Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome


Last updated on 09-August-2017 , 10:32 P.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Farming activity 60000 farming groups to cultivate 55,000 ha of land during this season          
2 Production 1.5 lakh tons of vegetables,tubers and banana(on average, estimates ) to be produced during this season Data Updated in the website        
3 Procurement and sales 4000 tons of vegetables to sold through Kudumbashree Pre and post onam markets Data Updated in the website        
4 Procurement and sales 4000 tons of vegetable sales during onam markets          
State plan fund
5 Interest subsidy on agricultural Loans of Farming group* As part of reducing the cost of capital for farming activity, Kudumbashree provides 5% interest subsidies on agricultural loan undertaken by farming groups for a loan upto 1 lakh rupees. Rs. 866894700/- provided to 5474 groups in the financial year. 15.49   7.70 (verified application, funds to be provided)  
6 Area incentive for farming groups Inefficiencies in agricultural revenue generation are addressed through a scheme of viability gap funding known as area incentive, to be provided based on the crop and area under cultivation.   16.8   11.73 (verified application, funds to be provided for distribution)  
7 Animal husbandry units establishment of 652 animal husbandry unit Proceedings submitted for sanctioning of Rs. 10 Lakhs for 20 units. 5   1.8 Cr  
  Total     37.29   21.23  
8 Physical auditing of farming groups- JEVA Campaign The campaign aimed at evaluating the performance of JLG through selected and trained resource persons. 4 master farmers’ trainers has selected from one block through a 3 tier process and pooled to form JEVA district level team to undertake performance audit of the JLG. 605 Jeva has selected across the state. JEEVA visits each JLG and evaluate the performance. 71 % total JLG evaluated 0.25   0.15  
9 Infrastructure funds for weekly markets plans to provide Rs 75,000 for permanent infrastructure facilities for weekly markets to be conducted by selected 456 CDS Circular issued 3.42   3.15  
10 Revolving fund for conduct of pre-onam markets The pre onam markets will coordinate by the JEVA. As a working capital it is plans to provide Rs 20,000 as revolving fund for the JEVA team in the 152 blocks for conduct of pre -onam vegetable market Circular issued 0.304   0.304  
11 Management fund for Onam markets Rs 10,000 for 943 CDS for Onam markets to be conducted on 26,27,28 Aug Circular issued by MArketing Team 0.943      

Polivu second phase NHG activity

In connection with world environment day kudumbashree plans to nurture 1 crore fruit bearing saplings in the state. 50 lakh fruit tree sapling to be nurtured by 2 lakh NHG for one year Need proper convergence with MGNREGA. 1      
13 25 lakh fruit tree sapling to be nurtured by 500 nursery units   2.5      
14 25 lakhs fruit trees to be nurtured by 50,000 JLG units   0.25      
15 Livelihood revolving funds for cow rearing groups In order to support the income generation activity of the NHG members, a new scheme for the members undertaking livestock sector is proposed. Through this intervention credit support and other supply chain support would be created for the members undertaking dairy husbandry activity. NHG members undertaking cow rearing for the last 2 years are eligible to be part of the CIG . Each of the CIG will have minimum 5 member whom are dairy farmers . Each of the CIG after verification could submit request for CIF to the CDS. Rs 1 lakh livelihood revolving fund to be provided by CDS @4% interest rate to 3 cow rearing groups in the selected CDS. CIG guideline prepared 3      
16 Value addition unit 10 agriculture value addition, common facility centers to be established   1      
17 Ethnic food festival marketing activity to enhance the sales of ethnic vegetable/fruits during the "Karkidaka" season   0.25   0.25  
18 Permanent markets 50 permanent vegetable markets to enhance the sales (one in 5 block) One proposal from KTM Received 0.75      
19 IEC activity Case study competition on best Kudumbashree activities for B-schools (online)   0.1      
Trainings (MKSP)
19 Immersion training for consultants 3 days trainings to Consultants   0.018      
20 Training to Block Coordinators 4 Days training to block Coordinator on MDP & Project monitoring (2 Batches)   0.068      
21 JEVA team building training 4 days training to 605 JEVA team (2 Batches) on Marketing and management The district team will conduct the training before 31st July 2017- orders issued 0.26      
22 Capacity building of community resource persons 4 days training to 3500 Master farmers on 4 different topics related to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry   0.7      
23 Farmer field school by Master farmer One day training to 140000 JLG Members on good agricultural practices.   0.28      
24 Honorarium to Master Farmer Honorarium of 2800 classes @ rate of 500/ Class to Master Farmers for JLG training.   0.14      
25 Mobilisation camps for Food Secure House programme Training to one lakh NHG members on agriculture garden for consumption purpose Circular Issued 0.2      
26 Honorarium to Master Farmer Honorarium of 1000 classes @ rate of 250/ Class to Master Farmers for Food Secure Houses   0.025      
27 Training in Animal Husbandry Mobilisation and capacity building training to 6000 members to start new venture in the Animal Husbandry Sector   0.6      
28 Pashu Sakhi among MEC Training to special MEC groups for managing the Animal husbandry activities.   0.05      
29 Exposure Visits Exposure visits of JLG Members (2 visits/Block) to explore new opportunities in the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry sector.   0.608      
30 Exposure Visits Exposure visit of MKSP team   0.0375      
  Total     16.7535   3.854  


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 10:23 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
  Institution Building and Capacity Building            
1 Centres of excellence Eight oorusamithis would be developed as centres of excellence, two under each panchayatsamithi in order to conduct trainings. The oorusamithis would be entrusted with the responsibility of undertaking trainings in all aspects like the basic concepts of the institutions, funds to the institutions, social development and livelihood issues. The oorusamithis would also be demonstration sites where the functioning of nhg, oourusamithis, social development and livelihood interventions can be seen.   0.324      
2 · Strengthening Block Samithi and Panchayatsamithis · Honorarium to the functionaries Trainings would be imparted to block samithi and panchayatsamithi in book-keeping, preparation of vulnerability plans to be submitted to LSGDs and concerned stake holders for convergence, micro-plan based on vulnerability indicators and trainings in each subject.   1.52      
  Social Development and Social Inclusion            
1 Block Resource Centre The gender resource centre, youth resource centre, child resource centre and legal aid centre would be developed into a full -fledged office with the publication of quarterly newsletter and dissemination of knowledge and information on policies, rights, schemes and services in the tribal languages and trainings would be held in oorusamithis declared as the centres of excellence. Visual material would also be produced on the rights beginning with 9 documentaries on health and nutrition for nutritional education centre.   0.25      
2 Child Resource Centre Child Resource centre would focus on the attainment of child rights, extending personal care and mentoring for children as grave levels of vulnerability do not permit personal affection and care. The focus would be on educational attainment and building up of life skills especially emotional intelligence and care. { Bridge School, Bridge Courses, Balagothrasabha and other educational activities}   0.54      
3 Youth Resource Centre Youth resource centre would aim at building up solidarity among youth and aim at harnessing their energy towards the discernment of social issues and resolving them. The youth would be drawn away from vices like alcoholism, substance abuse and other anti-social activities. In the context of Attapady, the youth have suffered exploitation for several years and this has affected their self-image and the youth resource centre is an attempt to enhance self-consciousness. {Youth Clubs, Ward Level Committees}   0.583      
4 Gender Resource Centre Gender Resource Centre is a centre to build gender consciousness among the women and aims at the empowerment of women. It would enhance the decision-making capacity of women with respect to education, health, assets, employment, wages, property rights, etc. The women would be trained in aspects of gender and poverty, gender and vulnerability, gender and natural resources, reproductive rights, violence against women, etc.   0.024      
5 Cultural Centre Cultural centres would function under the block resource centre. It is an endeavour to channelize the attention of the youth and men to cultural activities and gradually into developmental activities and livelihood enhancement. This is an effort to overcome social issues like alcoholism, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. It would extend a space to enable men to regain their self-esteem and self-worth and enhance solidarity and reassertion of tribal identity and preserve cultural traditions, music and dance rooted in eco-diversity richness and preservation.   0.004525      
  Funds to the community            
1 Livelihood Fund: Forty four ward level village enterprises would be developed. There would be revival of panchakrishi in 300 acres. The focus on building group enterprises in the wards and the focus would be on cultivation of ragi, chama, tuvar and vegetables. Engaging in panchakrishi would include land development, irrigation facilities, pond deepening, deepening of wells, pipes and ooze for bringing down water from natural source, soil conservation, check dams, motor facilities, fencing and patrolling. In Kurumba areas, panchakrishi would be undertaken by producer groups comprising of nhg women and youth clubs.   0.93      
2 Community Investment fund Community Investment fund has been given to 4 panchayatsamithis. The fund has been transferred to the nhgs and will be returned to the panchayatsamithi.  The nhgs are using it for the purpose of livelihood by developing business plan looking into available resources, skills and marketing facilities. A format has been developed for grading and it is on the basis of grading and the adherence to the non-negotiable and social development and livelihood interventions undertaken that the funds are disbursed.
  Total     6.984      


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 10:25 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Fund Source Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Achievement as on July 5 Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Balasabha R. P Formation and Strengthening Formation of R P Pool at Block Level and Capacitate them to fecilitate Balasabha activities. Select 3 RPs from each block , provide training and place State Plan 0.15 Developed and circulated Schedule and module. Selection and training started in districts      
2 Campaign- Balasabha CDS level Cmapaign to strengthen the balasabha activities and for programme planning. Campaign Process ADS level gathering of Balasabha members CDS level workshop of selected 100 children from ward level. Study on the locality (Nadariyan) based on different topics. Exposure visits and house visits for the data collection.Data collection will help to know the area and social cultural and historical aspects. Publishing 1000 reports from 1000 LSGs State Plan 1.1 Planning completed. Module and guideline developed and circulated in districts      
3 Balasabha Magazine Publishing Magazine with the writings of balasabha members in threemonths(OctoberNovember December) State Plan 0.2        
4 Math Olympiad Block level Different learning activities based on mathematics for making the Kids to learn maths interestingly. Competetions at different levels also be conducted State Plan 0.2        
5 Balapanchayath office bearers training Leadership training programme for Bala Panchayat President, Secretary and standing committee chairpersons. It aims to capacitate them to fecilitate the different levels of activities of balasabha State Plan          
6 Balaparliament Space to understand the democratic space and development process. Convene Balapanchayath in all CDS and District and State level Balaparliament. State Plan 0.4        
7 Young mentors capacitation (Peer group) Formation and strengthening of Yong mentors to support children those who are in needs and to fecilitate the activities. Creation of network of youngsters in different age group to mentoring each other. they can also lead the juniour team of balasabha in activities, learning, charecter building and in leadership formation. select 3 balasabha members in the age group of 15-18 from each CDS. Capacitate and place them at the balapanchayath level with the monitoring of Balasabha R Ps State Plan 0.2        
8 Life Skill Education Programme Skill and carreer guidence for the students from poor Background and those who finished 10th and 12th standerd Sponsorship/district Initiatives          
7 District Specific activities Activities planned by District Mission team to strengthen the balasabha system and for the development of the children. It can be themebased activity special day celebration, environment related programmes, study tour, exposure visit, depends on the innovation of districts State Plan 0.7        
8 Website contest for children Online Contest for students on different topic . It is an oppertunity for students to know about the development activities happening around and making them aware about Kudumbashree activities   0.05        
    TOTAL   3        


