develop a software for CDS to store the daily usage data and provide to take the report on monthly basis.

Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 15-12-2021
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


5. Help desk Software
Project Name CDS Help desk SOFTWARE
Goal Software for provide the communication between CDS and State Mission.
Brief about Project:

Develop a software for CDS to communicate with State mission for doubts clearing about various schemes.

Start Date 01.07.2021
End date 15.02.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nithin, Data Base Administrator


6.Management Information System
Goal: 100% data entry in all Modules of the MIS in a time bound manner
Project Name Kudmbashree MIS
Brief about Project: The objective of the current financial year is to ensure that all Data compliances are resolved in a timely manner
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget Not applicable


7.Implementation of ERP
Goal: Implementation of ERP in all Kudumbashree Offices
Project Name Kudmbashree ERP
Brief about Project: Real Time end to end Online Monitoring System which intergrates various operational units of Kudumbashree
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget 1 Crore


8.Implementation of Digital Document and File Management System at all 14 DMO
Goal: 100% data entry in all Modules of the MIS in a time bound manner
Project Name Digital Document and File Management System
Brief about Project: Implementation of office automation and digital file management system
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget 54 Lakhs


9.Software Development
Goal: Development of Softwares for Kudumbashree teams
Project Name Software Development
Brief about Project: Real Time Online Monitoring of Kudumbashree Projects
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S
Budget NIL





1.Self Employment programme
Goal: Provide self employment and marketing support to their products
Project Name SEP
Brief about Project: The SEP programme is envisaged to provide self emplyment to urban poor through supporting them to establish Micro Enterprises with subsidised loan facilities under this scheme and facilities to market their products.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM(ME & FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 1. Registration of the CLC
2. Joint Account Opening.
3. PAN Card.
4. GST Certification
May 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.
25 SEP (i)
5 SEP (g)
20 RF- ME, 65 CEF-ME, 16 Linkage ME
200 NHGs graded, 189 linkage loan given
Rs. 4,54,59,594 dispursed as loan
File procesing for SEP and linkage loan subsidy excel sheet
June 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.
29 sep (I) achieved, 2 SEP (G) achieved. 18 ME from Linkage loan formed, 13 MEs formed out of ADS - RF, 16 MEs formed utilising CEF. Linkage loan given to 134 NHGs. Subsidy amount given is 6.8 crores.    
July 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.

66 SEP (i) achieved
19 SEP (g) achieved
80 ME from Linkage loan formed
46 MEs formed out of ADS - RF
73 MEs formed utilising CEF

Linkage loan given to 285 NHGs.

Subsidy amount given is 1.23 crores.

Monthly review of staff conducted on 24-07-2021.

Flipcart seller point - accounts open, applications of PAN card given.

Aug 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.

58 SEP (i) achieved
14 SEP (g) achieved
102 ME from Linkage loan formed
55 MEs formed out of ADS - RF
117 MEs formed utilising CEF

Linkage loan given to 227 NHGs.

Subsidy amount given is 1.63 crores.

Flipcart seller point - accounts open, applications of PAN card given.

Sep 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.

96 SEP (i) achieved
33 SEP (g) achieved
86 ME from Linkage loan formed
51 MEs formed out of ADS - RF
60 MEs formed utilising CEF

Linkage loan given to 497 NHGs.

Subsidy amount given is 1.15 crores.

Flipcart seller point - accounts open, applications of PAN card given.

Oct 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.

93 SEP (i) achieved
41 SEP (g) achieved
123 ME from Linkage loan formed
74 MEs formed out of ADS - RF
78 MEs formed utilising CEF

Linkage loan given to 328 NHGs.

Subsidy amount given is 1.79 crores.

Flipcart seller point - accounts open, applications of PAN card given.

Nov 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.
Dec 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.
Jan 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.
Feb 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.
March 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level.
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spread sheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
6. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
7. Task Force at the ULB level.
8. Loans disbursing.
9. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
10. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
11. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
12. SHG product identification for on boarding.
13. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
14. Monthly review by the SMM.



2.SEP Individual
Goal: Formation of 1300 new MEs and support them with SEP loans at subidised interest rates.
Project Name Self Employment programme
Brief about Project: Faclitating the formation of 1300 new Individual MEs and support them with intrest subsidy loans. Also facilitate the subsidy distribution through PAiSA portal as well as manual.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil      
May 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
25 SEP File processing for SEP and linkage loan subsidy Achievement sheet from MIS
June 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
29 sep (I) achieved, this month target was 37. 78% achieved agaist this month target page 536 ref..
July 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
66 sep (I) achieved, this month target was 56. 110% achieved agaist this month target page 536 ref..
Aug 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
58 sep (I) achieved, this month target was 63. 92% achieved agaist this month target page 536 ref../ NULM MIS
Sep 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
96 sep (I) achieved   page 536 ref../ NULM MIS
Oct 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
93 sep (I) achieved   page 536 ref../ NULM MIS
Nov 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
Dec 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
Jan 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
Feb 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
Mar 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.



3.SEP Group
Goal: Formation of 200 new MEs and support them with SEP loans at subidised interest rates.
Project Name Self Employment programme
Brief about Project: Faclitating the foramation of 200 newgroup MEs and support them with intrest subsidy loans. Also facilitate the subsidy distribution through PAiSA portal as well as manual.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil - - -
May 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
5 SEP G formed and loan dispersed file procesing - SEP an linkage loan subsidy Achievement 536 page
June 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
2 SEP (G) achieved. This month target was 5 40% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
July 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
19 SEP (G) achieved. This month target was 10 Over 100% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
August 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
14 SEP (G) achieved. This month target was 12 Over 100% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…/ NULM MIS
September 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
33 SEP (G) achieved.    page 536 ref…/ NULM MIS
October 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
41 SEP (G) achieved.    page 536 ref…/ NULM MIS
November 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
December 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
January 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
February 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.
March 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level, GOT, Skill training.
2. ME proposals are being scrutinised at the ULB level.
3. Task Force at the ULB level.
4. Applications submitted to the banks.
5. Loans disbursing.
6. Applications for subsidy (in case of manual loan disbursement) will be received and scrutinised at the state level.
7. File processing and fund transfer to the ULBs.
8. Approval given to PAiSA portal for release of online subsidy to loan amounts.
9. Monthly online review by SMM.



4.SEP- ME formation - RF
Goal: Formation of 460 new MEs utilising the RF given to ADS
Project Name Self Employment programme - ME formation utilising the RF given to ADS
Brief about Project: Faclitating the formation of 460. new MEs utilising the funds given to ADS as RF. This is to ensure the effective utilisation of the RF given to ADS. ADS are given with Rs.50000 /- as Revolving Fund under the SMID component of NULM. This amount needs to be utiliased in an effective manner.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil      
May 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
16   Reported in page 536 (ME out og linkage, ADS RF, CEF)
June 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
13 MEs formed out of ADS - RF. 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
July 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
46 MEs formed out of ADS - RF. 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
August 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
55 MEs formed out of ADS - RF. 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
September 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
51 MEs formed out of ADS - RF. 90% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
October 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
74 MEs formed out of ADS - RF. 92% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
November 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
December 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
January 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
February 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
March 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.



5.SEP- ME formation- CEF
Goal: Formation of new 500 MEs with the fund generated through the amount repaid by agencies who have taken CEF from CDS. If new CEF amount is sanctioned then there will be more new MEs formed out of this amount.
Project Name Self Employment programme - Formation of new MEs utilising the fund repaid by the agencies who have taken CEF from the CDS
Brief about Project: Formation of new 500 MEs with the fund generated from the amount repaid by agencies who have taken CEF from CDS. If new CEF amount is sanctioned then there will be more new MEs formed out of this amount.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil      
May 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
65 Reported in page 536 (ME out og linkage, ADS RF, CEF)  
June 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
16 MEs formed utilising CEF. 16% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
July 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
73 MEs formed utilising CEF. 100% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
August 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
117 MEs formed utilising CEF. Over 100% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
September 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
60 MEs formed utilising CEF. 60% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
October 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
78 MEs formed utilising CEF. 70% achievement against this month target page 536 ref…
November 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
December 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
January 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
February 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
March 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.



6.SEP- ME formation- Linkage Loan
Goal: Formation of 450 Micro Eterprises with the linkage loan taken by the SHGs
Project Name Self Employment programme - Formation of new MEs utilising the linkage loans taken by the SHGs
Brief about Project: Faclitating the formation of 450 new MEs autiliing the linkage loans taken by the SHGs. As the SHGs are taking linkage loans in the tunes of 10 to 20 lakhs it will be good for the growth of the loacal economy if this amount is being converted in to Micro Enterprises. this will ensure effective utilisation of the linkage loans taken by the SHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil      
May 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
20   Reported in page 536 (ME out og linkage , ADS RF, CEF)
June 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
18 MEs - from Linkage loan formed, 90% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
July 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
80 MEs - from Linkage loan formed, Over 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
August 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
102 MEs - from Linkage loan formed, Over 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
September 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
86 MEs - from Linkage loan formed, Over 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
October 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
123 MEs - from Linkage loan formed, Over 100% achieved against this month target page 536 ref..
November 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
December 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
January 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
February 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.
March 1. Mobilisation at the ULB level. 
2. MECs and COs are suppoting the aspirant urban poor to form ME through conducting ADS level meetings.
3. Formation of MEs group and individual.
4. Reporting it through the spreadsheet by MTP.
5. Monthly online monitoring meeting by the SMM.



7.SEP - online marketing
Goal: Facilitate converting Kochi CLC into Flipkart seller point
Project Name Self Employment programme -Supporting the onine marketing efforts of Kudumbashree through onboarding CLCs in to Flipkart portal
Brief about Project: Faclitating the process of on boarding of Kochi CLC as one of the seller points of Flipkart online marketing portal
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 1. Registration of the CLC. 
2. Joint account opening.
3. PAN card.
4. GST certification.
Registered the Kochi CLC, bank account application given to bank, PAN application processing.    
May 1. Account opening with Flipkart as a seller point.
2. SHG product identification for on boarding.
3. Online review by the SMM.
Since last month due to restrictions the processes are affected.    
June 1. Training by Flipkart.
2. Photo shoot of the products and uploading and make the seller point live.
3. Online review by the SMM.
Accounts opened. Due to covid situation this could not moved further.  
July Onlne review by the SMM Application for PAN card given    
August Onlne review by the SMM Application for PAN card given    
September Onlne review by the SMM Application for PAN card given    
October Onlne review by the SMM Application for PAN card given    
November Onlne review by the SMM      
December Onlne review by the SMM      
January Onlne review by the SMM      
February Onlne review by the SMM      
March Onlne review by the SMM      



8.SEP - Linkage loan to SHGs
Project Name Self Employment programme - Linkage loan to 3100 SHG and loan subsidy relase throgh PAiSA portal and offline
Brief about Project: Newly formed SHGs who crossed 6 months in existance are eligible for receiving linkage loan from banks as per the guidelines of reserve Banak of India. Hence garding actvities will be iniated those SHG s formed and crossed 6 months. The elegible ones after the grading will help obtain linkage loan. also support the SHGs who recieved the linkage loans will be supported with linkage loan subsidy released to the SHgs through PAiSA portal and offline.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME & FI)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil      
May 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
200 NHGs graded, 189 linkage was reported, Rs. 4,54,59,594 dispersed as loan   Achievement page 536
June 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
Linkage loan given to 134 NHGs. All subsidy amount dispersed is Rs. 6.8 crores. 81% achievement against this month target paisa portal & page 536 ref…
July 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
Linkage loan given to 285 NHGs. All subsidy amount dispersed is Rs. 1.23 crores. 95 % achievement against this month target (Linkage Loan) paisa portal & page 536 ref…
August 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
Linkage loan given to 227 NHGs. All subsidy amount dispersed is Rs. 1.63 crores. 68 % achievement against this month target (Linkage Loan) paisa portal & page 536 ref…
September 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
Linkage loan given to 494 NHGs. All subsidy amount dispersed is Rs. 1.15 crores. Over 100% achievement against this month target (Linkage Loan) paisa portal & page 536 ref…
October 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
Linkage loan given to 328 NHGs. All subsidy amount dispersed is Rs. 1.79 crores. 92 % achievement against this month target (Linkage Loan) paisa portal & page 536 ref…
November 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
December 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
January 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
February 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.
March 1. Facilitating grading process. 
2. Eligible SHGs are linked to the Banks for linkage loans.
3. Approval of PAiSA portal loan subsidy.
4. Monthly review by the SMM.



9.Empanelment of new agencies
Goal: To empanel new agencies to provide skilling in new courses
Project Name Employment Through Skill Training and Placement.
Brief about Project: There are 22 Skill Training Providers (STPs) as of now that provides skilling & placement under the EST &P component. The agencies and centres are limited. Only 43 training centres are available and is in 27 ULBs. The objective is to identify 25 new training agencies to provide skilling in new courses and to establish more training centres that will benefit more ULBs.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Priya Paul, SMM, NULM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 1. The Mission called EoI and invited RFP and shortlisted 18 agencies. Qualitiative Appraisal of the shortlisted 18 agencies should be completed. 2. Training to selected CMMs and SMMs on QA with the support of DDU GKY team. Training to CMMs & SMMs completed CMMs concerned were given awareness on the documents to be checked on field level verification Report submission.
May 1.Agencies will be called for to make a presentation to finalise the work order based on QA. 3.File processing & issue of work order. Nil   Report submission. File submission on work order
June QA completion of 6 agencies within the state will be completed. QA completed. Report to be prepared for approval (Pending)   Report to be submitted for approval
July 1. Calling EoI for new courses based on market demand & inviting RFP. 2. Shortlisting of agencies. 3. QA will be initiated 1. QA visit to outside agencies pending and rescheduled to August 2. Draft EoI submitted for approval. EoI pending for approval. Draft EoI
August 1. QA completion of short listed agencies 1. QA visit to 5 agencies completed. One visit pending and scheduled in the month of September.2. QA report of agencies within the state submitted for approval EoI pending for approval. Nil
September 1. Agencies will be called for to make a presentation to finalise the work order based on QA. 2.File processing & issue of work order. 1. QA visit report approved. The RFP discussion is proposed on 29.9.2021. Work order will be issued in the month of October 2021 QA report approved. Work order will be issued after RFP. EoI approved.  
October Selection of agencies through Direct Empanelment process. 2. Conduct of Skill Gap analysis across ULBs Request send to 12 Sector Skill Councils to submit RFP.   Circular on Skill Gap analysis. Presentations and review of agencies
November Issue of work order to agencies selected through Direct Empanelment. Exeucting MoU with the agencies 2 SSCs submitted proposal. Date extended to November 21st. Presentation scheduled on December    
December Nil Presentation rescheduled in January    
January Nil Empanelment order issued to SSCs.    
February Nil Work order issued to SSCs    
March Nil      



10.Placement drive for candidates trained under EST &P
Goal: To provide placement to all trained candidates either as wage employment or as self employment.
Project Name Employment Through Skill Training and Placement - Placement drive for candidates trained under EST &P
Brief about Project: There are 1730 certified candidates who got enrolled in 2019-20 & certified in 2020-21 and 2387 candidates(expected to get certification) in the year 2021-22. The objective is to provide placement to 4513 candidates who will complete the course and will be certified by December 2021 either through wage employment or through self employment by making institutional tie ups at local level and by conducting job fairs at district & state level.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Priya Paul, SMM, NULM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Nil      
May Nil      
June 1. Letter to identified 100 institutes for placement support. (letter from State Mission). 2. Follow-up with the institutes for placement - The CMMs may directly meet the heads of the institution for placement support 3. Making instituitonal tie up with agencies at local level (minimum 10 agencies in the case of corporations and 5 agencies in the case of Municipalities). Letter to agencies -pending. 2. Institutional tie up with agencies ongoing. Tie up with 168 agencies/ organisation/ shops completed   Letter to selected institutes. Report from ULBs
July 1. Analysis of placement status of the candidates who got certified in 2021-22 (till July 2021) & the candidates who lost their jobs during COVID 19 and still not placed. 2. Placement of minimum 200 candidates in the institutions where inititutional tie ups has been made. Report consolidation going on. 33 students placed   Report from ULBs
August 1. Planning workshop/ VC on conduct of job fairs with STPs, ADMCs and CMMs. 2. Circular on conduct of job fairs at ULB/ district level based on feasibility. Planning workshop conducted on 31st August 2021. Circular pending Issue of Circular
September 1. IEC campaign - job fairs 2. Conduct of job fairs in all districts and in selected ULBs (analysing the feasibility). 3. Analysis of placement status Job fairs pending. Proposed in the month of October . To analyse the placement status meeting of STPs conducted on 16.09.2021 Job fairs Pending. Pending placement will be conducted jointly by STPs and Mission Report from ULBs
October Self Employment campaign for promoting self employment among trained EST & P candidates with the support of Kudumbashree MECs. Self Employment campaign pending Self Employment campaign pending due to COVID restrictions Report from ULBs
November Placement of minimum 265 candidates in the institutions where inititutional tie ups has been made. 25 candidates placed   Report from ULBs
December Analysis of placement status under SEP. Circular on job fair processed and submitted.   Report from ULBs
January Nil Circular- Job fair sent to ULBs    
February Nil Job fairs proposed in March 2022    



11.ESTP - Mobilisation & Enrollment
Goal: Mobilisation, enrollment and commencement of training for the year 2021-22.
Project Name Employment Through Skill Training and Placement.
Brief about Project: The Employment through Skills Training & Placement (EST&P) Component under NULM is designed to provide skills to the unskilled urban poor as well as to upgrade their existing skills. The programme covers youth in the age group of 18-35 years. The objective is to enable the urban poor in setting up self-employment ventures and for salaried jobs in the private sector. The aim is to enroll 5930 candidates in the current financial year.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Priya Paul, SMM, NULM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 1.Field visit on training centres Visited 3 centres Memo to be issued to Edujobs as CCTV footages cannot be retrieved to check attendance Report submission.
May 1. One day training to STPs & CMMs on EST & P amendments 2. Draft circular preparation for mobilisation campaign 3. Draft MoU submission for approval Training conducted with the support of Ministry, NSDC & Portal The STPs were given information of SMART accreditation and the CMMs were given awareness on amendments in NULM EST P guidelines and changes in NULM MIS. Draft circular. Uploading of work order in website. Draft MoU submitted
June 1. Issue of circular for mobilisation campaign, Conduct of mobilisation campaign. Field level monitoring on campaigns. 2. IEC campaign at state level for mobilisation- paper ads, FM stations etc. 3. Request to GoI to give approval for the conduct of RPL training in different sectors- tailoring, catering & handicrafts.4. Receipt of MoU from agencies 1. Draft MoU submitted, approval pending. 2. IEC campaign pending, will be given one the mobilisation campaign dates are finalised 3. RPL training on food processing- Suggestions to ministry drafted.   Issue of circular. IEC campaign.
July 1. MoU signing with agencies. 2. Analysis of report on mobilisation 1. Draft MoU circulated to all agencies. Last date for submission of signed MoU scheduled on 16th August 2021. 2.Mobilised 4013 candidates (7 ULBs yet to completed the mobilisation) 1. 15/18 agencies submitted MoU to State Mission 2. ULBs conducted mobilisation campaign through online mode and direct registration at CDS. 4013 persons registered Report. MoU submission
August 1. Enrolment of 5% of candidates (593candidates) to various courses as per the work order. 2. Issue of TCO to commence training 3. Settlement of 2nd installment claims for the trainings completed by April 30, 2021 4. Re- assessment of failed candidates who have completed the training in the financial years 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 5. Settlement of TA/ PPS for the financial year 2019-20 & 2020-21 1. Enrolment pending as sanction to start training is yet to receive. 2. All pending calims processed.   Files processed for pending claims and TA/ PPS
September 1. Enrolment of 5 % of candidates(593 candidates) to various courses as per the work order. 2.Analysis of placement status for the financial year 2020-21 3. Settlment of first installment claims 4. Special mobilisation campaign for candidates from Asraya, PMAY families, street vendors and disadvantaged groups with the support of COs and MECs 1. Instruction given for enrolment of students for residential training. 2. Placement status of financial year 2020-21 will be started only after the completion of training and pending assessment 3. Settlement of first installment claims will be made only after the restart of training. 4. Special mobilisation campaign started 1 Batch (30 students) enroled and TCO issued. All residential batches terminated due to COVID 19 had commenced. Cirucular on special mobilisation campaign
October 1. Enrolment of 20% of candidates (1186 candidates) to various courses as per the work order; including 240 PMAY, Asraya family members 2.Analysis of placement status for the financial year 2020-21 3. Settlement of 2nd & 3rd installment claims of trainings completed by July 2021 and April 2021. 4. Settlment of first installment claims 1. Enrolled 30 students, initiated 1 batch 2. Settlement of first installment claims of the year 2020-21 - No claims processed. 3. Settlement of 5 batches of Second installment amounting Rs. 10.13 lakhs processed. 4. Placement of the students for the financial year can be tracked only after the completion of training; training of residential batches has restarted only by September 2021.   RAS verification, TCO release
November 1. Meeting with STPs to anlayse the status of mobilisation, trainings and placement. 2. Planning workshop to conduct job fairs in all districts. 3. Enrolment of 20% of candidates ( 1186 candidates) to various courses as per the work order. 4. Settlment of first installment claims 1. Enrolment of 150 candidates (5 batches) completed & training commenced 2. Settlement of first installment of 5 batches of training restarted by 4 agencies amounting Rs. 18 lakhs processed. 3. Settlement of 10 batches of training conducted by 3 STPs processed (amounting Rs. 40.03 lakhs). 4. Review of CMMs on mobilisation conducted to analyse the trainings and mobilisation associated with EST & P component. 5 batches of training(non residential mode) started with 150 candidates. Meetings and work shops, RAS verification, TCO release
December 1. Enrolment of 25% of candidates (1483 candidates) to various courses. 2. Settlment of first installment claims 3. Settlement of TA/ PPS for the financial year 2020-21 & 2021-22 1. Enrolment of 150 candidates (5 batches) completed & training commenced 2. Settlement of first installment of 16 batches of training restarted by 7 agencies amounting Rs. 58.13 lakhs processed. 3. Processing of TA/ PPS applications ongoing (Amounting Rs. 20.59 lakhs) 1 batch residential training and 4 batches of non- residential trainings started with 150 students. *2021-22 batches - Training only started in the month of December. TA claims can be processed only after the completion of training Issue of TCO
January 1. Enrolment of 10% of candidates (593 candidates) to various courses 2. Settlment of 1st, 2nd and 3rd installment claims 1. Enrolment of 187candidates completed & training commenced RAS assessement, TCO approval, monitoring of commencement of training RAS assessement, TCO approval, monitoring on tie ups made at ULB level.
February 1. Enrolment of 5% of candidates to various courses. 2.Analysis of placement of students who have completed the course in the financial year 2020-21 & 2021-22 3. Meeting with STPs on placement status     Meetings and work shops, RAS verification, TCO release
March Analysis of placement, issues in implementation of EST & P Issue of circular on MIS- placement tracking    



12.Special Livelihoods programme
Goal: Provide livelihoods to the 1000 urban poor people in the state during 2021-22
Project Name NULM
Brief about Project: The Special Livelihoods programme is envisaged to support urban poor to establish MEs and support them to earn more and grow the enterprises to higher levels. Also support them with online marketing facilities. It will also help to upgrade the sick enterprises and support them with individual professional help. Financial support in the form of special support to market and product improvement will be given. Clustering and bulk production of materials is also listed under this programme.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NULM Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Special livelihoods programme proposal given to planning board Proposal submitted to Planning Board    
May 1. Proposal approval 2. GO obtaining from the ministry Proposal approved by Planning board amounting Rs.10 crores A State Specific Livelihood initiative may be developed, the first of its kind in urban sector Approved Proposal uploaded in Kudumbashree website
June Circular to all ULBs and DMCs for the implementation of the programme Preparation of draft guidelines and implemetation strategy plan is going on    
July 1. Appointmnt of livelihood promoters by the ulbs
2. ULBs earmarking amount to the programme
August Capacity building for the livelihood promoters      
September 1. Revival actvities at the individual ME level by the livelihoods promoters
2. monthly online monitoring by the SMMU
October 1. discussion with the ME team, SVEP team and marketing team for finalisation of the criteria and format for grading of the urban MEs
2. Training of MECs and livelihood promoters on the format
November 1. social mapping
2. state level Nidhi constituting
December GOT and EDP      
January Skill Training      
February Establishing MEs for the vulnerable population identified through social mapping      
March Grading of MEs and their report in the portal      



13.NHG Formation & Revival
Goal: Organization stregthening and inclusion
Project Name Social Mobilisation & Institutional Development
Brief about Project: The project aims social mobilisation & organization strengthening. Focus will be given to formation of new NHGs and revival of exiting NHGs.
Target is to form 1575 new NHGs and revival of 319 exiting NHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team
Budget 47976000, NULM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
April 24 new NHG Formation 51 NHGs Formed 51 NHGs Formed NHG Formation List NHG formed, but affiliation process not completed. MIS entry 33
May 30 new NHG formation
Process RO received till month request
RO applications listed and verified
44 NHG formed
List prepared & 44 NHGs formed in current month.
Total 99 NHGs formed
1.RO list
2.NHG Formation Status
NHG formed, but affiliation process not completed. MIS entry 9
June 50 new NHG formation & 4 NHG revival
Distribute RO fund
85 NHGs formed
9 NHGs Revived
RO fund; Sanctioning order prepared and submitted for approval
RO Amount transfer through PFMS, sanctioning letter will give from state mission.
A total number of 184 NHGs formed till now and 85 during the current month.
Total 17 NHGs revived till now and 9 NHG revival during the current month
NHG Formation Status  
July CBO Election Election postponed. RO fund sanctioning letter approved.
170 NHGs formed and 86 entered in MIS. 21 NHGs revived
A total of 322 NHGs formed so far NHG Formation Status As per MIS, total NHG formation is 322. 425 NHGs formed at field leve l and pending MIS entry
August 297 new NHG formation & 89 NHG revival 151 NHGs formed and 32 NHGs revived A total of 473 NHGs formed    
September 85 new NHG formation & 75 NHG revival 163 NHGs formed & 31 NHGs revived A total of 636 NHGs formed so far    
October 280 new NHG formation & 52 NHG revival
RF to 34 ADS
209 NHGs Formed Total 845 NHGs formed so far    
November 92 new NHG formation & 41 NHG revival
RF to 1500 NHGs
December 265 new NHG formation & 31 NHG revival
RF to 50 ADS
January 89 new NHG formation & 16 NHG revival        
February 184 new NHG formation & 11 NHG revival
RF to 1500 NHGs
March 27 new NHG formation
RF to 50 ADS



