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Title of the Story: Determination Brings Success

Name of Entrepreneur: Manju S

Age: 41

Name of NHG: Lakshya

Name of NHG Member: Manju

Village: Randalummoodu

Block: Pathanapuram

District: Kollam

The Lady with determination

             Manju, a leading entrepreneur in Randalummodu, Pathanapuram is one who has taken the burden of her entire family with determination. She is one of the examples of very poor rural woman who can step forward only with support mentally and financially. Now with the right support in right time, she is running a hotel as an entrepreneur with much confidence and determination.

“I am selective, because I choose my employees as poor as me who need mental support to put their foot forward’’. She says.

Her life before Entrepreneurship

           Manju is a pre degree holder who got married at the age of 23. It was a middle income family even if her husband was a farmer. Because of the hard work of her husband, they already satisfied with the income they were earning. All the expenses were met by those earnings. She has two girl children and they both are studying.

The Reason Why Entrepreneurship

The life of Manju got troublesome a few years ago. Her husband became mentally ill accidentally, and the earnings for the lifetime were spent in hospitals for his treatment. As he was ill, the only way of income was stopped. That time she struggled a lot and tried to get some job.

First attempt was a cargo service centre, where each day was hectic but salary was too low and she left the job when she got an opportunity to work in eco shop in Krishi Bhavan with a salary of Rs. 6000.

“For three years, I looked after my family only with this income and I was crying each night because I couldn’t care my illed husband properly at the time of my work. How can anyone ask someone for help every day to take care of her husband who is mentally ill?’’ She says.

A job convenient to properly take care of her illed husband was her only aim at those times. She wanted to engage him also and that’s why she had chosen to become an entrepreneur.


Her Path to Entrepreneurship

               The idea to become an entrepreneur came after attending the meeting of NHG where Remya, a Micro enterprise consultant from Kudumbashree introduced SVEP and the support they are providing. She interacted with MEC Remya and understood about SVEP. She decided to start an enterprise at the first orientation in her NHG but very much confused about what should she do and how could she achieve. That was the motive for her to attend each orientation arranged like triggering, GOT, and EDP.

                It was MEC Remya who helped her to develop an entrepreneurship idea. As Manju has many well wishers in panchayath due to her work in eco shop and also the lack of a canteen facility near to panchayath office as well as the demand from the customers near to it, Remya suggested to start a canteen if she is capable and willing to take risk. Manju’s father was a cook and she has some experience in it. Also she can engage her husband in work. That is how Kudumbashree Canteen run by Manju originated.

With the support of MEC Remya, Manju submitted a business plan in front of the BNS EP committee and she availed a CEF of Rs.50000. Around Rs.100000 needed to start the business and the half of the money was from my savings.

Challenges faced

                 The only challenge was the disease of her husband became acute while she started the enterprise. Then she was alone and no others are employed. She thought about quitting the attempt for his treatment. But because of the support from Ward member, CDS, ADS,NHG and MEC Remya, she managed to survive and employed two women in hotel.

“ That time I understood that nothing is impossible if we have the courage and hard work to face it. I got the right advice from someone to explore myself and many others may not get that opportunity’’. She says.

Her life as an Entrepreneur

             The hotel is running quite opposite of Panchayath Office. As she was in eco shop many people in Panchayth knows her well and they help her to get bulk orders from the area. Now she is the one who provides daily breakfast to students at Randalummodu UP School. An average of 4 bulk orders with an average of 10000 income each is receiving per month nowadays. Most of the people from distant area also are recognising her hotel and demanding catering service for functions.

“Now I am quite busy with my work and enjoying the presence of my family near to me. If I failed to do it I would have lost my family.” She says.


Her Future Plan

        Manju believes that she could raise her livelihood by her own only with the help of Kudumbashree. If she was not a member of NHG, she might not be an entrepreneur. So I want to be an opportunity provider to the poor women. Also she wants to open a store near to the hotel which markets products from Kudumbashree units only.

       “ I am thankful a lot to Kudumbashree, that is why I keep the name of canteen as Kudumbasghree Canteen to show my honor.  Helping women like me through my business is the future I am aiming at.” She says.

Name of the enterprise

Kudumbashree Hotel

Nature of Business


Total investment for starting the business


Date of starting the enterprise


Monthly revenue


Monthly Profit


Records maintained

Day Book




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വ്യത്യസ്തത പകര്‍ന്ന് ഒക്റ്റാക്ക്

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