Many products of Kudumbashree Micro Enterprises are well appreciated by the market. However there is a missing link between the Source of Production and Consumers. The Monthly, Seasonal and Festival Fares being held at Panchayath, District and State levels draw large crowds. Consumers are eager to have supply of many products round the year. The aim of ‘Marketing & Business Development’ is to ensure availability of Kudumbashree Products to customers anytime during the year and to facilitate the Micro Enterprises to benefit from the steady demand throughout the year. Kudumbashree Micro Enterprises will be facilitated to upscale their products and to explore new bigger markets through appropriate channels. It is expected that Monthly Markets, Trade Fairs/Food Fests, Kudumbashree Bazars, Design Clinics, Community Enterprise Funds will strengthen the products and value-chains of microenterprises to bring more economic value to the products.