State Poverty Eradication Mission, Kudumbashree has been approved as the programme implementing agency (PIA) by the Ministry of Rural Development .NMMU play key role in timely monitoring and evaluation of projects in the states.

Mahila Kisan Shashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) is a project exclusive for women in agriculture. To improve the status of women engaged in agriculture and to address the food security at a micro level, the Government of India has initiated MKSP, as sub component of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM). The project aims to empower women in agriculture by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, to create and sustain agriculture based livelihoods of rural women. The main thrust of the project is food security and empowerment of women through agriculture.

Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) a sub component of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) aims at increasing the visibility of women in agriculture, reducing drudgery and providing a livelihood opportunity by adopting sustainable and eco friendly agriculture.

The core focus of MKSP is to promote agriculture on sustainable basis where the inputs are localized, risks are mitigated, productivity is enhanced, food security is ensured and hence the income of family is increased. The important objectives of MKSP are as follows:

Create sustainable agricultural livelihood opportunities for women in agriculture

Ensure food and nutrition security at the household and the community level

Improve the skills and capabilities of women in agriculture to support farm based activities

Enhance the managerial capacities of women in agriculture for better management of bio diversity



The project aims to empower women in agriculture by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, to create and sustain agriculture based livelihoods of rural women. The main thrust of the project is food security and empowerment of women through agriculture. The project envisages farming by 30,000 Joint Liability groups formed from the Neighborhood Groups (NHGs) thereby bringing 24000 hectare of land under cultivation. Capacity building, Farmers Facilitation centre, technical training, Integrated Agricultural Management systems, Value addition etc are main components of the Project. These are proposed to be carried out through special master farmer network that will be created within the Community Based Organisation.



Empowerment of a minimum of 1,50,000 women in agriculture through systematic interventions, to enhance their participation and productivity, to create sustainable agricultural livelihood opportunities, bringing a minimum of 24000 ha land under cultivation for ecological stability, to achieve food and nutritional security, to organize themselves as women farmers’ collectives.



  1. To increase the participation of women in agriculture
  2. To convert cultivable fallows to productive agriculture land
  3. To improve the skills and capabilities of women in agriculture
  4. To enhance productivity through technology adoption
  5. To promote organic farming
  6. To ensure formal credit and insurance facilities
  7. To provide access to input-output linkages
  8. To enable food and nutrition security at household and community level
  9. To reduce poverty through sustainable livelihood options in agriculture


Fund status

MKSP is one of the project implemented under NRLM by the Kudumbashree mission for the empowerment of women farmers.

The total cost of the Project is 79.9 Crore in which 35% is the state share.

The MKSP project costing Rs. 79,87,61,220 had sanctioned during 2011-12. Details of fund allocation by different agencies are given below The total investment is pooled from different sources as listed below.


Agency Amount Percentage
GOI (MKSP) 361,206,890 45.22%
GOK 278,554,330 34.87%
NRLM 147,000,000 18.40%
NREGS 12,000,000 1.50%
Total 798,761,220 100%


Currently Kudumbashree has received only the first share of funding from the agencies as detailed in the table below

Source Date Amount Other features  
First installment
Central Share  9.11.11 9,03,00,000 central total share  361206890
      % allotted in first share  25
State share  01.01.2013 3,14,00,000 state total share  278554330
  4.2013 3,00,00,000 % allotted in first share  25
  5.2013 82,38,583    
Total    69638583    
Grand total    159938583    
Second installment
Central share  26.02.2016 18,06,00,000    
      % alloted in second share 50
State Share   12,04,00,000    
Total 13.92


MKSP Attappady


The project envisages farming by 600 Joint Liability groups formed from the Neighborhood Groups (NHGs) thereby bringing 2000 hectare of land under cultivation. Capacity building, Farmers Facilitation centre, technical training, Integrated Agricultural Management systems, Value addition etc are main components of the Project. These are proposed to be carried out through special master farmer network that will be created within the Community Based Organisation. The total cost of the Project is 16.3 Crore in which 40% is the state share. Convergence with National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and NRLM are also envisaged.

The tribal neighborhood groups (Kudumbashree) in Attapady have been federated at the hamlet level to Oorusamithies. The Oorusamithys are federated in to Pancahayat Samithis at the panchayat level. The CBO structure of Kudumbashree facilitates the activity group in identifying the cultivable fallow land and leasing them to farming groups. The tribal NHGs are encouraged to take up agriculture.