14.SMID Trainings
Goal: Organization stregthening and capacity building
Project Name Social Mobilisation & Institutional Development
Brief about Project: The project aims capacity building of community structure. Detailed trainings will be given to Resoure Oragnizations and CBO office bearers.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM
Budget 4902000, NULM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
April Nil NA NA NA  
May Nil NA NA NA  
June Nil NA NA NA  
July Nil NA NA NA  
August Nil NA NA NA  
September Nil NA NA NA  
October Module & training plan preparation workshop Nil Nil   Training plan postponed after CBO Election
November Finalise the plan and get approval        
December Nil        
January RO training for CDS        
February Training for CDS subcommittee convenors & COs        
March ADS Training        



Goal: Ensure sustainable income for HKS
Project Name Haritha Karma Sena
Brief about Project: The project aims to ensure sustainable income & positive working atmosphere for Haritha Karma Sena in Urban Areas. New group formation, engage in additional income generation activities, support by saftey measures & insurance etc will be main focus.
Target is to form new 134 HKS groups, formation of 101 green MEs and support to HKS by providing saftey meaures. Should ensure infra structure facilities with convergence of ULB.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team & Renu George, ME Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
April Nil NA NA NA  
May Data Collection of existing issues & Gaps Completed Basic data collection done and consolidated Data Sheet  
June Rollout of HKS Software Completed      
July Monthly revenue monitoring through software.
Letter to ULBs for ensuring minimum user fee and infra structure facilities
Monitoring through software.
Letter submitted to ED
31 new groups formed.
Grievance redressal committee formed in 10 ULBs
Data collecting on the basic facilities in a regular interval and conducting review of CMMU.
31 new groups formed.
Grievance redressal committee formed in 10 ULBs
August New HKS formation
Mobilisation campaign for green ME formation
Monthly revenue monitoring through software
27 new group formed.
Grievance redressal committee formed in 9 ULBs.
Letter given to all ULBs reagrding ensuring basic facilities & decent income
Letter given to all ULBs reagrding ensuring basic facilities & decent income.
A total of 58 new groups formed and Grievance redressal committee formed in 19 ULBs
September Monthly revenue monitoring through software Online review conducted on the basis of software updation Online review conducted on the basis of software updation    
October EDP Training for green ME formation

Monthly revenue monitoring through software
Quarterly review
Online review conducted on the basis of software updation Online review conducted on the basis of software updation. Offline review planned in November    
November Green ME Formation
Monthly revenue monitoring through software.
Follow up with ULBs for providing HKS support
Formation of grievance redressal committee
December MCF made functional
Monthly revenue monitoring through software
Ensure grievance redressal cell in all ULBs
January Mini MCF made functional
Monthly revenue monitoring through software
IEC campaign
February Saftey measutes support to HKS members
Monthly revenue monitoring through software
IEC campaign
March Insurance support to HKS members
Monthly revenue monitoring through software
Proposal for increasing income for HKS & Plan for IEC



16. MIS & SPARK Ranking & PMSVANidhi
Goal: Effective monitoring of the implementation of all components of DAY-NULM
Project Name Manangement Information System of DAY-NULM & PMSVANidhi scheme for monitoring
Brief about Project: 1. Annual Action Plan 2020-21 gives details of physical targets with respect to every aspect of programme implementation. The status of implementation of the major monitoring parameters are captured in the DAY-NULM MIS. Based on the data in the MIS, the Ministry ranks states for the SPARK ranking system.
2. The parameters for SPARK ranking is specific and hence emphasis needs to be given for the same.
3. PMSVANidhi - Prepare analytic reports to monitor the progress in implementation of the PMSVANidhi scheme
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 2021 - March 2022 Real time data entry for all components of DAY-NULM in the MIS is planned and expected from all stakeholders. The following are the parameters that will be monitored through the NULM MIS:
1) SHG Linkage Loan
2) Formation of SEP-I
3) Formation of SEP-G
4) Enrollment of candidates in Skill training
5) Certification of Skilled candidates
6) Placement of Skilled candidates certified in wage employment
7) Conduct of trainings (CB&T)
8) Shelters made functional - New Construction
9) Shelters made functional - Refurbishment
10) Street vendors supported with PMSVANidhi
11) Issue of ID cards
12) Issue of CoV
13) Vending Plan prepration
14) Conduct of TVC Election
15) NHG Formation
16) RF to NHGs & ADSs
17) Aadhaar seeding
1. April-May - ULBs are doing a data cleaning of the DAY-NULM MIS.
2. Physical achievements under the SM&ID and SEP components have been entered in the MIS
In the year 2015-16, data of all Urban SHGs and SHG members along with their bank account details were entered in the MIS. Since a few of these SHGs have become inactive and members of SHGs have changed ULBs are in the process of updating these details in the MIS. Reports generated from the MIS will be the source for every review meeting & reporting to all departments
December 2021 - March 2022 Completion of data entry for the SPARK parameters      
April 2021 - March 2022 PMSVANidhi portal - generate reports from the portal & analyse the same for specific requirements     Reports generated from the portal will be the source for every review meeting & reporting to all departments



NULM Monitor the development & implementation of software solutions for the scheme
Goal: Various software needs to be developed for the effective implementation of the scheme.
Project Name Software solutions for DAY-NULM
Brief about Project: 1. Software to conduct online survey of street vendors
2. Software to monitor the progress in implementation of the State Urban Livelihood project
3. Software to facilitate online booking in SHE Lodges
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget Specific for each software development project


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 2021 - July 2021 1. Software to conduct online survey of street vendors - High level software requirements specification has been submitted to the Start up mission which has been entrusted the responsibility of identifying an agency to complete the task. Technical evaulation, financial bidding, development, testing & implementation has to be done. 1. Technical & Financial bidding process completed for identifying a startup completed
2. Review of SRS done, work order to be issued
SRS document for OSSV application prepared. Awaiting letter from Statup mission on selecting the Start-up for development of the application. Since the survey was conducted in a manual mode, the project has been temporariliy put on hold.  
July 2021 - September 2021 2. Software to monitor the progress in implementation of the State Urban Livelihood project - High level software requirements specification has to be prepared to be submitted to the Start up mission. By October 2021, the software will be launched      
October 2021 - December 2021 3. Software to monitor the progress in implementation of the State Urban Livelihood project - High level software requirements specification has been submitted to the Start up mission. There is a delay/glitch in proceeding with the project and once this is sorted out, other processes will be resumed      



Goal: Effective monitoring of the financial transactions through the EAT module of PFMS
Project Name Manangement Information System of DAY-NULM
Brief about Project: The Ministry of housing & urban affairs has kept the usage of the PFMS platform as a mandate for releasing central funds in this financial year. Hence the Expenditure Advance Transfer (EAT) module of PFMS has to be the only manner in which financial transactions are managed both at the state & ULB levels
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S,SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 2021 - March 2022 All financial transactions to be managed through the PFMS platform All ULBs have been streamlined to do financial transactions in PFMS mode and are complying to this. All ULBs have implemeted EAT module of PFMS Utilization certificates to be generated both at State & ULB levels using PFMS
April 2021 - July 2021 Implement the revised pattern of fund flow of CSS 1) Note put up for approval considering the various decisions & communications to be done towards implementation of the revised procedure Directions given to ULBs to close the existing ULB level NULM accounts and to open Zero balance accounts in branches of Canara bank.
40 ULBs have transferred the unspent balance to the SNA account. Steps to implement the fund flow through the SNA mechanism has been initiated both at the bank and PFMS level
August - September 2021     SNA mode of transaction has been initiated in all ULBs. All 93 ULBs have opened Zero balance subsidiary accounts. The State linked scheme code has been configured in SNA mode. Salary for all staff for the month of August 2021 done through SNA mode  



19.Aadhaar Seeding
Goal: Aadhaar Seeding of all beneficiries under DAY-NULM in the MIS
Project Name Manangement Information System of DAY-NULM
Brief about Project: The Ministry of housing & urban affairs has insisted states for Aadhaar Seeding of all beneficiries under DAY-NULM in the MIS
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April 2021 - May 2020 Prepare action plan for ensuring 100 % aadhaar seeding. Currently Aadhaar seeding has been done successfully for 68% of beneficiaries. Target is the rest 32% of beneficiaries ULBs are collecting Aadhaar details of SHG members and are amking the entries Only a 0.47% increase in terms of Aadhaar seeding. Will follow uo to gain momentum in this regard. Reports from MIS
June 72% successful Aadhaar seeding 68.56% successful Aadhaar seeding    
July 77% successful Aadhaar seeding      
August 82% successful Aadhaar seeding 68.97 % succeeful Aadhar seeding    
September 87% successful Aadhaar seeding      
October 92% successful Aadhaar seeding      
November 97% successful Aadhaar seeding      
December 99% successful Aadhaar seeding      
January 100% successful Aadhaar seeding      



Goal: Get all allocated funds for NULM including additional funds on account of SPARK ranking
Project Name NULM Finance
Brief about Project: Follow up to get all funds allocated for the scheme both from the central & state governments
Start Date 01-04-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 Submit provisional UC to MoHUA & get the first installment released Submitted provisional UC and fund request letters. Received first installmemt of funds for the year Rs. 16.65 crores on 21.06.2021.
Will place request with GoK to issue GO for releasing this amount along with matching state share amounting to Rs. 27.73 crores
June 30th Follow up with GoK to get the GO issued and funds released 1. Follow up with GoK to get the GO issued for additional funds released for 2020-21 Rs. 2.94 crores G.O issued for ACA for Rs. 2.94 crores and 1st installment Rs. 27.73 crores  
July Get NULM accounts Audited for FY 2020-21      
August Request for 2nd installment of funds by submitting audited UC for FY 2020-21      
November Follow up with GoK to get the GO issued and funds released      



21.Capacity Buidling & Training
Goal: Provide capacity building trainings for City Mission Management Unit ( CMMU) and other Stake holders of NULM
Project Name Capacity Buidling & Training
Brief about Project: The objective of capacity building & training (CB&T) is to transform the state agancies incharge of urban poverty allevation into providers of highl quality technical assistance in the field of livelihood promotion and urban poverty alleviation and thereby build strong institutional structures at state and city level for the efficient implementation of National Urban livelihood Mission.
For attaining this objective , orientation programs and capacity building training programs will be provided on regular basis to stake holders.
The stake holders of NULM involves (1) State Mission Management Unit ( 10)(2) City Mission Management Unit ( City Mission Managers , Multi task persons, community organisors ( 256) , CDS chairpersons ( 124) , City program Officers (93) , Member secretaries ( 93), ULB chairpersons ( Mayor and Muncipal Chairman) - 93 , Welfare standing committee members (93).
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Prepare training module for City Project Officers , Member Secretaries at ULBs - familirising with Kudumbashree and NULM projects . Draft completed Prepared draft training module  
May Training module Discussion with NULM and Organisation Team Discussion with NULM team completed Discussion with Organisation team is pending as they are engaged with COVID prevention activities and meetings  
June Identify training agencies
Prepare the training module for conducting the training.
Get approval of Training module. ( Motivation, Team building, Business plan prepartion, Statergic Planning )
Preparation of batch wise for conduct the training
Discussion with Training agency completed Completed Google meet with Training agency - "The Blue point Org" . Received propsal .
Discussed with KILA and CED ( Centre for enviornment and development ) , Active Minds .
Draft letter to agencies , for submitting proposals has been submitted for approval
Report submission. Issue of circular and training module
July Identify Training agencies for conducting training
Prepare work order for conduct the training
Decided to call for EOI from agencies for conducting the training. Discussed with Organisation team with EOI procedure for selecting training team.

- discussed module with Organisation team for conducting combined training for ULB staffs.

Also for conducting training for CMMUs at Attapady. ( Community Oriented training ) . Contacted YP - at Attapady. Discussion in progress with DMC.

Training for ULB staffs finalised for 3rd and 4th August 2021.
File submission on work order
August South Zone
Capacity Building Training for NULM Team
Participants : State Mission Management Unit (10 members) , CMMs ( 31) , MTPs (34), CO (63) , and CDS Chairpersons (65)
Total Members : 203
South Zone Districts - ( Trivandrum , Kollam , Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha, Kottayam , idukki , Ernakulam)
Topics - Refreshment Training , Capacity Building program - Team Building , Motivation , leadership, Business plan Preparation
Date - (Between August 1st - August 15th)
  Preparation of module for training is under progress. Preparation of report as per the feedback

(a) North Zone
Capacity Building Training for NULM Team
Participants : CMMs ( 30) , MTPs (37), CO (61) , and CDS Chairpersons (59)
Total Members : 187
North Zone Districts - Thrissur , palakkad , malappuram , wayanad , kozhikode , kannur , kasargod
Participants - , CMMs , MTPs , CO , Chairpersons
Topics - Refreshment Training , Capacity Building program - Team Building , Motivation , leadership, Business plan Preparation
Date - (Between September 1 - September 15th )

(b) Capacity Building Training for 93 City Program Officers
Districts - Trivandrum , Kollam , Pathanamthitta , Alappuzha, Kottayam , idukki , Ernakulam, Thrissur , palakkad , malappuram , wayanad , kozhikode , kannur , kasargod
Participants : City Program Officers ( 93 members )
Topics : Refreshment Training , Capacity Building program - Team Building , Motivation , leadership, Business plan Preparation
Date - (Between September 16th - September 30st)

  Discussed the module with Team members for approving the draft module prepared .

Coordinated with regional workshops for newly elected Chairpersons in ULBS .
Need to finalise the module with other teams
Preparation of report as per the feedback
October Familirization of NULM projects for 93 Urban Secretaries

(a) Districts - Trivandrum , Kollam , Pathanamthitta , Alappuzha, Kottayam , idukki , Ernakulam, Thrissur , palakkad , malappuram , wayanad , kozhikode , kannur , kasargod.
Participants - Urban Secretaries ( 93 members )
Topics - Refreshment Training
Date - (Between October 1 - October 15th)

One day Seminar , recoginition and Award for best performing ULBs, Group activites
Districts - ( Trivandrum , Kollam , Pathanamthitta , Alappuzha, Kottayam , idukki , Ernakulam, Thrissur , Palakkad , Malappuram , Wayand , Kozhikode , Kannur , Kasargod )
Participants : Hon. Minister - LSGD , ULB Chairperson ( Mayor & Mucipal Chairman) State Mission Management Unit , CMMUs , CDS chairpersons
Topics - One day Seminar , recoginition and Award for best performing ULBs, Group activites
Date - ( Between October 1 - October 31 st )
  Discussed with team members
- Planning to do training in three phases
- Training for Corporation and Muncipal secretaries
- Training for CPO and CMMs
- Training for CO to MTPs

- Training for CMMs and other staffs will be conducted in field basis.
Preparation of report as per the feedback
November Second Phase training for CMMUs as per the requirement received from feedback forms
Districts - ( Trivandrum , Kollam , Pathanamthitta , Alappuzha, Kottayam , idukki , Ernakulam, Thrissur , Palakkad , Malappuram , Wayand , Kozhikode , Kannur , Kasargod ) )
Participants : State Mission Management Unit , CMMs , MTPs , CO , Chairpersons
Topics - Second phase training as per the feedback received ( topic specific)
Date - ( Between November 1 - November 15)

Capacity Building Training for 93 welfare standing committee chairman
Districts - Trivandrum , Kollam , Pathanamthitta , Alappuzha, Kottayam , idukki , Ernakulam, Thrissur , palakkad , malappuram , wayanad , kozhikode , kannur , kasargod.
Participants - welfare standing committee Chairman ( 93 members )
Topics - Refreshment Training , Capacity Building program - Team Building , Motivation , leadership
Date - (Between November 16 - November 30)
  Draft training module has been prepared and disucussed with team.
It was decided to provide training for CMMs first with field level activity.

The Community Organisors, and MTPs will be provided simliar training as second level

Corporation and Muncipal secretaries will be provided training in the third level

Project officers will be provided training in the fourth level
Preparation of report as per the feedback
December Training for Chairperson, Vice chairperson, Accountant   Planned to conduct training module and workshop has been prepared.  
January Discussion completed for providing training for newly elected CDS chairperson . Planned to conduct a module prepration training program.   Decided to conduct the training by February last week.  
February Module prepration training programme will be conducted on March 24,25.26 and 27.   Sent letter to CMMs , ADMCs , and other officals to particiapte training on the scheduled dates  
March Conducted workshop for preparing module for training newly elected CDS chairpersons      



22. She lodge-LSGs
Goal: 2 Establishing 24 Shelodges in Convergence with ULBs.
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: To provide safe accomodation for women who needs to travel regularly for education and employment needs , kudumbashree as part of its self employment program will form She lodges cum hostel in 24 potential locations across in convergence with ULBs. This project will become a livelihood oppurtunity for 72 kudumbashree members.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S - SMM - CB&T
Budget SEP loan / CEF ( 2 lakhs per unit )


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Discussion with CMMs for starting SHE lodges in ULBs . Follow up Completed Discussion with CMMs completed.  
May Identify locations for starting She Lodges in ULBs 27 Shelodges Locatiion for starting 27 Shelodges has been identified in ULBs.  

Issue of letter to ULBs for starting Shelodges in ULBs

Beneficary Identification

Project Preparation (Through MEC / CMM/ CO /CDS Chairperson)

Time Frame - two months

14 locations has been finalised for starting Shelodges In 4 ULBs - Varkala, Tiruvalla , Kayamkulam , and Pala - Construction Started.

In 4 ULBS - Pathanamthitta , Kottayam , Kottakal , Kalpetta - Council Approval received.

In 2 ULBs - Karunagapally , and Alappuzha - Need to Discuss with Secretary.

In 3 ULBs - Chalakkudy , Shornur , Wadakkancherry - Will be Started in SEP Model.

In 1 ULB - Ottapalam - Need to Discuss with Secretary.

Details of Beneficiary

July   14 locations has been finalised for starting Shelodges In 4 ULBs
- Varkala, Tiruvalla,Cherthala and Pala - Construction is under progress - Construction delayed due to Covid .

- 4 ULBS -
Pathanamthitta , Kottayam , Kottakal , Kalpetta
- Council Approval received , further procedures delayed due to COVID

In 2 ULBs
- Karunagapally , and Alappuzha - Discussed ,but ULBs put on halt due to COVID.

In 3 ULBs - SEP model
- Chalakkudy - Need to identify beneficiary

Shornur- Need to identify Beneficiary

Wadakkancherry - ( in progress and planned to start by September 2021)

In 1 ULB
- Ottapalam -will start with Muncipal License . Inaguration date not yet confirmed.

Submit Application for Council decision
Fund allocation details submission
Time frame - Two months

  In 4 ULBs
- Varkala, Tiruvalla,Cherthala and Pala - Construction is under progress

- 4 ULBS -
Pathanamthitta , Kottayam , Kottakal , Kalpetta
- in progress
In 2 ULBs
- Karunagapally , and Alappuzha - Discussed ,

In 3 ULBs - SEP model
- Chalakkudy - beneficiary identification in progress

Shornur- identification of beneficiary in progress

Wadakkancherry - ( in progress and planned to start by September 2021)

In 1 ULB
- Ottapalam -followup in progress

Update is spreadsheet

September Received one new new application from Anthoor ULB . File putup for approval.
submitted Draft letter for approval, asking ULB secretaries to speed up the formation of ShelLodge
In 4 ULBs
- Varkala, Tiruvalla,Cherthala and Pala - Construction is under progress

- 4 ULBS -
Pathanamthitta , Kottayam , Kottakal , Kalpetta
- in progress
In 2 ULBs
- Karunagapally , and Alappuzha - followup in progress

In 3 ULBs - SEP model
- Chalakkudy - beneficiary identification in progress

Shornur- identification of beneficiary in progress

Wadakkancherry - postponeded inaguguration as beneficiary identified is not intrerested .

In 1 ULB
- Ottapalam - followup in progress

Fund allocation
Option 1
Community Enterprise Fund (CEF) - Group enterprises - 2 lakhs , Individual enterprise - 50,000
Interest - 4 %
Option 2
Bank loan
Option 3
Start up fund ( beneficiaries belongs to vulnerable group) ( Group Enterprise -50,000, Individual Enterprise - 10,000)

  Sent letter to secretaries for starting shelodges at the earliest.
Made follow-up with city mission mangers - informed to complete the project before March 31st.

CEF - Need to be approved through Committe formed by DMC , ADMC , DPM, Bank representatives , 2 CDS chairpersons
Submit report in spreadsheet

December Training - Enterprise Development Program ( EDP) through accredited agencies - MEC / RSETI
Time frame - 15 days
  Varkala -work progressing
Cherthala - Agenda has been submitted to Welfare standing committe to take decision regarding the renovation of Existing womens Hostel. Standing Committee held on 26.11.21 decided to submit the agenda before next council. Agenda prepared and submitted. Council decided to rennovate the existing hostel. Instructions given to Engineering section to prepare the estimate.
Thiruvalla - Construction work in progress
Kottakal -beneficiary identification is on progress
Kottayam-Construction progressing
Kalpetta -Construction completed
Karunagapally-Space yet to be identified. File already put up regarding this.
Angamali-Agenda submitted to Welfare standing committe to take decision for she lodge
Ottapalam-construction work is in progress, beneficiary selection is under process
Pathanamthitta-construction work is in progress
Thrissur Corporation- @ She lodges started.

submit report in spreadsheet

January Purchase of Furniture , Kitchen utensils , Renovation , water connection facility , License ,Pollution control certificate , CCTV installation , Open bank Account , provide name board (pink haven) , provide all registers .   Varkala -work in progress
Cherthala - council approval pending
Thiruvalla - Construction work in progress
Kottakal -beneficiary identification is on progress
Kottayam-Construction in progress
Kalpetta -Construction completed
Karunagapally-Space yet to be identified. File already put up regarding this.
Angamali- Council decision pending
Shornur- beneficiaries for running the hostel to be identified
Wadakkancherry- Beneficary identofication in progress
Ottapalam-construction work and beneficiary identification

submit report in spreadsheet

February Inauguration of Pink Haven.Visit by Community Organisor / CMM- and verify Unit Maintaining all Book of Account
MTP - update in MIS / Monitoring table / Website
  Varkala -work in progress

Cherthala - council approval pending

Thiruvalla - Construction work in progres, expected to inaugurated by March

Kottakal -beneficiary identification is on progress

Kottayam-Construction in progress

Kalpetta -Construction completed

Karunagapally-Space yet to be identified. File already put up regarding this.

Angamali- Council decision pending

Shornur- beneficiaries for running the hostel to be identified

Wadakkancherry- Beneficary identofication in progress

Ottapalam-construction work and beneficiary identification

Discussiion with Gender park officials conducted and was decided to go forward with the project. A training related to the mobile app prpoposaed will be conducted for the field staffs

submit report in spreadsheet

March Auditing of She lodge   Varkala - construction work in progress

Cherthala - submitted for council approval

Thiruvalla - Construction work in progress

Kottakal -beneficiary identification is on progress

Kottayam-Construction in progress

Kalpetta -Construction completed , beneficiary identificiation in progress

Karunagapally-Space yet to be identified. File already put up regarding this.

Angamali- Council approval pending

Shornur- beneficiaries for running the hostel to be identified

Wadakkancherry- Beneficary identofication in progress

Ottapalam-construction work and beneficiary identification
Second phase meeting with gender park officials conducted regarding the progress of mobile app

submit report in spreadsheet



23.She lodge-CSR
Goal 1 Establishing 10 Shelodges using CSR fund
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: To provide safe accomodation for women who needs to travel regularly for education and employment needs , kudumbashree as part of its self employment program will form She lodges cum hostel in 10 potential locations across ULBs. This project will become a livelihood oppurtunity for 50 kudumbashree members.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S - SMM - CB&T
Budget 10 Lakhs ( one Lakh per ULB)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Follow up with IOCL for releasing fund for shelodge formation Done follow up On Enquiry it was informed that will discuss and inform.  
May Follow up with IOCL for releasing fund for shelodge formation Done follow up Done follow up with IOCL,
Officials and it was informed that they will issue a letter for allocating 10 lakhs as sponsorship fund.
June Submit letter to Chief General Manager for allocating funds for Starting She lodges, and make continous follow up for releasing the fund.   Received letter from IOCL for allocating 10 Lakhs as sponsership fund for starting Shelodges in ULBs .
Submitted agenda in the Kudumbashree General Body for approval.
July Discussion with IOCL officials , prepare draft MoU.   (1) Agenda already submitted
(2)Waiting for Kudumbashree general body approval.
(3) Already informed IOCL officials proceed as soon as we receive approval from IOCL.
Preparation of Draft MoU
August Evaluation of application submitted by CMMs and submit for approval .   Follow up with districts done  
September Get CSR fund from IOCL
Allocate fund to Districts for starting Shelodges
  Clarifications made on the applications submitted . Asked CMMs to verify the documents submitted and resubmit with pending documents. Collect Ulitization certificate from District
October Start Functioning of Shelodges , Discussion with Startup Mission for identifying agency for developing software for Shelodges   Waiting for approval from general body. Clarifications on projects submitted is under progress . submit report
November and December Identify training agencies to provide training to She lodge members. ( Book keeping , Business development , Motivation , Team building)
preparation of Module
Provide training to Kudumbashree members who started the shelodge project
  GB agenda kept for apporval. Will process the file as soon as it get approval. Preparation of Circular for providing training
January Review of shelodges functioning in District ( CMM and MTP),implementing billing software and updation through MTP   Agenda note will be submitted in next General Body meeting. submit report
February Visit Shelodeges and prepare documentation   Agenda note will be submitted in next General Body meeting. submit report
March Auditing of Shelodges   Agenda note will be submitted in next General Body meeting . submit report



24.Janakeeya Hotels
Goal Establish 173 Janakeeya Hotels to income generation model
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: As part of Hunger free kerala project by providing budget meal ( at Rs20 per meal ) to public . Kudumbashree has formed 173 janakeeya hotels in urban area, which has created livelihood for 825 kudumbashree members . Kudumbashree aims to establish these hotels to income generating model.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S (SMM CB&T)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Followup With CMMs , Community Organisors regarding the functioning of Janakeeya hotel functioning in District as part of COVID -19. 171 hotels 139 hotels started supplying meals regularly  

Collect data of meals provided through janakeeya hotels and submitted progress of meals provided and formation status

182 hotels

150 hotels started supplying meals regularly  
June Collect data of meals provided through janakeeya hotels and submitted progress of meals provided and formation status 185 hotels 153 Hotels started supplying meals regularly

Review of janakeeya hotel functioning in ULBs ( TVM, KLM, PTA ).
Review the Hotel members . Verify the book of accounts
Registartion of janakeeya hotels in billing software ( MTPs)

Registration of 185 hotels with Billing Software is under progress.  