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 10:27 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Expenditure Target for 2017-18 Fund release to the Project Implementing Agencies(PIAs) of DDU GKY after completion of physical and financial audits (1st, 2nd, 3rdinstallments are to be released). The candidates are to be physically verified on a random basis. The agencies shall produce the utilization certificates and documents related to the entitlement releases.. 2nd instalment for Quess, CAP, Skill pro, DB Tech processed. 55 7    
2 Award of New Projects DDU-GKy Proposals recived through online propopsal management system is appraiced by KErala Accadamy for Skill Excellence(KASE), These proposals are graded and approved by the project sactionning committe of DDU-GKY. 25% is recleased as first installment SLCC scheduled on 11-Jul-2017 20   First installment of Rs 22,59,93,376/- was released to 20 New projects. First installment of Rs 2, 44,02,175/- was released to 4 Additional Target Projects. 24 New projects were sanctioned.
3 Salary Revision for BMMU Staff Revision of salary for block coordinators (BC). Appointment of BC in vacant posts 0 3.42      
4 Mobilize 17,230 candidates before December 2017 It is envisaged to mobilize 17,230 candidates from June'2017 to December 2017 for enrolling for skill training in various Training Centers. The mobilizatio can be done with the support of DDU GKY PIAs Training commenced 2500 candidates 0.3      
5 Community volunteers to be appointed and incentives for mobilization to be released to the volunteers In order to enhance mobilisation and to track successful candidates, it is envisaged to select community volunteers from each Panchayat. This activity (including giving them training and supply of registers) has to be completed before July 2017. Community based mobilisation will be implemented where CDS and volunteers will get assistance at a rate 60:40 for each mobilised candidate Circular shared. The CV to be appointed by Jul 15 0.5      
6 Pro-LIFE Pro-LIFE is a project to give skill training to MNREGA workers. The target is to give skill development training to 5,000 candidates through LIFE project Letter for release of funds send to CRD. Data collection of 2500 Candidaets completed 21.05   Rs. 6,81,00,000/- was received from CRD.  
7 Data entry of Pro LIFE July - -. MGNREGA beneficiaries included in JLG/ME/RSETI/DDUGKY has to be tracked and updated Spreadsheet data entry in progress for targeting 5000 candidates 0.01      
8 Sagarmala Under Sagarmala, a project under Ministry of Shipping, DDU GKY is initiating skill training in Kozhikode and Ernakulam Districts for job roles in ports and harbor sector. A total of 2,500 students should be trained during 2017 -18. Possible agencies should be motivated to apply for DDU GKY unders SAGAR Mala One proposal ICA Eduskills received 10      
9 Job Mela DDUGKY scheme ensures placement for 70% of the trained candidates. In order to ensure placement for the remaining 30%, and to accommodate general candidates, job mela s are to be organized. The target given by GoI is to give job to 200 candidates if Rs. 1 lakh is spent. It is envisaged to conduct 35 job melas (small and large) in 14 districts. So far 20 Job Fairs conducted..thorugh out Kerala... In June 2017 1 Job Mela Conducted by Kottayam Team 0.35      
10 PwD job mela One special job fair for PwD candidates will be conducted in Ernakulam during July 2017. The target is to give employment to 200 candidates through this job mela- August-2017 Talk with HR Consultancies 0.05      
11 Migration Support center Migration Support Center is a center to provide support to DDU GKY candidates as well as tracking the placed candidates. The center can be used for mainstreaming migrants and serving them too. Rs. 10 lakh is allocated to all the districts for starting a migration support centre. DMCs should identify the space and start the centre during July Fund Distributed to the DDistricts 1.4      
12 IEC Spend IEC funds for Asset creation activities (ME outlet/ Competition) which shall be sustainable Funds released to the districts 0.21      
13 DDU-GKY MIS DDU GKY MIS is an web based mini ERP styem which covers mobilization, training, proposals, placement and tracking and finance. The MIS is developed by SIDCO. MIS commissioning phase 1 by 1-July. MIS commissioning phase 2 by 1-Sep Commisisoning of first phase on 12-JUL-17 0.25      
14 Skill day celebration July 15 - One state level alumni meet - PRISM meet; all should come (10,000 persons). 1 lakh will be given to DDUGKY (One skill competition to be conducted) - Awards shall be distributed, launching of the success stories of DDU GKY, video launching Detailed Circular issued to the districts. Every District will do Many Activities 0.35      
15 Livelihood Projects under DDU GKY DDU GKY project envisage 70% candidates to be placed in the job market which are considered as Group A. Rest are considered as Group B candidates. Also many candidates who are skilled and with experience are dropping out for different reasons. The drop outs who are skilled with an entrepreneurial attitude can be motivated/oriented to start sustainbale enterprises.   0.15      
16 Training of Trainers (TOT) Training of Trainers is part of capacity building of the PIA staff, SRLM staff in various areas for program quality improvement. The TOT can be organized with the support of NIRD,MORD, ASAP, KASE for implementing project quality.   0.2      
17 Labour Market Information System Building a Labour Marketing Information System (LMIS) requires collection of labour market information, analysis and dissemination through a structured process. This can be done through opening up a center where the employment data can be collected on a regular basis from the various companies in the district. Job Melas shall be organized based on the inputs from LMIS.   0.05      
18 Documentation of DDU GKY success stories To publish a book which is a compilation of success stories of 1000 candidates who have completed DDU GKY training 124 stories completed. 200 in progress. 0.02   Rs. 5000/- was released to TISS Community College Students as part of Data Entry of Sucess Stories.  
19 BPO at state level To establish a call center to track each and every candidate. Use of GIS technology, bulk sms technology to be applied to identify the current details of the candidates.   0.01      
20 Employer Meets Oganizing meets of employers, HR managers, industry experts to build an industry interface. The meets can be organized in the districts and at the state level. The HR meets will be supporting organizing job melas   0.14      
    GRAND TOTAL   113.4565      
21 Placements Candidates to be palced in jobs for 3 months continuously 70%        
22 Capacity Utilization of Training Centers Number of seats filled per total number of seats 90%        
23 Monthly Trainning Completion Target Monthly Target of 1875 per month. 100%        


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 10:30 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Fund Source Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Achievement as on July 5 Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on Aug-5 Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on Sep-5 Financial Achievement as on Sep 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on Oct-5 Financial Achievement as on Oct 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on Nov-5 Financial Achievement as on Nov 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on Dec-5 Financial Achievement as on Dec 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Vulnerability Mapping Vulnerability Mapping – Map the locality to identify the prevailing vulnerabilities which are leading the community in to vulnerable situations. select selecting 140 LSGIs for this process. Total 308 Master trainers will lead the process (A). Introductory Campaign for Vulnerability Mapping (B). Trainings will complete by August 15.2017 (C). Data Collection (Secondary, Primary, FGd and Institutional Analysis) will be completed on October 30.2017 (D). Special software development
(E). Data Consolidation and Report formation will be completed on November 30.2017 (F).Convergence meeting, Report Presentation and Project formulation
NRLM (O) 1.36 Selection of CDS completed District level and CDS level initial level orientation training is going on in districts. State level training will be done in this month. State Level training will be done from July 24th to 29.2017   State level Training for 300 participants from 14 districts Completed. District and CDS level training started 0.0592989 District and CDs level training completed. Campaign also done in some district   Data Collection started   Data collection secondary level completed. primary data and institutional analysis going on 0.2002202 Data collection completed. analysis started in almost all districts 0.4117613  
2 Community Counselling Community Counselors are supposed to give psycho social support to the communities in differnt areas/Issues Placed one counselor for 3 CDS Training for the newly identified Capacitation of existing community counselling educators Case study analysis and book preparation Counselling support to the Elderly people Counselling support to the survivors through gender Corner and Migration centre   0.71 prepare and circulated guideline for community counseling activities in the district   District level capacity building training and selection of new counselors is going on 0.3593023 Different feild level activities going on in both CDS and ward level   Different feild level activities going on in both CDS and ward level   Different feild level activities going on in both CDS and ward level   Different feild level activities going on in both CDS and ward level    
3 Gender Sensitisation Training Gender Sensitisation training for Officials CDS Chairpersons. Aiming the transformation of participants for the gender just society through the different types of community interventions Two days training for the first level and continous training if needed. State level officials training will be done in thiruvananthapuram and district level officials training will be conducted in regional level. CDS chairpersons training will be at district level.   0.75     Initial discussion done. faculties and schedule will be finalised by september first week   Schedule training for Kudumbashree officials at the first level   Started training for the officials- District Programme managers and block coordinators   4 Batch completed   Total six batch completed    
4 State Level Campaign Campaign for Community system strengthening to prevent violence against women and the formation of safe locality. Community level sensitisation programme about the services avail in the state to address the social issues. All NHGs will be the part of Campign through different activities.   2.237                     Guideline prepared    
5 Gender Corner- Migration Centre Select 5 Best gender corners from each districts and convert it as migration centre to prevent all type of exploitation related to trafficking, migration etc. Community counselling educators will support and coordinate the activities of the centre. DDUGKY NIL prepare and circulated guideline for Gender corner and Migration centre   initial training for the members of gender corner started in districts 0.0021324 Converge Gender resource centres and migration centre                
6 Vigilant Group formation& Activity Ward level Activity Group Formation- For assuring the safety and security to Women and Children in the locality and make it a women and child friendly area   0.03 Vigilant group training started in Kollam, Alp, Pta, Idk, Ktm, Ernklm, Tsr, Plkd, Kkd, and Knr   Vigilant group formation status is updated by the district in google drive format   Vigilant group formation and training is going on in districts   Vigilant group formation and training is going on in districts   Vigilant group formation and training is going on in districts   80% Districts completed vigilant group formation    
7 District Specific programmes and Innovatives Strengthening of community system - Theme based discussions, Skits and NHG area specific activities. According to the creativity and innovations of the Districts   1.4       0.00609548         District specific activities planned and implemented in districts   District initiative different programmes conducted in districts    
    TOTAL 6.5                          
1 Snehitha Gender Help Desk There are 6 Snehitha centers in the state at Thiruvananthapuram, Eranakulam, Idukki, Palakkad, Malappuram & Wayanad. It aims at providing all necessary services under one roof for women and children who need care and protection. Snehitha extend the service to another 8 district (Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Thrissur, Kozhikode, Kannur& Kasaragode) in this financial year   3.96 Written test completed in Kottayam, kollam,pathanamthitta &Thrissur districts.In Thrissur, Kasargod & Kottayam district identified building for Snehitha   Except kozhikode and Kannur all 6 districts completed the selection process of staff and identified building for Snehitha. Service providers and counselors interview will complete by aug-11.2017 0.0567473         Started Snehitha Centres and appoinment of staff pending in 2 districts 0.3755748 Started the work of Snehitha in 14 districts 1.1376889  
2 Gender Resource Centre/ Block Level Community Counselling Centre Developing Models of Gender Resource Centers with the support of LSGIs and act as a supporting agency for women and Children within the locality. Counselling educators , Counselors from Snehitha Gender Help Desk will also provide supprt to the functioning of the centre   0.07 prepared and circulated guideline to districts, Kollam, PTA, ERKLM, TSR,PLKD, KKD started Gender Resource Centers   TVM, KTYM districts also started the resource centre. training for the GRC members is started in districts 0.005986 Formation of Gender Resource centre and Block level counselling centre going on in district       Orientation training for the LSGI s on behalf of GRC and BLCC is going on   Now 105 Gender Resource centre and 75 Block level counselling centre started    
3 Gender Self Learning Programme Special theme based Discussions and Activities in the NHG level. Each Month a particular topic will be given to NHG. Reading Material and Discussion points related to the theme will be circulated through Kudumbashree Website. It is a social educational process that has direct implications on rights and entitlements of women at the grassroots level   0.42 Prepared and circulated guideline to districts   First theme based write up is finalised and it will distribute through our website in the next week 0.0585223             Special initiated programmes conducted in district. Detailed NHG based activities will do as part of the campaign works    


Theme Based Programme

Literature Camp- Conducting a 3 days literature Camp for Kudumbashree women who are interested in literature and experience sharing Discussions lead by prominent writers   0.04 Programme is planned to be conduct at KKD on Aug 18 to 20 in collaburation with Sahithya Academy and LalithaKala Academy. A meeting for the programme schedule finalisation is planning on 20th July at Sahithya Academy   Planned to be conduct at KKD on August 18 to 20th     Conducted state level camp at kozhikode   District level Camps organised in some districts as a follow up..     Some districts submitted their proposal to conduct a literature camp as district initiative programme. Eg. Ezhuthidam in Kasaragode. Next state level camp will done in convergence with Sahithya Acadamy in next financial year, initial discussion conducted    
Cultural fest- Special cultural event women were engaged rarely. Like Women Theyyam,   0.04 Cultural fest will be done as part of Onam Tourism Varaghosham of State Government. Discussed with tourism Department   Prepare proposal for tourism department and submitted for approval.               Cultural fest will done as part gender campaign in february    
Art fest- Second phase of Varayude Penma in convergence with Biennale. And Exhibition   0.06 Initial Gathering of Art fest participants will be done as part of the Literature Fest in collobaration with Lalithakala Acadamy - Programme will be Aug 18th to 20th.   Art fest will be done at kozhikode from Aug 18th to 20th in collobaration with Lalithakala Academy               Varayude penma Second phase training started from Dec 1st and will end on 10th December. total 24 participants attended the camp.    
Photography contest on a specific theme through web- Discussion and Photography exhibition   0.03 Initial discussion completed                   Circular prepared for photography contest and will be done as part of campaign    
TED talk- Sharing of Best and Innovative ideas /experience/enterprises of women engaged in Kudumbashree   0.03 Participated in Model TED talk at Eranakulam                   Guideline issued to districts for conducting district level programme for the selection of state level programme candidate    
5 Monitoring evaluation and Documentation Monthly Review Meetings at district level and Ones in two months at state level. Documentation and IEC preparation   0.35 State level review meeting conducted   Every month Review meeting is conducting in districts   Every month Review meeting is conducting in districts   Every month Review meeting is conducting in districts   Every month Review meeting is conducting in districts   Every month Review meeting is conducting in districts. state level reviews and workshops also conducted    
    TOTAL 5                          
1 SRCW Setting up of Gender Resource centre at State level- to conduct study internship and for the coordination of convergent programme based on Gender and Development, Gender Budgetting and Impact studies. Also providing infrastructural assistance for the state and district initiatives   0.16 Prepared and submitted proposal for approoval   Submission given for Material purchase and appoinment of staff. initial discussion finished on behalf of the centre setting up   SRCW centre inaugurated   Staff appoinment finished   Coordinating trainings and other district level activities        
2 Community Counselling Counselling support to SC Women, Adolescent age children, Prevent alcohole consumption and special counselling support to the parents of BUDS/ BRC students SC Department, ICPS, Vimukthi, NRHM etc NIL Initial Discussion held with NHM and social justice. Fund allotted in social development sector in Kudumbashree for BUDS School parents                        
3 Film Festival Planning to conduct film festival at State/District level in collobaration with Chalachithra Academy. Recognizing around the world and all walks of life, as well as celebrating films that raise awareness to global and local issues.   NIL Discussion with Chalachithra Academy will be on 21st                   will be done in Block level as part of the campaign    
  TOTAL     0.16                          




