Kudumbashree had given a note to all Neighborhood groups which they discussed at their meetings. The note was regarding details of Break the Chain Campaign and the need for special care for those above 60 years of age.
Kudumbashree circulated a special note amongst NHGs with the aim to create awareness regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. NHG special meetings were held to discuss this topic on March 21st and 22nd before the Government declared lockdown. The aim of this campaign was to inform families through NHGs regarding the care and vigilance needed to prevent the spread of the pandemic. Through the special meetings the families were informed of the importance of social distancing and personal hygiene to prevent the disease. The special note given to NHGs for discussion is given below.
Click here to Download Note
Also sent a letter from Executive Director to all members of NHGs highlighting elderly care.
Click here to Download Letter