Integrated Farming cluster is a project envisioned to consolidate the benefits of various agriculture livelihood activities implemented by Kudumbashree over the past decade. Although the family income of farmers has increased through agricultural subsistence activities, this has not been proportionate to the benefits available to farmers. The reason for this is the high cost of livelihood services. Aim of the project is to focus on livelihood activities to increase production and productivity and to provide a stable source of income throughout the year to each family involved. In each cluster should be a group of farmers (250 - 300 households) where involved in different agricultural activities, such as crop production, horticulture, livestock, poultry, and fisheries, are integrated in a way that optimizes the use of resources and minimizes waste. Through this cluster based programme can be identify the problems faced by farmers, production, processing, value addition and provide adequate training to farmers. Access to technology in the market is a major challenge faced by the farmers. But through this project, it is possible to protect the farmers from the fluctuations in the product prices in the market and create production stability and high profit.
IFCs are typically promoted by governments and development agencies as a way to improve farmer incomes, reduce poverty, and enhance rural livelihood opportunities. 75 cluster is allotted for Kerala by NRLM in the financial year (2023-24), Rs. 40 lakhs is the Project cost for 1 cluster hence total required amount for 75 clusters is Rs. 30 Cr. out of which 18 Cr. is the central share and Rs. 12 Cr is state share. Project implementation is ongoing district wise.