Last updated on 21-December-2017 , 02:25 P.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Sustainable conduct of monthly markets One time financial assistance of Rs. 75,000/- each will be given to selected 152 CDSs (one CDS in a Block) for procuring basic infrastructure facilities like wooden desks, tarpaulin, banners etc for the sustainable conduct of monthly markets of Kudumbashree Products. CDSs will organize the Monthly Markets and the recurring expenses other than infrastructure will be collected from Entrepreneurs.   1.14      
2 Promotion of Café Kudumbashree and regular conduct of Food Festivals in Districts Financial support will be given to District Missions to organize Food Fests in Districts ((5 lakh each). Districts will set up Event Management Teams in this regard. Districts/Event Mgt. Teams will earn profits by collecting 20% commission from entrepreneurs and the profits will be utilized for the continuous conduct of Food Fests.   0.7      
3 Onam Fair Conduct of District level Onam Fairs in every District during the month of August/September, 2017 (Rs. 50,000 to each District).   0.07      
4 Kudumbashree Bazars Opening of uniform exclusive Marketing Outlets in all 14 Districts (one each in District) where Kudumbashree products across the State will be available, along with other neatly packed groceries.   2.8      
5 Home Shops Home shops will be extended to all Districts where Home shops are not available. A network of Home Shops managed by women will be initiated in line with the existing Home Shops in Districts like Kannur and Kozhikode. The Home Shop owners will open a mini shop cum store at their residences to stock products of local entrepreneurs and spend a couple of hours every day meeting NHG members and individuals to sell their products. The management of supply chain will be performed by Home Shop Management Team set up by District Missions.          
  TOTAL   4.71      
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
6 Community Enterprises Fund Community Enterprises Fund (CEF) will be given to 400 selected CDSs as CIF/RF in order to provide low interest loans (4%) to Micro Enterprises/entrepreneurs for business enhancement. Micro Enterprises will submit applications to CDSs through NHG/ADS. At CDS level, there will be a Project Sanctioning Committee to approve the projects. On approval, loan will be credited to Enterprises’ account. PSC will decide the tenure of repayment and enterprise will repay to CDS on a monthly basis. The interest income will be divided between NHG, ADS and CDS @ 10%, 15% and 75%. 50% of the interest income of CDS will be pooled to CEF and 50% will be CDS’ own funds.   20      
7 Product Line Development / Design Clinics / Online Marketing Up-scaling of selected Kudumbashree products through a series of intensive design clinics with the view of up-scaling in value (quality, design & packing) and linking them to bigger markets/online markets. An Online Marketing Platform will also be developed.   1.4      
8 SARAS Fair / Other Fairs Conduct of SARAS Fair in Malappuram in September, 2017.   0.25      
  TOTAL   22.15      
OTHER FUNDS (20% Commission received from previous Food Fests)
9 Food Fests (in association with reputed institutions) Conduct of Food Fests in association with reputed institutions   0.35      


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 10:37 A.M.


l. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as of July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on August 15 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on December Financial Achievement as on December Final Outcome
1 Micro Enterprise formation Formation of 1,882 new Micro Enterprise Units ( 941 Individual enterprises and 941 group enterprises in rural areas) either under the RME or through the Yuvashree scheme by providinginterest subsidy @ 4%. Kudumbashree encourages women/ family members to start micro enterprises under the Rural Micro Enterprises (RME) & Yuvashree scheme in rural areas. Interest subsidy is provided toindividual enterprisesfor the loan amount uptoRs.2.5 lakhsand uptoRs. 10 lakhsforgroup enterprises. The interest subsidy amount is given on a quarterly basis based on the prompt repayment of the loan. Subsidy on interest above 7% will be given on a quarterly basis analysing the bank statement. The additional 3 % amount will be paid at the time of closure of loan analysing the prompt repayment of loan. 31 group and 7 individual 2.36 0.22   0.26  
2 Second Dose Assistance (SDA) to enterprises Mission will provide Second dose assistance to 55 Micro Enterprise Units. SDA is provided to enterprises who want to expand their business or want to diversify their business and to those who are incurring losses. The assistance will be provided to units who has completed3 years of functioning. Anindividual unitwill getRs.50,000 as SDAand group enterprise a maximum ofRs.5,00,000. An individual unit/ cluster/ collectives can avail SDA only once. SDA applications are processed at DMC level whereas applications for collectives/ clusters are processed at State level. The maximum amount that can be sanctioned under SDA for collectives is Rs. 50 lakhs 11 1.37 0.43 69 0.89  
3 Technology Fund (TF) Provide financial assistance in terms of Technology Fund to 75 unitsfor the purchase of machinery and other equipments for the enterprise who has completed6 months of functioning. An individual enterprise will getRs.50,000, and agroup enterprise will get a maximum ofRs.5,00,000. The sanctioning of TF is done at DMC level. The TF claim that exceeds above Rs.5 lakhs will be considered at State level. Clusters/ consortiums can avail TF and can claim upto Rs. 50 lakhs which will be processed at State Level. 3 1.87 0.42 110 1.66  
4 Technology Upgradation Fund (TUF) Units which has already availed technology fund or has completed 3 years of functioningand want to upgrade the existing technology can avail this fund . Individual units can avail a maximum ofRs.50,000and group enterprises can avail a maximum ofRs.5,00,000(proportionate to the number of members in the group) This financial year we are planning to provide Technology upgradation fund to70 units. The sanctioning of TUF is done at DMC level. The TUF claim that exceeds above Rs.5 lakhs will be considered at State level. Clusters/ consortiums can avail TUF and can make a claim upto Rs. 50 lakhs which will be processed at State Level. 8 2.49 0.48 96 1.07  
5 Revolving Fund (RF) Kudumbashree will provideRevolving fundfor 572 Micro Enterprise units during this financial year (2017-18). RF is provided as a one time working capital assistance.The units which has completed6 monthsof funtioning can avial Revolving fund. An individual unit can get a maximum of Rs.10,000and group enterprises can get a maximum of Rs.40,000. A unit can avail RF only once. RF applications are processed at the DMC level 8 2.002 0.7   2.07  
6 Innovation Fund (IF) Kudumbashree Mission is planning to provide Innovation fund to 28 units which has started with new and innovative ideasin this financial year.Rs.35,000per familly orRs.3,50,000per group is the maximum eligible amount as innovation fund. IF is sanctioned at State level   1 0.024 26 0.38  
7 GOT To provide General Orientation Training ( GOT ) to14,115 members.GOTis provided to persons who are interested to start a livelihood activity like Micro Enterprises, JLGs or wage employment. GOT is conducted atCDS level or block level in the first phase. After completion of first level training the persons who are interested to start enterprises will be givenEntrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) which isa second level of orientation on risks and benefits of business they intends to start   0.42 0.07 21904 0.22  
8 Skill Training Skill Trainingwill be provided for9,410 memberswho completedGOT through accredited skill training agencies.(The accreditation of skill training agencies will be done at district level). 50 2.1 0.41 3576 0.67  
9 PIP Conduct Performance Improvement Programme (PIP)to1000 memberswho are already engaged in Micro enterprise activity. The objective is to upgrade their skills in the concerned sector.(especially for Cafe,IT,Apparel,bag,umbrella etc)   0.15        
10 Handholding support Through Micro Enterprise Consultants (MECs) To meet various charges (Honorarium,survey fee,TA) to Micro Enterprise Consultants for providing Handholding Support to ME. MECs are trained people from the community network whose prime responsibility is to provide specific services to enterprises at the CDS level. Project preparation, liasoning with banks for loan sanctioning, to support enterprises in availing Technology fund, Technology upgradation fund, Second dose assistance, Revolving fund & Innovation fund, support District Mission to conduct the GOT, conduct of markets etc.   1        
11 Expert services for development of micro enterprises To avail consultancy /area specific expert services for Micro enterprises development,Exposure visits, Doccumentation.   0.25        
12 Formation of CFC/Cluster Formation of CFC in the coastal areas with 75% of subsidy   5        
13 Mini Enterprises Formation of enterprises in the coastal area with 75 % subsidy            
15 Formation of Consortium Consortiums are formed by members who are engaged in similar activities of production or services. These consortiums are registered under Societies act . This financail year it has been decided to form District level consortiums in4 sectors ( Apparel/ Bag/ Soap and Toiletries/ Flour and Curry Powder).Rs 1 lakhcan be used for the activities ineach sector.The funds will be utilized for Mobilisation , Awareness creation, Training and Exposure visits.   0.55        
16 Formation of Producer Companies Producer Company is a company registered under the Companies Act; 2013, formed in Primary Sector . Funds will be utilised for Mobilisation, Awareness creation, Training, Business Plan Development and Registgration of Producer Companies. This fianncial year (2017 -18) it has been targeted to form one Producer Company per District. Rs 2 lakhs can be utilised for the aforesaid activites of each producer company.   0.31        
17 Professional Support The members of producer companies need to be capacitated for managing the activities of Producer companies . For this Professional support is given for Producer Companies by recruting professionally qualified members with suffiencent work experience as Cheif Executive Officer and Accountant. Kudumbashree will provide salary for CEO, Accountant and other field staffs of Producer Companies in Idukki, Malappuram and Kannur for a period of one year   0.2        
18 Consultancy Support and Colloboration with experts/ institutions To provide Consultancy support for Micro Enterprises / Consortiums/ Producer Companies, through reputed organisations likeCFRD, NIFT, KVK, CTCRI, CFTRI, KASE etc. This will help these units in Product Diversification, Business development / Marketing/ Packaging improvement / Quality Services etc .   1        
19 Infrastructure and Technical Assistance For the functioning of Micro Enterprises proper infrastructure, Machineries, and licenses are required. For this Financial assistance is provided through kudumbashree for providing infrastruture facilites of Existing and New Consortiums/ Producer Companies.   1.35        
20 Working Capital Support At present many of the Units are struggling to purchase raw materials in bulk due to lack of Working Capital. The Working Capital support for Collectives is for Bulk Procurement of Rawmaterials . Rs 5 lakhswill be provided toeach Districtfor assisting the collectives which needs such assistance.   0.7        
21 Training and Capacity Building, High end training to members of Consortiums and Producer Companies in Reputed organisations like NIFT, CUSAT, IIM etc . This financial year target is 100 persons per district.   0.9        
Total budget available under State Plan 26.022        
22 Capacitation of Micro Enterprise Consultants For conducting various trainings for MECs Training on GST, Lisencing, Malayalam typewriting, PIP,Motivation, Project preparation, Accounting, Teaching Entreprenurship And Management (TEAM), Certificate in Rural Entreprenurship And Management ( Training for 230 MECs @ 10,000 per head )   0.25        
23 Skill training for enterprises Skill Training will be provided for9,410 memberswho completed GOT and EDP trainings through accredited skill training agencies. The accreditation of skill training agencies will be done at district level.   2.6        
Total budget available under NRLM 2.85        
SC Fund          
24 SC Cafe The amount received from SC department for the formation of 3 central Kitchen, 15 minicafe units and 3 Canteens using SC benificiaries (The fund is available for Skill training @ 8460 per member, Subsidy will be provided @ 75%, Consultancy fee & other supports )   2.21   2.21    
25 SC training through MECs SC department provided fund for giving General Orientation Training , Entrepreneurship Development programme ,marketing support and other handholding supports to SC activity groups through Kudumbashree Micro Enterprise Consultants.   0.41   0.26    
Total fund available from Sheduled Cast Department 2.62   2.47    
    TOTAL   31.492        


Last updated on 21-December-2017 , 02:03 P.M.