Prepare Reports

August Grading of Janakeeya hotels completed
84 hotels completed online billing registration

Review the janakeeya hotel functioning in ULBs ( ALP, KTM, IDK ).
Review the Hotel members . Verify the book of accounts
Registration of janakeeya hotels in billing software (MTPs)

102 hotels completed online billing registration   Prepare Reports
October 102 hotels completed online billing registration   Prepare Reports
November Conduct Training for Janakeeya Hotel members, Leadership , team building , motivation , billing software through accredited training agencies 118 hotels are functioining in urban ULBs. Billing Registration process is under progress   Prepare Reports
December Review the janakeeya hotel functioning in ULBs ( EKM, TSR, PKD ). Review the Hotel members . Verify the book of accountsRegistartion of janakeeya hotels in billing software ( MTPs) 193 hotels are functioining in urban ULBs. Billing Registration process is under progress   Prepare Reports
January Review the janakeeya hotel functioning in ULBs ( MLP, WYD , KKD ). Review the Hotel members . Verify the book of accountsRegistartion of janakeeya hotels in billing software ( MTPs) 196 hotels are functioining in urban ULBs. Billing Registration process is under progress   Prepare Reports

Conduct Audit of Janakeeya hotels

195 hotels are functioining in urban ULBs. Billing Registration process is under progress  

Prepare Reports

March 195 hotels are functioining in urban ULBs. Billing Registration process is under progress  



25.Janakeeya Hotels Formation
Goal Formation of 50 Janakeeya Hotels to income generation model
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: As part of Hunger free kerala project by providing budget meal ( at Rs20 per meal ) to public . Kudumbashree plans to form 50 new janakeeya hotels in urban area, which will create livelihood for 250 kudumbashree members .
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S ( SMM CB&T)


Month Conduct Audit of Janakeeya hotels Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Discussion with CMMs of Karunagapally , Kottarakara , kollam , Pathanamathitta mucipality , Harippad , Alappuzha , ettumanoor , Kottayam, Thrikkakara , Agamaly , aluva , Thripunithara , Kothamangalam , Kochi , Guruvayoor , Chalakkudi , Thrissur corporation , ottapalam, Mannarkad , Palakkad , Kottakal , Manjery , Nilambur , Thanur , Mukkam , Thalasherry ,Kannur ,Panur , kanhangad - With formation of Janakeeya hotel 7 new hotels formed hotel Hotels has been formed In Trivandrum corporation , karunagapally, kottarakara , pathanamthitta Muncipality, kottayam , Thrikkakara Prepare reports
May Discussion with CMMs of aluva , North Paravur , MAradu , Thripunithara , Kothamangalam , Kochi , Guruvayoor , Chalakkudi , Thrissur corporation , ottapalam, Mannarkad , Palakkad , Kondotty , Manjery , Nilambur , Thanur , Mukkam , , Thalasherry ,Kannur kanhangad - With formation of Janakeeya hotel 4 new hotels formed Aluva , North Paravur , Maradu, Thalasherry Prepare reports

Formation of Janakeeya hotel
Register the Janakeeya hotel in Billing Software - MTP
Provide training for Janakeeya hotel members
Provide revolving fund for janakeeya hotel members
Provide uniform , Id card , registers , account book

3 new hotels formed Online Training conducted related to Janakeeya Hotel Billing Software for CMMs on 10.06.2021.

Prepare reports

July Complete the registration of hotels in Billing Software,
Complete the training . Follow up with the income generation
4 new hotels formed in Urban ( Total 189 Hotels )
Online registration of functioning hotels are in progress.
August Conduct training for janakeeya hotel members - leadership , motivation , book keeping , and Billing Software 1 new hotel formed in Urban
(Total 190 Hotels) . Online registration of functioning hotels are in progress.
  Prepare reports

Review of hotels alsong with exisiting janakeeya hotels

3 new hotel formed in Urban
( Total 193 Hotels ) . Online registration of functioning hotels are in progress.

Prepare reports

October 186 hotels are functioning  
November 188 hotels are functioning  
December 188 hotels are functioning  
January 196 hotels are functioning  
February 195 hotels are functioning  
March Conduct Audit of Janakeeya hotels 195 hotels are functioning    



26.Human Arm
Goal: Establish Human Arm project all across the state
Project Name Self employment Program
Brief about Project: Human Arm is a society under NULM Kudumbashree Mission , that provides livelihood oppurtuniites to urban poor . The aim of this project is to lift up the economically poor by provide job oppurtunities and to furnish their livelihood . It is considered as the best platform for all the urban poor women to enlighten their living standards by achieving the best suitable jobs according to their skills and abilities . Human arm plans to establish their presence all across kerala. As first phase - human arm aims to expand their activiites in Trivandrum , Kochi , Trissur , and Kozhokode.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G..S ( SMM - CB&T)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Conduct general body meeting of Human Arm , prepare action plan for creating income generating opportunities for Human Arm. Completed Conducted general Body meeting through google meet.
Elected new general Body members
Provided three candidates as per the requirement of Client, at Malabar cancer centre.
May Conduct Executive Committee meeting. Completed Conducted Executive Committee meeting through google meet.  
June (1) Discussion with CMMs of TVM, Kochi, Thrissur , Kozhikode ULBs for identifying job oppurtunities for candidates ( Trivandrum (209 candidates ) , Kochi,( 166 candidates) , Thrissur ( 133 candidates ) , Kozhikode ( 52 candidates ) ) , who completed skill training in various sectors under ESTP.

(2) Provide the details of candidates to Respective CMMs .

(3) Respective MTPs contact the canditates and identify the candidates are still unemployed or looking for job change

(4) MTPs Update the details of candites in spread sheet provided from State Mission
Conducted interview of 18 Candidates for posting as Assistant Executive for MCC , and 4 candidates for data entry operator.
( submitted the detailed list of shortlisted candidtates to MCC for selection).

To identifying job opportunites for ESTP candidates - List of candidates collected from ESTP Officials .Draft letter submitted for apporval.
July Conduct Executive Committee meeting of Human Arm. Complete the audiitng procedures . Executive Committee meeting Postponed to next month, as per the request of Human Arm Members. (1)Visited Malabar Cancer Center and had discussion with Director - MCC for providing training for Kudumbashree Canteen staff. related to teambuilding and Motivation.

(2)Finalised training module for Canteen Staff - through a training agency. Will conduct the training by August 2021

(3)Received an oppurtunity for providing drivers for e - car project of ANERT. Discussion with ANERT officials completed

(4) submitted draft proposal for approval from Director.
August CMMs submit the report of job oppurtuniites identified for the required skills to Human Arm officials.
Review of CMMs regarding the Placement of candidates
MTPs monitor the retention of candidates
Proposal to ANERT submitted. Made follow up with ANERT officials.
Training for canteen staffs at MCC provided .
September Conduct review of Exisitng Human Arm Members .
Review of Book of accounts , Conduct executive Committee meeting
Discussion with Cosmopolitan Hospital for Corporate Tie up has been made    
October Visit existing clients and make review of the service offered
Followup with the CMMs regarding the placement of candidates and feedback of candidates already placed.
Conducted general body meeting.
Discussion with Director - for Triparty agreement is under progress.
November Conduct Executive Commuttee meeting of Human Arm.
Review of CMMs - regarding the placement of Candidates
Submit the second phase list of candidates to CMMs - TVM, Kochi , Tsr , Kozhikode .
MTPs - follow up with candidates
Agreement with MCC submitted for approval. Made follow up for providing staffs through Human Arm.    
December Conduct Executive Committee meeting of Human Arm. Reveiew of CMMs, Community organisors regarding the progress of placements. And retention of candidates placed Agreement for two staff has been made with MCC.
Date for conducting Governing Body has been decided
January Visit existing clients and make review of the service offered
Review of CMMs - regarding the placement of candidates
1.Conducted meeting with MD - Malabar cancer centre for conducting training for the staffs recruited through Human Arm.
2. Asked to provide increment for the staffs
February Completed auditing of society. registration renewal process is under progress.    
March Conduct Audit of Human Arm Soceity , Conduct Annual General Meeting
AGM meeting date need to be fixed. Agreement with MCC is under progress.    



27.Kudumbashree FMC
Goal: Establish Kochi Metro Project to revenue model
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: Inorder to address the unemployment of women in urban areas and thereby provide job opportunities as per their needs/ requirement kudumbashree facility management centre was formed. This project has created a livelihood oppurtunity for 669 kudumbashree members . By 2021-22, kudumbashree aims to establish Kudumbashree FMC as a revenue generating model.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S ( SMM - CB &T )


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Discussion with ADMC (ME), Kudumbashree FMC management team, prepared plan for the financial year 2021-22. Meeting conducted Decided with the Formation of KIBS, Renewal of agreement. Getting G.O for availing works without any tender procedures.  
May Meeting with ED, P.O , DMC , ADMC and FMC officials regarding renewing of Kudumbashree FMC with Kochi metro
Renewal of Agreement before 31.05.2021
Meeting scheduled on 10.05.2021 Agreement renewed on 30/05/2021 prepare reports

Formation of Kudumbashree Initative for Business Solutions (KIBS)
- Conduct meetings
- Formation of executive committee
- completion of registration
-Complete first executive committee meeting
- Appoinment of COO

(1) Discussion with Officials at Trivandrum Registarar regarding the registration of KIBS.
(2) Agenda related to Formation of KIBS, already submitted as GB agenda.
(3) KIBs formation steps prepared.
(1) Meeting of general body members conducted and minutes of the meeting got approved.
(2) Discussion with Registrar officer, Trivandrum completed.
(3) Registration procedure under progress.

Report preparation

September Submit proposal for getting G.O for undertaking works without tender procedures. And Get G.O KIBS registartion completed, submitted letter to DMC to take necessary steps. KIBS registartion under society act has been completed . Steps has been taken to undertake kudumbashree FMC projects under KIBS.  
October Renewal of Agreement with kochi metro , with KIBS Submitted application for PAN Card for KIBS    
November Identify work oppurtunities for KIBS , Submit proposals to organisations Submitted Rate proposal and draft agreement to Industries department. Interview of candidates scheduled on 07.12.2021    
December Conduct second executive Committee meeting Agreement with Industries Department submitted.
Governing body meeting Conducted.
Decision to appoint COO for KIBS submitted.
  prepare reports
January Conduct Training for KIBS members Prepared draft note for appointing professional under KIBS.
Draft Note for minister for getting G.O for KIBS
Draft Note for Appointing COO
Preapared draft letter to Social Justice department and Aceware , for providing
staffs through KIBS
  Prepare reports
February Conduct Review of KIBS, complete audit procedures Submitted two proposal for social justice department and medical college pay and park submitted.
Sent mail to COO to provide candidates for Airport authority of India.
Sent letter to COO to provide resumes to Aceware pvt ltd through KIBS.
  Prepare reports
March Conduct General Body meeting of KIBS Conducted Executive Committee meeting. Renewal of contract of Kochi metro project is under progress.    



28. RO Plant
Goal Establish Reverse Osmosis Plant already started functioning in ULB
Project Name Self Employment Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: By identifying the demand of purified driniking water, Kudumbashree has established 11 reverso osmosis plants in identified potential areas across ULBS. This project has become livelihood for 43 Kudumbashree members. By 2021-22. Kudumbashree aims to develop these units to an income generating model, by focussing on promotional activities and also by providing training to unit members.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S ( SMM - CB &T )


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet updated Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month April ( in Rs.)
Payannur - 24368
Kochi - 48650
Kozhikode - 18000
Kasargod - 38000
Thrissur - 39000
Punalur - 4700
May Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet updated Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month May ( in Rs.)
Payannur - 17265
Kochi - 46720
Kozhikode - 82775
Kasargod - 56000
Thrissur - 24900
Punalur - 4000

Trivandrum Corporation - Civil work completed - Application for Electricity connection submitted .
June Discussion with CMMS , Community Origanisers and District Mission Coordinators - where the unit has started operation
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
Done Discussion with CMMUs Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month June ( in Rs.)
Kollam - 116800
Punalur - 43300
Payannur - 15720
Kochi - 63950
Kozhikode - 47000
Kasaragod - 52000
Thrissur - 0

The RO plants functioning at KOLLAM Corp , Kozhikode Corp, Kochi Corp ,Thrissur Corp Malappuram Municipality requires fund/ Grants for expanding the business. - Asked CMMs to discuss with units and submit a detailed project report for allocating ME funds to Units.

The RO plants functioning at Payanoor , Kasargod , Punalur Muncipalities - CMMs informed that have limited scope for expansion. The units members are working properly and making steady revenue .

The RO plant at Trivandrum - Inauguration completed , still some construction work needs to be completed. This is under progress.

submit report

July Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet Updated Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month Julu ( in Rs.)
Kollam - 109440
Punalur - 29800
Payannur - 17260
Kochi - 69750
Kozhikode - 43000
Malappuram - 22800
Kasargod - 42000
Thrissur - 69000

Financial assistance for - RO plants functioning at KOLLAM Corp , Kozhikode Corp, Kochi Corp ,Thrissur Corp Malappuram Municipality - Discussion with unit members are still in progress.

R.O plant functioning at Trivandrum - Construction under progress .
August Visit 3 R.O plants (Kollam, Punalur, Pathanamthitta) already established , verify book of accounts
Discussion with Unit members conduct review , CMM and CO .
Identify the requirement of unit
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month August ( in Rs.)
Kollam - 99195
Punalur - 32600
Payannur - 29980
Kochi - 78300
Kozhikode - 65000
Malappuram - 25875
Kasargod - 52000
Thrissur - 85590
Discussion with unit members with Kollam Corp, Kochi Corp , Thrissur Corp , Malappuram Mun - Discussion with unit members in porgress .
R.O plant at Trivandrum - construction under progress.
spread sheet updation
September Visit 3 R.O plants ( Trivandrum , Kochi , Thrissur ) already established , verify book of accounts
Discussion with Unit members conduct review , CMM and CO .
Identify the requirement of unit
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet (
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month september ( in Rs.)
Kollam - 134400
Punalur - 40500
Payannur -74560
Kochi - 40900
Kozhikode - 64000
Malappuram - 23985
Thrissur - 85410
Guruvayoor - 43800
spread sheet updation
October Visit 4 R.O plants already established ( malappuram , payyanur , Kozhikode , Kasargod) , verify book of accounts
Discussion with Unit members conduct review , CMM and CO .
Identify the requirement of unit
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month september ( in Rs.)
Kollam - 107728
Punalur - 41400
Payannur -22985
Kochi -
Kozhikode - 77000
Malappuram - 230245
Thrissur - 90480
Guruvayoor - 33400
North Paravoor - 32000
spread sheet updation
November Prepartion of training module as per the requirement of unit members
Discussion with Training agencies, finalise the module , finalise dates for conducting training .
Conduct the training - EDP , technical aspects , Book keeping
Provide uniform , ID card , Name board .
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month september (in Rs.)
Kollam - 110448
Punalur - 36300
Payannur -
Kochi -
Kozhikode -
Malappuram - 22815
Thrissur - 34600
Guruvayoor -
North Paravoor -
spread sheet updation
December Discussion with DPM - Marketing , CMM , CO of repective District / ULBS - regarding the promotional activiites for promoting the product.
Identify new clients for promoting the product - CMM and CO
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month December (in Rs.)
Kollam - 281680
Punalur - 38400
Kochi - 99220
Malappuram -29320
Kozhikode -88000
Payyannoor -26795
Kasargod - 21900
Trissur -82410
North Paravoor
Guruvayoor -35050
spread sheet updation
January Unit visit by CMM , CO - verify the book of accounts and take necessary steps as required for improving the sales . Take corrective measures as required .
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month January 2022 ( in Rs.)
Kollam -
Punalur - 47100
Kochi - 96915
Malappuram -50400
Kozhikode -85000
Payyannoor -17830
Kasargod -
Trissur -63150
North Paravoor - 30000
Guruvayoor -35880
spread sheet updation
February Unit visit by CMM , CO - verify the book of accounts and take necessary steps as required for improving the sales . Take corrective measures as required .
Monthly sales updation - MTP - Website / Monitoring table / MIS / Spread sheet
  Income Earned by the R.O units in ULBS for the Month February 2022 ( in Rs.)
Kollam -112128
Punalur - 21580
Kochi - 97040
Malappuram -63560
Kozhikode -60000
Payyannoor -21101
Kasargod -
Trissur -
North Paravoor - 32000
Guruvayoor - 40850
spread sheet updation
March Conduct Audit report      



29. RO Plant Formation
Goal Formation of new 5 reverse Osmosis plant in ULBs
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: Purified drinking water has become a necessity in both rural and urban areas. The demand is increasing day by day and water is supplied by different agencies. But the availability of small plants at local level and supply of water at low cost is not available. Based on the availability of ground water (wells, bore wells and other sources) plants may be set up with varying capacities. . kudumbashree has identified 5 potential locations for establishing Reverse osmosis plant. This project will be implememnted in co-ordination with the concerned Local Self Governments.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S ( SMM - CB &T )


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Discussion with CMMUs regarding the formation of Reverse Osmosis plant in ULBs, Identify suitable locations. Completed Discussed with CMMs  
May Follow up with CMMs and ULBs , for identifying the possible locations Completed R.O plants identified at Varkala , Kottarakkara , North Paravoor , Kochi Corporation got Council Approval.

R.O plant indetified at Kozhikode, require Apporval from Council. Will dicuss with Council and take necessary steps for getting approval.
June Issue of Letters to ULBs for strarting R.O plants in identified locations and make regular follow ups. Done follow up with CMMs in ULBs where R.O plant will start functioning .
- Will form 6 new projects
ULBs ( varkala , kottarakara , Kochi Corporation ) received Council apporval
ULBs ( North Paravoor and Eloor - will complete construction within a month)
Kozhikode Corporation
( Discussion with Corporation is in progress)
spread sheet updation
July Step 1 : Conduct District level meeting
Discussion with Kerala water authority officials - at their respective Districts ( Trivandrum , Kollam , Ernakulam , Kozhikode ), Executuive engineer - KWA , Superintendent- KWA , respective DMCs , CMMs of Varkala , Kottarakara , Eloor , North paravoor , Kozhikode ) , rspective CDS chairperson
Prepare MoU and get it signed with Executive Engineer
Time Frame - 15 days .
Step 2 :
Discussion with Executive Engineer of KWA
- respective CMMs arrange meeting with Assistant executive Engineer at ULBs planned to start R.O plant and get approval
Time Frame - 15 days
Out of the 6 new projects

One new R.O plant will be start function t North Paravoor, by August 3rd week.
R.O plant at North Paravoor - will be inaugurated on 20.08.2021

ULBs ( varkala , kottarakara , Kochi and Kozhikode Corporation ) - Discussion under progress

ULBs ( Eloor - construction in progress)

spread sheet updation

Step -3
Beneficiary Identification
CMMs instruct C.O to Inform the respective CDS to identify the beneficary and get the list
Time Frame : 1 week
Step - 4
(a) estimate for R.O Plant - get it through Assistant Executive Engineer
(b) Allocating Fund for the establishing R.O plant
(1) Allocate Technology Fund - Submit estimate and proposal to DMC
(2) DMC will submit application to State Mission for allocating Technology Fund - 5 Lakhs
(3) Remaining fund need to be allocated through CEF/ Bankloan - step need to be taken by CMM
(c) Test the quality of water - Discussion with Kerala Water Authority Officials
ISI Certificate - ( Time Frame : 2 months)
FSSAI license - Application need to be submitted through Akshaya centre and issue certifcate ( Time Frame : 1 month)

The R.O plant Inauguration postpone to September 2nd week .
The rest 5 R.O plant formation is under porgress
Eloor - The construction is under porgress
Kochi - R.O plant already constructed , waiitng for council apporval
Kottarakara , Kozhikode - Need a letter from State Mission ( already prepared draft letter submitted for approval)
Varkala - location for constructing land identified and got approval from Muncipality. Beneficiary asked time due to COVID situation.

spread sheet updation

September R.O plant at North Paravur inaugurated.  
October   Varkala - place identified and council approved. Due to corona beneficiary is not ready to start (have no ULB fund )
Kottarakara -waiting for DPC approval
Eloor - Machine installation completed
November Step 5 :
Identify Location / Godown for storing the finished product
Purchase bottles using the fund recevied through CEF
( Time Frame 1 week )
Step 6
Provide training for the members identified - through Accredited training agencies / Technical expert / EDP / Book Keeping
Provide Uniform , ID cards , Registers , Name Board , Printed labels
(Time Frame 15 days )
  Varkala - place identified and council approved. Due to corona beneficiary is not ready to start (have no ULB fund ),
Kottarakara - Decsion pending due to non confirmation of emapanelled agency, Kochi Corporation - installed machines had examined by Corporation and KSWDC,and identified somemechanical issues in the plant, the plant will start after the reinstallation, group was identified
Eloor - Machine installation completed ,
Kozhikode Corporation - Discussion with Corporation in progress regarding water source
Thiruvanathapuram Corp - Mannanthala - Machine installation completed, lab setting is in progress
December Step 7 :
Purchase of Vehicle for distribution of bottled water
- CMMs need to discuss with respective ULBs - for purchasing vehicle under women component
- if not possible - Through loan
- Inauguration of R.O Plant
- MTP update the details in MIS / Monitoring Table / Website
( Time Frame 1 month)
  Varkala -place identified and council approved. Due to corona beneficiary is not ready to start (have no ULB fund )
Kottarakara -Decsion pending due to non confirmation of emapanelled agency
Kochi Corporation-installed machines had examined by Corporation and KSWDC,and identified somemechanical issues in the plant, the plant will start atetr the reinstallation, group was identified.
Eloor -Machine installation completed
Kozhikode Corporation-Discussion with Corporation in progress regarding water source
Mannanthala -Machine installation completed , lab setting is in progress
spread sheet updation
January Step - 8
CMMS, CO , DPM - ME , DPM - Marketing - Discussion with beneficiaries and take steps for promotion , publicity
  Varkala - beneficary identifcation in progress
Kottarakara - decsion regarding empanelled agency is under consideration .
Kochi Corporation- awaiting installation process
Eloor -will be inaugurated by Feb month end.
Kozhikode Corporation-Discussion with Corporation is still in progress.
Mannanthala -Machine installation completed , lab setting is in progress
spread sheet updation
February Visit by CMM , CO identify the sales and revenue made by the unit and provide support for promoting the product
Make sure the unit is maintaining book of accounts , attendance
  Varkala - beneficary identifcation in progress

Kottarakara - decsion regarding empanelled agency is under consideration
Kochi Corporation- awaiting installation process

Eloor -will be inaugurated by March

Kozhikode Corporation-Discussion with Corporation is still in progress.

Mannanthala - lab setting is in progress
spread sheet updation
March Provide support for conducting auditing - Discussion with Audit team , and complete auditing procedures   Varkala - beneficary identifcation in progress

Kottarakara - decsion regarding empanelled agency is under consideration
Kochi Corporation- awaiting installation process

Eloor - started functioning

Kozhikode Corporation-Discussion with Corporation is still in progress.

