Loan Mela in Kumaramputhur GP on 11/01/2018
Transgenders Meeting at Mediation centre - In Association with DLSA
RO review meeting - Top in Town , Palakkad on 04/01/2018
Abivadhanam - CDS CP Sangamam Pro. on 01-01-2018
harithakarmasena training conducted at cherupllassery & vellinezhi
Ganitham Mathuram 2017 - district level ganitha vismayam held at government victoria college Palakkad. Balasabha children from different panchayats participated in the district level prog. 71 children in LP session, 92 children in UP session and 84 children in high school session total 247 children participated in the fest. The the programme was inaugurated by Palakkad jilla panchayat standing Committee chairperson inaugurated the fest. Prices distributed to all the winners and 10 children each from UP and High school session were selected for state level.
AHT IGP Loan distribution at Eruthenpathy GP on 18/11/2017
KASS Review meeting at Gazala , Palakkad
TB MIS review meeting at Gazals
Vallapuzha Linkage 100% Pgm
SC , ST Co-Operation and Kudumbashree one day work shp MF -Kongad -20/12/2017
Thachanattukara Linkage mela at Thachanattukara GP on 11/11/2017
Linkage Clinic at Pudur GP on 08/12/2017
Linkage Mela at Kozhijampara GP on 17/12/2017
Audit Campaign at Chalissery