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Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Creation of a Bylaw for the Facility Management Centre The Facility Management Centre is poised for an expansion stage and in order to accellerate its growth, the foundations has to be made strong. So a research has been initiated to develop and comprehensive and inclusive by laws, by which the future action plans will be guided.          
2 Registration of Facility Management Centre The Facility Management Centre will be registered as a separate legal entity to provide more and more employment by capturing more and more project. The idea is to make it as a centre of excellence in facility management discipline          
3 Marketing campaign for Facility Management Centre To rope in more and more organisations to avail facility management services from Kudumbashree and by thus generating more employment for women and transgenders          
4 One Station-One Shop project To put up one shop each on Metro Stations to distribute quality products of Kudumbashree. With an average of 30000 commuters every day, Kudumbashree aims to clinch a success deal in alliance with Kochi Metro          
5 Innovation fund from NULM NULM has set aside provisions for funding innovative projects. Kudumbashree being the first to incorporate an all women managed metro stations intends to apply for the same and make useful and employment generating investments in different projects          
6 To create a website for Facility Management Centre A website to be created with the intention of helping out on marketing campaign as well as spreading information to external and internal stake holders          
7 Implementing Six Sigma in Facility Management Centre This is an endeavor to ensure quality in every area we touch and thus would ensure adoption of world class standards. The training has to be imparted to the workforce regarding standards, policies and certification from the competent authorities.          
8 Adoption of WFM software FMC is currently operating at 530 employees scalable to 780 employees by March. This will necessitate a quality software to be used for WFM to ensure proper workforce planning          
9 Designing and Implementing HR Policy An HR policy has to be implmented among the work force to bring clarity about the work practices. This will act as a foundation stone for employees and employer to understand each others priorities. This will be done on a participative mode inviting suggestions from both internal and external stake holders          
10 Rewards and Recognitions Facility Management Centre believes in performance based pay and all the best practices needs to recognised and rewarded. The effort is to design a weekly , monthly and yearly reward and recognition programs to the work force.          
11 Publicity Two articles to be published in international Journal, Three videos to be created for issuance to the public as well as for website          


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 10:40 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Achievement as on Aug 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Remarks Final Outcome
I. NRLM FUND                
1 Profile creation in NRLM data base With a strong focus on building access to financial service by the poor, National Rural Livelihood Mission(NRLM) has initiated “RURAL SHG PROFILE CREATION”- an online portal through which it collects details including bank Account No. and Aadhaar No of each NHG Member. This would help to identify members with and without Bank Individual Account Number and status on their Aadhaar number seeded to the bank account so on. Core idea behind this exercise is that details of individual bank account and Aadhaar seeding would eventually enable transfer of payments/benefits directly to the beneficiaries.. 45.02% Completed 66.8% Completed 0.61 0.11 0.11    
2 Rolling out of Transaction Base SHG Digital Accounting System(TBSDAS) Considering the field level constraints in implementing manual bookkeeping and given the advantages of using digital technology, DAY-NRLM has introduced Transaction-Based SHG Digital Accounting System (TBSDAS). This online system envisages to enhance quality of bookkeeping as well as performance of NHGs through Digitizing financial transaction of all 2.37 lakhs Rural NHGs .It will be rolled out in 3 phases. First phase from June – August 2017 covering 168 CDS and 37000 NHGs. 2nd & 3rd Phase from Aug –Oct 2017 & Oct –Dec 2017 covering 388 CDS and one lakh NHGs in each phase .Major components includes training, Procurement of Laptops, and collection and digitization of Data. 42 NHGs profile added 100 NHGs profile added 8.64 0.01 3    
3 NRLM Interest Subvention Under NRLM( Central Scheme) for category II districts,( districts except Malappuram, Wayanad,Palakkad & Idukki which are considered as category 1 districts & these districts are eligible to get bank linkage at an interest rate of 4% ) all Kudumbashree NHGs in rural area are eligible for interest subvention to avail the loan facility at an interest rate of 7%. Here Banks will charge the SHGs as per their respective lending norms and the difference between the lending rates and 7% subjected to a maximum limit of 5.5% will be subvented in the loan accounts of the NHGs by Kudumbashree State Mission. This will be paid periodiaclly as per the reports shared by NRLM through its Bank Linkage Portal     7 1 1.33    
4 Revolving Fund Revolving Fund is given to NHGs as corpus to meet the members’ credit needs directly and as catalytic capital for leveraging repeat bank finance. RF is given to SHGs that have been practicing ‘Panchasutra’ (Regular meetings; Regular savings; regular inter-loaning; Timely repayment; and Up-to-date books of accounts).From 2014 - 15 to 2016 -17, 3914 NHGs received Revolving Fund.
This year’s target is to give RF to 10,000 NHGs including Elderly NHGs.
    15 1.85 2.9    
5 Vulnerability Reduction Fund Provides funds through ADS to NHGs to address vulnerabilities like food security, health security etc., and to meet the needs of the vulnerable persons in the NHGs. Maximum amount paid to a NHG is Rs.15,000.This years target is to give VRF to 2,500 NHGs     3.75   1.1    
6 Bank Managers Training & convergence with Bankers State level and district level bankers meet to build good rapport with bankers in order to make NHGs, avail hassle free bank loans   meeting with leading bankers and software providers will be held on 13th July 2017 0.2 0.83 0    
7 Financial Literacy campaign In order to provide a platform for NHGs to be aware of and benefit from formal banking services Financial Literacy campaigns(FLCs) are conducted every year. This year it is intended to bring a comprehesive module for FLCs that will help the NHG members to understand the significance of Financial Management and importance to engage in livelihood activities . FLC for Balsabha children in Malappuram district also will be conducted meeting with leading bankers and software providers will be held on 13th July 2017 Conducted 87 FLC 0.28 0 0.04    
  TOTAL NRLM FUND   Conducted 41 FLC   35.48 0.04 3.73    
II. STATE PLAN FUND         3.73      
1 Interest Subsidy It is a Govt of Kerala scheme to promote Bank Linkage Program among Kudumbashree Neighbourhood Groups. Under this scheme all Kudumbashree NHGs are eligible for interest subvention to avail the loan facility at an interest rate of 4% on credit upto Rs. 3 lakhs. This was introduced in Apr 2016. claims of old 2nd and 3rd instalment of last years linkage (require 34 crore) need to be collected; and linkage amount of the newly linked 84,000 or actual NHGs (require 21 crore) and linkage amount of this years 50,000 NHGs (require 75 crore) also need to be given. Claims should be collected on a time bound manner     12   61 ( 42 Cr pending+ 19 new claim)  
2 Matching Grant In order to motivate the NHGs to come forward for bank linkage program Kudumbashree has designed an incentivizing program called matching grant. Here the linked NHG will be given a grant of Rs.5000/- or 10% of their thrift( Whichever is lesser). This year it is targeted to give Matching Grant to 7500 NHGS     2.95 31.7 5.47    
3 Salary of CDS Accountants Each CDS has CDS Accountant to support chairperson. Salary of CDS Accountants to be given     20 5.47 6.12    
4 Capacitation for KAASS Kudumbashree Accounts and Audit Service Society(KAASS), a homegrown group to ensure proper account keeping in the community network. 3 regional level training to update their skills to be given     0.05 5.09      
5 Ensure 100% linkage At present 84,000 NHGs (Out of 2.77 lakh NHGs) are not linked. This has to be linked before December 2017. After linking these NHGs, matching grant has to be given to all of them   Total 13390 NHGs Linked and 6695 among them are First linkage          
6 Auditing of CBOs viz. CDS, ADS &NHGs First of its kind in NHGs devised by Kudumbashree where the trained and formed NHG members will audit all three tier system Annually. Audit needs to be completed on or before September of every year. But in the financial year 2016-17 only 70% of NHG Audit was completed, Back log to be completed inthis month. Target of 2017-18 also to be achieved within a given time frame Total 3498 NHGs Linked            
  TOTAL STATE PLAN FUND       35        
III. FUND FROM LIC                
1 Kudumbashree Sthree Suraksha Beema Yojana(KSSBY) A life cover policy for NHG members . Annual premium amount is Rs.150/-. Other than life Cover maximum of two students of a policy holder studying between 9-12 are eligible to get scholarship worth Rs.1200/- per child per annum. Insurance Camapign to be promoted in the districts to enrol more members     0.07        
GRAND TOTAL         70.55        


Last updated on 17-August-2017 , 04:55 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Achievement as on Dec 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Dec 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 NRLM- NHG profile creation This is the activity of creating rural NHG profiles at NRLM MIS website. It includes NHG profiles and member profiles. 46.97% NHG profile creation- 73%, NHG member profile creation-83% 0.62 0.16 When this process is completed, complete details of all rural NHGs and members will be available as various reports in NRLM MIS portal
NHG profiles includes NHG name, its ward, GP and district name, bank account details. Member profiles includes member name,DOB,social category details,contact number,bank and aadhaar details
2 NRLM- TBSDAS(Transaction based SHG digitial accounting system) This is the process of digitalize NHGs' transactions. To start this process, first phase is to complete NHG and member profiles at NRLM MIS website. This can be started only on the completed NHG profiles. Rolled out on 42 rural nhgs. Planning to roll out on other rural NHGs 4906 NHGs'  data uploaded. Laptops&dongles purchased at 921 rural CDSs(out of 940 rural CDSs). Training is conducting in ALL rural CDSs parallely as per action plan and guideline 8.65 2.28 All rural NHGs' financial transaction details including attendance, savings, loan and repayment details and grading will be available as various reports
Second phase is the data collection and uploading of cutoff transaction data and monthly transaction data. Cutoff data means the complete data till the month before previous month. Monthly data means the data on previous month.
Cutoff data sheet includes details of savings, loans, repayment etc of each NHG and each member. Transaction sheet includes the attendance,savings, loans,repayment of each member and NHG at each month.


Last updated on 19-December-2017 , 11:50 P.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Promotion of SHGs, VOs and CLFs : Kudumbashree School - A training programme for NHG members A training programme to create awareness among the Kudumbashree NHG members about their social responsibilities and improve their standard of living through knowledge. Under the programme
over 43 lakh Kudumbashree NHG members would be given training on various subjects. The classes will be conducted for a period of 6 weeks where each NHG member should spend 2 hours weekly. There will be a master trainer at the CDS level and 6 trainers at ADS level who will facilitate
classes at ward level. The following are the plan of action for implementation of Kudumbashree
School project; a) Identification of (1.2 Lakh) CDS & ADS level Trainers
b) Training for CDS level Master Trainers (1073 x 03 days x`700) -`22.68 Lakh
c) Training for ADS level Trainers (1.19 Lakh x 02 days x`200) -`238 Lakh
d) Honararium for CDS level master Trainers (1073 x `3,000) -`32 Lakh
e) Handbook Development & Printing (3.9 lakh x`50) -`195 Lakh
f) Training group Monitoring (1073 CDS*1500 =16.09
  5   0  
2 Saturation of Coastal Panchayats : Strengthening of Coastal NHGs - Revolving Fund to Coastal NHGs As part of capacitation of Coastal NHGs, Kudumbashree will provide Revolving Fund (RF) to Coastal NHGs, Kudumbashree will provide Revolving Fund (RF) to Coastal
NHGs at the rate of `15,000 as corpus to meet the members’ credit needs directly and as catalystic capital for
leveraging repeat bank finance.
  3.5   0  
3 Capacity building of Mission staff Major training programmes planned for the financial year 2017-2018 are Training for elected members of LSGs, Kudumbashree Staff (DMC/ADMC/Programme Managers/Asst. Programme Mangers),
Community Training Groups, New CDS Chairpersons and New consultants
  1   0.14  
4 Elderly Inclusion Project under NRLP (100% GoI support)     2   0.0497  
  sub total     11.5   0.1897  
1 Tribal special interventions in four districts : Revival and reorganisation of existing NHGs & formation of new NHGs/Federations, Community Funds, Capacity Building     6.5   0  
2 Handholding support/CRP for tribal areas : Community RP Support ( Animators and co ordinators Support)   1.5   0.2665  
3 Comprehensive tribal and particularly vulnerable tribal group development project (Attapady) under NRLP (100% GoI support)     6   0.94  


Gender Sensitization and Capacity Building : Gender Sensitisation Training, Community Counselling, Vigilant Group formation& Activity

Gender Sensitisation training for Officials CDS Chairpersons. Aiming the transformation of participants for the gender just society through the different typeof community interventions Two days training for the first level and continous training if needed. State level officials training will be done in thiruvananthapuram and district level officials training will be conducted in regional level. CDS chairpersons training will be at district level.  