Mannanthala - lab setting is in progress



30. CLC
Goal: To establish CLC in as a one stop centre for providing sustianble income th the service and goods of Urban poor and to make the centers self sustainable
Project Name City Livelihood Center
Brief about Project: City Livelihood Centre is to provide information and service to City dwellers in a structured and organized manner and provide a sustainable income to the service of urban poor. The urban poor who produce marketable goods and services many times are not able to find a viable market as their services are not available in an organised and reliable manner in urban areas. The urban poor also lack information regarding the various opportunities/ benefits available to them they need support services to help them access several opportunities available to them. The CLC would strive to bridge the gap between demand and supply of the goods and services produced by the urban poor.
Start Date 01-06-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 1.08 Cr


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
May 1.Making pre arrangments for Starting Flipkart selling point at Kochi CLC Bank account and Pan card procedure completed 1.Pre arrangments for starting Flipkart selling point at Kochi CLC made. Data sheet of State  
June 1.Register CLC and take bank account,PAN Card and GST registration for all the 12 functional CLCs Bank account opened for 6 CLC 1. 13 CLCs registered and have bank account PAN card and GST registration. ULB wise Data Sheet Delay due to the Lock down.
July 1.Make the CLC of Kollam corporation functional.   1.CLC of Kollam Corporation will be made functional ULB wise Data Sheet Delay due to covid related issues
August 1.CLCs to be made functional - 3nos 3. Flipkart selling points will be started at kochi CLC CLC of Malappuram made functional 1.CLCs of Ottapallam,Thaliparambu and Malappuram made functional . 3.Flipkart selling point will be started at Kochi CLC Proposal for CLC ULB wise Data Sheet  
September 1.Registering atleast five ME Units with the 13 functional CLCs and find viable market for them. 3.Approving proposal for new CLCs in 2 ULBs. 7 CLC has registered 5 ME units with the CLC 1.65 or more ME units will be supported with viable marketing strategies through 13 CLCs. 2.New CLCs approved in 2 ULBs. Proposal for CLC ULB wise Data Sheet  
October 1.Registering five new ME Units with the functional 17 CLCs and find viable market for them. 2.Registering atleast one urban service team,cleaning unit ,arise team or home shop unit with 5 CLC 4.CLCs to be made functional-2 nos 3 CLC registered ME units with CLC 1.150 ME units will be supported with viable marketing strategies through 17 CLCs. 2.5 CLCs will be registered with either urban service team ,Cleaning unit,arise team ar home shop unit ULB wise Data Sheet  
November 1.Register CLC and take bank account,PAN Card and GST registration for all the 4 new functional CLCs. 2. Approving proposal for new CLC in 5 Ulbs. 3.CLCs to be made functional -2 nos One CLC made functional 1. 17 CLCs registered and have bank account PAN card and GST registration. 2.7 new CLCs aproved in ULBs. 3.CLCs of Palakkad & Kozhikode made functional ULB wise Data Sheet. Account ,Pan & GST Number Proposal not yet submitted
December 1.Registering five more ME units with CLCs start functioning this financial year(6 CLC) and find viable market for them. One CLC registered 4 ME 1.180 ME units will be supported with viable marketing strategies through 19 CLCs. ULB wise Data Sheet  
January 1.Registering atleast one urban service team,cleaning unit, arise team or home shop unit with minumum 4 CLCs start functioning this financial year . Nil 1. 9 CLCs will be registered with either urban service team ,Cleaning unit,arise team or home shop unit    
February 1. Approving Proposal for new CLCs in 10 ULBs. 2.Register CLC and take bank account, PAN Card and GST registration for the CLCs of Kozhikode & Palakkad . Nil 1.17 new CLCs approved in ULBs 2.19 CLCs registered and have bank account PAN card and GST registration. ULB wise data sheet Account Pan & GST Number  
March 1. Making the CLC's approved in September functional 2.Registering five more ME Units with the CLCs of Kozhikode and Palakkad and find viable market for them Flipkart centers started in three ULBs 1.21 CLC's made functional 2.180 ME units will be supported with viable marketing strategies through 19 CLC's ULB wise Data Sheet . Account ,Pan & GST Number  



Goal: Ensure the access of the Urban Homeless population to basic infra structure facility by making the approved shelters functional and supporting the functional shelters with O & M cost.
Project Name Shelter for Urban Homeless
Brief about Project: The main objective of Scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) is to provide shelter and all other essential services to the poorest of the poor segment of urban societies. The scheme envisages to ensure availability and access of the urban homeless population to permanent shelters including the basic infrastructure facilities and also to serve the needs of especially vulnerable segments of the urban homeless for a dignified human living. Scheme also ensure there access to social entities and Social assistance program.
Start Date 01-06-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 16.48 Cr


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
June 1.O & M cost for 15 shelters Received request from 6 shelters 1. 15 functional shelters supported with first installment of O & M cost for financial year ULB wise Data Sheet Delay due to the changes in fund release patern
July 1.Identifying shelter inmates of functional Shelters to be entitled with social entities and social assistance program List identified from 6 shelters 1.List of shelter inmates eligible for Social entities and social assistance will be finalised. ULB wise Data Sheet  
August 1. Linking shelters with educational instituions-10 Shelters linking of shelters with educational institutions under process 1. 10 functional Shelters linked with Educational institutions. ULB wise Data Sheet  
September 1.Eligible shelter inmates will be entitled to social entites and social assistance as per their criteria liinking of shelter inmates under social entitiles and social assistance under process 1.All the Shelter inmates will be entitled to eligible social entities and social assistance schemes ULB wise Data Sheet  
October 1.Shelters to be made functional-5 nos. 3.O & M cost for 8 shelters One shelter made functional 1.Shelters of Pernthialmana, kalpetta, Guruvayoor, Paravoor and kollam made functional. 2.23 functional shelters supported with first installment of O & M cost for financial year ULB wise Data Sheet Work on going
November 1.DPR for new shelters to be approved - 4 nos 2.Shelters to be made functional-4 nos 3.Shelter management committee training-5 nos Work of two shelters completed 1.DPR for Shelters at karunagapilly, Kochi,Thrissur will be approved. 2.Shelters of Nedumangad,Punalor ,Piravam,Shornur made functional. 3.Shelter Management Committee training of Trivandrum, Kollam, Kottayam ,Alappuzha,Kochi district completed ULB wise Data Sheet Work on going DPR not submitted
December 1.Shelter management committee training-5 nos 2.O & M cost II installement for 23 shelters and first installement for 7 shelters O&M cost for 4 shelters released 1.Shelter Management Committee training of Kannur, Malappuram, Palakkad, Wayanad, Thrissur completed. 2. 23 functional shelters supported with second installment of O & M cost for the financial year & 7 functional shelters supported with first installement of O & M cost ULB wise Data Sheet  
January NIL   NIL    
February Shelters to be made functional-3 nos Construction of three shelters completed 1.Shelters at Paravur,Palakkad and Thiruvanathapuram made functional ULB wise data sheet  
March Shelters to be completed -2 nos Nil 1.Shelters of Katappana,Malapuram & Pathanamthitta work completed ULB wise Data Sheet  



32. PM SVANidhi
Goal: Support all the interested Urban Street vendors with PM SVANidhi Loan
Project Name PM SVANidhi Sheme
Brief about Project: PM SVANidhi (Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor’s Atma Nirbhar Nidhi) scheme aims to provide working capital to street vendors in the back drop of Covid-19 pandemic to resume their livelihood activities by availing collateral free working capital loans of up to R.s 10,000 for a year. An incentive will be provided as interest subsidy (7%) for regular repayment and a reward will be given for digital transactions.
Start Date 01-06-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget NA


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
June Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi loan - 100 nos 199 loan applications submitted during the period.120 loans sanctioned 100 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
July Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi loan - 200 nos 432 applications logged in during the period.48 loans sanctioned 300 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
August Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi loan - 350 nos 320 apllications logged in and 121 loan sanctioned 650 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
September Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi loan - 639 nos 687 applications logged in and 289 loan sanctioned 1289 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
October Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi - 850 nos 324 applications logged in and 128 loan sanctioned 2139 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
December Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi Loan - 850 nos 468 applications logged in 167 loan sanctioned 2939 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
January Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi Loan - 850 nos 732 applications logged in 324 loan sanctioned 3789 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
February Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi Loan - 750nos 276 applications logged in 168 loan sanctioned 4539 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal
March Street vendors to be supported with PM SVANidhi Loan - 350 nos 175 applications logged in 273 loan sanctioned 4889 vendors will be supported with PM SVANidhi loan ULB wise Data & SVANidhi portal



33.Vending Plan & By law
Goal: By laws and Vending plan of all the 93 ULBs
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors-By laws & Vending Plans
Brief about Project: As per the Street Vendors Act 2014 the local authority may make bye-laws for street vending, this will include vending zone, monthly maintenance charges, regulation of fees in in vending zones, the regulation of the quality of products and services provided and such other matters as may be necessary. Every local authority shall, in consultation with the planning authority and on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee,shall prepare a plan. Vending Plan developed by the Cities with spatial plans conducive and adequate for the prevalent number of street vendors in that city or town and also for the future growth
Start Date 01-06-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 5700000


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
June 1.One day training for prepration of vending plan & byelaws for all managers -2 batches 2. One day training for prepration of Vending plan & bylaws for Corporation /Municipality Secretaries -2 batches Module for training prepared Training for all the City Mission managers and Secretaries of 93 ULBs completed Meeting Minutes Training will be conducted after relaxation on covid protocols
July 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 5ULBs 2.Bye laws prepared and submitted in the council for approval-3 ULBs 6 Ulbs conducted meeting. 2 Ulbs submitted in council. 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 5 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law approved by council of 3 ULBs Meeting Minutes Bye law prepared  
August 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 3 ULBs. 2.Bye laws prepared and submitted in the council for approval-5 ULBs Bye law and vending plan 4 Ulbs 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 8 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law approved by 8 ULBs Meeting Minutes Bye law prepared  
September 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 8 ULBs. 2. Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval-6 ULBs TVc meeting conducted in 22 ULBs for discussing about bye law and vanding plan 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 16 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by 14 ULBs Meeting Minutes Bye law prepared  
October 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 18 ULBs. 2.Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval- 8 ULBs Bye law approved in TVC of 4 ULBs 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 34 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by council of 22 ULBs Bye law prepared  
November 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 16 ULBs. 2.Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval-13 ULBs 3.Vending Plan prepared and submitted to concerned authority - 4 ULBs ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Byelaw and Vending Plan conducted in 14 ULB's. Vending bye law approved in 6 ULBs 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 50 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by council of 35 ULBs. 3.Vending plan prepared and submitted to authority by 4 ULBS Bye law & Vending Plan  
December 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 10 ULBs. 2.Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval-15 ULBs 3.Vending Plan prepared and submitted to concerned authority - 5 ULBs Vending bye law prepared and discuseed in 6 ULBs 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 60 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by council of 50 ULBs. 3.Vending plan prepared and submitted to authority by 9 ULBS Bye law & Vending Plan  
January 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 18 ULBs. 2.Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval-15 ULBs 3.Vending Plan prepared and submitted to concerned authority -4 ULBs   1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 78 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by council of 65 ULBs. 3.Vending plan prepared and submitted to authority by 13 ULBS Bye law &Vending Plan  
February 1.ULB level TVC meeting for discussing Bye law and Vending plan- 15 ULBs. 2.Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval-13 ULBs 3.Vending Plan prepared and submitted to concerned authority -4 ULBs Vending plan prepared in one ULB 1.Bye law and vending plan discussed in TVC of 93 ULBS. 2.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by council of 78 ULBs. 3.Vending plan prepared and submitted to authority by 17 ULBS Bye law & Vending Plan  
March 1.Bye law prepared and submitted in the council for approval-15 ULBs 2.Vending Plan prepared and submitted to concerned authority -3 ULBs Vending byelaw prepared in two ULBs 1.Vending Bye law prepared and approved by council of 93 ULBs. 2.Vending plan prepared and submitted to authority by 20 ULBS Bye law & Vending Plan  



34.Survey ID & CoV
Goal: Complete survey in all ULBs and Support the Street Vendors with ID card and CoV
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors - Survey & Distribution of ID card and CoV
Brief about Project: The Street vendors act envisaged to conduct survey in all the ULBs.themanual survey was completed in all the ULbs during the period 2105-2018.An online survey was planned to identify the new Vendors and to delete the vendors who had stop the vending from the list .The street vendors thus identified will be approved by the Town Vending Committee.The vendors approved will be entitiled with the Vending Certificate & Identity Card by the ULB
Start Date 01-05-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 500000+1501080


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
May Technical bid and Financial bid will be finalised for the Street vendors Survey mobile application Techinical and Financial bid completed technical bid and financial bid finalised and agency selected Bid documents  
June Nil Nil Nil    
July Launching of mobile app and starting of Survey-93 ULBs Survey has been started in 93 ULBs IT based survey tool ready for vending survey Data from the app IT based platform was delayed and survey was started manually
August 1.Completion of whole City survey in 93 ULBs Survey completed in 92 Ulbs 1.Completion of survey in all the 93 ULBs Data from the app  
September 1. Approval of identified street vendors in the TVC- 30 ULBs 2. Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -5 ULBs Street vendors list approved in 10 ULBS. Id card isuued in one ULB 1.Approved list of street vendors in 30 ULBs. 2.Approved street vendors of 5 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards Minutes of TVC ULB wise Data Sheet  
October 1.Approval of identified street vendors in the TVC- 30 ULBs 2, Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -15 ULBs Street Vendors List approved in 8 ULBs Street Vendors of 2 Ulbs supported with CoV and Id card 1.Approved list of street vendors in 60 ULBs. 2.Approved street vendors of 20 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards Minutes of TVC ULB wise Data Sheet  
November 1. Approval of identified street vendors in the TVC- 33 ULBs 2. Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -18 ULBs Street Vendors List approved in 9 ULBs Street Vendors of 4 Ulbs supported with CoV and Id card 1.Approved list of street vendors in 93 ULBs. 2.Approved street vendors of 38 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards Minutes of TVC ULB wise Data Sheet  
December Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -22 ULBs Street Vendors list approved in 8 ULBs Street Vendors of 3 Ulbs supported with CoV and Id card Approved street vendors of 60 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards ULB wise Data Sheet  
January Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -14 ULBs 2 Ulbs supported with CoV and ID card Approved street vendors of 74 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards ULB wise Data Sheet  
February Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -10 ULBs 2 Ulbs supported with CoV and ID card Approved street vendors of 84 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards ULB wise Data Sheet  
March Issue CoV & ID card for identified Street vendors -9 ULBs 3 ULBs supported with CoV and ID card Approved street vendors of 93 ULBs will be supported with CoV and ID cards ULB wise Data Sheet  



Goal: Financial literacy to the Street vendors in all the 93 ULBs
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors -Financial Literacy Camps
Brief about Project: As part of financial inclusion the ULB with the support of City Mission Management unit will organize sessions on financial literacy for identified street vendors with support of resource organisation and field staff. In these sessions the street vendors will be made aware about the savings, credit, insurance etc., along with the modalities and operational requirements for accessing the same.
Start Date 01-07-2021
End date 31-12-2021
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 740000/-


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
August Financial literacy camps conducted -5 nos 5 Finanacial literacy camps completed 5 financial literacy camps conducted for street vendors ULB wise Data Sheet
September Financial literacy camps conducted -38 nos 22 financial literacy camps completed for street vendors regarding digital transactions 43 financial literacy camps conducted for street vendors ULB wise Data Sheet
October Financial literacy camps conducted -40 nos 43 financial literacy camps conducted during the period. 83 financial literacy camps conducted for street vendors ULB wise Data Sheet
November Financial literacy camps conducted -45 nos 38 financial literacy camps conducted during the period 128 financial literacy camps conducted for street vendors ULB wise Data Sheet
December Financial literacy camps conducted -20 nos 6 financial literacy camps conducted 148 financial literacy camps conducted for street vendors ULB wise Data Sheet



Goal: Elected Town vending Committee in all the elected 93 ULBs
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors -Elected TVC
Brief about Project: Constituting Town vending Committee in all the 93 ULBs with due represtation for street vendors .the street vendors representatives will be elected through election process as per the kerala Street vendors Rule 2018
Start Date 01-06-2021
End date 31-03-2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget NA


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
June Council decision and gazatee notification - 5 ULBs Conducting Election - 2 ULBs 3 ulbs taken council decision and given gazatee notification.2 Ulbs decided election date Council decision and gazatee notification completed in 28 ULBs. Election completed in 23 ULB wise Data Sheet
July Council decision and gazatee notification-5 ULBs Conducting Election-5 ULBs Council decision taken in 4 ULBs Election completed in 3 ULBS Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 33 ULBs. Election completed in 28 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
August Council decision and gazatee notification - 4 ULBs Conducting Election-3 ULBs Council decision taken in 3 ULBs Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 37 ULBs. Election completed in 31 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
September Council decision and gazatee notification -8 ULBs Conducting Election-7 ULBs Election completed in 2 ULBs and council decision taken in 4 ULBs Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 45 ULBs. Election completed in 38 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
October Council decision and gazatee notification -12 ULBs Conducting Election-10 ULBs Election completed in 28 ULBs. Gazatee notification in 41 Ulbs Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 57 ULBs. Election completed in 48 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
November Council decision and gazatee notification - 10 ULBs Conducting Election-7 ULBs Election completed in total 29 ULBs. Total 53 Ulbs completed gazatee notification Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 67 ULBs. Election completed in 55 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
December Council decision and gazatee notification -9 ULBs Conducting Election-5 ULBs Total Election completed in 33 ULBs Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 76 ULBs. Election completed in 60 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
January Council decision and gazatee notification -5 ULBs Conducting Election-5 ULBs Total Election completed in 38 ULBs Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 81 ULBs. Election completed in 65 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
February Council decision and gazatee notification- 9 ULBs Conducting Election-10 ULBs Total 68 ULBs completed gazatee notification. Total 42 ULBs completed election Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 90 ULBs. Election completed in 75 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet
March Council decision and gazatee notification- 3 ULBs Conducting Election-5 ULBs Total 70 ULBs completed Gazatee Notification. 52 completed election Council decision and gazatee notification completed in all 90 ULBs. Election completed in 75 ULBs ULB wise Data Sheet



37.Model CDS
Goal: To make self sustainable CDS
Project Name Model CDS
Brief about Project: The project aims to develop self sustainable and independent kudumabshree CDS. Focus will be given to create a positive office atmosphere in first year. Different actvities will be planned and implemented in next 2 years.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team & Nishad, organization Team
Budget 3500000, Plan fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
April Finalise the list of CDS List finalised Selected 15 CDS for Model CDS in first phase List of selected CDS  
May Communication to districts & CMMU Finalised list shared with Districts & ULBs 15 CDS selected and communication given.    
June Issue Circular to Districts Not issued 15 CDS selected for model CDS and waiting for official confirmation from districts   Official communication from district missions not received from all districts. Circular will issue in July
July Module development workshop with the support of oragnization team.
Consultation with other teams and finalise guideline
Not completed.
Discussed with organization team and planned to conduct module development in the month of Aigust.
Prepared letter for district missions and waiting for approval
16 CDS selected so far. No official communication received from 2 districts. It was directed to wait for giving final circular till receive the communication Draft List  
August Issue guidelines and Training for CMMU & CDS Letter given to district mission regarding the model CDS implementation.
Prepared guidelines for physical infra strucrure development.
Module development workshop planned with organization team in sept last week.
Prepared guidelines for physical infra strucrure development.
September Fund Transfer to Districts Fund transfered Fund transferred (2 lakh per CDS, Total 32 Lakhs)    
October Follow up with Districts and CDS 2 Districts are transferred fund to CDS Fund transferred to 14 districts and 2 CDS received infra fund    
November Convergence meeting with other teams        
December Follow up with Districts and CDS        
January Ensure Fund Utilisation and feedback collection        
February Prepare plan of action for next year        
March Nil        



Goal: Poverty allieviation
Project Name Urban Poverty Reduction Plan
Brief about Project: The project aims to prepare a demand plan at city level and integrate the plan with ULB plan. Basic data collection will took place at NHG level and ADS level consolidation will took place accordingly. The data will be verified and consolidated at CDS level and will integrate with ULB plan through evaluation committee.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team & Vipin, Organization team
Budget 1882712 - Plan Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
April Nil NA NA NA  
May Primary discussions and prepare draft format Discussions took place with different teams in kudumbashree and prepare a draft format Prepared draft format for data collection    
June Format Finalisation Completed Format finalised for data collection    
July Prepare training module with consultation of organization team Not completed. Discussed with organization team and planning to condcut the training for both rural & urban Planning to conduct the programme as state wide (rural & urban). Format Sample  
August Issue circular to Districts & formats printing Format finalised. Module development workshop planned with organization team on 14th & 15th of september Module development workshop planned with organization team on 14th & 15th of september    
September Training for CMMU & RP Team
Training for CDS & ADS
Module Development workshop conducted. Primary orientation given to CMMU. Module Development workshop conducted. Primary orientation given to CMMU.    
October NHG Level Data Collection State level & Dist level ToT, Training for ULB are conducted Trainings Completed, Data Collection will be complete in November    
November ADS Level consolidation        
December CDS level consolidation & Integration meetings        
January Follow up with ULBs for ensuring convergence        
February Nil        
March Nil        



39. RF (NHG & ADS)
Goal: Organization stregthening and inclusion
Project Name Social Mobilisation & Institutional Development
Brief about Project: The project aims social mobilisation & organization strengthening. RF will be provided for active NHGs and ADS. Target is RF to 3225 active NHGs and RF to 134 ADS.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team
Budget 38950000, NULM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks if any
April Nil NA NA NA  
May Process RF requests received till month RF applications listed and verified List prepared RO list  
June Distribute RF to ADS Sanctioning order prepared and submitted for approval Amount transfer through PFMS, sanctioning letter will give from state mission    
July Communication to CMMU on mobilising RF for NHGs & ADS ADS RF letter approved.
Communication given to CMMU for planning RF campaign
Planning initiated for conducting RF campaign    
August RF to 225 NHGs RF distributed to 235 NHGs. 235 NHGs supported with RF.
Draft prepared for RF campaign
September Process RF (ADS) requests received till month RF Campaign initiated RF Campaign initiated in all 93 ULBs    
October Distribute RF to ADS RF Campaign conducted and mobilised 1029 NHGs. Total 704 NHGs supported with RF.   ADS RF not initiated due to the change in paisa portal.
November RF to 1500 NHGs        
December Communication to CMMU on mobilising RF for NHGs & ADS        
January Process RF (ADS) requests received till month        
February Distribute RF to ADS
RF to 1500 NHGs
March Prepare Plan for next financial year        





1.Self Employment programme
Goal: Provide self employment and marketing support to their products
Project Name SEP
Brief about Project: The SEP programme is envisaged to provide self employment to urban poor through supporting them to establish Micro Enterprises with subsidised loan facilities under this scheme and facilities to market their products.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM(ME & FI)


2.SEP Individual
Goal: Formation of 1300 new MEs and support them with SEP loans at subidised interest rates.
Project Name Self Employment programme
Brief about Project: Faclitating the formation of 1300 new Individual MEs and support them with intrest subsidy loans. Also facilitate the subsidy distribution through PAiSA portal as well as manual.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


3.SEP Group
Goal: Formation of 200 new MEs and support them with SEP loans at subidised interest rates.
Project Name Self Employment programme
Brief about Project: Faclitating the foramation of 200 newgroup MEs and support them with intrest subsidy loans. Also facilitate the subsidy distribution through PAiSA portal as well as manual.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


4.SEP- ME formation - RF
Goal: Formation of 460 new MEs utilising the RF given to ADS
Project Name Self Employment programme - ME formation utilising the RF given to ADS
Brief about Project: Faclitating the formation of 460 new MEs utilising the funds given to ADS as RF. This is to ensure the effective utilisation of the RF given to ADS. ADS are given with Rs.50000 /- as Revolving Fund under the SMID component of NULM. This amount needs to be utiliased in an effective manner.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


5.SEP- ME formation- CEF
Goal: Formation of new MEs with the fund generated through the amount repaid by agencies who have taken CEF from CDS. If new CEF amount is sanctioned then there will be more new MEs formed out of this amount.
Project Name Self Employment programme - Formation of new MEs utilising the fund repaid by the agencies who have taken CEF from the CDS
Brief about Project: Formation of new MEs with the fund generated from the amount repaid by agencies who have taken CEF from CDS. If new CEF amount is sanctioned then there will be more new MEs formed out of this amount.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


6.SEP- ME formation- Linkage Loan
Goal: Formation of 450 Micro Eterprises with the linkage loan taken by the SHGs
Project Name Self Employment programme - Formation of new MEs utilising the linkage loans taken by the SHGs
Brief about Project: Faclitating the formation of 450 new MEs autiliing the linkage loans taken by the SHGs. As the SHGs are taking linkage loans in the tunes of 10 to 20 lakhs it will be good for the growth of the loacal economy if this amount is being converted in to Micro Enterprises. this will ensure effective utilisation of the linkage loans taken by the SHGs
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


7.SEP - online marketing
Goal: facilitate converting Kochi CLC into Flipkart seller point
Project Name Self Employment programme -Supporting the onine marketing efforts of Kudumbashree through onboarding CLCs in to Flipkart portal
Brief about Project: Faclitating the process of on boarding of Kochi CLC as one of the seller points of Flipkart online marketing portal
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME &FI)


8.SEP - Linkage loan to SHGs
Project Name Self Employment programme - Linkage loan to 3100 SHG and loan subsidy relase throgh PAiSA portal and offline
Brief about Project: newly formed SHGs who crossed 6 months in existance are eligible for receiving linkage loan from banks as per the guidelines of reserve Banak of India. Hence garding actvities will be iniated those SHG s formed and crossed 6 months. The elegible ones after the grading will help obtain linkage loan. also support the SHGs who recieved the linkage loans will be supported with linkage loan subsidy released to the SHgs through PAiSA portal and offline.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sudheer.KB, SMM (ME & FI)


9.Empanelment of new agencies
Goal: To empanel new agencies to provide skilling in new courses
Project Name Employment Through Skill Training and Placement.
Brief about Project: There are 22 Skill Training Providers (STPs) as of now that provides skilling & placement under the EST &P component. The agencies and centres are limited. Only 43 training centres are available and is in 27 ULBs. The objective is to identify 25 new training agencies to provide skilling in new courses and to establish more training centres that will benefit more ULBs.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Priya Paul, SMM, NULM


10.Placement drive for candidates trained under EST &P
Goal: To provide placement to all trained candidates either as wage employment or as self employment.
Project Name Employment Through Skill Training and Placement - Placement drive for candidates trained under EST &P
Brief about Project: There are 1730 certified candidates who got enrolled in 2019-20 & certified in 2020-21 and 2387 candidates(expected to get certification) in the year 2021-22. The objective is to provide placement to 4513 candidates who will complete the course and will be certified by December 2021 either through wage employment or through self employment by making institutional tie ups at local level and by conducting job fairs at district & state level.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Priya Paul, SMM, NULM


11.ESTP - Mobilisation & Enrollment
Goal: Mobilisation, enrollment and commencement of training for the year 2021-22.
Project Name Employment Through Skill Training and Placement.
Brief about Project: The Employment through Skills Training & Placement (EST&P) Component under NULM is designed to provide skills to the unskilled urban poor as well as to upgrade their existing skills. The programme covers youth in the age group of 18-35 years. The objective is to enable the urban poor in setting up self-employment ventures and for salaried jobs in the private sector. The aim is to enroll 5930 candidates in the current financial year.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Priya Paul, SMM, NULM


12.Special Livelihoods programme
Goal: Provide livelihoods to the 1000 urban poor people in the state during 2021-22
Project Name NULM
Brief about Project: The Special Livelihoods programme is envisaged to support urban poor to establish MEs and support them to earn more and grow the enterprises to higher levels. Also support them with online marketing facilities. It will also help to upgrade the sick enterprises and support them with individual professional help. Financial support in the form of special support to market and product improvement will be given. Clustering and bulk production of materials is also listed under this programme.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NULM Team


13.NHG Formation & Revival
Goal: Organization stregthening and inclusion
Project Name Social Mobilisation & Institutional Development
Brief about Project: The project aims social mobilisation & organization strengthening. Focus will be given to formation of new NHGs and revival of exiting NHGs. RF will be provided for active NHGs.
Target is to form 1543 new NHGs, revival of 319 exiting NHGs, RF to 3225 active NHGs and RF to 134 ADS.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team
Budget 47976000, NULM


14.SMID Trainings
Goal: Organization stregthening and capacity building
Project Name Social Mobilisation & Institutional Development
Brief about Project: The project aims capacity building of community structure. Detailed trainings will be given to Resoure Oragnizations and CBO office bearers.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM
Budget 4902000, NULM


Goal: Ensure sustainable income for HKS
Project Name Haritha Karma Sena
Brief about Project: The project aims to ensure sustainable income & positive working atmosphere for Haritha Karma Sena in Urban Areas. New group formation, engage in additional income generation activities, support by saftey measures & insurance etc will be main focus.
Target is to form new 134 HKS groups, formation of 101 green MEs and support to HKS by providing saftey meaures. Should ensure infra structure facilities with convergence of ULB.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team & Renu George, ME Team


