GSLP- NHF training is going on in various cds and have a very positive response from participants
easy exam pre exam counseling is a programme launched to avoid fear and prepare students for exam with thier mind free using community counsellors
Munnott program inaugurated by MB Rajeesh MP
Self reliant ST NHG secretary/president two day capacity building residential camp at IRTC mundoor palakkad
Capacity building training for tribal NHG leaders at IRTC
Kudumbashree convener training inauguration
Kudumbashree school Second Phase Inaugurated by Minister K.Krishankutty
Kudumbashree school second phase inaugurated by sri.MB Rajesh
Kudumbashree school second phase inauguration, Pattambi
PRM at Hotel gazala
Unlinked NHG Meet
As a part of Skill training & placement programme DDUGKY ,‘Future IV 2018’ job fair was organized by Kudumbashree District Mission Palakkad in association with Nenmara Grama Panchayath. This career expo is focused to improve the career of jobless, educated youngsters. It was conducted from 10 Am to 2 Pm at GBHS Nenmara on 23/12/2018.Sri.K.Preman, President of Nenmara Grama Panchayat inaugurated the event. And it was presided by Smt. Pushpalatha Narayanan. Sri. Saithalavi, Kudumbashree District Mission Co-Ordinator delivered a speech on the objectives of ‘Future IV 2018’. Mr.C.Prakashan,Mrs.UshaRaveendran,Mrs.JayanthiMohanan,Mrs.BabyRavi,Mrs.ReenaSubramanian,Mr.Satheesh.B were also spoke on this occasion.
Around 15 companies from BPO,Retail,Accountants and Marketing, Software development, etc. were participated in ‘Future IV 2018’. 420 Job seekers were shortlisted out of 1180 participants.the highest package offered by companies up to Rs.420000 per Annam. Companies are interested by the workforce came to interview and they assured that they will be coming for next job fair also.