Community Counselors are supposed to be give psycho social support to the communities in differnt ares/Issues Placed one counselor for 3 CDS Training for the newly identified Capacitation of existing community counselling educators Case study analysis and book preparation Counselling support to the Elderly people Counselling support to the survivors through gender Corner and Migration centre        
Ward level Activity Group Formation- For assuring the safety and security to Women and Children in the locality and make it a women and child friendly area        
4 Vulnerability Mapping Vulnerability Mapping – Map the locality to identify the prevailing vulnerabilities which are leading the community in to vulnerable situations. select selecting 140 LSGIs for this process. Total 308 Master trainers will lead the process (A). Introductory Campaign for Vulnerability Mapping (B). Trainings will complete by August 15.2017 (C). Data Collection (Secondary, Primary, FGd and Institutional Analysis) will be completed on October 30.2017 (D). Special software development. (E). Data Consolidation and Report formation will be completed on November 30.2017 (F).Convergence meeting, Report Presentation and Project formulation   1.36 (Carry forward funds from 2016-17)   0.0523  
5 State Level Campaign Campaign for Community system strengthening to prevent violence against women and the formation of safe locality. Community level sensitisation programme about the services avail in the state to address the social issues. All NHGs will be the part of Campign through different activities.   2.25 (Carry forward funds from 2016-17)   0  
6 District Specific programmes and Innovatives Strengthening of community system - Theme based discussions, Skits and NHG area specific activities. According to the creativity and innovations of the Districts   1.4 (Carry forward funds from 2016-17)   0.0206  
  sub total     15.5   0.0846  
  sub total     5 (Carry forward funds from 2016-17)   1.2911  
1 Adoption, piloting and scaling-up of transaction-based MIS and use of MIS data & Training of staff and community resource persons in MIS reporting Considering the field level constraints in implementing manual bookkeeping and given the advantages of using digital technology, DAY-NRLM has introduced Transaction-Based SHG Digital Accounting System (TBSDAS). This online system envisages to enhance quality of bookkeeping as well as performance of NHGs through Digitizing financial transaction of all 2.37 lakhs Rural NHGs .It will be rolled out in 3 phases. First phase from June – August 2017 covering 168 CDS and 37000 NHGs. 2nd & 3rd Phase from Aug –Oct 2017 & Oct –Dec 2017 covering 388 CDS and one lakh NHGs in each phase .Major components includes training, Procurement of Laptops, and collection and digitization of Data.   8.65   0.0294  
2 Provision of interest subvention Under NRLM( Central Scheme) for category II districts,( districts except Malappuram, Wayanad,Palakkad & Idukki which are considered as category 1 districts & these districts are eligible to get bank linkage at an interest rate of 4% ) all Kudumbashree NHGs in rural area are eligible for interest subvention to avail the loan facility at an interest rate of 7%. Here Banks will charge the SHGs as per their respective lending norms and the difference between the lending rates and 7% subjected to a maximum limit of 5.5% will be subvented in the loan accounts of the NHGs by Kudumbashree State Mission. This will be paid periodiaclly as per the reports shared by NRLM through its Bank Linkage Portal   7   0  
3 Revolving Fund (RF) Revolving Fund is given to NHGs as corpus to meet the members’ credit needs directly and as catalytic capital for leveraging repeat bank finance. RF is given to SHGs that have been practicing ‘Panchasutra’ (Regular meetings; Regular savings; regular inter-loaning; Timely repayment; and Up-to-date books of accounts).From 2014 - 15 to 2016 -17, 3914 NHGs received Revolving Fund. This year’s target is to give RF to 10,000 NHGs.   15   0.0015  
4 Vulnerability Reduction Fund (VRF) Provides funds through ADS to NHGs to address vulnerabilities like food security, health security etc., and to meet the needs of the vulnerable persons in the NHGs. Maximum amount paid to a NHG is Rs.15,000.This years target is to give VRF to 2,500 NHGs   3.75   0  
5 Financial literacy and opening of individual bank accounts, Sensitization and training of bankers In order to provide a platform for NHGs to be aware of and benefit from formal banking services Financial Literacy campaigns(FLCs) are conducted every year. This year it is intended to bring a comprehesive module for FLCs that will help the NHG members to understand the significance of Financial Management and importance to engage in livelihood activities . FLC for Balsabha children in Malappuram district also will be conducted. State level and district level bankers meet to build good rapport with bankers in order to make NHGs, avail hassle free bank loans   0.48   0.0251  
  sub total     34.88   0.056  
1 Capacity building of NHG members/entrepreneurs towards sustainable livelihoods : Conduct Skill Training for new entrepreneurs who completed GOT and EDP trainings   2.6   0.00068  
2 Capacitation of MECs     0.25   0  
  sub total     2.85   0.00068  
1 Community Enterprise Fund Community Enterprises Fund (CEF) will be given to 400 selected CDSs as CIF/RF in order to provide low interest loans (4%) to Micro Enterprises/entrepreneurs for business enhancement. Micro Enterprises will submit applications to CDSs through NHG/ADS. At CDS level, there will be a Project Sanctioning Committee to approve the projects. On approval, loan will be credited to Enterprises’ account. PSC will decide the tenure of repayment and enterprise will repay to CDS on a monthly basis. The interest income will be divided between NHG, ADS and CDS @ 10%, 15% and 75%. 50% of the interest income of CDS will be pooled to CEF and 50% will be CDS’ own funds.   20.5   0  
2 Product Line Development / Design Clinics / Online Marketing Up-scaling of selected Kudumbashree products through a series of intensive design clinics with the view of up-scaling in value (quality, design & packing) and linking them to bigger markets/online markets. An Online Marketing Platform will also be developed.   1.4   0  
3 SARAS Fair / Other Fairs Conduct of SARAS Fair in Malappuram in September, 2017.   0.25   0.19  
  sub total     22.15   0.19  
Block Mission Management Cost
1 Block Mission Management Cost Salary/TA of 152 Block Coordinators, 14 District Accountants and 98 District Programme Managers   9.23   0.97  
State Mission Management Cost
1 State Mission Management Cost     2.15   0.32  
GRAND TOTAL 98.26   3.01748  


Last updated on 17-August-2017 , 01:00 P.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome


Convergence - NRO Level - Community Convergence Professional Training Manual

Training materials for Community Convergence Professional (CCP) development in consultation with National Mission Management Unit (NMMU)

First draft has been finalised and sent to NMMU. A consultative workshop is planned at KILA in August for finalising it.        
Trained pool of Community Convergence Professional (CCPs) across states as per state feedback        
2 Convergence - NRO level - Toolkit for PRI-CBO Convergence Protocol for universalisation of PRI-CBO Convergence project for the adoption by other states Finalised module approved by NMMU by 17 July 2017        
3 Convergence - NRO level - Convergence Meeting with Director General - NIRD on partnership with NIRD for scale up of Convergence Proposal has been prepared        


Convergence - Jharkhand - Project Roll out

Roll out of the project in 179 GPs MoU signing by 20th of July 2017        
Training for Mentor Resource Persons Mentors workshop completed        
  Training for LRG, social action committee, ward members in June 2017        
  PAE rolled out in 30 GPs in June 2017        


Convergence - Assam

Internal mentor selection and training - Phase 2 Capacitated pool of internal mentors by July end - August 1, 2017        
LRG identification and orientation Capacitated pool of LRGs by July 2017        
Roll out of PAE Completion of PAE from July - September        
Roll out of EAP Completion of EAP from October - November        
Institutionalisation Formation of VOCC (August-September)        
  Formation of GPCC (September-October)        
  Mentor workshop in June        
  MoU signing in June 2017        
  Orientation of line department in four blocks in June 2017        
  Orientation for BMMU/DMMU for four blocks in June        
  Orientation of Vos initiated in June 2017        


Convergence - Rajasthan

Institutionalisation GP2RP consultation by July 2017        
Development of internal mentors GPCC formation and training by July-August 2017        
Gender Self Learning Programme Field level GSLP (July-August)        
  Field visit/interactions for GSLP in June 2017        


Convergence - Odisha

Scale up of project to four other GPs MoU siging by July 2017        
MoU signing District and Block oriented by July 2017        
Internal mentor training Capacitated Internal Mentors by July 2017        
LRG selection and orientation Creation of LRG pool by August 2017        
  Capacitated PRI by August 2017        
  Capacitated CBO by August 2017        
  Formation of GPCC by September and October 2017        
Roll out of PAE Completion of PAE by September and October 2017        
Roll out of EAP Completion of EAP by September and October 2017        
Institutionalisation Completion of EAP by September and October 2017        
  Draft MoU prepared        


Convergence - Tripura

PAE in progress Completion of PAE and EAP by July-August 2017        
EAP in progress Exposure visit by August 2017        
Exposure visit Capacitated PRI in September 2017        
Institutionalisation Capacitated CBO in September 2017        
GP2RP Capacitated LRGs in September 2017        
  Oriented line departments in September 2017        
  Formation of GPCC and capacitation in October-November 2017        
  Completion of GP2RP in October-December 2017        
  Roll out of PAE in June 2017        
  LRG selection and orientation in June 2017        
  Block orientation on PAE in June 2017        
  PRI orientation in June 2017        


Convergence - Chhattisgarh

  MoU signing        
  Completion of PAE and EAP by July-August 2017        
  Formation and orientation of VOCC by September 2017        
  Formation and capacitation of GPCC by September - October 2017        
  Roll out of PAE in June 2017        
10 Convergence - Manipur Recce visit to be initiated to initiate project Completion of Recce visit in July 25, 2017        


Special Project - Goa

Institution Building and Capacity Building Community Resource Person selected and oriented (ongoing)        
  SHG formation and streamlining (ongoing)        
  VO formation (ongoing)        
Initial discussion for livelihood September, 2017        
Plans to be finalised October, 2017        


Special Project-Sikkim

Institution Building and Capacity Building MCP preparation and submission in July 2017        
  Ward Development Society trained in July 2017        
  Mentor workshop in June        
  Review of activities in old 7 blocks in June 2017        
Initial discussion for livelihood December, 2017 (as per state)        
Plans to be finalised October, 2017        


Special Project-Lakshadweep

Institution Building and Capacity Building Community Resource Person selected and oriented in July        
  SHG formed in July-August 2017        
  Existing SHG streamlined in July-August 2017        
  VO formed in August-September 2017        
Initial discussion for livelihood November, 2017        
Plans to be finalised December, 2017        


Enterprises - NRO level - Creation of pool of 50 mentors

Recruitment and selection Recruitment being planned from 9th-11th July 2017

Rs. 15-20 lakh

Training Training from second week of september, 2017      
Certification December, 2017      
Deployment As per requirement      


Enterprises - NRO level - Capacity Building of existing mentors

Development of training modules As per requirement. For the immediate training, Module development ongoing (5th-18 July)        
Training of Trainers As per requirement. For the immediate training before 19th July 2017        
Engaging Professionals To be identified as per requirement. Process to engage Arshia, Kurian, Abhinav, Arun to be completed by 15 July 2017.        
Refreshor training - Delivery of training Refresher training for 40 mentors from 20th-26th July 2017        
Certification Before 30th September, 2017        


Enterprises - NRO level - Capacity Building of professionals

Planning (Individual and organisational assessment of skill gap) July 30, 2017        
Engaging Professionals/agencies As per requirement        
Training delivery Spread over the year as per requirement        


Enterprise - NRO level - PTS Roll out

Customisation and fine tuning of PTS App Continuous activity till January 2018        
Development of various enterprise performance reporting template September, 2017        
Linking the PTS data as well as analysis with state and NRO MIS December, 2017        


Enterprises - NRO level - Training modules for professionals

Compilation of existing training modules September, 2017        
Developing trainer's manual and MEC hand book for TED October, 2017        
Developing modules for stregthening of livelihood/ME sub-committees in partner states for effecting engagement of MEC with CBO October, 2017        
Identification of new training requirements and module development Continuous process        
Publication of all the training modules developed under enterprises domain November, 2017        


Enterprises - SVEP - Bihar

CRP-EP certification December, 2017        
CBO Training-BRC Management Committee By July 2017        
CBO Training-CBO Orientation/stregthening of sub-committees Continuous process        
PTS App orientation to CRP-EP and SRLM October, 2017        
SVEP Campaign to speed up on-field implementation August-October 2017.        
Linking the PTS data as well as analysis with state and NRO MIS Depending upon readiness of the state.        
Enterprise development - 3793 numbers in 6 blocks December, 2017        
Joint Review Quarterly (next in October 2017)        
Initiation of value chain interventions November, 2017        


Enterprises - SVEP - Jharkhand

CRP-EP certification December, 2017        
CBO Training-BRC Management Committee August, 2017        
CBO Training-CBO Orientation/stregthening of sub-committees Continuous process        
Initiating special intervention strategy to speed up the SVEP implementation on ground December, 2017        
1476 Enterprise Development (5 blocks) Depending upon readiness of state        
Review of SVEP and MEC project with JH Team 27-28 July 2017        
Review with SRLM Quarterly (August, 2017)        
Initiation of value chain interventions December, 2017        
Scale up in four new blocks Signing of MoU anticipated in August, 2017        
Placement of Mentors in new SVEP blocks September, 2017        
Selection of new MECs for new SVEP blocks September - October, 2017        
Completion of DPR in new SVEP blocks November, 2017        
Capacity Building of newly selected MECs October, 2017 till March, 2018        


