Kudumbashree Animal Husbandry Livelihoods


NRLM Pashu Sakhi initiatives

Pashu Sakhi is a community cadre developed from SHG women to handhold livestock activities at door steps at ward cluster level under CDS. Providing best practices, scientific rearing practices, strategy interventions to increase productivity and reducing mortality in assisting farmers are the main roles of Pashu Sakhi. Pashu Sakhi is an honorary post and Pashu Sakhis are nested under CDS livelihood subcommittees. Their service period is 2-3 hrs per day and 4-5 days per week targeting a maximum 100 households. Task based payments are only allowable for Pashu Sakhis via Kudumbashree and they can earn income by providing various services to farmers based on mutual understanding or as per the policy of Kudumbashree Mission. This project helps the CDS to develop a thematic expert system promoting income generation activities under the livestock sector. Farmer’s door step livestock orientation campaign is initiated in this scheme as a special initiative.



NRLM Producer Group initiatives

Producer Groups are collectives of producers doing same business activities either joined for aggregation of input or output. Producer groups will be the initial step of Farmer Producer Entities. NRLM is providing working capital and infrastructure assistances to Producer groups based on their business plan approval via CDS. Infrastructure providing to PGs are considering as the asset of CDS and working capital fund is a loan from CDS based on the business cycle mentioned in the proposal. Udyog Sakhi is the resource person working in each PG like a Business Development Manager based on the honorarium mentioned in the business plan. Provision for Capacity Building is available under NRLM to scale up business activities, inclusion of maximum producers and to extend business volumes of PGs. Currently this scheme is piloting in Kerala and targeting 250 PGs formation in 2023-24 FY. This project helps the CDS to develop a producer centric marketing system promoting income generation activities.



NRLM-CDS based livestock initiatives / CEF

Community Investment Fund is a financial assistance available to farmers in the form of low interest loan (4% interest annually). Maximum 50000 Rs can be availed for livestock activities at a time from CDS by submitting the Business proposal either for starting new projects or for scaling up of existing activities. CDS committee will evaluate the business plans with the support of Block Coordinators and Community Resource Persons and approve the loan if it is found eligible. This project helps the CDS to develop a fixed fund pool for promoting income generation activities.



NRLM-Capacity Building initiatives

Capacity Building of community is one of the major activities promoted under NRLM. Various levels of capacity building are farmers field schools, CRP rounds, Master CRP rounds, Subcommittee / CDS capacitating, Capacitating of Block staffs, District-State staffs etc. Promotion of CDS level implementation system and synergy development of programme team is envisaged under this scheme.



PLAN-Capacity Building initiatives

Capacity Building of urban community is one of the major activities promoted under this scheme. Various levels of capacity building for farmers and CDS team is planned under this scheme. Promotion of CDS level implementation system and synergy development of programme team is envisaged under this scheme.



PLAN-Start up fund for Producer Group (PG) initiatives

Start up assistance to Producer Group formation promotion considering the pilot implementation of the project. Common Infrastructure development assistance of maximum 50,000 Rs. per PG is allowable under this scheme. Nutrition and Livelihood combined projects under the approval of CDS are also promoted through this scheme. 10000 Rs start up fund for Poultry PG is availing through CDS for addressing the nutrition needs of Anganwadi / Buds Schools/ Elderly NHGs / NHGs of the group members. Project approval will be done at CDS and need to fix the egg donation demands considering the aim of this project.



PLAN-CDS based livestock initiatives / Urban CEF

Community Investment Fund is a financial assistance available to farmers in the form of low interest loan (4% interest annually) in urban CDS. Maximum 50,000 Rs. can be availed for livestock activities at a time from CDS by submitting the Business proposal either for starting new projects or for scaling up of existing activities. CDS committee will evaluate the business plans with the support of Block Coordinators and approve the loan if it is found eligible. This project helps the CDS to develop a fixed fund pool for promoting income generation activities.



Ksheerasagaram & Aadugramam Subsidy Schemes

Cow rearing and Goat rearing practices is promoted via these schemes. 5 members unit will buy 10 Cows under Ksheerasagaram scheme with a project cost of 625000 Rs and with a subsidy of 2,18,750 Rs. 5 members unit will buy 20 Goats under Aadugramam scheme with a project cost of 1,50,000 Rs. and with a subsidy of 50,000 Rs.



Target and Allocation of each scheme depends on the financial allocation to Kudumbashree from NRLM / State Plan in each financial year. CEF, Pashu Sakhi activities related information and scheme availability will be available from Kudumbashree CDS and Subsidy / Producer Group related details will be available from Kudumbashree District Mission.


For getting current status of Kudumbashree Animal Husbandry activities, click on below link

Kudumbashree | Data on Kudumbashree



For getting Kudumbashree Animal Husbandry guidelines / circulars click on below link

Kudumbashree | E-Stock Files