Special project for the sustainable development of tribal livelihoods - A joint initiative of Tribal Development Department and Kudumbashree
The Tribal special project is an initiative of Kudumbashree in collaboration with the Tribal department to address the special issue of the tribal population of the state, in a systematic manner. The project primarily targets at bringing the marginalized tribals under the aegis of the Kudumbashree network and provide them with facilities which were otherwise less accessible or denied, as part of its poverty eradication mission.The objectives of the mission is planned to be achieved with the active convergence of various government and non government agencies as well as departments. The project was initiated as a pilot in select 10 panchayats of 4 districts namely Idukki, Wayanad, Palakkad and Kasaragod in the first phase. In the second phase the project was expanded to 10 selected panchayats of the remaining district excluding Alappuzha, owing to less number of tribal inhabitation in the district. In the third phase the project has been expanded to all panchayats with tribal inhabitation.
Community mobilization and NHG formation is important for people- centered, integrated development. It is a process for empowering local communities especially vulnerable groups like tribal and combining awareness creation, self organization and action so that communities can work for changes that will benefit the social, emotional, financial and physical needs of beneficiaries. The Tribal special project facilitates the creation of ST NHGs as well as at ADSs, if necessary in areas where there are more than two Tribal NHGs. The project provides a corpus fund of Rs. 10,000 at all newly formed ST NHGs. Micro finance and Micro enterprise activities are given special; focus among the tribals as part of the project activities. Measures have also been taken to ensure cent percent tribal participation in the MNREGS actives. Formation of special Ashraya projects, provision of supplementary food for the malnourished aged, infants and adolescent girls, formation of ST Balasabhas and adolescents club, holistic health programme, etc are some of the highlights of the project.
The past 10 years, about 106162 tribal families were covered under 6375 NHGs under the project. Formation of NHGs alone was not the prerogative of Kudumbashree in tribal areas. It is such instances that prompted Kudumbashree to form Special Ashraya projects for tribal beneficiaries. State Kudumbashree Mission has sanctioned 77 Special Tribal Ashraya Projects with 4440 families from districts.
During this period 43556 Women got registered under the MGNREGS. Efforts were also undertaken to train the women in different skills which could help them to start their own micro enterprises so that they needn’t depend on somebody else to provide them opportunities for a livelihood. The skill development programme is gaining a steady momentum in the districts as more and more women come forward to initiate micro enterprises on their own. By this process 435 Group Micro Enterprises and 131 Individual Micro Enterprises started along with 2035 Joint Liability Group (JLG) groups. Training programmes were also given to NHG functionaries in maintaining records and convene meetings regularly. Corpus fund was also distributed to newly formed NHGs to ensure the sustainability of activities associated with NHG formation. General trainings and awareness classes for women and teenaged children, based on specific subjects and medical camps were also a regular feature of activities undertook for tribes by the mission in Kerala.
Tribal special project facilitates the creation of ST NHGs as well as At ADSs, if necessary in areas where there are more than two Tribal NHGs. The project provides a corpus fund of Rs. 10,000 at all newly formed ST NHGs. Micro finance and Micro enterprise activities are given special; focus among the tribals as part of the project activities. Measures have also been taken to ensure cent percent tribal participation in the MNREGS actives. Formation of special Ashraya projects, provision of supplementary food for the malnourished aged, infants and adolescent girls, formation of ST Balasabhas etc are some of the highlights of the project.