Enterprises - SVEP - Rajasthan

CRP-EP certification December, 2017        
CBO Training-BRC Management Committee August, 2017        
CBO Training-CBO Orientation/stregthening of sub-committees Continuous process        
PTS App orientation to CRP-EP and SRLM September, 2017        
SVEP Campaign to speed up on-field implementation November-December 2017.        
Linking the PTS data as well as analysis with state and NRO MIS Depending on state        
Enterprise Development - 561 numbers in 2 blocks December, 2017        
Joint Review August, 2017        
Initiation of value chain interventions December, 2017        
ToT to MECs for CBO orientation June, 2017        
ME Development process orientation June, 2017        
PTS orientation (paper based) June, 2017        
Scale up of SVEP project Anticipated based on confirmation from SRLM        


Enterprises - SVEP - Kerala

CRP-EP certification December, 2017        
CBO Training-BRC Management Committee Round 1: Oct'17, Round 2: After CDS selection        
CBO Training-CBO Orientation/stregthening of sub-committees Ongoing        
PTS App orientation to CRP-EP and SRLM June, 2017        
Linking the PTS data as well as analysis with state and NRO MIS Depend on the state        
Enterprise Development - 833 numbers in 2 blocks December, 2017        
Joint Review October, 2017        
Initiation of value chain interventions December, 2017        
Orientation to CBOs on SVEP June, 2017        
ME Development process orientation to MECs and BNS-EP June, 2017        
Finalisation of SVEP Guidelines July, 2017        
Scale up in six new blocks To be initiated as per approval of Empowered Committee/NRLM (July, 2017)        
Developing pool of Master Trainers for SVEP September, 2017        
Placement of Mentors in new SVEP blocks September, 2017        
DPR preparation to be completed November, 2017        
Selection of new MECs September - October, 2017        
Capacity Building of newly selected MECs October, 2017 till March, 2018        


Enterprises - SVEP - Chhattisgarh

Signing of MoU anticipated MoU signing anticipated in August, 2017        
Placement of Mentors September, 2017        
DPR preparation to be completed November, 2017        
Selection of new MECs September - October, 2017        
Capacity Building October, 2017 till March, 2018        


Enterprises - SVEP - AP

Signing of MoU anticipated MoU signing anticipated in August        
Placement of Mentors September, 2017        
DPR preparation to be completed November, 2017        
Selection of new MECs September - October, 2017        
Capacity Building October, 2017 till March, 2018        


Enterprises - SVEP - Telangana

Signing of MoU anticipated MoU signing anticipated in August        
Placement of Mentors September, 2017        
DPR preparation to be completed November, 2017        
Selection of new MECs September - October, 2017        
Capacity Building October, 2017 till March, 2018        
Getting confirmation from SRLM on SVEP engagement Julu-August, 2017        


Enterprises - SVEP - Karnataka

To be taken up based on confirmation from SRLM

To be decided as per approval from Empowered Committee

14 Enterprises - SVEP - Tripura To be taken up based on confirmation from SRLM To be decided as per approval from Empowered Committee        
15 Enterprises - SVEP - Uttarakhand To be taken up based on confirmation from SRLM To be decided as per approval from Empowered Committee        
16 Enterprises - SVEP - Tamil Nadu To be taken up based on confirmation from SRLM To be decided as per approval from Empowered Committee        
17 Enterprises - SVEP - West Bengal To be taken up based on confirmation from SRLM To be decided as per approval from Empowered Committee        


Enterprises - MEC - Jharkhand

Strengthening pool of Internal Mentors and Master Trainers December, 2017        
Develop protocol for scale up January, 2018        
High value enterprise initiations Ongoing till March 2018        
MEC Policy Roll out October, 2017        
Joint Review August, 2017        


Enterprises - MEC - Maharashtra

Strengthening pool of Internal Mentors and Master Trainers December, 2017        
Develop protocol for scale up January, 2018        
High value enterprise initiations December, 2017        
MEC Policy Roll out September, 2017        
Joint Review October, 2017        
Scale up of MEC Project Based on confirmation of state        


Enterprises - MEC - Karnataka

Identification and TOT of Internal Mentor and Master Trainers September, 2017        
Develop protocol for scale up January, 2018        
High value enterprise initiations December, 2017        
MEC Policy Roll out December, 2017        
Joint Review Quarterly (next in October 2017)        


Enterprises - MEC - Rajasthan

Second batch of MEC Capacity Building in three pilot districts November, 2017        
Stregthening of MEC Groups January, 2018        
MEC policy roll out November, 2017        
PTS App roll out To be initiated as per confirmation from SRLM        


Enterprises - NRO level - Value Chain - Farm Sector

Farm sector tool pilot testing completion July 20, 2017        
Initiation of value chain tool in all blocks for farm sector August first week        
Interventions of value chain based on the outcome of above tool From mid-September        


Enterprises - NRO level -Value Chain - Non-farm Sector

Finalisation of non-farm sector tool and services tool August'17 end        
Pilot testing of the tool for non-farm sector Septmber-October'17 end        
Initiation of the tool in all the blocks November, 2017        
Intervention of value chain December, 2017        
1 Implementation support to SERP-AP in setting up of Café Kudumbashree by July 14, 2017 Proposal will be sent by 14th June and will be discussed during meeting with AP Chief Minister which will be held on 19th & 20th June. Once decision taken project will be implemented immediately. Proposal sent to SERP, AP on June 15, 2017 Rs. 1,06,95,000.00      
2 Conduct a workshop on the World Bank Project on June 30, 2017 The workshop is proposed to be conducted with all DMCs/selected personnel; Giving suggestion regarding the World Bank project to the Principal Secretary. Workshop conducted; two follow up meetings planned        
3 Pool of new mentors Selection and training of 50 more mentors for Enterprises domain Notification issued.        
4 Tie up with NIRD for implementing project under convergence domain in all the states by July 14, 2017 Formation of certified convergence cadre for implemention of PRI-CBO convergence in non-intensive blocks across states. Discussions held with NIRD; decided to develop a joint programme        
5 Publish a tool kit under PRI-CBO Convergence Project by July 14, 2017 PRI-CBO Convergence toolkit to be published comprising all informations. First draft ready, to be finalised by 10th July 2017        
6 Finalise SVEP Team Content and submit to NRLM Kudumbashree has entrusted TREE Society to finalise the content Revised delivery date: 31 July 2017 Rs. 16 lakh      
7 Documentation of Best Practices from partner states Publishing of more than 90 case studies by TISS Commnity College Students 34 best stories have been compiled for publication        
8 Poverty Free Gram Panchayat concept development by August 1, 2017 Develop concept and start implementation in 5 GPs in the state under Poverty Free Gram Panchayat Concept and proposal will be finalized by 10th July        
9 Documenting NRO impact in partner states Video documentation of success stories under PRI-CBO convergenve and MEC in partner states. To be initiated; target date: 31 December 2017        
10 Video documentaries for Kerala by September 1, 2017 Documentation of Kudumbashree best practices Initiated; 10 documentaries to be ready by 30the August 2017 Rs. 15 lakh      
11 Two books on Kudumbashree by August 31, 2017 Malayalam and English book on History of Kudumbashree Work progressing; books to be ready by 30th September        
12 International assignments and signing of agreement by August 14, 2017 Expansion of Kudumbashree horizon to South Africa, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia.          
13 Mobile application for Kerala ME by July 14, 2017 Develop Performance Tracking System (PTS) for Kerala SVEP.          
14 Develop and launch a website for NRO by July 15, 2017            
15 Submit details of individual goals and aspirations set up by all NRO staff by June 14, 2017 Compile and share individual goals of all staffs. Completed        
16 Facebook Page of NRO by June 30, 2017 Create a facebook page of NRO and bring into operation. NRO facebook page has been activated.        
17 SVEP Proposal for 6 more blocks by June 30, 2017 Submit proposal for 6 new blocks to come under SVEP and get funds. Start implementation in these blocks. Proposal sent on June 13, 2017. Implementation will start once NRLM approves.        
18 Start SVEP Block Resource Centre and settle all issues/Get state share etc. by June 30, 2017   Fund transferred. Funds from NRO to be transferred. Guidelines to be issued.        

NRO Secretariat

      8.84 0.859 1.33  

Last updated on 17-August-2017 , 05:26 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as of July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on Aug 5 Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Achievement as on September 5 Financial Achievement as on Sept 5 (in Rs. crores) Achievement as on October 5 Financial Achievement as onOct 5 (in Rs. crores) Achievement as on November 5 Financial Achievement as on Nov 5 (in Rs. crores) Achievement as on December 5 Financial Achievement as on Dec 5 (in Rs. crores) Final Outcome
1 New Neighbourhood group (NHG) formation 2000 new NHGs to be formed before December 2017, capacitate them by conducting trainings using the 2 modules prescribed under NULM. 946 new formation 1.4    


