Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)
Financial summary


NRLM Mission Statement

To eradicate absolute poverty through concerted community action under the leadership of local governments, by facilitating organization of the poor for combining self-help with demand-led convergence of available services and resources to tackle, holistically,the multiple dimensions and manifestations of poverty.


The Mission is built on the fundamental values of:

  • Social Justice and equity
  • Citizenship
  • Freedom and entitlements
  • Transparency


Areas of intervention

  • Universal Social Mobilization
  • Credit & Financial Inclusion
  • Livelihood and Market Linkages
  • Skill Training for Enhancing Employability


    Allocation Fund Release Utilization
Sl No. Financial year Central State Central State Central State
1 2015-16 849.05 566.03 621.44 545.65 802.21 534.8
2 2016-17 688 460 163.75 1482.83 1074.22 716.15
3 2017-18 5400 3600 1804.87 601.63 1920.6 1280.4
National Rural Livelihood Mission - District wise Fund Allocation 2017-18
Theme ORGANISATION SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  MICRO FINANCE Micro Enterprises / Business Development/Community Enterprises Fund Admin BMMU Cost Allocation Vs Expenditure
DISTRICT Kudumbashree School Strengthening of coastal NHGs Capacity Building of Mission Elderly Special Project District wise total (Org) Tribal special interventions  Handholding support/CRP for tribal areas Gender Sensetisation & Capacity building Counselling & Psycho Social support Vigilant group formation Attapady District wise total (SD) Revolving Fund (RF) Vulnerability Reduction Fund (VRF)  Financial literacy campaign Bank Managers Training Interest subvention Transaction based MIS District wise total (MF) Skill Training Development of Women Product Line / Market linkages Capacitation of MECs Community Enterprise Fund Promotion of MCP-based lending Market fairs District wise total (ME & Marketing) SMMU Costs Block Management Costs DMMU Costs Total District Allocation EXPENDITURE
Thiruvananthapuram                     1,890,600                          4,950,000 0 0                        6,840,600 0 700000 0 500000 25000 0 1225000 15975000 3990000 251814 0 0 7723348 27940162 2052632 0 0 19000000 0 0 21052632 0 2400000 3100000 61408205 26285328
Kollam                     2,381,400                          2,190,000 0 0                        4,571,400 0 390000 0 500000 25000 0 915000 13635000 3405000 219360 0 0 6947554 24206914 2223684 0 0 15500000 0 0 17723684 0 2600000 3100000 53185170 25409440
Pathanamthitta                     1,167,600                                      -   0 0                        1,167,600 0 390000 0 500000 25000 0 915000 5490000 1365000 90182 0 0 3988366 10933548 1539474 0 0 9500000 0 0 11039474 0 1800000 3100000 29513289 13501478
Alappuzha                     2,386,800                          7,665,000 0 0                      10,051,800 0 0 0 500000 25000 0 525000 10695000 2670000 180016 0 0 6573159 20118175 2052632 0 0 13500000 0 0 15552632 0 2400000 3100000 51536366 18814550
Kottayam                     1,166,400                                      -   0 0                        1,166,400 0 520000 0 500000 25000 0 1045000 8220000 2055000 210588 0 0 5626855 16112443 1881579 0 0 19000000 0 0 20881579 0 2200000 3100000 42358255 24246519
Idukki                     1,994,400                                      -   0 0                        1,994,400 0 1000000 0 500000 25000 0 1525000 7050000 1770000 138037 0 0 4546033 13504070 1368421 0 0 12000000 0 0 13368421 0 1600000 3100000 37493412 17470618
Ernakulam                     1,912,200                          8,010,000 0 0                        9,922,200 0 270000 0 500000 25000 0 795000 13320000 3330000 93453 0 0 7015726 23759179 2565789 0 0 5000000 0 0 7565789 0 3000000 3100000 46813297 18029208
Thrissur                     2,228,400                          1,545,000 0 0                        3,773,400 0 390000 0 500000 25000 0 915000 13140000 3285000 224368 0 0 7753955 24403323 2736842 0 0 21500000 0 0 24236842 0 3200000 3100000 59539640 28009831
Palakkad                     3,054,000                                      -   0 0                        3,054,000 0 700000 0 500000 25000 0 1225000 11340000 2835000 145536 0 0 7439453 21759989 2223684 0 0 20500000 0 0 22723684 0 2600000 3100000 55294556 30347031
Malappuram                     2,348,400                             990,000 0 0                        3,338,400 13000000 700000 0 500000 25000 0 14225000 13560000 3390000 203003 0 0 8271336 25424339 2394737 0 0 17000000 0 0 19394737 0 2800000 3100000 67450593 27282099
Kozhikode                     1,335,600                          1,815,000 0 0                        3,150,600 0 700000 0 500000 25000 0 1225000 15390000 3855000 368370 0 0 7665030 27278400 2052632 0 0 16000000 0 0 18052632 0 2400000 3100000 51529968 27874160
Wayanad                     1,935,600                                      -   0 0                        1,935,600 30000000 6200000 0 500000 25000 0 36725000 5070000 1260000 98462 0 0 2888579 9317041 684211 0 0 4000000 0 0 4684211 0 800000 3100000 61396621 8026553
Kannur                     2,532,000                          1,860,000 0 0                        4,392,000 17000000 1000000 0 500000 25000 0 18525000 11190000 2790000 152252 0 0 6361918 20494170 1539474 0 0 19000000 0 0 20539474 0 1800000 3100000 70242681 23547047
Kasaragod                        710,400                             975,000 0 0                        1,685,400 0 1900000 0 500000 25000 0 2425000 5925000 1500000 64560 0 0 3479688 10969248 684211 0 0 8500000 0 0 9184211 0 800000 3100000 27662750 9920655
State Mission 22,956,200 5,000,000 10,000,000 20000000 57,956,200 5000000 140000 7500000 150000 0 60000000 72790000 0 0 360000 200000 70000000 282000 70842000 0 14000000 2500000 0 5000000 2500000 24000000 21450000 18460400 0 295348600 21364419
TOTAL  50000000 35000000 10000000 20000000 115,000,000 65000000 15000000 7500000 7150000 350000 60000000 155000000 150000000 37500000 2800000 200000 70000000 86563000 347063000 26000002 14000000 2500000 200000000 5000000 2500000 250000002 21450000 48860400 43400000 980773402 320128936

Last updated on 13-October-2017 , 05:43 P.M.