Gender - Vigilant Group Training CDS 1
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Gender - Vigilant Group Training CDS 1
Free eye checkup camp for Kudumbashree members - Vasan Eye Care
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Free eye checkup camp for Kudumbashree members - Vasan Eye Care
Monthly Market by Neyyattinkara CDS 1 and CDS 2
- Neyyattinkara Muncipality
Conducted Two day ( July 23rd and 24th) Monthly Market by Neyyattinkara CDS 1 and CDS 2 to support JLG and ME groups of neyyattinkara.
Sparsham Folow up - GOT for SEP
- Muncipality Mini Hall
From sparsham data, conducted SEP general orientation training.
Self Employment Program General Orientation - Convergence with Industries Department
- Municipality Town Hall
Self Employment Program General Orientation - Convergence with Industries Department
Orientation for Upcoming enterpreners and CDS members.
Schemes of Industries department and NULM detailed in the orientation.
Spot Linkage for non Linked NHGs
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Conducted 2 day Spot linkage for non linked NHGs. HDFC and ICICI bank participated in the programme.
Special NHG Meeting for Non Linked NHGs
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Conducted Special NHG meeting for non linked NHGs about 54 NHGs participated in the meeting.
EST&P Mobilization Camp
- Municipal Town Hall
EST&P mobilization conducted on muncipal town hall. 12 training centers presented there courses. Total 144 candidates participated in the camp.
Town Vending commitee
- Municipal Chairperson Chamber
Town Vending Commitee meeting held at Neyyattinkara Muncipality.
AAP Rollout for CDS members
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Annual Action Plan for CDS members done.
Street Vendor Identity Card Distribution
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Second Stage Street Vendor ID card distribution done by Muncipal Chairperson. ID Card distributed to 86 street vendors.
SEP Task Force Meeting
- Municipal Chairperson Chamber
SEP Task Force Meeting Conducted. 41 Individual and 4 Group SEP applications forwarded to Banks.
Arangu 2018 - Neyyattinkara Taluk
- Municipality Mini Hall and JBS, Neyyattinkara
Conducted Kudumbashree Neyyattinkara Taluk level arts festival Arangu -2018 at Neyyattinkara Muncipality.
Sparsham Campaign
- Muncipality Mini Hall
Conducted SpecialOrientation Meeting for CDS regarding Sparsham Campaign