16. MIS & SPARK Ranking & PMSVANidhi
Goal: Effective monitoring of the implementation of all components of DAY-NULM
Project Name Manangement Information System of DAY-NULM & PMSVANidhi scheme for monitoring
Brief about Project: 1. Annual Action Plan 2020-21 gives details of physical targets with respect to every aspect of programme implementation. The status of implementation of the major monitoring parameters are captured in the DAY-NULM MIS. Based on the data in the MIS, the Ministry ranks states for the SPARK ranking system.
2. The parameters for SPARK ranking is specific and hence emphasis needs to be given for the same.
3. PMSVANidhi - Prepare analytic reports to monitor the progress in implementation of the PMSVANidhi scheme
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


NULM Monitor the development & implementation of software solutions for the scheme
Goal: Various software needs to be developed for the effective implementation of the scheme.
Project Name Software solutions for DAY-NULM
Brief about Project: 1. Software to conduct online survey of street vendors
2. Software to monitor the progress in implementation of the State Urban Livelihood project
3. Software to facilitate online booking in SHE Lodges
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget Specific for each software development project


Goal: Effective monitoring of the financial transactions through the EAT module of PFMS
Project Name Manangement Information System of DAY-NULM
Brief about Project: The Ministry of housing & urban affairs has kept the usage of the PFMS platform as a mandate for releasing central funds in this financial year. Hence the Expenditure Advance Transfer (EAT) module of PFMS has to be the only manner in which financial transactions are managed both at the state & ULB levels
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S,SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


19.Aadhaar Seeding
Goal: Aadhaar Seeding of all beneficiries under DAY-NULM in the MIS
Project Name Manangement Information System of DAY-NULM
Brief about Project: The Ministry of housing & urban affairs has insisted states for Aadhaar Seeding of all beneficiries under DAY-NULM in the MIS
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


Goal: Get all allocated funds for NULM including additional funds on account of SPARK ranking
Project Name NULM Finance
Brief about Project: Follow up to get all funds allocated for the scheme both from the central & state governments
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Real time
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Meghna S, SMM (MIS&ME)
Budget NA


21.Capacity Buidling & Training
Goal: Provide capacity building trainings for City Mission Management Unit ( CMMU) and other Stake holders of NULM
Project Name Capacity Buidling & Training
Brief about Project: The objective of capacity building & training (CB&T) is to transform the state agancies incharge of urban poverty allevation into providers of highl quality technical assistance in the field of livelihood promotion and urban poverty alleviation and thereby build strong institutional structures at state and city level for the efficient implementation of National Urban livelihood Mission.
For attaining this objective , orientation programs and capacity building training programs will be provided on regular basis to stake holders.
The stake holders of NULM involves (1) State Mission Management Unit ( 10)(2) City Mission Management Unit ( City Mission Managers , Multi task persons, community organisors ( 256) , CDS chairpersons ( 124) , City program Officers (93) , Member secretaries ( 93), ULB chairpersons ( Mayor and Muncipal Chairman) - 93 , Welfare standing committee members (93).
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S


22. She lodge-LSGs
Goal: 2 Establishing 24 She lodges in Convergence with ULBs.
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: To provide safe accomodation for women who needs to travel regularly for education and employment needs , kudumbashree as part of its self employment program will form She lodges cum hostel in 24 potential locations across in convergence with ULBs. This project will become a livelihood oppurtunity for 72 kudumbashree members.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S - SMM - CB&T
Budget SEP loan / CEF ( 2 lakhs per unit )


23.She lodge-CSR
Goal 1 Establishing 10 Shelodges using CSR fund
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: To provide safe accomodation for women who needs to travel regularly for education and employment needs , kudumbashree as part of its self employment program will form She lodges cum hostel in 10 potential locations across ULBs. This project will become a livelihood oppurtunity for 50 kudumbashree members.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S - SMM - CB&T
Budget 10 Lakhs ( one Lakh per ULB)


24.Janakeeya Hotels
Goal Establish 173 Janakeeya Hotels to income generation model
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: As part of Hunger free kerala project by providing budget meal ( at Rs20 per meal ) to public . Kudumbashree has formed 173 janakeeya hotels in urban area, which has created livelihood for 825 kudumbashree members . Kudumbashree aims to establish these hotels to income generating model.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S ( SMM CB&T)


25.Janakeeya Hotels Formation
Goal Formation of 50 Janakeeya Hotels to income generation model
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: As part of Hunger free kerala project by providing budget meal ( at Rs20 per meal ) to public . Kudumbashree plans to form 50 new janakeeya hotels in urban area, which will create livelihood for 250 kudumbashree members .
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishanth G.S ( SMM CB&T)


26.Human Arm
Goal: Establish Human Arm project all across the state
Project Name Self employment Program
Brief about Project: Human Arm is a society under NULM Kudumbashree Mission , that provides livelihood oppurtuniites to urban poor . The aim of this project is to lift up the economically poor by provide job oppurtunities and to furnish their livelihood . It is considered as the best platform for all the urban poor women to enlighten their living standards by achieving the best suitable jobs according to their skills and abilities . Human arm plans to establish their presence all across kerala. As first phase - human arm aims to expand their activiites in Trivandrum , Kochi , Trissur , and Kozhokode.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G..S ( SMM - CB&T)


27.Kudumbashree fmc
Goal: Establish Kochi Metro Project to revenue model
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: Inorder to address the unemployment of women in urban areas and thereby provide job opportunities as per their needs/ requirement kudumbashree facility management centre was formed. This project has created a livelihood oppurtunity for 669 kudumbashree members . By 2021-22, kudumbashree aims to establish Kudumbashree FMC as a revenue generating model.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S ( SMM - CB &T )


28. RO Plant
Goal Establish Reverse Osmosis Plant already started functioning in ULB
Project Name Self Employment Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: By identifying the demand of purified driniking water, Kudumbashree has established 11 reverso osmosis plants in identified potential areas across ULBS. This project has become livelihood for 43 Kudumbashree members. By 2021-22. Kudumbashree aims to develop these units to an income generating model, by focussing on promotional activities and also by providing training to unit members.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S ( SMM - CB &T )


29. RO Plant Formation
Goal Formation of new 5 reverse Osmosis plant in ULBs
Project Name Self Employement Program (SEP)
Brief about Project: Purified drinking water has become a necessity in both rural and urban areas. The demand is increasing day by day and water is supplied by different agencies. But the availability of small plants at local level and supply of water at low cost is not available. Based on the availability of ground water (wells, bore wells and other sources) plants may be set up with varying capacities. . kudumbashree has identified 5 potential locations for establishing Reverse osmosis plant. This project will be implememnted in co-ordination with the concerned Local Self Governments.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination NISHANTH G.S ( SMM - CB &T )


30. CLC
Goal: To establish CLC in as a one stop centre for providing sustianble income th the service and goods of Urban poor and to make the centers self sustainable
Project Name City Livelihood Center
Brief about Project: City Livelihood Centre is to provide information and service to City dwellers in a structured and organized manner and provide a sustainable income to the service of urban poor. The urban poor who produce marketable goods and services many times are not able to find a viable market as their services are not available in an organised and reliable manner in urban areas. The urban poor also lack information regarding the various opportunities/ benefits available to them they need support services to help them access several opportunities available to them. The CLC would strive to bridge the gap between demand and supply of the goods and services produced by the urban poor.
Start Date 6/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 1.08 Cr


Goal: Ensure the access of the Urban Homeless population to basic infra structure facility by making the approved shelters functional and supporting the functional shelters with O & M cost.
Project Name Shelter for Urban Homeless
Brief about Project: The main objective of Scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) is to provide shelter and all other essential services to the poorest of the poor segment of urban societies. The scheme envisages to ensure availability and access of the urban homeless population to permanent shelters including the basic infrastructure facilities and also to serve the needs of especially vulnerable segments of the urban homeless for a dignified human living. Scheme also ensure there access to social entities and Social assistance program.
Start Date 6/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 16.48 Cr


32. PM SVANidhi
Goal: Support all the interested Urban Street vendors with PM SVANidhi Loan
Project Name PM SVANidhi Sheme
Brief about Project: PM SVANidhi (Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor’s Atma Nirbhar Nidhi) scheme aims to provide working capital to street vendors in the back drop of Covid-19 pandemic to resume their livelihood activities by availing collateral free working capital loans of up to R.s 10,000 for a year. An incentive will be provided as interest subsidy (7%) for regular repayment and a reward will be given for digital transactions.
Start Date 4/1/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget NA


33.Vending Plan & By law
Goal: By laws and Vending plan of all the 93 ULBs
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors-By laws & Vending Plans
Brief about Project: As per the Street Vendors Act 2014 the local authority may make bye-laws for street vending, this will include vending zone, monthly maintenance charges, regulation of fees in in vending zones, the regulation of the quality of products and services provided and such other matters as may be necessary. Every local authority shall, in consultation with the planning authority and on the recommendations of the Town Vending Committee,shall prepare a plan. Vending Plan developed by the Cities with spatial plans conducive and adequate for the prevalent number of street vendors in that city or town and also for the future growth
Start Date 4/15/2021
End date 3/31/2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 5700000


34.Survey ID & CoV
Goal: Complete survey in all ULBs and Support the Street Vendors with ID card and CoV
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors - Survey & Distribution of ID card and CoV
Brief about Project: The Street vendors act envisaged to conduct survey in all the ULBs.themanual survey was completed in all the ULbs during the period 2105-2018.An online survey was planned to identify the new Vendors and to delete the vendors who had stop the vending from the list .The street vendors thus identified will be approved by the Town Vending Committee.The vendors approved will be entitiled with the Vending Certificate & Identity Card by the ULB
Start Date 3/1/2021
End date 2/28/2022
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 500000+1501080


Goal: Financial literacy to the Street vendors in all the 93 ULBs
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors -Financial Literacy Camps
Brief about Project: As part of financial inclusion the ULB with the support of City Mission Management unit will organize sessions on financial literacy for identified street vendors with support of resource organisation and field staff. In these sessions the street vendors will be made aware about the savings, credit, insurance etc., along with the modalities and operational requirements for accessing the same.
Start Date 7/1/2021
End date 10/30/2021
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget 740000/-


Goal: Elected Town vending Committee in all the elected 93 ULBs
Project Name Support to Urban Street Vendors -Elected TVC
Brief about Project: Constituting Town vending Committee in all the 93 ULBs with due represtation for street vendors .the street vendors representatives will be elected through election process as per the kerala Street vendors Rule 2018
Start Date 4/1/2021
End date 10/30/2021
Updation Every Month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination SMM (SUSV & SUH)
Budget NA


37.Model CDS
Goal: To make self sustainable CDS
Project Name Model CDS
Brief about Project: The project aims to develop self sustainable and independent kudumabshree CDS. Focus will be given to create a positive office atmosphere in first year. Different actvities will be planned and implemented in next 2 years.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team & Nishad, organization Team
Budget 3500000, Plan fund


Goal: Poverty allieviation
Project Name Urban Poverty Reduction Plan
Brief about Project: The project aims to prepare a demand plan at city level and integrate the plan with ULB plan. Basic data collection will took place at NHG level and ADS level consolidation will took place accordingly. The data will be verified and consolidated at CDS level and will integrate with ULB plan through evaluation committee.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team & Vipin, Organization team
Budget 1882712 - Plan Fund


39. RF (NHG & ADS)
Goal: Organization stregthening and inclusion
Project Name Social Mobilisation & Institutional Development
Brief about Project: The project aims social mobilisation & organization strengthening. RF will be provided for active NHGs and ADS. Target is RF to 3225 active NHGs and RF to 134 ADS.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Beena E, NULM Team
Budget 38950000, NULM





1.Capacity building and Organisation strengthening
Goal Improve the skills and knowledge of Kudumbashree network leaders, CBO office bearers, NHG members, elected representatives, mission staff, line department officials, resource persons, etc. for better social engineering, improve organizational functioning and developmental process through various activities like training, virtual platform, exposure visit, CDS grading, Arnagu, etc...
Project Name Organisation strengthening through various capacity building programme and CBO election
Brief about Project Kudumbashree is engaged in the implementation of various poverty eradication programs, socio-economic, developmental programs of LSGDs and Government departments through the community network, in the context training programme is very important. Totally 15 lakh members will be trained at the end of the year.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget 12.44 crore (NRLM 7.44, PLAN FUND 5.00 CRORE)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

Module development for the trainings of CDS chairpersons sub committee Convenors, Accountant, ADS and NHG leaders and preperation of the action plan.

Due to covid 19 workshop couldn’t conduct which was planned for the newly electing representatives. In convergence with KILA following trainings were given to the Kudumbashree members. 1.IMA training to CDS chairperons.2.Covid training. 3.pre monsoon training  
Jun-21 Bookkeeping training to CDS Accountant in each district Module preperation is completed and after covid 19 this training will conduct.   District wise data sheet
Jul-21 conduct state level TOT [ two RP in 152 block] for CDS sub committee training, ADS and NHG leaders training module preperation is completed and after covid 19 this training will conduct.    
Aug-21 Training to all CDS chairpersons in each district , state level training to all DPMs and BCs. module preperation is completed and after covid 19 this training will conduct.Training to the state,district and block team is planned to conduct in the month of september 2021.   District wise data sheet

Training to all CDS sub committee convenors in each district [ block level]

    District wise data sheet
Oct-21     District wise data sheet
Nov-21 Training to all ADSs and NHGs officebears in each district [CDS level]     District wise data sheet
Dec-21 Training to all CDS chairpersons in each district.[ District wise or regional wise]     District wise data sheet



1(a).Kudumbashree CBO election
Goal To conduct Kudumbashree CBO election effectively and transparently in 2.90 lakh NHGs, 19,456 ADSs and 1064 CDSs.
Project Name CBO election and CBO stregthening
Brief about Project: Bringing transparency and accountability is the most important thing for a community-based organization. Therefore, in order to ensure this, the selection process for electing office bearers at the NHG, ADS and CDS levels needs to be carried out in an effective and transparent manner. This process leads to the development of democratic values ??and capabilities in the society, which will be an asset for the better functioning of the local self-governing bodies. The three-year Kudumbasree general election process will be completed in June and July 2021. The new boards are expected to take office in August 1st 2021.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget Capacity Building fund both NRLM and Plan fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April Submit a proposal to the Government for by-law amendment and election notification completed. Bylaw amended. Election notification has not issued from the government.    
May prepare list of eligible NHGs, selection of preciding officers , It will start once the election notification issued.    
June training to all preciding officers and mission staff , circulate bye law to all CBOs and presiding officers It will start once the election notification issued.    
July election [Oath taking ceremony ] It will start once the election notification issued.    
August Conduct regular Evaluation committee, CDS executive, CDS sub committee and ADS. Inclusion campaign On going    
September conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS ,Inclusion campaign      
October conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
November conduct regular Evaluation committee , CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS ,Inclusion campaighn      
December conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
January conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
February conduct regular Evaluation committee , CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
March conduct regular CDS executive, CDS sub committee and ADS      



1(b).Community Training
Goal To imporve the community orientation and sensitivity toward community for the Kudumbashree mission staffs.
Project Name Capacity building of Mission staff
Brief about Project: The purpose of this training is to visit the community, understand their current situation, and create an accurate understanding of the approach that mission staff should adopt when working in community-based organizations. It also helps to understand the importance of planning according to the needs of the society while planning various projects. The training will be conducted in 90 blocks in 14 districts. Ten to twelve members from each block will participate in the training. Divide into small groups of 3 people and visit 4 CDS under one block. There is no formal framework for the visit, and a field visit is planned in consultation with the CDS
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget Source of fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Training proposal finalization, conduct content development workshop Conducted content development workshop Content Developed Copy of circular
April Conduct TOT training . Prepare training calander Conduct ToT Prepare training calender training Calender
May Conduct two batch communiity oreinted training programme [28 Batch x 40 participants Pending due to covid    
June Conduct a thematic workshop led by each team to prepare a community-based policy note Pending due to covid    
July Nil Pending due to covid    
August Nil Pending due to covid    
September Nil      
October Nil      
November Nil      
December 2nd level Training proposal finalization, conduct content development workshop Conduct content development workshop Content note  
January conduct TOT training . Prepare training calander Conduct ToT prepare training calender training Calender
February condcut two batch communiity oreinted training programme 28 batch training conducted 1120 kudumabshree staff will attend the training 1120 kudumbashree staff understands the needs ad reality of the community they work
March Nil      



1(c). Inclusion and organisation strengthening
Goal: 1.3 Inclusion of new families
Project Name Inclusion and revivel of defunct NHGs
Brief about Project: Inclusion of new families who are not currently members of the NHGs. Through this, it intends to create 7,500 new neighborhoods involving one lakh families.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April pre-election activities No action    
May pre-election activities letter sent to government for the election notification ACS has instructed to revise the election notification  
June Election activities Revised elction guideline as per the instruction from the ACS,letter sent to government for the Bylaw amendment ,Prepared reservation list ,Draft of the Election Rules have been prepared .Pre elction and post election training draft modules have been prepared and finalise in this month .FOrms to print have been given to each districts.    
July Election It will start once the election notification issued.    
August conduct regular Evaluation committee, CDS executive, CDS sub committee and ADS. Inclusion campaighn [ NHG formation] On going    
September conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS ,Inclusion campaighn [NHG formation]      
October conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
November conduct regular Evaluation committee , CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS ,Inclusion campaighn      
December conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
January conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
February conduct regular Evaluation committee , CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      
March conduct regular CDS executive ,CDS sub committee and ADS      



1(d).Capacity building for LSGD elected representatives
GOAL 1.4 Strengthening the capacity of the LSGD elected representatives
Project Name Capacity building for LSGD elected representatives
Brief about Project Convergence with Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) has been one of the central themes within the Kudumbashree idea. Convergence means seamless working together of the Kudumbashree and the PRIs. To enable this integration, LSGD elected representatives need to be trained on all aspects of Kudumbasree, how Kudumbasree works and its approach.. It is intended to train about 20000 LSGD elected representatives
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org team
Budget 12.44 croe NRLM 7.44. PLAN FUND 5.00 CRORE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21 content development training , action plan prepration. Plan will be prepared along with KILA A module about kudumbashree was given duing the induction training of LSGD representatives.  
May-21 content development training , action plan prepration. Plan will be prepared along with KILA    
Jun-21 conduct state level TOT [ two RP in each districts] Plan will be prepared along with KILA   District wise data sheet
Jul-21 District wise one day orientation training to all LSGD chairpersons Gramakam training will conduct in the month of august 2021.    
Aug-21 block wise one day oreintation training to all LSGD members Gramakam training was coducted for DPM,BC,RP.   District wise data sheet
Sep-21       District wise data sheet
Oct-21       District wise data sheet
Nov-21       District wise data sheet
Dec-21       District wise data sheet



1(e).Online training
GOAL 1.5 The aim of this program is to disseminate the entire activities of Kudumbashree through the virtual platform through Kudumbashree's three-tier system.
Project Name Development of online training module and online training
Brief about Project Fifty videos will be produced on a variety of topics, including organizational structure, microfinance, social development, livelihoods, skills,entitlements, and urban development activities.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

Action Plan prepration

Action plan is prepared    
Jun-21 conduct content development workshop[ two RP in each districts] Conducted   District wise data sheet
Jul-21 Video preparation Proposals are submitting from the districts,and a request of revising the rate was submitted.File on process.    
Aug-21 Video preparation Proposals are submitting from the districts,and a request of revising the rate was submitted.File on process.   District wise data sheet
Sep-21 Video promotion via YouTube [Promote 5 videos ]     District wise data sheet
Oct-21 Video promotion via YouTube     District wise data sheet
Nov-21 Video promotion via YouTube     District wise data sheet
Dec-21 Video promotion via YouTube     District wise data sheet
Jan-22 Video promotion via YouTube      
Feb-22 Video promotion via YouTube      



1(f).Exposure visit
Goal: 1.6 The purpose of the Exposure Visit is to learn about the best models and activities within and outside the Kerala and thereby improve the Kudumbhasree system.
Project Name Capacity building of Mission staff
Brief about Project: Exposure visits are a very important training methodology especially in a community-based organization as it enables the participants from a different setting to interact with and learn from each other, allowing them to view practical/real-life situations of successful integration of sustainable practices in the said field
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
August exposure proposal finalization after covid resitrictions lifted    
September exposure visit inside Kerala- 3 batch [      
October exposure visit inside Kerala- 3 batch [      
January exposure vist outside Kerala      



1(g).Arangu 2021-22
GOAL 1.7 The goal of this program is to create an opportunity for NHG members to showcase their innate talents and develop capabilities.
Brief about Project Arang Kalotsavam is a platform for NHG members to showcase their inherent talents. It intends to conduct 1064 CDS level programs, 77 taluk level programs, 14 district level programs, and then state programs.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
Apr-21   NA    
May-21 NA    
Jun-21   NA    
Jul-21   NA    
Aug-21 Understand the Covid pandemic situation and make policy decisions on how to conduct the event. after covid resitrictions lifted   policy note
Oct-21 CDS level ARANGU     District wise data sheet
Nov-21 Taluk level ARANGU     District wise data sheet
Dec-21 District Level ARANGU     District wise data sheet
Feb-22 Sate ARANGU Kaloltsavam      



1(h).Special intervention to strengthen CDS
Organisation Special intervention to strengthen CDS
Goal: 1.8 The objective of this program is to strengthen the Kudumbashree organizational structure by enabling CDS to undertake and implement its own programs.
Project Name Strenthening CDS
Brief about Project: Conduct social, cultural, and public activities every month under the leadership of CDS according to the specifics of particular area. The aim of this activity is to further strengthen the Kudumbhashree CDS.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April , May 2021 Nil NA    
June , july 2021 Content development and vision development workshop for mission staff Draft content devoloped    
Aug-21 CDS level Vision building workshop COVID 2021 Mass training program condcuted. State RP pool, District RP pool, Block RP pool was formed to strengthen the CDS system.  
Sep-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Oct-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Nov-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Dec-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Jan-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Feb-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Mar-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      



1(i)Special intervention to strengthen ADS
Organisation Special intervention to strengthen ADS
Goal: 1.9 The objective of this program is to strengthen the Kudumbashree organizational structure by enabling ADS to undertake and implement its own programs.
Project Name Strengthening ADS
Brief about Project: Conduct social, cultural, and public activities every month under the leadership of ADS according to the specifics of particular area. The aim of this activity is to further strengthen the Kudumbhashree ADS.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund Source of fund NRLM, Own fund , Donation


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April , May 2021 Selection of MNRGS mates About fifty percentage completed    
June , July 2021 Content development and vision development workshop for mission staff Completed    
Aug-21 CDS level Vision building workshop After covid resitrictions lifted    
Sep-21 Special events led by concerned ADS      
Oct-21 Special events led by concerned ADS      
Nov-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Dec-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Jan-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Feb-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Mar-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      



1(j).CDS Grading and Award
Goal: 1.10 It is an initiative that evaluates the activities of the CDS for the financial year 2021-2022 and provides the necessary recognition and encouragement. The aim is to activate all CDSs in Kerala
Project Name CDS Grading.
Brief about Project: The grading format will be prepared with the help of experts with work experience in community-based organizations to evaluate the activities of CDS. All CDSs are divided into different grades based on the marks obtained in this format. Organizes special workshops at the districts and state level to include the best performing CDSs and share their experience. Cash prizes will be given to the best performers at the state, district, and block levels.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April , May 2021 Nil NA    
June , July 2021 Content development and vision development workshop for mission staff Completed    
Aug-21 CDS level Vision building workshop After covid restrictions lifted    
Sep-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Oct-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Nov-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Dec-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Jan-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Feb-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Mar-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      



1(k).National workshop
Goal: 1.11 The workshop aims to create an accurate understanding of the structure and functioning of community-based organizations, the role, and responsibilities of mission staff, and to provide opportunities for experts and community leaders to present their perspectives in this area.
Project Name National workshop
Brief about Project: Two seminars are planned for this year. The seminar will focus on topics that will strengthen the three-tier organizational structure and women empowerment
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April , May 2021 Nil NA    
June , july 2021 Content development and vision development workshop for mission staff after covid resitrictions lifted    
Aug-21 CDS level Vision building workshop after covid resitrictions lifted    
Sep-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Oct-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Nov-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Dec-21 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Jan-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Feb-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      
Mar-22 Special events led by concerned CDS      



2.Model CDS
Goal: 2 The objective of this program is to develop selected CDSs into model CDSs through special interventions like 100% social inclusion, office renovations, CDS owned livelihood, good governance, microfinance, social development, gender-friendly village, etc...
Project Name Comprehensive development of model CDS areas
Brief about Project: Model CDS means that to develop Kudumbashree three tire institutions into community-owned, managed and community-controlled self-reliant, and financially sustainable community institutions. It is planned to develop 152 CDSs into model CDSs within the next three years
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, SPM, Vidhya SAPM
Budget 8.00 crore -NRLM


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April a]Completion of office rennovations [100%] b] conduct state and District level core committee meetting c]block level core committee d] NRLM webupdation Due to covid this objective hasn’t completed 113 out 152 CDS rennovation completed  
May a] conduct communitty oriented training to mission staff , b] conduct book keeping training to MCDS accountant [regional wise] Online Orientation trainng was given.Other trainings will be given after the election    
June selection of Mentors , training module prepration [ vision building, governece , finance mangement and CDS owned buiseness ] Draft proposal    
July CDS election NA    
August MCDSs prepared AAP and annual Financial Projections, Social inclusion, training to all CP, Acc and Sub committee convenors 129 out 152 CDS rennovation completed. Finance managament first module training for 152 CDS completed.    
September Disbursment of VRF to selected ADS, prepare VRP, Training to all VRF received ADSs      
October Promotion of Loan products, Disburse CB fund to ADS      
November conduct special campaighn for promotion of FNHW, Livelihood and social development actvities      
December convergence with Other deparment on the basis of Gramakakm      
March MCDS Grading by external Agency or mission staff      



Goal: 3 To ensure r comprehensive development of coastal community like saturation, health, education, livelihood, adolescence and youth development and capacity building
Project Name Theerashree
Brief about Project: positioning new 15 Coastal volunteers in 2021-22. Special focused activities for comprehensive development of coastal communities like saturation, health, education, livelihood, adolescence and youth development, and capacity building will also be conducted in 2021-22. Providing Revolving Fund to minimum 3000 coastal NHGs at a rate of Rs. 15,000/- as a corpus to meet the member's credit needs directly. An amount of Rs. 5.00 Crore is earmarked for the above-mentioned activities in coastal areas.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Vidya Nair V S
Budget 5.75 crore