            1534 NHGs formed and capacitated with module 1 and module 2


2 Old NHG - Reaching linkage 3965 NHGs have been formed in last two years. Of this 1242 NHGs are linked. Remaining 2723 NHGs to be linked : capacitate them with training using the 2 modules prescribed under NULM using the RPs, training team, CMMU and COs , conduct financial literacy campign for the members, link the NHG members with various insurance schemes. This being the responsibility of the CDS designated as Resource Organisation (RO) achievement in this regard has to be ensured in a time bound manner. Monthly claim for ROs to be submitted to state mission on achievement of the prescribed milestones so as to facilitate the timely release of funds to CDS. 102 were linked. 1192 are capacitated with Module 1 & 862 capacitated with Module 2 . 1.98                  
3 Give fund to defunct NHGs 1914 dormant NHGs identified. Capacitate them with appropraite training, conduct financial literacy camps, enrol NHG members with various insurance schemes and make them avail linkage loan.These activities are to be facilitated through ROs   0.96                  
4 Give RF to NHGs 3870 NHGs to be identified for providing Revolving Fund (RF)support @ of Rs.10,000/-. Criteria for RF includes: 3 or more months in existance, functioning well with 70% urban poor members and having 90% attendance in the NHG meetings. 1827 NHGs are given RF support 3.87     1.82             3937 NHGs given RF 3.97  
5 Give RF to ADS 400 ADS's to be supported with RF @ Rs.50,000/- 207ADS are given RF support 2     1.04             283 ADS given RF 1.42  
6 Training to ADS executives   1390 executives trained 0.07     0.07                  
7 Establishment of City Livelihood Centres(CLC) 8 CLC projects have been sanctioned in the previous financial years which needs to be made functional this year.
DMCs responsible for submitting DPR for 2 CLC projects each in their respective districts. Sanctioning of the same & branding CLCs to be done.
  0.84                   2 CLCs one in Trivandrum and one in Kollam are made functional    
8 Employent through Skills Training and Placement (EST & P) Mobilizing 8175 persons to enroll in skill training under EST&P, including 1000 for self employment.70% to be placed. Placement tracking to be monitored.   15     1.36                  
9 SEP- Individual & Group Enterprises Establish 800 individual and 300 group enterprises which would include - Apparel, Food and Beverage production, Beautician, Driving, Home health aid, House keeping; The target is to start 8 individual and 3 group enterprises per ULB. The women/ youth from the Urban Local Bodies should be motivated to start individual or group enterprises based on their interest. The interested persons should be provided training on entrepreneurship development and skill training to set enterprises. The trained persons may submit applications directly to banks or to the ULBs for loans. The applications received in the ULBs are given a UID no. and the applications are processed by the Task Force Committee(representation of ULB secretary, lead banks, two bankers, industries department, DMC and two representatives from the ADS/ CDS). The final decision for loan approval is made by the banks assessing the CIBIL rating. 50 Individual & 4 Group Enterprises started 0   15 Individual and 2 group enterprise started 0 17 Individual and 4 Group enterprises started   25 Individual and 2 Group enterprises started   30 Individual and 1 group enterprise   35 Individual and 4 group enterprises    
10 SEP- Interest subsidy on SEP loans Supporting the entrepreneurs who has started individual and group enterprises under NULM with interest subsidy on loan amount. Interest subsidy will be provided for an amount of Rs. 2 lakhs for individual enterprises and Rs. 10 lakhs for group enterprises. The Interest subsidy will be provided to entrepreneurs based on their loan repayment. Interest subsidy will be given on quarterly basis analysing the bank statement on prompt loan repayment Interest subsidy given to 12 Individual enterprises and 5 group enterprises. 2.84 0.0087 Interest subsidy to 31Individual and 2 group enterprises 0.015 Interest subsidy to 24 Individual enterprises 0.0048 Interest subsidy to 1 individual enterprise 0.00051 Interest subsidy to 3 individual enterprises 0.00024 Interest subsidy to 19 Individual and 3 group enterprises 0.036  
11 Conduct of SEP campaign To identify interested beneficiaries to start micro enterprises. The campaign should be conducted at ward level or CDS level. SEP campaign conducted in all districts except Idk, Ktym & Pkd.   0.0923   0.0923                  
12 Conduct of linkage campaign Data collection to analyse the frequency of availing linkage loan among NHGs. The objective is to find the NHGs who are regularly availing linkage loan, those who are not linked, not availing linkage loan regularly etc Data collection completed in all districts. 8 districts (Tvm, Pta, Kochi, Pkd, Kkd, Mlp,wyd & Knr had started the data entry in the prescribed format   0.0015   0.0015                  
13 Interest subsidy on bank linkage to 6800 NHGs Interest subsidy may be provided to NHGs for linkage loan availed by them. Subsidy may be provided above 7 % of interest charged by banks. Interest subsidy sanctioned to 1144 NHGs 17.33 1.22 985 1.28 406 0.24 605 0.58 280 0.31 706 0.82  
14 Assistance to 3215 NHGs to avail new linkage loan Support may be provided to 3215 NHGs to avail new linkage loan in the current financial year. The NHGs may avail linkage loan upto 4 times of their thrift amount. The banks provide linkage loan for those NHGs that are linked to the banks and will sanction the amount based on the thrift and previous loan repayment 1348 NHGs availed linkage loan worth Rs.58.91crores 0 - 629 NHGs availed linkage loan worth Rs.28.73crores - 763 NHGs availed linkage loan worth Rs.34.26crores   453 NHGs availed linkage loan worth Rs.20.22crores   718 NHGs availed linkage loan worth Rs.33.18crores   377 NHGs availed linkage loan worth Rs.18.16crores    
15 DMC's participation in DLBC There are many applications pending in bank. DMCs should participate in DLBC and should ensure the processing of pending applications submitted in banks Palakkad, Kozhikkode- DMC participated in the meeting 0 -                      
16 Completion of street vendor survey Street venders Survey to be completed in all 93 ULBs.
6 ULBs to complete street vendor survey
17 Issuance of ID cards ULB has to issue ID cards to all identified street vendors.
All eligible street vendors to be provided with street vendor ID cards.
  0.2 0.057   0.057                  
18 Issuance of License to all eligible street vendors ULB has to issue street vending license/ certificate cards to all street vendors. Target for the current FY is to provide license to at least 5000 vendors   0.1                        
19 Orientation training All identified street vendors to be given orientation on Street Vendor Act, 2014, Health & Hygiene, food safety etc.
Target for the current FY is to cover at least 8000 vendors
20 Recognition of prior learning (RPL) - RPL is to assess and certify the existing skills and knowledge of a persons. During the current FY 4000 street vendors are to be covered under RPL training. Initially RPL training has been provided for food vendors.   0.9                        
21 Submission of city street vending plans ULB has to prepare city street vending plan to accommodate street vendors who are doing vending on No vending/ restricted vending zone.
25 Vending plan to be submitted to state Mission
22 Develop street vendor market As part of the rehabilitation street vendors, the ULB has to develop adequate vendor markets within the ULB. Infrastructure development for the existing vendor markets is also possible. The target for the current FY is to develop 10 vendor markets.   2.5                        
23 Completion of all 16 ongoing shelter projects Shelter homes are designed to accommodate the urban homeless who are staying in the street, foot paths, under bridges, construction sites etc.
16 ongoing shelter projects are to be completed during the current FY.
New shelter homes (06)to be completed (Klm, Punaloor, Alp, Ktm, Piravom & Kalpetta). Refurbishment of shelter homes (10) Klm (2), Kochi (4) S.Paravoor, Thrissur & Kannur)
40% work completed in Alappuzha (for the construction of new shelter home) and submitted request for 2nd Installment of fund. 9.45 0.5   0.5                  
24 Submission of 30 DPRfor construction of new shelter For the construction of new shelter homes, ULB has to prepare estimate as per DSR-2014. Maximum of Rs. 400 Lakhs/ unitwill be allocated under NULM. Based on the estimate, ULB has to prepare a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the construction. It needs minimum 25 cents of land owned by ULB/ Govt. agencies. Target for the submission/ approval of shelter homes for the current FY is 30 DPR. ( 10 DPR in Aug, 10 DPR in Oct, 10 DPR in Nov & 09 DPR in Dec) Submitted DPR from Malappuram. Perinthalmanna ULB has finalised estimate, and submit DPR on 26th Aug 2017. Identified site for shelter construction at Koduvally, Kozhikode. Kanhangad and Kannur. Also identified location for the construction of "Kottirippu kendram" attached to Medical College Hospital, Tvpm. 80                        
25 Submission of 10 DPR for the refurbishment of existing shelter homes Functional existing shelter homes of ULB/ Govt. agencies can be supported under refurbishment, including shelter homes attached to hospitals (visrama kendram/ sathram/ yatri nivas/).
Maximum of Rs. 50 lakh/ unitwill be provided. Concerned ULBs has to submit DPR for the refurbishment of existing schemes. Target for the current FY is 10 DPR.
26 Operation and Management (O&M) support Total O&M Cost permissible –Rs. 6,00,000/-for one Shelter catering to 50 urban homeless. O&M cost is inclusive of Annual Maintenance cost, Annual service cost, Food expenses and salary. O&M support will be provided at the rate of Rs. 6 Lakhs/ year to all 11 schemes supported under NULM Provided O&M support to Santhibhavan, Kottayam 0.66 0.024   0.024                  
27 Shelter Management Committee (SMC)formation Shelter Management Committee (SMC) will be constituted for all shelter homes with local ward member, ULB representative, caretakers, and few nominated residents of the shelter as members. SMC shall supervise the day-to-day functioning of the Shelter.
SMC will be constituted in all 11 shelter homes already supported under NULM
Constituted shelter mangement committee fo eight shelter homes supported under NULM. 0                        
28 Data base of 47,000 NHGs Data entry of NHG & NHG members is being done in the NULM MIS. This needs to be made 100%. 26800 / 46000 NHGs information has been entered in the NULM MIS. 100% MIS implementation achieved                          
29 PFMS registration Registration of ULBs in the Public Finance Management system and make it functional for management of NULM fund Have shared the fund floe hierarchy with the team                          
30 Innovation project Get three innovation project by June 30                            
Total 146.04 1.9035   8.88                 0


Last updated on 21-December-2017 , 11:23 A.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity
(June to December 2017)
Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation
(In Rs. Crores)
Financial Achievement as on July 5
(in Rs. Crores)
Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
I. STATE PLAN FUND            
1 Administrative Grant to CDS Kudumbashree CDS has been managing out multidisciplinary roles and responsibilities. It has been involved in a large number of poverty eradication and local economic programmes of both Kudumbashree and Local bodies. The CDSs have to become vibrant and economically viable organizations so to perform their duties and responsibilities well. It is therefore necessary to provide some sort of financial support/assistance to CDS in order to meet their administrative overheads. Keeping the above in view, each Kudumbashree CDS is given financial assistance that varies from Rs. 3,775/- to Rs. 4,425/- by way of Administrative Grant. DMC disbursing the eligible Administrative Grant to CDS 5.19 0.24 0.28  
2 Honorarium to CDS Chairpersons An amount of Rs. 6,000 per month is given to each CDS Chairperson as Honorarium. Kudumbashree District Mission Coordinator will sanction this amount to the CDS chairperson in every month DMC disbursing the Honorarium to CDS Chairperson in every month 7.73 1.84 2.43  
3 Administration and Office Expense As Kudumbashree is a tenure project, Staff for the Mission is taken either on deputation or on contractual basis. Kudumbashree’s coverage today extends every Grama Panchayath and Urban ward of the State. Now Kudumbashree has 300 staff in various category. Out of 300 staff, 190 staff's Salary and other Office Expenses are booking in State Plan fund. Salary & TA of State and District Mission staff and Office Expenses 7.28 3.05 4.08  
4 Kudumbashree CBO Election 2017 Bringing transparency and accountability in the Community Based Organization is utmost important. For this Kudumbashree Mission has a systematic election procedure for the selection of office bearers in NHG, ADS and CDS level. This procedure in turn contribute in developing democratic values and skills among the community which will be an asset for the better functioning of the local government bodies. The three tier Kudumbashree general election processes, conducted once in three years, the next Kudumbashree election should be completed by the month of December and January. The following activities are planned as part of CBO election in 2017-2018;
a) Trainings to NHG Convenors, Returning Officers, Asst. Returning officers, CDS Chairpersons, Member Secretaries, CDS Accountants etc. - Rs. 116 Lakh
b) Printing of Amended Byelaw, Election Rules and Election Forms - Rs. 89 Lakh
c) Honorarium to ROs & AROs - Rs. 45 Lakh
1). Formed GB Subcommittee

2). The draft modified byelaw submitted to GB for approval
5 Strengthening of Kudumbashree Special NHGs Kudumbashree Mission formed special NHGs comprising vulnerable sections like senior citizens (elderly), differently-abled and Transgender as members through a process of local mobilization for poverty eradication. Through the special NHGs, Kudumbashree will help them for their sustainable livelihood, rehabilitation and integration into society and their participation in mainstream developmental process. Capacitation trainings and financial assistance (Corpus Fund) are planned for special NHGs in financial year 2017-2018.
Corpus Fund for TG NHGs (20 x Rs.10,000) - Rs. 2 Lakh
Corpus Fund for PWD NHGs (580 x Rs. 10,000) - Rs. 58 Lakh
Corpus Fund for Elderly NHGs (1800 NHGs x Rs. 5,000) - Rs. 90 Lakh
1). Special workshops conducted in the month of June 2017 at Trivandrum to discuss the draft guidelines for TG NHGs, PWD NHGs, Elderly NHGs and Coastal NHGs respectively
2) Corpus Fund guidelines issued to all DMCs for disbursing the same to eligible Special NHGs
1.50 1.84 2.25  
6 Kudumbashree 20th Anniversary Celebration - 2018 Kudumbashree 20th Anniversary celebrations will be conducted in a unique way by incorporating the Kudumbashree members at NHG, ADS and CDS levels. The anniversary celebrations will also give the women an opportunity to express their innate talents in cultural activities.
CDS, ADS & NHG level Anniversary Programmes (1,073 x Rs. 10,000) - Rs. 107.3 Lakh
Taluk level Anniversary Programmes (75 x Rs. 30,000) - Rs. 22.5 Lakh
7 Community Radio Community empowerment is the major activity of Kudumbashree. Last nineteen Years various tools had used for the empowerment of community. Radio is the vibrant tool for empowering the community. In financial year 2017-2018, Kudumbashree will start Community Radio in three Districts. 1). State level Discussion completed 1.50      
  TOTAL STATE PLAN FUND     27.00 6.97 9.04  
II. NRLM FUND            
1 Kudumbashree School - Training programme for NHG members A training programme to create awareness among the Kudumbashree NHG members about their social responsibilities and improve their standard of living through knowledge. Under the programme over 43 lakh Kudumbashree NHG members would be given training on various subjects. The classes will be conducted for a period of 6 weeks where each NHG member should spend 2 hours weekly. There will be a master trainer at the CDS level and 6 trainers at ADS level who will facilitate classes at ward level. The following are the plan of action for implementation of Kudumbashree School project;
a) Identification of CDS & ADS level Trainers (1.2 Lakh)
b) Training for CDS level Master Trainers (1073 x 03 days x Rs. 700) - Rs. 22.54 Lakh
c) Training for ADS level Trainers (1.19 Lakh x 02 days x Rs. 100) - Rs. 238 Lakh
d) Honorarium for CDS level master Trainers (1073 x Rs. 3,000) - Rs. 32 Lakh
e) Handbook Development & Printing (3.9 lakh x Rs. 50) - Rs. 195 Lakh
f) Monitoring & Evaluation by Training Groups (1,073 CDS x Rs. 1,500 = Rs. 16.09 Lakh
1). Conducted a workshop ("Asayakkoottam") on 19th June 2017 at CMD, Trivandrum to discuss Kudumbashree school concept 5.00      
2 CBO Strengthening Programmes - Capacity Building Kudumbashree is engaged in the implementation of various poverty eradication programmes and of socio-economic, developmental programmes of LSGs and Government departments through the community network. It is therefore necessary to augment and improve the skills and knowledge of Kudumbashree net work leaders, office bearers, elected representatives, entrepreneurs, line department officials, resource persons etc. for a better social engineering and development process. For making the network system more vibrant and cohesive, special capacitation programmes and campaign drives have to be conducted from time to time depending on the specific requirement of the circumstances.
Major training programmes planned for the financial year 2017-2018 are Training for elected members of LSGs, Kudumbashree Staff (DMC/ADMC/Programme Managers/Asst. Programme Mangers), Community Training Groups, New CDS Chairpersons
1).Completed newly joined DMCs and ADMCs Training