Vision of Success

Empowerment of a minimum of 5000 tribal women in agriculture through systematic interventions, to enhance their participation and productivity, to create sustainable agricultural livelihood opportunities, bringing a minimum of 2000 ha land under organic cultivation, to achieve food and nutritional security , to organize themselves as women farmers’ collectives, value addition of the agricultural products and setting up a distribution channel for sales and marketing of agricultural produce.



  1. To revive the traditional agriculture of tribes
  2. To increase the participation of tribal families in agriculture
  3. To develop the land of tribes and to turn them in to cultivated area
  4. To convert cultivable fallows to productive agriculture land
  5. To improve the skills and capabilities of women in agriculture
  6. To enhance productivity through technology adoption
  7. To promote organic farming
  8. To ensure formal credit and insurance facilities
  9. To provide access to input-output linkages
  10. To enable food and nutrition security at household and community level
  11. To reduce poverty through sustainable livelihood options in agriculture
  12. To ensure food justice
  13. To converge with MNREGA program


Key Outputs

  1. Increased tribal women participation in farming (600 groups)
  2. Greater area under cultivation(2000ha)
  3. Increased production of millets, pulses and vegetables : more food availability leading to enhancement in food security (100 tons of millets, 10 tons of vegetables, and 200 tons of other crops)
  4. Net revenue (Rs 10 crore)
  5. Making available roughly Rs 100 lakhs of credit to the farming groups for increasing food security
  6. Diversified crops and increased consumption- nutritional security.
  7. More economic outcome : better price through direct marketing to community kitchen project,
  8. Reclamation of waste land,
  9. Improved soil health.
  10. Conservation of biodiversity
  11. Organic Agriculture certification and Good Agricultural Practices
  12. Entrepreneurship development among women farmers
  13. Overall changes anticipated in life patter ad empowerment of tribal women
  14. Increased participation in social and political life


Fund status

Currently Kudumbashree has received only the first share of funding from the agencies as detailed in the table below


Source Date Amount Other features  
First installment
Central Share  22.08.14 3,06,82,872 Central total share  
      % allotted in first share 25
State share 26.01.18 1,02,27,624 State total share  
      % allotted in first share 25
Grand total    4,09,10,496    


MKSP Value Chain


MKSP Value Chain is a project exclusive for promoting value chain development interventions through producer’s enterprise to establish market linkage and ensure better price realization for small and marginal women farmers. The project aims to transform the traditional way of food production by practices more akin to manufacturing process, with greater coordination across farmers, processors, retailers and other stakeholders in the value chain. The main thrust of the project is to empower women I agriculture by shifting from traditional farming systems to agricultural value chains by adopting productivity enhancing technologies and federation of producer groups to improve smallholder production and participation in markets, and to create and sustain agriculture based livelihoods for rural women.



Scaling up the present MKSP activity for ensuring better income generation for the women farmers through systematic interventions in collectivization, procurement, processing and marketing of the agricultural products. Through this 36,500 women in agriculture will be supported in a span of three years.



  1. To improve the skills and capabilities of women in agriculture
  2. To enhance income through technology adoption
  3. To provide access to input – output linkages
  4. To enable food and nutrition security at household and community level
  5. To alleviate poverty through value chain development options in agriculture.
  6. To enhance the export potential of commodity
  7. To create more job opportunities in the value chain sector
  8. Promote producer companies to establish better market linkage and ensure price realization for small and marginal women farmers
  9. To impart proper training to JLG members and building capacity as entrepreneurs and skilled workers among them
  10. Product diversification for better utilization of the produce and year round supply leading to better income to the farmers.


Key Outputs

  1. Enhanced income for more than 36,500 members
  2. Formation of 13 Producer company for paddy value addition
  3. 200 CIG for vegetable production planning and value chain
  4. 12 mini vegetable processing hub in convergence with RKVY/ Agri department
  5. Desiccated vegetables and fruits, powders, jellies and jams
  6. Direct selling counters at village, kiosks and vending units at fairs through convergence
  7. Strengthening of home shop model.


Fund Status

Currently Kudumbashree has received only the first share of funding from the agencies as detailed in the table below


Source Date Amount Other features  
First installment
Central Share 14.03.2017 2,38,35,000 Central total share  
      % allotted in first share 25
State share     State total share  
      % allotted in first share  
Total   2,38,35,000    
Grand total   2,38,35,000