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March       Copy of circular
April RF guideline revision, Roll out of AAP, monitoring monthly achievements, Apprisal of Coastal Volunters RF proceddings have been given. Rest tasks are in process   Copy of circular
May Module Preparation Special FLC, Pre election activities, monitoring monthly achievements Not completed due to COVID    
June CBO election activities, monitoring monthly achievements On going    
July CBO election activities, monitoring monthly achievements, ToT for FLC, Disburse RF to 2500 NHGs Completed disbursement of RF    
August Conducting Financial Literacy Campaign in all Coastal NHGs, monitoring monthly achievements. Draft module prepared.    
September Developing Plan for Special Livelihood Campaign, Follow up activities for FLC, monitoring monthly achievements      
October Special Campaign for Promoting Livelyhood activities , Follow up activities for FLC, monitoring monthly achievements      
November Follow up activities for FLC & Livelyhood campaign monitoring monthly achievements      
December Follow up activities for FLC & Livelyhood campaign monitoring monthly achievements      
January Follow up activities for FLC & Livelyhood campaign monitoring monthly achievements      
February Follow up activities for FLC & Livelyhood campaign monitoring monthly achievements      
March Special Coastal Action plan preparation for next FY, monitoring monthly achievements      



4.Special NHGs
Goal: 4 Main streaming and capacity building of special NHGs
Project Name Strengthening of Special NHGs
Brief about Project: Inclusion and strengthening of vulnerable community like the Elderly, PWD, Transgenders, and ensure sustainable livelihood, rehabilitation, and integration into society and their participation in the mainstream developmental process
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation Team
Budget 3.75


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March   NA   Copy of circular
April Policy decision for Elderly NHG Not completed   Copy of circular
May Guideline formation for Vayo club Not completed    
June Monitoring of monthly activities On going    
July Monitoring of monthly activities On going    
August Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities, On going    
September Corpus fund distribution , Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities,      
October Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities,      
November Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities,      
December Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities,      
January Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities,      
February Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities      
March Monitoring of monthly activities , Capacity building activities      



Goal: 5 The aim is to include and implement VPRP projects in the LSGD scheme
Project Name VPRP integration
Brief about Project: The Village Poverty Reduction Plan (VPRP) is a community demand plan prepared by the Kudumbshree three-tire network which can be further integrated into the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). During the financial year 2020-21, the VPRP was prepared in 939 out of 941 Grama Panchayaths and submitted to the Grama Panchayaths.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Orgaisation team
Budget 4.75


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March   NA   Copy of circular
April Take the data of the convergence with LSGD and other departments Completed   Copy of circular
May monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data on going    
June monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data on going    
July monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data on going    
August monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data First level online training completed for next year VPRP    
September monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data      
October monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data      
November monitor the monthly achivements based on the gramakam data      
December Evaluate the achievments from the gramakam program      
January pubish a report of the gramakam implememtation by the each CDS as a campaign      
February follow up of the campaign      
March follow up of the campaign      



6.Connect to work
Goal: 6 The program aims to impart soft skills training to1000 educated youth through 25 connect to work training centers.
Project Name Connect to work
Brief about Project: The aim of this program is to give soft skills for the educated youth to help them to connect to work. This program is conducted through the Kudumbashree CDS system. At present 3293 youth are benefitted from this program.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Orgaisation team
Budget RKDP


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Complete the existing running centres 146 training centres have started and 6 training program has to start   Copy of circular
April listoutbest 25 conect to work training centres in all over kerala based on perfomance criterias completed   Copy of circular
May conduct in these training centres the classes based on the demand Due to covid this task hasn’t completed    
June A placement plan has been prepared jointly with ASAP and maximum placement will given through this drive. A placement plan has been prepared jointly with ASAP and maximum placement will given through this drive.    
July nil      
August Complete the classes in these 25 training centres Cant start the classes due to covid 19. One online placement program was conducted.    
September nil      
October nil      
November nil      
December nil      
January nill      
February nill      
March Nill      



7.KBPS-Text book distribution
Goal: 7 to ensure the distribution of textbook in a timely manner
Project Name KBPS-Text book distribution
Brief about Project: Textbooks for children from Class I to Class XII are printed in Kerala by KBPS, a public sector undertaking company. From the financial year 2020-21, the Government has entrusted Kudumbashree with the responsibility of distributing books from 15 hubs in Kerala to 3200 societies. Through this activity, more than 300 Kudumbashree members can get employment and deliver books to children on time.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org Team
Budget 7 Cr. From KBPS


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details

Selection of supervisors and sorting workers, sorting and distribution of text book - volume 1

Completed   Dist wise data sheet
April Completed   Dist wise data sheet
May Bill settlement of volume 1 Completed   Dist wise data sheet
June Arrangement of volume 11 The timeline is in the month of novemeber   Dist wise data sheet
July sorting and distribution of text book - volume 11 on going   Dist wise data sheet
August sorting and distribution of text book - volume 11 Seventy five percentage complete.   Dist wise data sheet
September Bill settlement of volume 11     Dist wise data sheet
October Arrangement of volume 111     Dist wise data sheet
November sorting and distribution of text book - volume 111     Dist wise data sheet
December Bill settlement of volume 111     Dist wise data sheet
February       Dist wise data sheet



8.Center of Excellence
Goal: 8 To Develop Community Owned training centers
Project Name Center of Excellence
Brief about Project: Capacitating selected CDS [ 7 Centre]to become community-owned training centers which are managed by CDSs
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 56 lakh (Source of fund : NRLM Mcds FUND)


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Nil NA    
April Nil NA    
May Preparation of guidelines Not completed   Copy of guidelines
June Selection of CoE (Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Calicut, Wayanad and Kannur Not completed. Once the covid restriction lift it will conduct.    
July Finalisation of guidelines Not completed.Once the covid restriction lift it will conduct.    
August Conduct TOT, Oreintation training to 7 CDS Not completed. Once the covid restriction lift it will conduct.    
September Establish 7 CoE      
October Start Communiity oriented training      
November one batch Communiity oriented training      
December one batch one Communiity oriented training      
January one batch Communiity oriented training      
February one batch Communiity oriented training      
March one batch Communiity oriented training      



9.Well census
Goal: 9 The purpose of this program is to conduct census of about 60 lakh wells in Kerala under the leadership of Kudumbshree three-tire system
Project Name Ground water well census
Brief about Project: At present pilot well census in 10 wards have conducted. When final approval from the GWD is received further process will start.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget 12 crore from GWD


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March       Copy of circular
April circular,selection of district master trainers,supervisors,enumerators This process is planned to conduct in the month of decemeber as per the demand from GWD   Copy of circular
May training to the district master trainers and enumerators This process is planned to conduct in the month of decemeber as per the demand from GWD    
June training to surveyors and starting of the well census This process is planned to conduct in the month of decemeber as per the demand from GWD    
July first phase payment release and continue well census Rate and MOU discussion going    
August Second phase payment release and continue well census Rate and MOU discussion going    
September third phase payment release and continue well census      
October fourth phase payment release and continue well census      
November complete the well census and finalise the payments      
December close the project      
January nill      
February nill      
March Nill      



10.Special SGD Campaign
Goal: 10 Improving SGD indicators of Kerala through community involment
Project Name Special SGD Campaign
Brief about Project: One of the indicators of the SDG is to end poverty everywhere by 2030. Since Kudumbshree can achieve this goal in Kerala, it is intended to make a special intervention for this.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget CB fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Note given to Smt.Sarada madam (ACS), Program will plan after the discussion with ACS Completed   Copy of circular
April prepae SDG training module No started after the election this program will start   Copy of circular
May finalisation of training Module    
June election    
July orintation to all DPMs and state mission staff    
August trainng to CDS CP, Sub committee and BCs    
September trainng to CDS CP, Sub committee      
October trainng to ADS , CDS Sub committee      
November trainng to ADS , CDS Sub committee      
December impact asesment      
January impact asesment      
February impact asesment      



11.Kudumbashree Magazine
Goal: 11 The magazine is designed to educate NHG members about the sustainable and innovative programs being implemented under the leadership of Kudumbashree.
Project Name Kudumbashree Magazine and Documentation
Brief about Project: It plans to distribute print material to 1064 CDSs and online through more than 3 lakh neighborhood groups.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 2 crore plan fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Covid IEC, online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp This magazine is distributed through online    
April Online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp This magazine is distributed through online   Copy of circular
May online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp This magazine is distributed through online    
June online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp This magazine is distributed through online    
July online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp This magazine is distributed through online    
August online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp This magazine is distributed through online    
September online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      
October online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      
November online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      
December online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      
January online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      
February online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      
March online magazine will be circulated to NHGs,ADS and CDS via WhatsApp      



12.TA for CDS members
Goal: 12 Disburse of Rs.500 / - per month for travel expenses to all CDS members
Project Name TA for CDS members
Brief about Project: 19586 people get its advantage
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 11.02 crore , Plan Fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
April prepae a guidelines draft prepared   Copy of circular
May Note will be given to Governing body for approval, TA will disburse to CDS members after the approval of GB NA    
June   GB agenda is given    
August Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs    
September Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      
October Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      
November Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      
December Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      
January Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      
February Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      
March Disburse the TA to all CDS memebrs      



13.Administrative grant of CDSs
Goal: 13 The aim is to provide administrative grants to all CDSs on the basis of number of wards.
Project Name Administrative grant of CDSs
Brief about Project: To provide Administrative grants to CDSs at a rate of Rs. 4,000, if below 15 wards, Rs. 4,500/- per month, if the number of wards is from 16 to 19; and Rs. 5,000/- per month for those CDSs having more than 20 wards. This fund is for the smooth running of daily activities of CDS including TA, light refreshment, stationery, and phone allowance of CDS chairpersons.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 6.13 crore


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed    
April Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed   Copy of circular
May Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed    
June Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed    
July Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed    
August Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed    
September Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
October Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
November Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
December Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
January Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
February Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
March Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      



14.Honorarium of CDS chairperson
Goal: 14 To provide honorarium of CDS chairperson at a rate of Rs 8,000 per month including festival allowance
Project Name Honorarium of CDS chairperson
Brief about Project: It was announced in the last budget presentation of this government that the honorarium for CDS chairpersons would be increased from Rs 7,000 to Rs 8,000.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 10.21 crore plan fund


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details
March Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed    
April Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely Completed   Copy of circular
May The note will be given to Governing body for approval, increasing amount will disburse to CDS chairpersons after the approval NA    
June Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely GB agenda is given    
July Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely    
August Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely    
September Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
October Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
November Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
December Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
January Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
February Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      
March Ensure the disbursement of fund to community timely      



1.Capacity building and Organisation strengthening
Goal Improve the skills and knowledge of Kudumbashree network leaders, CBO office bearers, NHG members, elected representatives, mission staff, line department officials, resource persons, etc. for better social engineering, improve organizational functioning and developmental process through various activities like training, virtual platform, exposure visit, CDS grading, Arnagu, etc...
Project Name Organisation strengthening through various capacity building programme and CBO election
Brief about Project Kudumbashree is engaged in the implementation of various poverty eradication programs, socio-economic, developmental programs of LSGDs and Government departments through the community network, in the context training programme is very important. Totally 15 lakh members will be trained at the end of the year.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget 12.44 crore (NRLM 7.44, PLAN FUND 5.00 CRORE)


1(a).Kudumbashree CBO election
Goal To conduct Kudumbashree CBO election effectively and transparently in 2.90 lakh NHGs, 19,456 ADSs and 1064 CDSs.
Project Name CBO election and CBO stregthening
Brief about Project: Bringing transparency and accountability is the most important thing for a community-based organization. Therefore, in order to ensure this, the selection process for electing office bearers at the NHG, ADS and CDS levels needs to be carried out in an effective and transparent manner. This process leads to the development of democratic values ??and capabilities in the society, which will be an asset for the better functioning of the local self-governing bodies. The three-year Kudumbasree general election process will be completed in June and July 2021. The new boards are expected to take office in August 1st 2021.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget Capacity Building fund both NRLM and Plan fund


1(b).Community Training
Goal To imporve the community orientation and sensitivity toward community for the Kudumbashree mission staffs.
Project Name Capacity building of Mission staff
Brief about Project: The purpose of this training is to visit the community, understand their current situation, and create an accurate understanding of the approach that mission staff should adopt when working in community-based organizations. It also helps to understand the importance of planning according to the needs of the society while planning various projects. The training will be conducted in 90 blocks in 14 districts. Ten to twelve members from each block will participate in the training. Divide into small groups of 3 people and visit 4 CDS under one block. There is no formal framework for the visit, and a field visit is planned in consultation with the CDS
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget Source of fund


1(c).Inclusion and organisation strengthening
Goal: 1.3 Inclusion of new families
Project Name Inclusion and revivel of defunct NHGs
Brief about Project: Inclusion of new families who are not currently members of the NHGs. Through this, it intends to create 7,500 new neighborhoods involving one lakh families.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget CB fund


1(d).Capacity building for LSGD elected representatives
GOAL 1.4 Strengthening the capacity of the LSGD elected representatives
Project Name Capacity building for LSGD elected representatives
Brief about Project Convergence with Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) has been one of the central themes within the Kudumbashree idea. Convergence means seamless working together of the Kudumbashree and the PRIs. To enable this integration, LSGD elected representatives need to be trained on all aspects of Kudumbasree, how Kudumbasree works and its approach.. It is intended to train about 20000 LSGD elected representatives
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org team
Budget 12.44 crore NRLM 7.44. PLAN FUND 5.00 CRORE


1(e).Online training
GOAL 1.5 The aim of this program is to disseminate the entire activities of Kudumbashree through the virtual platform through Kudumbashree's three-tier system.
Project Name Development of online training module and online training
Brief about Project Fifty videos will be produced on a variety of topics, including organizational structure, microfinance, social development, livelihoods, skills,entitlements, and urban development activities.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org team
Budget CB fund


1(f).Exposure visit
Goal: 1.6 The purpose of the Exposure Visit is to learn about the best models and activities within and outside the Kerala and thereby improve the Kudumbhasree system.
Project Name Capacity building of Mission staff
Brief about Project: Exposure visits are a very important training methodology especially in a community-based organization as it enables the participants from a different setting to interact with and learn from each other, allowing them to view practical/real-life situations of successful integration of sustainable practices in the said field
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


1(g).Arangu 2021-22
GOAL 1.7 The goal of this program is to create an opportunity for NHG members to showcase their innate talents and develop capabilities.
Brief about Project Arang Kalotsavam is a platform for NHG members to showcase their inherent talents. It intends to conduct 1064 CDS level programs, 77 taluk level programs, 14 district level programs, and then state programs.
Starting Date 4/1/2021
Ending Date 2/28/2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org team
Budget CB fund


1(h).Special intervention to strengthen CDS
Organisation Special intervention to strengthen CDS
Goal: 1.8 The objective of this program is to strengthen the Kudumbashree organizational structure by enabling CDS to undertake and implement its own programs.
Project Name Strenthening CDS
Brief about Project: Conduct social, cultural, and public activities every month under the leadership of CDS according to the specifics of particular area. The aim of this activity is to further strengthen the Kudumbhashree CDS.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


1(i).Special intervention to strengthen ADS
Organisation Special intervention to strengthen ADS
Goal: 1.9 The objective of this program is to strengthen the Kudumbashree organizational structure by enabling ADS to undertake and implement its own programs.
Project Name Strengthening ADS
Brief about Project: Conduct social, cultural, and public activities every month under the leadership of ADS according to the specifics of particular area. The aim of this activity is to further strengthen the Kudumbhashree ADS.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund Source of fund NRLM, Own fund, Donation


1(j).CDS Grading and Award
Goal: 1.10 It is an initiative that evaluates the activities of the CDS for the financial year 2021-2022 and provides the necessary recognition and encouragement. The aim is to activate all CDSs in Kerala
Project Name CDS Grading.
Brief about Project: The grading format will be prepared with the help of experts with work experience in community-based organizations to evaluate the activities of CDS. All CDSs are divided into different grades based on the marks obtained in this format. Organizes special workshops at the districts and state level to include the best performing CDSs and share their experience. Cash prizes will be given to the best performers at the state, district, and block levels.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


1(k).National workshop
Goal: 1.11 The workshop aims to create an accurate understanding of the structure and functioning of community-based organizations, the role, and responsibilities of mission staff, and to provide opportunities for experts and community leaders to present their perspectives in this area.
Project Name National workshop
Brief about Project: Two seminars are planned for this year. The seminar will focus on topics that will strengthen the three-tier organizational structure and women empowerment
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, Org Team
Budget CB fund


2.Model CDS
Goal: 2 The objective of this program is to develop selected CDSs into model CDSs through special interventions like 100% social inclusion, office renovations, CDS owned livelihood, good governance, microfinance, social development, gender-friendly village, etc...
Project Name Comprehensive development of model CDS areas
Brief about Project: Model CDS means that to develop Kudumbashree three tire institutions into community-owned, managed and community-controlled self-reliant, and financially sustainable community institutions. It is planned to develop 152 CDSs into model CDSs within the next three years
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Nishad, SPM, Vidhya SAPM
Budget 8.00 crore -NRLM


Goal: 3 To ensure r comprehensive development of coastal community like saturation, health, education, livelihood, adolescence and youth development and capacity building
Project Name Theerashree
Brief about Project: positioning new 15 Coastal volunteers in 2021-22. Special focused activities for comprehensive development of coastal communities like saturation, health, education, livelihood, adolescence and youth development, and capacity building will also be conducted in 2021-22. Providing Revolving Fund to minimum 3000 coastal NHGs at a rate of Rs. 15,000/- as a corpus to meet the member's credit needs directly. An amount of Rs. 5.00 Crore is earmarked for the above-mentioned activities in coastal areas.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Vidya Nair V S
Budget 5.75 crore


4.Special NHGs
Goal: 4 Main streaming and capacity building of special NHGs
Project Name Strengthening of Special NHGs
Brief about Project: Inclusion and strengthening of vulnerable community like the Elderly, PWD, Transgenders, and ensure sustainable livelihood, rehabilitation, and integration into society and their participation in the mainstream developmental process
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation Team
Budget 3.75


Goal: 5 The aim is to include and implement VPRP projects in the LSGD scheme
Project Name VPRP integration
Brief about Project: The Village Poverty Reduction Plan (VPRP) is a community demand plan prepared by the Kudumbshree three-tire network which can be further integrated into the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). During the financial year 2020-21, the VPRP was prepared in 939 out of 941 Grama Panchayaths and submitted to the Grama Panchayaths.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Orgaisation team
Budget 4.75


6.Connect to work
Goal: 6 The program aims to impart soft skills training to1000 educated youth through 25 connect to work training centers.
Project Name Connect to work
Brief about Project: The aim of this program is to give soft skills for the educated youth to help them to connect to work. This program is conducted through the Kudumbashree CDS system. At present 3293 youth are benefitted from this program.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Orgaisation team
Budget RKDP


7.KBPS-Text book distribution
Goal: 7 to ensure the distribution of textbook in a timely manner
Project Name KBPS-Text book distribution
Brief about Project: Textbooks for children from Class I to Class XII are printed in Kerala by KBPS, a public sector undertaking company. From the financial year 2020-21, the Government has entrusted Kudumbashree with the responsibility of distributing books from 15 hubs in Kerala to 3200 societies. Through this activity, more than 300 Kudumbashree members can get employment and deliver books to children on time.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Org Team
Budget 7 Cr. From KBPS


8.Center of Excellence
Goal: 8 To Develop Community Owned training centers
Project Name Center of Excellence
Brief about Project: Capacitating selected CDS [ 7 Centre]to become community-owned training centers which are managed by CDSs
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 56 lakh (Source of fund : NRLM Mcds FUND)


9.Well census
Goal: 9 The purpose of this program is to conduct census of about 60 lakh wells in Kerala under the leadership of Kudumbshree three-tire system
Project Name Ground water well census
Brief about Project: At present pilot well census in 10 wards have conducted. When final approval from the GWD is received further process will start.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 1st of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Organisation team
Budget 12 crore from GWD


10.Special SGD Campaign
Goal: 10 Improving SGD indicators of Kerala through community involment
Project Name Special SGD Campaign
Brief about Project: One of the indicators of the SDG is to end poverty everywhere by 2030. Since Kudumbshree can achieve this goal in Kerala, it is intended to make a special intervention for this.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget CB fund


11.Kudumbashree Magazine
Goal: 11 The magazine is designed to educate NHG members about the sustainable and innovative programs being implemented under the leadership of Kudumbashree.
Project Name Kudumbashree Magazine and Documentation
Brief about Project: It plans to distribute print material to 1064 CDSs and online through more than 3 lakh neighborhood groups.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 2 crore plan fund


12.TA for CDS members
Goal: 12 Disburse of Rs.500 / - per month for travel expenses to all CDS members
Project Name TA for CDS members
Brief about Project: 19586 people get its advantage
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 11.02 crore , Plan Fund


13.Administrative grant of CDSs
Goal: 13 The aim is to provide administrative grants to all CDSs on the basis of number of wards.
Project Name Administrative grant of CDSs
Brief about Project: To provide Administrative grants to CDSs at a rate of Rs. 4,000, if below 15 wards, Rs. 4,500/- per month, if the number of wards is from 16 to 19; and Rs. 5,000/- per month for those CDSs having more than 20 wards. This fund is for the smooth running of daily activities of CDS including TA, light refreshment, stationery, and phone allowance of CDS chairpersons.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 6.13 crore


14.Honorarium of CDS chairperson
Goal: 13 To provide honorarium of CDS chairperson at a rate of Rs 8,000 per month including festival allowance
Project Name Honorarium of CDS chairperson
Brief about Project: It was announced in the last budget presentation of this government that the honorarium for CDS chairpersons would be increased from Rs 7,000 to Rs 8,000.
Start Date 01.03.2021
End date 30.03.2022
Updation 5th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination  
Budget 10.21 crore plan fund






1.BLC Completion of Houses
Goal: Completion of construction of 49,172 DUs approved from 2016-2020 under BLC(N) component
Project Name BLC (N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE
Brief about Project: Accorded sanction for the construction of 1,02,229 DUs from 2016 to 2020 in the BLC(N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE scheme. 77,863 Dus commenced the construction works. Out of this 53,057 DUs completed the construction and 24,806 DUs are in various stages of construction. 24,366 beneficiaries are yet to execute agreement with ULBs due to financial issues, document issues, delay in according building permit etc. It is proposed to commence 24,366 DUs and completion of 49,172 DUs before March 2022
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff. Done Reviewed the implementation and 100 days challenge    
May Issue circular to all ULBs for conducting beneficiary meet
(beneficaries who are in different stages of construction and beneficiaries who have not executed agreement with ULBs)
  Due to Covid , beneficary meet is not possible.    
June One day permit campaigns in all ULBs Due to triple lock down one day permit campaigns were not held in June. Will be held in September after overcoming the pandemic threat. 7843 DUs commenced construction activities(in the months April,May & June)    

Agreement execution of 80 % of all approved beneficaries

86.72 % beneficiaries executed agreement with ULBs      
September Review meeting at ULB level (Charge Districts)        
October Agreement execution of remaining 20 % of approved beneficaries        

Review meetings at ULB level ( Charge Districts)

March Completion of all approved houses        



2.New DPR Approval
Goal: Approval of Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 13000 dwelling units submitted by Urban Local Bodies in October, 2020 and February, 2021
Project Name BLC (N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE
Brief about Project: 93 ULBs submitted Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 13000 DU s in October 2020 and February 2021. The same were placed before the consideration of SLAC held on 22.02.2021 . SLAC reccomended the same for the consideration of SLSMC , subject to verification of financial position of ULBs and field verification.Financial position of ULBs will be analaysed and the same will be placed before the consideration of SLSMC and CSMC .
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.6.2022
Updation Weekly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Analysis of financial position of Urban Local Bodies Financial position of ULBs submitted in October, 2020 analysed.      
April Collection and consolidation of list of non-saterted beneficiaries along with reasons. Completed      
May Data cleaning of ineligible beneficiaries-State level approval Collected List if inelegible beneficireis from CLTC, have issued circular to Municipal Secretaries to obtain councel approval for the same      
May Field verification of list of beneficiaries submitted by ULBs Circular issued to DMCs to conduct Field verification and submit report before 17/06/2021
Circular issued to ULBs to conduct Document verification of LIFE additional List(SC,ST,Fisheries) before 20/06/2021
May Analysis of implementation progress of approved DPRs Progress analysed and found 87,487 started and 57,202 were give the forth installment      
May SLSMC Meeting for the approval of 13000 DUs reccommended by SLAC Postponed to July     SLSMC meeting will be held during 2nd week of July. Note in this regard will be forward by 10.6.2021
June CSMC Meeting for the approval of 13000 DUs recommended by SLAC Verification got delayed due to triple lock down. Verification will be completed by 10th, July. Document verification of SC/ST, fisheries beneficiaries in the additional list provided by LIFE will be complete by 12th, June. Note for convening SLSMC meeting will be forwarded by 12th, July. 90% of field verfication completed. Document verification of SC/ST, fisheries beneficiaries in the additional list provided by LIFE.    
July SLSMC Meeting for the approval of 10644 DUs reccommended by SLAC will be held on 12.08.2021 Verification process completed and ULBwise number of DUs finalised      
August   CSMC held on 16.8.2021 approved the DPRs under BLC(N) for the constuction of 10653 dwelling units.      
September   Direction forwarded to Urban Local Bodies for commencing construction      



3.New DPR commencement
Goal: Grounding and completion of nearly 13000 dwelling units which will be approved by the CSMC in June, 2021.
Project Name BLC (N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE
Brief about Project: 93 ULBs submitted Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 13000 DU s in October 2020 and February 2021. The same were placed before the consideration of SLAC held on 22.02.2021 . SLAC recommended the same for the consideration of SLSMC , subject to verification of financial position of ULBs and field verification. The aforesaid projects will be grounded by August and 50% of the approved units will be completed by June, 2021.
Start Date 1.7.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
July Agreement Execution of all approved Houses        
August Grounding of all approved Houses CSMC held on 16.8.2021 approved the DPRs under BLC(N) for the constuction of 10653 dwelling units. Awaiting minutes of CSMC for commencing construction.      
September Implemention at Field Level Attachment in MIS started      
October Implemention at Field Level Direction forwarded to Urban Local Bodies for commencing construction.      
November Implemention at Field Level        
December Implemention at Field Level        
January Implemention at Field Level        
February Implemention at Field Level        
March Completion of 50% of Approved houses        