2).Trainings for Elected members of LSGs Scheduled in July 2017
3 Strengthening of Elderly Special NHGs While the facilities in living standard, health, literacy and education of Kerala are being appreciated, the social security and welfare measures for elderly are not up to the mark. The care of elderly has turned out to be a major developmental issue in Kerala. Hence Kudubashree has taken Elderly Inclusion Program as a pilot interventions at 2 blocks of 2 districts namely Chavara Block in Kollam and Mulamthuruthy Block in Ernakulam. The program would Mainly focus on
a) Grading of Elderly NHGs - Rs. 0.50 Lakh
b) Revolving fund (RF) (710 x Rs. 15,000) - Rs. 106.5 Lakh
c) Vulnerability Reduction Fund (VRF) for ADSs (124 x Rs. 75,000) - Rs. 93.00 Lakh
4 Strengthening of Coastal NHGs As part of capacitation of Coastal NHGs, Kudumbashree will provide Revolving Fund (RF) to 2,000 Coastal NHGs at the rate of Rs. 15,000 as corpus to meet the members’ credit needs directly and as catalytic capital for leveraging repeat bank finance. It is also decided to form a Community Theatre (Kalajatha) for Coastal CDSs. The Selection of special Coastal Volunteers is also planned in this financial year
a) Revolving Fund to 2,000 Coastal NHGs - Rs. 300 Lakh
b) Identification of Coastal Volunteers in Coastal CDSs (75 x Rs.6000 x 7) - Rs. 31.5 lakh
c) Coastal Kala Jatha - Team selection, training and street play - Rs. 18.5 Lakh
1) Identification of Coastal Volunteers - Guidelines issued to DMCs
2) Revolving Fund to Coastal NHGs guidelines issued to concerned DMCs for disbursing the same to eligible Coastal NHGs
  TOTAL NRLM FUND     11.50 0 0  


    38.50 6.97 9.04  


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 05:22 P.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Approval of DPR of 50,000 beneficairies under Beneficiary Led Construction- new (BLC-New) vertical component of PMAY Beneficiary Led Construction- new (BLC-New) vertical component of PMAY provides financial assistance to homeless with land.Under (BLC-New) 28976 houses have been sanctioned by the Ministry.As per the demand survey , the number of houseless with land is nearly 80000.It is targeted to identify 50000 beneficiaries through kudumbashree network.@1 beneficiary/urban NHG., submission of DPRs by thr concerned Urban Local Bodies and approval of the same SLSMC held on 29.06.2017 approved 2075 houses under BLC(New) to the tune of Rs. 6225 lakhs.The DPRs under the consideration of Ministry 1500 NA NA
2 Starting Construction of the sanctioned houses. 28976 houses ha been approved by the MoHUPA under (BLC-New) component.Construction of all houses should be started ie, first installment should be released by Dec.2017. Construction started - 6136 Houses 86.93 11985
8083 DUs started and an amount of 11985 Lakhs released as first ,second and third installment


Completion of houses

Completion of 15,000 ie, release of last installment Dec. 2017. 84Houses Completed 405 848.4 84 Dus completed and an amount of 12833.4 released to beneficiaries
Completion of remaining 13976 approved houses by May 2018.   377.352    
4 Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) - Conversion of Existing Loan All eligible existing loans availed by Economicaly Weaker sections /Low Income Group after June 2015 and Middle Income Group(MIG) after 2017 to be converted to CLSS.        
5 Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) -Release of Subsidy to 57913 beneficiaries Identification and release of subsidy to 57913 beneficiaries under CLSS.Identification of beneficiries through CLSS network.@15 /ADS in Municipalities and 20 beneficiaries/ ADS in Corporations   1274 ((subsidy amount released by GOI through banks))    
6 Convergence with National Urban Livel;ihood Mission(NULM)-Skill Training to 28976 PMAY beneficairy families Imparting skill training to atleast one member of PMAY beneficiary familes through NULM.   0 NA NA
7 Data Cleaning 2.2 lakh demand under PMAY in the State as per survey - Ineligible beneficiaries need to be excluded, eligible beneficiries need to be included in the appropriate vertical. Data cleaning progressing in all ULBs   NA NA
8 GeoTag/ Aadhar linking and seeding Geotag all the Dwelling Units which are already grounded.
Complete geo tagging of 15000 houses,
adhar integration of 28,976 beneficiary account and survey details
9 Submission of HFAPoA of all Urban Local Bodies. HFAPoA is the comprehensive Plan of Action for provoding Housing for All Plan of Action in Urban Local Bodies with financial requirement and phasing.Submission of HFAPoA of all 93 UrbanLocal Bodies , the ministry after approval of the same by State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee(SLSMC) Data cleaning and HFAPoA preparation ongoing in all ULBs.18 ULBs shorlisted for submission of HFAPoA by 30.7.2017.5 ULBs have submitted draft HFAPoA.Data cleaning completed in 8 ULBs      
9 Submission of 3 AHP DPRs Submission of DPRs under AHP component        
10 Approval and implementation of Annual Capacity Building Plan and IEC Plan Annual Capacity Building Plan under PMAY to the tune of Rs.857.89 lakhs aiming at the capacity building of various stakeholders and IEC plan to the tune of Rs.90 lakhs-approval and implementation Forwarded to Ministry 9.4    


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 05:28 P.M.

  Click here for More Details


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 5 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Change the front page of website. Get EDs approval for new design and create the same and upload Revamp of front page Finishing stage.        
2 Media workshop Awareness programme on our Activities &products   4 Lakhs      
3 short film and Documentary copitition &fest It is a programme for the youth,We will invite application for short film and documentary on our conventional topics. plan presented and got Approval. 20 Lakhs      
4 Online and off line compition Awareness programme for the public.will make question air through our site and conduct different programmes at campus,residential colony and flat community          
5 publications            
6 cultural group Will find out different talents from our NhG.          
7 childrens film festival Will arrange film fest, experts talks,workshops and differenrent programmes for kids (in association with education dept).Wiil arrange pilot programmes at the initial stage.          
8 T V Programmes Conduct programme in victers channel. Discussed with sri.Murugan kattakkada        


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 05:20 P.M.


Sl. No Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017) Brief Description of activity (physical goal) Achievement as on July 20 Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on July 20 (in Rs. Crores) Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores) Final Outcome
1 Creation of 200 BUDS/BRC for mentally challenged person across the state of Kerala Location for establishing new institutions in LSGIs , orientation for selected representatives from LSGIs, Identifying CSR support, creating a therapist's pool in each district, purchase of need based training tools, office furnitures, registers etc.   25      
2 Vehicles for BUDS Schools Vehicle to be purchased according to the number of students in school; LSGI to own the recurring expense   3      
3 Creation of 14 BUDS Homes in 14 Districts Identification of mentally challenged destitutes in each district Identify proper location to open such shelter home Have discussion with the local body concerned and identify the budget provision in that local body   3      
4 Improve the Quality of BUDS/BRCs District Mission Team to look for CSR support/MP/ MLA/ Block - Distirct Panchayat/ sponsorships from well wishers to upgrade the existing facilities in each institutions. See to it that all existing institutions got registration from concerned authorities   0      
5 Destitute Free Kerala Campaign Finalising the Guideline; developing mobile application for digitalised projects; preparation of projects for Destitutes as part of Destitute Free Kerala campaign in all LSGIs of Kerala.   27.5   41860899  
6 District Level and State Level BUDS Fest 2018 Conduct district level FEST by December 2017 State level FEST , January 2018   0.4      
7 Training for BUDS School Teachers and Parents Motivational training for BUDS/ BRC staff- "Man Catching"(by external expert ) Stress Management training for parents by utilising the expertise of our Community Counsellors 1. Teachers training in collaboration with SIMC =1,40,000/- 2. Payment of teachers' training of Feb, 2017 at Maria Rani = 1,98,900/- 0.6   338900  
8 Completion of second phase Asraya Project Second phase pending projects (150) - Collecting from LSGIs; getting approval from Government; Sanctioning of Challenge Fund   3.5      
  Total     63 (Sixty Three Crore)    

* 2 crore is meant for ABC programme in state share



Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 05:15 P.M.



Goals/ Activity (June to December 2017)

Brief Description of activity (physical goal)

Fund Source

NRLM fund

Achievement as on July 5

Budget/ Allocation (In Rs. Crores)

Financial Achievement as on July 5 (in Rs. Crores)

Financial Achievement as on Aug 5 (in Rs. Crores)

Final Outcome

Plan Fund ST Department Fund
1 RP Support RP support during programme or activities to the remote Area ( health interventions),Training and technical support to the Tribal training team for developing their capacity in training. The Mancatching type training programme will plan for the team. 0.326 0.1325            
2 Micro Plan Preparation Ooru level discussion for upgrading and preparation of Micro plan(ooru based plan) 0.43504 0.2         0.0024  
3 Youth club and activity 410 new adolescent clubs will be the target in current year. Animators to take initiative for the formation with the support of special mobilization through CDS and awareness camps in colony level. 0.282 0.2            
4 Training to promoters and animators Animators and promoters are the representative of tribal people. 3 days residential training to Animators and promoters about kudumbashree activity and other department activity . 0.45225 0.225       0.0069395 0.0424998  
5 Training for ooru mooppan Oorumoopan is the leader of the ooru. 2 day training provide for oorumooppan about kudumbashree programme 0.172 0.1         0.0138038  
6 NHG get together \ooril oru duvasam A convergence wise visit to the colony leaded by District collector for addressing the issues of tribal colony. 0.1 0.1       0.005529 0.001  
7 Traditional Art group formation and traiining Identify the tribal cultural groups by the animators, and proposal preparation for the cultural groups as enterprises 0.0325 0.0325         0.005  
8 Supplementary food support Food Support for tribal families identifed as most vulnerable during the survey of ASHRAYA till the time of sanctioning of Tribal Ashraya project. 0.25 0.25       0.0025 0.0005  
9 District Level Tribal cultural and Ethnic fest District Level Tribal fest and Promotion of handicraft item&ethenic food mela and marketing by convergence 0.0195 0.0195            
10 NTFP based activity NTFP based livelihood activity,formation of NTFP group and training 0 0.5            
11 Tribal Art fest District and State Level Tribal cultural and Ethnic fest 0.21 0.1            
12 Registers and books Distribution of Registers for NHGs 0 0.06            
13 Special Programme for district Special Programme for Edamalakudy ,Wayanad and Alappuzha 0.35 0.17625            
    Monitoring and evaluation 1364600 0            
    Traditional healer interventions 0.1 0            
  MF -activity                  
1 MF study in tribal area MF based study in tribal NHGs through KAASS/ 0.1 0            
2 Grading and Matching grant Adalath conducted for matching grant and NHG grading 0.16 0.05       0.00095 0.00095  
3 Distribution of Corpus Fund Rs 10000 will provide as corpus fund to tribal NHGs for the general purpose of NHGs 0.75 0.25       0.031    
4 Distribution of JLG Corpus Fund Rs.4000/- will provide as corpus fund for tribal JLGs, include the premium of crops insurance 0.144 0.1       0.009 0.0028  
5 Book Keepers allowance Book keepers support for NHGs activity 0.162 0.03       0.000602 0.000439  
  ME- activity                  
1 ME special camp ME special camps in Wayanad district - (Pilot project)for identifying new entrepreneur 0.0575 0            
2 Skill training stipend TA &DA for skill trainers 0.036 0.018            
3 Special GOT and EDP Special GOT and EDP for Promotion of viable enterpriese 0.175 0.05       0.01046 0.002985  
  Balasabha activity                  
1 Balasabha Programmes Formation of new balasabha in tribal colonies with the support of animators.and conduct camp and awarness classes 0.245 0.15            
2 Library expansion programme Library expansion programme for tribal balasabha 0.1 0.05            
1 Special and mottivation classes for tribal youth Special mobilization camps will conduct in the identified colonies with the support of DDU GKY team and other training group 0.0075 0.05            
2 Literacy programme & Kudumbashree school Literacy programme for NHG members 0.205 0.22       0.00368    
1 JLG activity Promotion of new tribal JLGs through a campaign.Mapping of the area for starting new JLGs by the MKSP block Coordinators.Tribal Master Farmers ( CRPs) will be deployed for the agriculture practice in tribal area. 0.08 0.05       0.00372 0.00172  
  Social Development                  
1 ST Ashraya preparation Support for preparation of tribal Ashraya project.For survey and identification of destitute additional support will provide through District Mission. The expendeture for conducting writeshop will be book from this. 0.02 0.05            
2 District Activity District initiative for 13 district including Drop outs programme , Holistic health activity for balasabha children and youth, Medical camps and Cancer awarness clasess conducting for NHGs members, training to ICDS and Health volunteers,Special programme for PSC one time registration ,PSC coaching ,placement etc , Market support for tribal product to fairs) competitive exam clases for tribal youth 0.82475 0.33625       0.0038    
1 Thirunelly specialinterventions       3          
2 Aralam Special Interventions       1.5          
3 Nilambur Special interventions       1          
4 Idukki special interventions       1          
  CRP Support Community RP Support ( Animators and co ordinators Support) 0 0 1.5          
  Total   6 3.5 8 0   0.0781805 0.0740976  


Last updated on 22-September-2017 , 05:01 P.M.