There are 1,54,858 destitute families in Kerala with 1,44,339 elderly members (above 60 years of age). Kudumbashree has enlisted 2500 resource persons to call these families with elderly members once in three days. The RP s call them and enquire about their health, needs etc. and ensure that they get food through community kitchens and medical care through PHCs , if needed. This is being done in convergence with the UNICEF.



Sl. No District Total No of Families No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No of RPs
1 Thiruvananthapuram 14014 10602 184
2 Kollam 12166 9003 173
3 Pathanamthitta 8625 5483 86
4 Alappuzha 13056 10602 176
5 Kottayam 9629 8945 146
6 Idukki 7662 5865 71
7 Ernakulam 17520 12602 279
8 Thrissur 11289 9340 136
9 Palakkad 19452 14684 450
10 Malappuram 15678 9424 117
11 Kozhikode 9540 6930 120
12 Wayanad 6408 4293 104
13 Kannur 4851 3446 93
14 Kasaragod 4968 3120 41
  Total 1,54,858 1,14,339 2176



First Round Status April 4th to 8th
Sl. No District No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No of people called % of people called
1 Thiruvananthapuram 10602 10343 97.56
2 Kollam 9003 8008 88.95
3 Pathanamthitta 5483 5483 100.00
4 Alappuzha 10602 10602 100.00
5 Kottayam 8945 8345 93.29
6 Idukki 5865 5234 89.24
7 Ernakulam 12602 12550 99.59
8 Thrissur 9340 9340 100.00
9 Palakkad 14684 14497 98.73
10 Malappuram 9424 9071 96.25
11 Kozhikode 6930 6837 98.66
12 Wayanad 4293 4293 100.00
13 Kannur 3446 3446 100.00
14 Kasaragod 3120 2915 93.43
  Total 1,14,339 1,10,964 97.05



Second Round Status April 9th to 12th
Sl. No District No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No. of people called % of Response
1 Thiruvananthapuram 10602 10437 98.44
2 Kollam 9003 8355 92.80
3 Pathanamthitta 5483 4854 88.53
4 Alappuzha 10602 10282 96.98
5 Kottayam 8945 7668 85.72
6 Idukki 5865 5457 93.04
7 Ernakulam 12602 12602 100.00
8 Thrissur 9340 9340 100.00
9 Palakkad 14684 13769 93.77
10 Malappuram 9424 8669 91.99
11 Kozhikode 6930 6789 97.97
12 Wayanad 4293 4293 100.00
13 Kannur 3446 3445 99.97
14 Kasaragod 3120 2911 93.30
  Total 1,14,339 1,08,871 95.22



Third Round Status April 14th to 18th 2020
Sl. No District No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No. of people called % of Response
1 Thiruvananthapuram 10602 10309 97.24
2 Kollam 9003 8266 91.81
3 Pathanamthitta 5483 5483 100.00
4 Alappuzha 10602 10522 99.25
5 Kottayam 8945 6690 74.79
6 Idukki 5865 5417 92.36
7 Ernakulam 12602 12602 100.00
8 Thrissur 9340 9340 100.00
9 Palakkad 14684 13665 93.06
10 Malappuram 9424 8708 92.40
11 Kozhikode 6930 6878 99.25
12 Wayanad 4293 4293 100.00
13 Kannur 3446 3446 100.00
14 Kasaragod 3120 2822 90.45
  Total 1,14,339 1,08,441 94.84



Fourth Round Status 19th to 21st April 2020
Sl. No District No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No. of people called % of Response
1 Thiruvananthapuram 10602 10302 97.17
2 Kollam 9003 8329 92.51
3 Pathanamthitta 5483 5483 100.00
4 Alappuzha 10602 10514 99.17
5 Kottayam 8945 8134 90.93
6 Idukki 5865 4820 82.18
7 Ernakulam 12602 12602 100.00
8 Thrissur 9340 9340 100.00
9 Palakkad 14684 13565 92.38
10 Malappuram 9424 8514 90.34
11 Kozhikode 6930 6555 94.59
12 Wayanad 4293 4293 100.00
13 Kannur 3446 3393 98.46
14 Kasaragod 3120 2757 88.37
  Total 1,14,339 1,08,601 94.98



DFK Surveillance survey
Sl. No District No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No. of people called
First Round April 4th to 8th Second Round April 9th to 12th Third Round April 14th to 18th Fourth Round 19th to 22nd
1 Thiruvananthapuram 10602 10343 10437 10309 10302
2 Kollam 9003 8008 8355 8266 8329
3 Pathanamthitta 5483 5483 4854 5483 5483
4 Alappuzha 10602 10602 10282 10522 10514
5 Kottayam 8945 8345 7668 6690 8134
6 Idukki 5865 5234 5457 5417 4820
7 Ernakulam 12602 12550 12602 12602 12602
8 Thrissur 9340 9340 9340 9340 9340
9 Palakkad 14684 14497 13769 13665 13565
10 Malappuram 9424 9071 8669 8708 8514
11 Kozhikode 6930 6837 6789 6878 6555
12 Wayanad 4293 4293 4293 4293 4293
13 Kannur 3446 3446 3445 3446 3393
14 Kasaragod 3120 2915 2911 2822 2757
  Total 1,14,339 1,10,964 1,08,871 1,08,441 1,08,601



DFK Surveillance survey
Sl. No Round Dates No. of Beneficiaries above the age of 60 No. of people called % of Call
1 First April 04-08 114339 110964 97.05
2 Second April 09-12 114339 108871 95.22
3 Third April 14-18 114339 108441 94.84
4 Fourth April 19-22 114339 108601 94.98



First Round Status April 4th to 8th
Sl. No District No. of Beficiaries above the age of 60 No of people called % of people called
1 Thiruvananthapuram 10602 10343 97.56
2 Kollam 9003 8008 88.95
3 Pathanamthitta 5483 5483 100.00
4 Alappuzha 10602 10602 100.00
5 Kottayam 8945 8345 93.29
6 Idukki 5865 5234 89.24
7 Ernakulam 12602 12550 99.59
8 Thrissur 9340 9340 100.00
9 Palakkad 14684 14497 98.73
10 Malappuram 9424 9071 96.25
11 Kozhikode 6930 6837 98.66
12 Wayanad 4293 4293 100.00
13 Kannur 3446 3446 100.00
14 Kasaragod 3120 2915 93.43
  Total 1,14,339 1,10,964 97.05



  Experiences of Resource Persons
Sl. No District Report
1 Thiruvanathapuram  
2 Kollam Read / Download
3 Pathanamthitta Read / Download
4 Alappuzha Read / Download
5 Kottayam  
6 Idukki Read / Download
7 Ernakulam  
8 Thrissur Read / Download
9 Palakkad  
10 Malappuram  
11 Kozhikode  
12 Wayanad  
13 Kannur Read / Download
14 Kasaragod