4.New DPR Approval 2
Goal: Approval of Detailed Project Reports
Project Name Approval of new DPRs
Brief about Project: Urban Local Bodies are likely to submit another set of Detailed Project Reports by including new beneficiaries. The same will be approved subject to verification of financial position of ULBs.
Start Date 1.4.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
July Issue Circular to ULBs for DPR Submission        
August Analysis of financial position of Urban Local Bodies and field verification        
September SLAC        
October SLSMC        
November CSMC        
December Agreement execution of all approved houses        
January Grounding of all approved houses        
February Implementation at field level        
March Implementation at field level        



Goal: Sanction of 3600 CLSS Loan in the State
Project Name Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
Brief about Project: As part of CLSS component of PMAY(U), interest subvention is provided for the loan availed for construction or purchase of house. 6.5% is the maximum interest subvention. Loan has been released to 20,323 beneficiaries in the state
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Roshni Pillai, SPM, PMAY


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Review of CLSS Progress in the State (CLTC)
Target assigned to each ULB
Initiated Updated the Bankwise and ULBwise progress    
May State Level Workshop of PLIs in the State and review the progress with PLIs and Central Nodal Agencies Data updated. Workshop postponded to August due to covid      
June Execution of Agreement with 3 Banks
Loan melas in ULBS of 3 Southern Districts
Not able to conduct in Covid situation. Discussion held with banks. Agreement execution will be held in 1st week of August.    
July Training programme for Bank Officials on portal updation of CLSS by Central Nodal Agencies File put up for approval.Will be organised on September.      
August Execution of Agreement with 2 Banks
Review of CLSS Progress in the State (CLTC) against the target assigned to each ULB
Start Awareness throgh social Medias
Data updated through spread sheet and SLBC.FB post preapring for awareness and will be posted within one week.      
September Execution of Agreement with 2 Banks
Loan melas in ULBS of 2 Central Districts
October Execution of Agreement with 3 Banks
Loan melas in ULBS of 3 Northern Districts
November Review of CLSS Progress in the State (CLTC) against the target assigned to each ULB        
December Loan melas in ULBS of 2 Southern Districts        
January Loan melas in ULBS of 1 Central Districts        
February Loan melas in ULBS of 3 Northern Districts        
March Review of CLSS Progress in the State (CLTC) against the target assigned to each ULB
Achieved 80 % of target



Goal: To address the housing issues of landless-homeless beneficiaries in urban area by providing flat units (505 units in 7 districts)in convergence with LIFE Mission.
Project Name Affordable Housing in Partnership
Brief about Project: With the objective of providing “Housing for All”, the scheme is converged with LIFE Mission, the comprehensive housing scheme of the Government of Kerala and is implemented as PMAY (U)-LIFE. Kudumbashree, the poverty eradication mission of the Government of Kerala is the state level nodal agency for implementing PMAY (U) scheme in Kerala.AHP project is implemented in the State in convergence with LIFE Mission in the Government/ULB Owned land.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE
Budget 55.55 Crores


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Handing over of 120 Dus in Perinthalmanna Physical completion done.90% of infrastructure works is completed Water and electrical connection works ongoing    
May SLSMC Meeting for approval of 196 units in 4 ULBs to be organised after lifting of election code of conduct. SLSMC Meeting not held works stopped at site due to shortage in fund   SLSMC meeting will be held during 2nd week of July. Note in this regard will be forwarded by 10.6.2021
June CSMC Meeting for approval of 196 AHP units SLSMC Meeting not held     Tendative date scheduled on 1st week of August for SLSMC meeting.
July VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff.
Commencement of 196 Units
The approval of 196 AHP units recommended by SLAC will be accorded in SLSMC Meeting scheduled on 12.08.2021      
August DPR submission for approvalof 309 AHP Units. CSMC held on 16.8.2021 approved the DPRs for the construction of 196 dwelling units under the AHP component.      
September SLAC Meeting for approval of 309 units to be organised. Process not initiated      

1.Completion of 196 flat units.
2.Completion of AHP project in Perinthalmanna.
3. SLSMC & CSMC meetings for approval of 309 AHP Dus.
4.Commencement of 309 Units

Kattappana - Foundation Work started Payyannur, Koothattukulam, Anthoor, Kollam- Not started
AHP at Perinthalmanna 264 units completed . 136 units work under progress
January VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff.
Handing over 196 Dus to the beneficiaries.

Field Visit at AHP sites




Goal: State level project Launching and implementation of atleast 3 ARHCs proposals under Model 2
Project Name Affordable Rental Housing Complexes
Brief about Project: An ambitious scheme of Government of India to provide dignified living with necessary civic amenities to Urban Migrants /poor at affordable rent near their workplace. ARHCs is being implemented through two Models:
Model-1: Utilizing existing Government funded vacant houses to convert into ARHCs through Public Private Partnership or by Public Agencies for a period of 25 years.
Model-2: Construction, Operation and Maintenance of ARHCs by Public/ Private Entities on their own available vacant land for a period of 25 years.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K, UIS, PMAY(U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks

Preparation of Guidelines of ARHCs in Malayalam

Completed. Completed ULB level technical evaluation of proposal for ARHC submitted by BPCL and forwarded to Ministry. Proposal submitted by BPCL for the construction of ARHC forwarded to Ministry after completing technical evaluation at ULB level.    
May Guidelines in Malayalam along with working models will be submitted by second week of June, 2021.     Guidelines in Malayalam along with working models will be submitted by second week of June, 2021.
June Launch workshop and training for elected representatives, ULB officials and CLTC with a model project.
Provide Instructions to constitute a Technical Evaluation Committee(TEC)in ULB level.
Workshop with Mayors, ULB chairpersons will be held in July regarding expediting implementation, convergence and ARHC.      
July Monitoring the ULB level activities in-
Submission of Technical Evaluation report and Score on ARHC website.
To intimate Shortlisted Entities after technical evaluation to submit DPRs for the proposed ARHC to the concerned ULB
Forwarded a reminder to the ULB to give intimation to the Entity ( BPCL, Kochi Refinery) to submit the DPR on ARHC website and physical format to the ULB also at the earliest so that it can be considered in the upcoming SLSMC meeting scheduled on 12.08.2021.      
August Submitting the forwarded recommendations from ULBs(after reviewing and ascertaining all documentary requirements, if the
proposed project is found suitable to the context)
to SLNA for approval by SLSMC and “Listing” as ARHCs.
Provide directions to Concerned ULBs for Submission of Annexure-6 of the user Guide on ARHC MIS software .
BPCL informed that selection of a consortium for DPR preparation is ongoing.      
September Submission of Annexure – 7, 8 and 9 against the received application on ARHC MIS software. Discussion held with Labour Department towards exploring the possibility of convergence.      
October Uploading of signed copy of SLSMC Minutes for all ARHC Listed projects on ARHC MIS software. ARHC scheme was launched at state level by Hon'ble Minister for LSGD. A booklet was released. Regional workshops were held for heads of all urban local bodies. BPCL informed that selection of a consortium for DPR preparation is ongoing.      
November Forward ARHC Non-TIG projects to MoHUA on ARHC MIS software.Forward ARHC projects requiring TIG to BMPTC with SLSMC Minutes for appraisal on ARHC MIS software.        
December Approval in CSMC
A unique project code will be generated through ARHC website. State to notify ULBs for implementation of project.The ULB will provide the commencement certificate to the selected Entity accordingly.
January Implemention at Field Level .        
February Implemention at Field Level .        
March Implemention at Field Level .        



Goal: To ensure smooth flow of funds for the implementation of the project.
Project Name Financial Management
Brief about Project: Total budget allocation for PMAY(U)-LIFE in 2021-22 is Rs.400 Cr. Activities required to ensure smooth flow of funds such as timely submission of UCs, submission of claims, PFMS updation, compliances for HUDCO loan release etc.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination KUMAR K, MFS, PMAY(U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April UC submission of Rs.90 Crore to Ministry
Release of HUDCO loan (Rs.50 Crore) to ULBs
Analysis of financial position of Urban Local Bodies (submitted DPRs for approval)
HUDCO loan released to ULBs.
UC submission process is going on
Analysis will be done after field verification.
HUDCO loan of Rs.50 Crore released to ULBs through KURDFC    
May Ensure timely UC submission of HUDCO loan through software by ULBs
Claim submission for balance amount of HUDCO loan (Rs.50 crore)
The release of fund (Hudco loan) to beneficiaries from ULBs not yet completed, so the uc submission process is going on. Claim for balance amount of loan will be submitted before 15th june.     The activity postponed to June
June Release of balance 50 crore of HUDCO loan to ULBs and co-ordinate UC submission through LIFE-PMAY MIS software.
Release of Central share of Rs.135 from Ministry.
Release of Corresponding State share of Rs.45 crore
> Final instalment of HUDCO loan of Rs.50 Crore will be released after completion of field verification by HUDCO officials.
-Field verification is scheduled from 7th to 16th July 2021.
-HUDCO UC submission process is on going.
- Claim submission alongwith quarterly statement will be submitted before 10th July.
-Final instalment will be released from HUDCO by the end of this month.
> UC of Central share for an amount of Rs.113 crore has been submitted to Ministry.
-Release of Central and state share expected in July
July Claim submission of Ist instalment of newly approved DPR( after attachment of beneficiaries and geotaging of non started stage)
UC submission of 100 crore to Ministry
Fund transfer of Rs. 100 crore to ULBS from SLNA
> SLSMC meeting will be held on 12.08.2021. Claim submission can be given only after SLSMC and CSMC approval.

> UC submission is not possible because the Central Assistance is not received yet

>Central and State share not received
August Fund transfer of Rs. 30 crore to ULBS from SLNA >An amount of Rs.30 crore (part release of final instalment of Rs.50 crore) released from HUDCO to KURDFC.
>Claim submission process through software for the said amount by ULB is going on and will be completed before 15th september.
HUDCO loan of Rs.30 Crore released to KURDFC    
September Release of Central share of Rs.60 crore and corresponding state share of Rs.20 crore
Fund transfer of Rs. 50 crore to ULBS from SLNA
>Awaiting Central and State share.
>HUDCO Loan amount of Rs.18 crore out of Rs.30 crore, released to ULBs.Claiming process of balance amount of Rs.12 crore will be completed before 31st october.
>Provisional UC of Central share Rs.86 crore(amount received in the previous years) has been submitted to Ministry.
October Fund transfer of Rs. 30 crore to ULBS from SLNA        
November Fund transfer of Rs. 30 crore to ULBS from SLNA        
December UC submission of 135 crore to Ministry
Fund transfer of Rs. 20 crore to ULBS from SLNA
January Release of Central share of Rs.90 crore and corresponding state share of Rs.30 crore
Fund transfer of Rs. 40 crore to ULBS from SLNA
February Fund transfer of Rs. 40 crore to ULBS from SLNA        
March Fund transfer of Rs. 40 crore to ULBS from SLNA
UC submission of Rs.60 crore to Ministry



Goal: 100% data entry in all Modules of the MIS in a time bound manner
Project Name PMAY MIS
Brief about Project: The objective of the current financial year is to ensure that all Data compliances are resolved in a timely manner
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Sreejith M.S, MIS Specilaist, PMAY (U)-LIFE
Budget Not Applicable


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Resolve Data Compliance
-Aadhaar validation
-100% attachment of beneficiaries
-Beneficiary Modification
Aadhaar Validation Completed
100% attachment completed
Beneficiary Modification Pending
Beneficiary Modification request to be processed    
May Resolve Data Compliance
-Geotagging of Completed Houses
-Completion Houses Status Update
-Beneficairy Account Frezing - 50%
Revision of 424 Projects in MIS - Curtailment of beneficiaries
Submit UC of all eligible DPRs
Training of eFinance Module and PFMS to all CLTCs and Charge Officers
Completion of Houses - 38 % data entry completed
Beneficiary Account Validation completed - 40%
June Beneficiary Account Freezing - 80%
DPR entry of Newly approved Projects
Partial UC submitted for 113Cr manually
Beneficiary Account Validation completed - 64%
Completion of Houses - 54 % data entry completed
Geotagging of Completed Houses- 83% completed
    Each beneficiary requires different level of checking for the validation and approval . So It's a time consuming process
July Beneficiary Account Freezing - 100%
Geotagging of all beneficiaries in the New DPR
Beneficiary account validation and freezing completed-80% (3458 accounts were freezed)
Approval of completion -100% (more than 30000 approval was done during this period)
Geotagging of completed houses-90%
August Review of all ULBs
Phase 2 data cleaning of all DPR
Beneficiary account validation and freezing completed-90% (2058 accounts were freezed)
Approval of completion -100% (more than 4200 approval was done during this period)
Geotagging of completed houses-95%
Started the data cleaning process of all DPRs and will completed in next month. Revision process started    
September Special Drive to clear MPR related issues and make all DPRs eligible for using IIIrd instament module Involved in the activities related to UC and prepared provisional UC .
Started a drive to complete the attachments of beneficiaries in approved DPRs.
Started another drive to sort out DPR related issues.
1. Provisional UC sent
2. Completed attachment of 210 DPRs.
October AHP and Agglomeration related issues resolve in MIS
- Attachment of beneficiaries
-100% Completion of Geotagging
- MPR and UC upload
November Monthly activities - DBT, MPR, UC, Geotagging Moderation of Final Stage in Bhuvan portal        
December Monthly activities - DBT, MPR, UC, Geotagging Moderation of Final Stage in Bhuvan portal        
January Monthly activities - DBT, MPR, UC, Geotagging Moderation of Final Stage in Bhuvan portal        
February Monthly activities - DBT, MPR, UC, Geotagging Moderation of Final Stage in Bhuvan portal        
March Monthly activities - DBT, MPR, UC, Geotagging Moderation of Final Stage in Bhuvan portal        



10.100 Days Challenge
Goal: PMAY-U Awards 2021: 100 Days Challenge under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) to recognize outstanding performance in implementation of the Scheme by States/UTs/ULBs
Project Name PMAY(U) Award-100 Day challenge
Brief about Project: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has launched PMAY-U Awards 2021: 100 Days Challenge under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) to recognize outstanding performance in implementation of the Scheme by States/UTs/ULBs. It also aims to create healthy competition among them and enthuse for rapid progress to achieve the goal of Housing for All within stipulated timeframe. The Award has primary focus on 100 Days Challenge where States/UTs/ULBs are expected to show their performance on pre-defined indicators within the period of 100 days, beginning from 8th March- 20'h June, 2021.The evaluation will be based on progress submitted in MPR by the States/UTs in PMAY-MIS, except for parameter C (Outreach & Transparency).
Start Date 08.03.2021
End date 20.06.2021
Updation Weekly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY (U)-LIFE SLTC Team


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Inimation to ULB secrataries along with the SOP received from Ministry
D.O Letter to Mayor/Chairpersons of all ULBs along with SOP in Malayalam.
VC with ULB Secreataries and PMAY CLTC for dissemination of awards.
Completed. Issued DO letter along with SOP in Malayalam to Mayors/ Municipal Chairpersons. Conducted VC with ULB secretaries. Disseminated the criteria to Urban Local Bodies.    
May District level review meeting
#To ensure all data compliances pertaining to PMAY-MIS
# Identification of cities/towns which can potentially be declared as ‘HFA Achieved’
# Ensuring geo-tagging of all houses,
#Identify cities/towns where 100% grounding

Drive to submit pending Utilization Certificates Documentation of the community level case studies and the success stories of beneficiaries and uploaded the same on PMAY-U Awards Module
ULB level review meeting conducted      
June Collection of entries from ULBs for beneficiary level and ULB level awards. Shortlisting at state level. Documentation for state level and special category awards and forwarding the same to Ministry. MoHUA has revised the 100 days challenge to 21st June -30th of September, 2021. Detailed circular regarding specific task/ initiatives in view of the revised timeline will be issued by 9th June. Beneficiary attachment with Aadhaar=1338
Aadhaar mismatch corrected=695
Aadhaar replication corrected=168
Updation in MIS ,
Plinth level=3857
Lintel level=958
Roof level=8557
Houses completed=37802
July Speed up the data compilation and complete the data entry in MIS Houses newly Gio-tagged=268
Houses Geo-tagged with Completed Stage=64
Approval of completion in the MIS=30560
Beneficiary,s account verified =3458
Beneficiaries attached in MIS=284
Beneficiary attachment with Aadhaar=284
August Speed up the data compilation and complete the data entry in MIS Houses newly Gio-tagged=302
Houses Geo-tagged with Completed Stage=154
Approval of completion in the MIS=4200
Beneficiary,s account verified =2058
Beneficiaries attached in MIS=302
Beneficiary attachment with Aadhaar=302
September   Houses newly Gio-tagged=400
Houses Geo-tagged with Completed Stage=315
Approval of completion in the MIS=3230
Beneficiary,s account verified =1007
Beneficiaries attached in MIS=400
Beneficiary attachment with Aadhaar=400
October Date extended to 19th of November, 2021        



Goal: Completion of field visit of 177 projects and report submission to Ministry as per agreement between Kudumbashree and TPQM agency (SGS India Private Ltd)
Project Name Third Party Quality Monitoring (TPQM)
Brief about Project: AS per PMAY guidelines kudumbashree had executed agreement with SGS India private Ltd - the TPQM Agency to ensure quality of construction of houses under PMAY Scheme. The agency is engaged to undertake 3 phase fiels visits for ascertaining quality of construction at various stages.The agency had conducted the first and second phase field visits in all 93 ULBs and and the reports submitted based on that. Action Taken Reports for the first phase has been submitted to Ministry.Action Taken Reports for the second phase is waiting for the approval of SLSMC. Third phase field visits is under progress and completed 91 projects out of 177 projects.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.09.2021
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April UC submission ( first installment of second phase and second installment of first phase) to Ministry ( 51.87 lakhs)

Claiming of second installment of second phase
UC preparation and claiming of 2nd instalment is under progress and will be forwarded to the Ministry in 1 week.      
May Uploading of Action Taken Report in UC submission module of Ministry ATR will be upload in the after SLSMC approval      

Restart the third Phase filed visit by the Agency.
Receive the second installment of second phase and will utilise the same.

UC preparation and claiming of 2nd instalment is under progress and will be forwarded to the Ministry by 10 th of July 2021 Signed and scanned copy of ATR submitted to Ministry.   ATR to be approved and uploaded in MIS after the SLSMC meeting scheduled during the 1st week of August.
July Field Visit by the Agency

UC submission of second installment of second phase
-Field visits by the agency to be restarted by August end after the payment clearance of their pending invoice bills.
-UC preparation and claiming of 2nd instalment is under progress and will be forwarded to the Ministry by the end of August 2019.
August Report submission of 177 (174 PMAY Projects+ 3 RAY projects) projects by the agency

Consolidate ULB wise report and forward the same to ULBs for submission of ATR
ATRs of Urban Local Bodies based on the observations of TPQMA agency approved in the State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee Meeting.      
September Submission of ATR for the approval of SLAC and SLSMC        
October Submission of ATR to Ministry
Renewal of Contract with the Agency/initiate bidding process for the selection of new agency
ATR submitted to Ministry. Renewal of Contract with the project not initiated .      



12.NULM ESTP Convergence
Goal: To provide enhanced income to all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiary families within March, 2022 through wage employment or self employment
Brief about Project: To provide enhanced income to all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiary families within March, 2022 through wage emplyoment or self employment. A need assessment was conducted among 45000 beneficiary families in November, 2019. As per the need assessment, 12300 members of PMAY families require skill training. Skill training and placement will be provided to the identified beneficiaries. Apart from these, data base updation will be conducted along with a detailed livelihood profile of PMAY beneficiaries. Based on the same better employment/ entrepreneurial opportunities will be provided to all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFEfamilies through wage employment or self employment. In addition to these, policy level interventions will be taken to provide commercial license to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries, who are willing to take up economic activities in the new house or premises, making use of the provision mentioned in Chapter-IV, Group A1,Kerala Municipal Building Rule,2019. A declaration of "Job/ enterprises for all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE families" is proposed in March, 2021. This will be integrated under the new livelihood plan.
Start Date 15.05.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana, SPM, PMAY(U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
May , June Preparation of livelihood profile of PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiary families and updation of database of beneficiary families who are in need of better employment/ entrepreneurial opportunities.
Data base will be prepared/updated based on the following parameter- No:of family members in the employable age group, Education, age, skills ,self employment-interested sector, entrepreneurial training, resources mapping.
Livelihood profile of new beneficiaries will be collected during agreement execution itself. Online screening and registration of identifed beneficiaries in the need assessment held in 2019.
Updation of livelihood profile postponed to July, 2021     Presently, PMAY(U) team is engaged in field verification and MIS updation. Hence, updation of livelihood profile will be conducted in July, 2021
July Based on the need assessment, beneficiaries will be categorized into 2-those wo require wage employment and self employment. List will be handed over to NULM Team. Updation of livelihood profile postponed to September, 2021 due to DPR preparation   List of beneficiaries interested for self employment/ wage employment  
August Screening, linkages, registration and orientation of newly identified beneficiaries for EST &P. Skill training and placement to already approved beneficairies.
General orientation , Skill training and entrepreneurial training to SEP beneficiaries
Direction given to identify thebeneficiaries who require skill training from the DPRs approved in August, 2021. Data base updation finalization is done by NULM team.   Attendance sheet  
September Commercial license to PMAY(U) houses to take up economic activities such as beauty parlour, petty shops and workshopsin the roof top or premises of new house. Policy level interventions will be taken to provide commercial license to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries, who are willing to take up economic activities in the new house or premises, making use of the provision mentioned in Chapter-IV, Group A1,Kerala Municipal Building Rule,2019. List of PMAY beneficiaries handed over to NULM team. Orientation and screening ongoing      
October Subsidy, Linkages, setting up of indiviadual or group enterprises.Enrollment of new beneficiaries. Placement of old beneficiaries     Attendance sheet.  
January Placement in terms of wage employment. Setting up of enterprises and handholding interms of self employment.     Offer letter  
February Placement in terms of wage employment. Setting up of enterprises and handholding interms of self employment.     Offer letter  
March Declaration of " Better employment/ entrepreneurail opportunities for all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiary families" at ULB level and state level by March, 2022.     ULB wise list of beneficiaries who have given new job/ enterprises.  



13.PMAY (U) - AUEGS Convergence
Goal: Beneficaries of PMAY (U) -LIFE will get additional assistance of Rs.26,190 for house constrution through Convergence of PMAY with Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS)
Project Name Convergence of PMAY with Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme
Scheme (AUEGS)
Brief about Project: The approved beneficiaries will get Rs.4 lakh for construction of new house under PMAY (Urban). (Rs.1.5 lakh from Govt. of India, 0.50 lakh from Govt.of Kerala and remaining 2 lakhs from concerned ULBs.). But it is not enough to construct a new home. So Efforts are initiated at the state level to promote convergence between PMAY and Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS), a scheme implemented by Govt. of Kerala similar to MGREGA.This will eventually lead the beneficiary to receive about an additional amount of Rs.26190 (Rs. 291 for 90 wage days).As on date we are able to avail 34,91,425 mandays for 47,625 beneficaries and able to mobilise 42 Crore as additional assistance for PMAY (U) - LIFE beneficiaries for their house construction
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Roshni Pillai, SPM, PMAY(U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Review of AUEGS Progress in the State ( CLTC) in the state Reviewed and updated the progress In the new DPR sanctioned in Auguest 2020 , 8040 beneficiaries executed agreement with ULB, out of this 5631 (70%) beneficiaries availed job card.    
May Regional Meeting for poor performing ULBs with AUEGS staff in the ULB with the help of Urban Directorate Meeting postponed to August 2021      
June Completion of distribution of job card to all approved beneficaries Draft Capacity Building Plan forwarded for approval.Based on the discussion held with IIHS, it has been intimated the the training will be held in September after overcoming the pandemic threat      
July Field Visit to poor performing ULBs in the Northern Region List of poor performing ULBs were collected and field visit will be conducted in September      
August Field Visit to poor performing ULBs in the Central Region Field visit will be conducted in September      
September Field Visit to poor performing ULBs in the Southern Region        
October Ensure all beneficaries who got jobcards will get Persondays ( beneficaries approved before 2020 March)        
November Ensure all beneficiaries who got mandays will avail 50% of their committed wages        
December Review of AUEGS Progress in the State ( CLTC) in collaboration with Urban Directorate        
January Avail 100% Job card to newly approved beneficaries        
February Ensure minimum 50 Persondays to beneficaries approved before 2020 March        
March Moibise 70 Crore as additional assisatnce to PMAY Beneficaries        



14.ULB convergence
Goal: To converge with funds of Urban Local Bodies to provide additional assistance to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries.
Project Name Convergence with ULB funds for providing additional support to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries.
Brief about Project: Apart from provinding ULB share of Rs.2 lakhs/ beneficiary, Urban local bodies have earmarked fund to provide support to PMAY beneficiaries to improve their living environment in the previous years. The additional assistance ranges from the provision of land to PMAY beneficiaries to provision of bio bins for waste management. Some Urban Local Bodies have collected a corpus fund for providing gap funding to PMAY benficiaries, whereas some others have provided solar lamps to all PMAY beneficiaries. In the current financial year, it is proposed to make maximum convergence with ULB funds to provide additional support to PMAY beneficiaries.
Start Date 1.5.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
May Documentation of ULB level convergences till date along with models for replication. 10 ULB level convergence initatives identified and data collected. 2 best practices documented. 10 ULB convergence models such as Alakkukuzhi Rehabilitaion Model in Kollam,Vennalappara Model in Kochi, CSR convergence in Maradu, Plant nursery in Kodungallor, Resource pooling (Bhavana Nidhi) in Kodungallor, pipe compost units in Ponnani Municipality identified and details collected. 3 best practices documented and the remaining are being documented.    
June DO letter ato Chairpersons of ULBs requesting convergence with ULB funds along with the document of major convergences made so far.Announcement of awards for best convergence models File put up allong with the major convergence initiatives. An online workshop will be held in July with Mayors/ Chairpersons to explore the possibilities of convergence with ULB.      
July VC with secretaries for exploring the scope of convergence. Workshop for exploring the scope of convergence is scheduled during first week of September.Note to provide a convenient date to conduct a workshop to Mayors/Municipal Chairpersons forwarded to Hon. Minister      
August Follow up and documentation. Logistic arrangements for conducting the workshop such as finalization of venue for Mayor/ Chairpersons workhop initiated      
September Follow up and documentation.        
October Follow up and documentation. Workshop for ULB heads held. Scope of convergence with ULB funds explained.      
November Follow up and documentation.        
December Follow up and documentation.        
January Follow up and documentation.        
February Follow up and documentation.        
March Documentation of best models of convergence with ULB funds. Recognition to best models of convergence.        



