Mazha Polima Campaign from Kasaragod stands out unique Updated On 2018-07-19
Mazha Polima is a fallow less village Campaign being conducted by Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission as a part of the Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) Agri Fest. The MKSP team of Kasargode District Mission propagates the innovative idea of this campaign. The Agri fest is being conducted in 41 Community Development Societies in Kasaragod district from 20 June 2018 to 30 July 2018. A total of 1010 Hectares of land was identified as fallow land in the district.
To convert fallow land into cultivable land, conservation of paddy land and traditional culture of farming, promotion of water literacy and food security, popularizing farming to the new generation, promotion of organic farming practices, to ensure convergence with various line department for to ensure fallow less village, promotion of the traditional farm related folk songs, games, art forms etc are the main objectives of the programme. The products of the Kudumbashree units were also kept for sale as part of the Mazha Polima campaign. As part of Mazha Polima Campaign, Community Development Societies (CDS) has also organised various innovative programmes such as District level photography competition and felicitation for women farmers etc.
The performance of the Community Development Societies participating in the campaign would be analyzed and awards would be distributed to the Best CDSs based on their performances. The CDS which converted maximum area of fallow land into cultivable land, best co-ordination, participation of the public in the campaign, documentation of the campaign, the CDS which cultivated maximum number of indigenous seeds, number of Joint Liability Groups doing cultivation in agriculture sector etc would be analysed for giving away the awards. The ethnic food festival organised as part of the Mazha Polima has been attracting more people to the campaign. The fest is becoming a model project in Kasaragod District.