15.CB plan
Goal: To enhance the capacities of various stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of the project. To ensure project sustainability and creation of replicable models.
Project Name Capacity Building
Brief about Project: HR and Capacity Building Activities are proposed to enhance the capacities of various stakeholders to ensure successful and time bound implementation of the project and to ensure project sustainability.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
May Workshop to ULB chairpersons on ARHCs and strategy for landless. Workshop on ARHC will held in June, 2021     Workshop on ARHCs will be held in June, 2021.
June 3rd module training to ULB secretaries at IIHS, Bengaluru Job cards distributed to 8576 beneficiaries out of 13646. 75 crore committed as additional assistance to PMAY beneficiaries. 45 crore already distributed. Remaining amount released to Urban Local Bodies.    
July Management Development Training to PMAY SLTC and CLTC team Note to provide a convenient date to conduct a workshop to Mayors/Municipal Chairpersons forwarded to Hon. Minister      
August Workshop to ULB secretaries on expediting implementation. Logistic arrangements for conducting the workshop such as finalization of venue for Mayor/ Chairpersons workhop initiated.Preparation of a booklet on ARHC initiated.      
September Distribution of cash awards to best performing ULBs in the implementation of PMAY(U)- implementation, convergence, innovative practices and CSR initiatives. Rewards will be given to best performing ULBs. "Awas par Samvad" workshop on social mobilization held in association with Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.      
October   Workshops for Mayors/ Municipal Chairpersons held. State level workshop was inauguarted by Hon'ble Minister for LSGD. Booklet on ARHC released. Scope of convergence with ULB funds expalined to heads of urban local bodies.      



Goal: Awareness creation and social behavioral change among various stakeholders.
Project Name IEC activities
Brief about Project: IEC activities that aim at social behavioral change and dissemination of project information to various stakeholders are proposed. An amount of Rs.70 lakhs is proposed for IEC activities.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Sanction was accorded to appoint 4 phd interns for a period of 2 months in PMAY(U)-LIFE through the internship programme of NRO. Transfer of funds and requirements to NRO Detailed note given to NRO. Proceedings put up for approval. Detailed note forwarded to NRO. First roud of discussion held with CEO, NRO.    
May Inviting EoI for conducting impact assessment study of PMAY (Urban)-LIFE in the quality of life of beneficiaries. Broadcasting testimonial audio spots of beneficiaries in FM stations after lifting of Model Code of Conduct. Appointment and orientation to interns. Testimonial videos broaodcasted. Detailed note and proposal forwarded to NRO for appointment of interns. Testimonial videos broadcasted in 7 FM stations from 11th to 18th, May    
June Placement of interns Finalization of agency and awarding of work for conducting impact assessment Selection process initiated by NRO. Interns will be placed by August.EoI will be floated by 15th, July.      
July Placement of interns. Induction training on research methodology to the in-house team. Interns will be placed by August.      
August Publication of reports of interns in journals of National and International repute. Finalization of topics, research framework It has been informed from NRO that interns will be placed by 15.9.2021      
September Data collection, ensuring data quality and accuracy.        
October Finalization and presentation of report Preparation of content for leaflet on financial literacy. NRO has identified 2 PG scholars. They will be placed by 1.11.2021      
March Distribution of cash awards to best performing ULBs in the implementation of PMAY(U)- implementation, convergence, innovative practices and CSR initiatives. Rewards will be given to best performing ULBs.        



17.Photo Documentation
Goal: Photo Documentation of all completed houses
Project Name PMAY (U) -LIFE Photo Documentation
Brief about Project: It has been decided to document all the completed houses constructed under PMAY (U) -LIFE scheme and upload the same in the Kudumbashree Website
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Roshni Pillai, SPM, PMAY


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Preparation of proposal Draft prepared File along with proposal will put up for approval before 15th of May    
May Invite EoI for photo Documentation Circular Issued      
June Selection of Agency Not started.File under processing. Cost for photo documentation proposed in the Annual Capacity Building Plan.    
July Issue work order to agency and circular to ULBs Not started.File under processing.      
August Documentation at ULB level Not started.File under processing.      
September Upload photos in Kudumbashree website        
October Documentation at ULB level        
November Upload photos in Kudumbashree website        
December Nil        
January Nil        
February Nil        
March Nil        



18.Financial literacy
Goal: To conduct a financial literacy campaign for PMAY(U)-lLIFE beneficiaries.
Project Name Financial Literacy
Brief about Project: Financial literacy campaign is proposed to capacitate PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries on financial management. Most of the beneficiaries do not have proper awareness on financial management. They have availed loan from banks or private money lendors for mobilizing gap fund for the construction of houses.
Start Date 1.4.2021
End date 31.3.2021
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M, SPM, PMAY (U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
May Printing of leaflet and posters on financial literacy. Content being finalized. Will be distributed by last week of June, 2021 Financial literacy materials based on the themes 1. Household financial management 2. Availing loan at low interest rates 3. Repayement strategy 4. Health insurance for family 5. Sources of additional income 6. Saving habits   Content being prepared. Will be distributed by 20.6.2021. Postponed to June, 2021
June Production of animation video on management of personal and household finances. Dissemination of IEC materials through whatsapp groups. Content of leaflet put up for approval. Agency for production of animation video will be selected from PRD empanelled agencies.      
July ToT for district level resource team conducting financial literacyWard level awareness classes, Flash mobs and street plays VC conducted to CLTC Team      
August Ward level awareness classes, Flash mobs and street plays Detailed circular for conducting financial literacy campain will be issued by 20.8.2021      
September Documentation and sharing of best practices        
October Assessing the impact of campaign in the financial management of beneficiaries.        



19.Support vulnerable beneficiaries
Goal: To provide support to Urban Local Bodies to meet the housing demand of vulnerable category of homeless.
Project Name Support to Urban Local Bodies for meeting the share of vulnerable beneficiaries under PMAY(U)-LIFE.
Brief about Project: Many Urban Local Bodies are not in a position to meet the housing demand of eligible beneficiaries owing to their poor financial position. SLAC meeting of PMAY(U)-LIFE held on 22.2.2021 entrusted State Level Nodal Agency to identify the vulnerable category among eligible beneficiaries and classify them into categories such as SC, ST , fisheries and women headed families and take necessary interventions to allocate money from other sources such as LIFE Mission or line departments.It is proposed to provide additional financial assistance to ULBs to meet the ULB share of vulnerable beneficiaries
Start Date 1.4.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Collection of list of vunerable category of homeless whose housing demands could not be met due to the poor financial position of urban local bodies. List of vulnerable category of homeless will be categorized into SC, ST, Women headed and fisheries. List collected from 2 ULBs and handed over to LIFE Mission. Being collected from other ULBs. List of vulnerable beneficiaries collected from Malappuaram and Mananthavady Municipalities and the same has been forwarded to LIFE Mission. List of vulnerable beneficiaries from other ULBs being collected    
May Forwarding the list to LIFE Mission and line departments requesting to provide assistance for meeting the share of vulnerable beneficiaries.       List of vulnerable beneficiaries from Malappuram and Mananthavady Municipalities forwarded to LIFE Mission. List from other ULBs being collected. Will be forwarded in June.
June Meeting with heads of LIFE Mission and allied departments. Letter forwarded to Urban Local Bodies for forwading the list of vulnerable beneficiaries. List will be shared with concerned departments on receipt of the same.      
July Making necessary policy level interventions and directions to Urban Local Bodies. Proposal for including vulnerable beneficiaries in the Life list are presently under the considerarion of SLSMC scheduled on 12.08.2021      
August Submission of DPRs by incorporating the demands of vulnerable beneficiaries from Urban Local Bodies. Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 2513 vulnerable beneficiraies from SC/ ST and fisheries categories from the additional list approved by LIFE Mission were approved by the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee of PMAY on 16.8.2021.      



Goal: Completion of construction of 900 Dus approved under Rajiv Awas Yojana scheme
Project Name Rajiv Awas Yojana
Brief about Project: Scheme is being implemented in 5 Corporation namely Trivandrum,Kollam,Kochi,Thrissur and Kozhikode.
Status in brief:
1.Trivandrum–Housing and Infrastructure-4 phases include 1032 Dus .
1st phase-222 units-completed and handed over to 190 beneficiaries.
2nd phase-320 units-80% construction work is over for 260 units and commenced the works of 60 units.
3rd phase-326 units-not started-beneficiary list needs to be finalised and tender to be invited
4th phase-164 units- Land acquisition from Harbour Dept is pending.
2.Kochi–Housing and Infrastructure- 755 Dus –includes individual houses, row houses,upgradations,G+2, G+11twin block units and infrastructure
85 units has been completed and occupied. 202 dwelling units are under construction. GF roof slab of 1st G+11 tower completed, G+2 -completed and occupied and roof level of individual and row houses has been completed.
3.Kollam- Housing and Infrastructure- 195 Dus –includes individual houses, G+1,G+2, G+3 G+5,upgradations and infrastructure
Works of 62 units has been completed and 48 units are under work progress
4.Thrissur- New house,renovation and Infrastructure-45 DUs
Completed 6 new houses and 12 renovation works.
Got approval for beneficiary change and infrastructure change.
Individual house,G+1,upgradation and Infrastructure-41 Dus –
Completed 6 upgradation works
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE


Month Action Plan Actual Achievement Summary of outcome Data sheet for details Remarks
April Structure work upto 3rd floor-Tower1 in Kochi Corporation.
Completion of 320 units in phase-2 of TVM corporation.
Structure work of Tower1 upto 3rd floor is completed in Kochi Corporation. Physical completion of 320 DUs -phase2-is finished in TVM Corporation Plumbing,electrical,inside fittings and painting works (inside&outside) pending in TVM Corporation due to unavailability of local labourers.Initiated the foundation works of 14 sheds(out of total 39 sheds)    
May Review meetings at ULB level (ULB Incharges). Completion of 48 housing units in Kollam Corporation. Online review meeting scheduled on second week of June.Physical Completion of 48 DUs done. Electrical works of 48 units partially done by the civil contractor and the rest to be tendered after the evaluation of the works completed so far by chief engineer of Kollam Corporation .Site for the proposed STP is to be identified    
June VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff. Meeting with CSML and ensure Commencement of Tower2 in Kochi Corporation . Meeting with TVM Secretary for discussion on commencement of phase -3. Ensure Handing over of 48 units in Kollam corporation 1)TVM-Communicated with Corporation Secretary for discussion on commencement of phase-3.
2)Kochi-In 1st G+11 tower,G+4th floor concreting works completed .Column concreting and roof shuttering works of G+5th floor started .
For 2nd G+11 tower.applied for building permit by CSML.
3)Kollam-Valuation of electrical works completed so far to be finished before July 9th and council decision to be taken for tendering before submitting to CE.
4)Kozhikode- Re-tendered the revision appovals of infra components and works awarded .Works of 4 Individual houses in progress.
5)Thrissur-7 New house started construction.Upgradation-19 started and released 3rd insalment for 11 and second instalment for 8.TS not yet received for infra components after revision.
TVM-Key Handing over 0f 320 DUs in phase-2 in the month of July.
Discussions going on regarding the commencement of Phase-3 commencement as the beneficiaries need more time.
Kochi-Meeting chaired by hon.Mayor held on 5th july for engineers to discuss the offset issue in 2nd G+13 tower.Land not handed over by Corporation to CSML.Applied for fire/CRZ Clearance NOCs.
Kollam-Nearby lorry stand(site identified for mobility hub) proposed for STP( technical feasibility need to be confirmed).
July Meeting with Kochi Secretary for discussion on implementation progress. Commencement of 85 Dus in Kollam Corporation. Kochi-
-Shuttering works of G+5th floor roof is in progress for Tower 1 and as per schedule the structure completion of this floor is scheduled on August 5th.
-Sump construction started for G+5
-Need assessment done for the remaining 85 beneficiaries.Technical feasibility has to be confirmed.
-Valuation done for the electrical works executed by the civil contractor.Process has been initiated for ratification from government.
August Completion of housing components in Thrissur and Kozhikode Corporations. Review meeting with Corporations scheduled before 10.9.2021 to review progress of RAY imlementation      
September VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff.
Phase-3 completion of Foundation works in Tvm corporation.
Decision to be taken on attaining land from Harbour Dept. and commencing the works of phase-4/accommodating those beneficiaries in other phases. Completion of Foundation of 85 units in Kollam Corporation.
TVM- 320 DUs in phase-2 - key Handed over to Corporation
Discussions going on regarding the commencement of Phase-3.
October Structure work upto 7th floor Tower1 in Kochi Corporation.
Foundation works commenced in tower2 -Kochi.
November Completion of Housing components as per revision in Thrissur and Kozhikode Corporations .        
December VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff.
Structure works to be commenced in GF- Tower2 Kochi by CSML.
January Completion of infrastructure components in Thrissur and Kozhikode Corporations.        
February Completion of 85 Dus in Kollam Corporation.
Structure work of 5 floors in Tower-2 Kochi Corporation by CSML.
March VC/Review meeting of CLTC staff.
Completion of Phase-3(326 Dus) in TVM Corporation.
Structure work upto 12th floor in Tower-1 Kochi Corporation



1.BLC Completion of Houses
Goal: Completion of construction of 49,172 DUs approved from 2016-2020 under BLC(N) component
Project Name BLC (N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE
Brief about Project: Accorded sanction for the construction of 1,02,229 DUs from 2016 to 2020 in the BLC(N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE scheme. 77,863 Dus commenced the construction works. Out of this 53,057 DUs completed the construction and 24,806 DUs are in various stages of construction. 24,366 beneficiaries are yet to execute agreement with ULBs due to financial issues, document issues, delay in according building permit etc. It is proposed to commence 24,366 DUs and completion of 49,172 DUs before March 2022
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


2.New DPR Approval
Goal: Approval of Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 13000 dwelling units submitted by Urban Local Bodies in October, 2020 and February, 2021
Project Name BLC (N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE
Brief about Project: 93 ULBs submitted Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 13000 DU s in October 2020 and February 2021. The same were placed before the consideration of SLAC held on 22.02.2021 . SLAC reccomended the same for the consideration of SLSMC , subject to verification of financial position of ULBs and field verification.Financial position of ULBs will be analaysed and the same will be placed before the consideration of SLSMC and CSMC .
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 30.6.2022
Updation Weekly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


3.New DPR commencement
Goal: Grounding and completion of nearly 13000 dwelling units which will be approved by the CSMC in June, 2021.
Project Name BLC (N) component of PMAY(U)-LIFE
Brief about Project: 93 ULBs submitted Detailed Project Reports for the construction of 13000 DU s in October 2020 and February 2021. The same were placed before the consideration of SLAC held on 22.02.2021 . SLAC recommended the same for the consideration of SLSMC , subject to verification of financial position of ULBs and field verification. The aforesaid projects will be grounded by August and 50% of the approved units will be completed by June, 2021.
Start Date 1.7.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


4.New DPR Approval 2
Goal: Approval of Detailed Project Reports
Project Name Approval of new DPRs
Brief about Project: Urban Local Bodies are likely to submit another set of Detailed Project Reports by including new beneficiaries. The same will be approved subject to verification of financial position of ULBs.
Start Date 1.4.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY(U)-LIFE SLTC


Goal: Sanction of 3600 CLSS Loan in the State
Project Name Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
Brief about Project: As part of CLSS component of PMAY(U), interest subvention is provided for the loan availed for construction or purchase of house. 6.5% is the maximum interest subvention. Loan has been released to 20,323 beneficiaries in the state
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Roshni Pillai, SPM, PMAY


Goal: To address the housing issues of landless-homeless beneficiaries in urban area by providing flat units (505 units in 7 districts)in convergence with LIFE Mission.
Project Name Affordable Housing in Partnership
Brief about Project: With the objective of providing “Housing for All”, the scheme is converged with LIFE Mission, the comprehensive housing scheme of the Government of Kerala and is implemented as PMAY (U)-LIFE. Kudumbashree, the poverty eradication mission of the Government of Kerala is the state level nodal agency for implementing PMAY (U) scheme in Kerala.AHP project is implemented in the State in convergence with LIFE Mission in the Government/ULB Owned land.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE
Budget 55.55 Crores


Goal: State level project Launching and implementation of atleast 3 ARHCs proposals under Model 2
Project Name Affordable Rental Housing Complexes
Brief about Project: An ambitious scheme of Government of India to provide dignified living with necessary civic amenities to Urban Migrants /poor at affordable rent near their workplace. ARHCs is being implemented through two Models:
Model-1: Utilizing existing Government funded vacant houses to convert into ARHCs through Public Private Partnership or by Public Agencies for a period of 25 years.
Model-2: Construction, Operation and Maintenance of ARHCs by Public/ Private Entities on their own available vacant land for a period of 25 years.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE


Goal: To ensure smooth flow of funds for the implementation of the project.
Project Name Financial Management
Brief about Project: Total budget allocation for PMAY(U)-LIFE in 2021-22 is Rs.400 Cr. Activities required to ensure smooth flow of funds such as timely submission of UCs, submission of claims, PFMS updation, compliances for HUDCO loan release etc.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination KUMAR K, MFS, PMAY(U)-LIFE


Goal: 100% data entry in all Modules of the MIS in a time bound manner
Project Name PMAY MIS
Brief about Project: The objective of the current financial year is to ensure that all Data compliances are resolved in a timely manner
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation Nil
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Surabhi S, MIS Specilaist, PMAY (U)-LIFE
Budget Not Applicable


10.100 Days Challenge
Goal: PMAY-U Awards 2021: 100 Days Challenge under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) to recognize outstanding performance in implementation of the Scheme by States/UTs/ULBs
Project Name PMAY(U) Award-100 Day challenge
Brief about Project: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has launched PMAY-U Awards 2021: 100 Days Challenge under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY-U) to recognize outstanding performance in implementation of the Scheme by States/UTs/ULBs. It also aims to create healthy competition among them and enthuse for rapid progress to achieve the goal of Housing for All within stipulated timeframe. The Award has primary focus on 100 Days Challenge where States/UTs/ULBs are expected to show their performance on pre-defined indicators within the period of 100 days, beginning from 8th March- 20'h June, 2021.The evaluation will be based on progress submitted in MPR by the States/UTs in PMAY-MIS, except for parameter C (Outreach & Transparency).
Start Date 08.03.2021
End date 20.06.2021
Updation Weekly
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination PMAY (U)-LIFE SLTC Team


Goal: Completion of field visit of 177 projects and report submission to Ministry as per agreement between Kudumbashree and TPQM agency (SGS India Private Ltd)
Project Name Third Party Quality Monitoring (TPQM)
Brief about Project: AS per PMAY guidelines kudumbashree had executed agreement with SGS India private Ltd - the TPQM Agency to ensure quality of construction of houses under PMAY Scheme. The agency is engaged to undertake 3 phase fiels visits for ascertaining quality of construction at various stages.The agency had conducted the first and second phase field visits in all 93 ULBs and and the reports submitted based on that. Action Taken Reports for the first phase has been submitted to Ministry.Action Taken Reports for the second phase is waiting for the approval of SLSMC. Third phase field visits is under progress and completed 91 projects out of 177 projects.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 28.09.2021
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE


12.NULM ESTP Convergence
Goal: To provide enhanced income to all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiary families within March, 2022 through wage employment or self employment
Brief about Project: To provide enhanced income to all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiary families within March, 2022 through wage emplyoment or self employment. A need assessment was conducted among 45000 beneficiary families in November, 2019. As per the need assessment, 12300 members of PMAY families require skill training. Skill training and placement will be provided to the identified beneficiaries. Apart from these, data base updation will be conducted along with a detailed livelihood profile of PMAY beneficiaries. Based on the same better employment/ entrepreneurial opportunities will be provided to all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFEfamilies through wage employment or self employment. In addition to these, policy level interventions will be taken to provide commercial license to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries, who are willing to take up economic activities in the new house or premises, making use of the provision mentioned in Chapter-IV, Group A1,Kerala Municipal Building Rule,2019. A declaration of "Job/ enterprises for all eligible PMAY(U)-LIFE families" is proposed in March, 2021. This will be integrated under the new livelihood plan.
Start Date 15.05.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana, SPM, PMAY(U)-LIFE


13.PMAY (U) - AUEGS Convergence
Goal: Beneficaries of PMAY (U) -LIFE will get additional assistance of Rs.26,190 for house constrution through Convergence of PMAY with Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS)
Project Name Convergence of PMAY with Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme
Scheme (AUEGS)
Brief about Project: The approved beneficiaries will get Rs.4 lakh for construction of new house under PMAY (Urban). (Rs.1.5 lakh from Govt. of India, 0.50 lakh from Govt.of Kerala and remaining 2 lakhs from concerned ULBs.). But it is not enough to construct a new home. So Efforts are initiated at the state level to promote convergence between PMAY and Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS), a scheme implemented by Govt. of Kerala similar to MGREGA.This will eventually lead the beneficiary to receive about an additional amount of Rs.26190 (Rs. 291 for 90 wage days).As on date we are able to avail 34,91,425 mandays for 47,625 beneficaries and able to mobilise 42 Crore as additional assistance for PMAY (U) - LIFE beneficiaries for their house construction
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Roshni Pillai, SPM, PMAY(U)-LIFE


14.ULB convergence
Goal: To converge with funds of Urban Local Bodies to provide additional assistance to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries.
Project Name Convergence with ULB funds for providing additional support to PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries.
Brief about Project: Apart from provinding ULB share of Rs.2 lakhs/ beneficiary, Urban local bodies have earmarked fund to provide support to PMAY beneficiaries to improve their living environment in the previous years. The additional assistance ranges from the provision of land to PMAY beneficiaries to provision of bio bins for waste management. Some Urban Local Bodies have collected a corpus fund for providing gap funding to PMAY benficiaries, whereas some others have provided solar lamps to all PMAY beneficiaries. In the current financial year, it is proposed to make maximum convergence with ULB funds to provide additional support to PMAY beneficiaries.
Start Date 1.5.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


15.CB plan
Goal: To enhance the capacities of various stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of the project. To ensure project sustainability and creation of replicable models.
Project Name Capacity Building
Brief about Project: HR and Capacity Building Activities are proposed to enhance the capacities of various stakeholders to ensure successful and time bound implementation of the project and to ensure project sustainability.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


Goal: Awareness creation and social behavioral change among various stakeholders.
Project Name IEC activities
Brief about Project: IEC activities that aim at social behavioral change and dissemination of project information to various stakeholders are proposed. An amount of Rs.70 lakhs is proposed for IEC activities.
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


17.Photo Documentation
Goal: Photo Documentation of all completed houses
Project Name PMAY (U) -LIFE Photo Documentation
Brief about Project: It has been decided to document all the completed houses constructed under PMAY (U) -LIFE scheme and upload the same in the Kudumbashree Website
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Roshni Pillai, SPM, PMAY


18.Financial literacy
Goal: To conduct a financial literacy campaign for PMAY(U)-lLIFE beneficiaries.
Project Name Financial Literacy
Brief about Project: Financial literacy campaign is proposed to capacitate PMAY(U)-LIFE beneficiaries on financial management. Most of the beneficiaries do not have proper awareness on financial management. They have availed loan from banks or private money lendors for mobilizing gap fund for the construction of houses.
Start Date 1.4.2021
End date 31.3.2021
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M, SPM, PMAY (U)-LIFE


19.Support vulnerable beneficiaries
Goal: To provide support to Urban Local Bodies to meet the housing demand of vulnerable category of homeless.
Project Name Support to Urban Local Bodies for meeting the share of vulnerable beneficiaries under PMAY(U)-LIFE.
Brief about Project: Many Urban Local Bodies are not in a position to meet the housing demand of eligible beneficiaries owing to their poor financial position. SLAC meeting of PMAY(U)-LIFE held on 22.2.2021 entrusted State Level Nodal Agency to identify the vulnerable category among eligible beneficiaries and classify them into categories such as SC, ST , fisheries and women headed families and take necessary interventions to allocate money from other sources such as LIFE Mission or line departments.It is proposed to provide additional financial assistance to ULBs to meet the ULB share of vulnerable beneficiaries
Start Date 1.4.2021
End date 31.3.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Bhavana M


Goal: Completion of construction of 900 Dus approved under Rajiv Awas Yojana scheme
Project Name Rajiv Awas Yojana
Brief about Project: Scheme is being implemented in 5 Corporation namely Trivandrum,Kollam,Kochi,Thrissur and Kozhikode.
Status in brief:
1.Trivandrum–Housing and Infrastructure-4 phases include 1032 Dus .
1st phase-222 units-completed and handed over to 190 beneficiaries.
2nd phase-320 units-80% construction work is over for 260 units and commenced the works of 60 units.
3rd phase-326 units-not started-beneficiary list needs to be finalised and tender to be invited
4th phase-164 units- Land acquisition from Harbour Dept is pending.
2.Kochi–Housing and Infrastructure- 755 Dus –includes individual houses, row houses,upgradations,G+2, G+11twin block units and infrastructure
85 units has been completed and occupied. 202 dwelling units are under construction. GF roof slab of 1st G+11 tower completed, G+2 -completed and occupied and roof level of individual and row houses has been completed.
3.Kollam- Housing and Infrastructure- 195 Dus –includes individual houses, G+1,G+2, G+3 G+5,upgradations and infrastructure
Works of 62 units has been completed and 48 units are under work progress
4.Thrissur- New house,renovation and Infrastructure-45 DUs
Completed 6 new houses and 12 renovation works.
Got approval for beneficiary change and infrastructure change.
Individual house,G+1,upgradation and Infrastructure-41 Dus –
Completed 6 upgradation works
Start Date 01.04.2021
End date 31.03.2022
Updation 10th of Every month
Responsible for strategy, Monitoring & co ordination Prathibha K,UIS,PMAY(U)-LIFE