Snehaveedu - Community assisted housing
Updated On 2017-07-01
Neeli ,73 year old , belonging to " vismaya neighborhood group" of angadipuram Grama Panchayat , malappuram district will receive a new home on 17.07.2017, under kudumbashree project "snehaveedu". Being a destitute, Neeli's dream came into reality with the combined efforts of "kudumbashree neighborhood groups" and "Asraya project". Construction of this new building started during January 2017, and with the continuous support and monitoring received from Panchayat and the district mission team this project has been successfully completed within a short span of time.
43 new mentors selected for Kudumbashree NRO
Updated On 2017-07-01
Kudumbashree was identified as a National Resource Organization in 2012 by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. Since then the organization has been piloting projects in 12 states and 1 union territory. The two projects that have been piloted in the partner states are convergence of Panchayat and Community Based Organizations and enterprise development using Micro Enterprise Consultants based on Kudumbashree’s experience. For the implementation of these projects, community representatives from Kudumbashree network who have demonstrated exceptional work in Kerala as CDS Chairpersons, MEC’s, members of KAASS and Training Groups have been placed in the partner-states as mentors for providing handholding support to the potential entrepreneurs. Currently, there are approximately 120 such mentors working as part of Kudumbashree NRO. With the MEC Project being scaled up in partner states and new states expressing interest in taking up projects with Kudumbashree, there is an increasing demand for engaging more mentors for support in the field. In relation to this, the selection of mentors for SVEP implementation was conducted from 9th to 11th July, 2017 at Maria Rani Centre in Thiruvananthapuram. The skills, suitability and overall experience of 59 participants were gauged through a process including written tests, group activities and interview. 43 of the participants were selected. The selected mentors will undergo a capacity building phase comprising of training in business management, soft skills and exposure to the partner states. The ones who will successfully complete the capacity building phase shall be placed in the partner states as planned for the next phase.
Another tie up with Railways
Updated On 2017-07-01
It all started when railways gave an opportunity to kudumbashree to clean Mangala Lakshadweep Express (in yard, at Ernakulam). Impressed by the sincerity of Kudumbashree’s staff, and because of the fact that an employment to Kudumbashree family member will help in poverty eradication as the job is reaching the most poor and needy, Railways started giving special projects to Kudumbashree, initially on case to case basis and at present through a selection process. At present, kudumbashree women are managing more than 10 railway parking locations (including that of busy railway stations like Trivandrum, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Aluva, Kottayam etc.) and more than 5 railway waiting halls. The latest among the railway projects in the fully air conditioned waiting hall of Trivandrum Central Railway station, started from 8/7/2017. Railway gave the premises to Kudumbashree. Furnishing and interior design was done by Kudumbashree units, and they collect a revenue of Rs. 20/- per passenger, on a cost sharing basis with railways.
Vector Control Program to fight dengue
Updated On 2017-07-01
A pilot project is initiated in Trivandrum Corporation to contain the dengue outbreak. Project is being implemented with the convergence of Trivandrum Corporation, Health Department, and NRHM. The aim is to create a team of Kudumbashree volunteers in each ward. The team will conduct house visits, will inspect houses and premises for identifying potential sources of mosquito breeding and will do all the source reduction activities. 5000 volunteers are selected from all wards (approximately one volunteer to take care of 50 houses) for conducting house visit. In each ward, 3 master trainers were selected (One representative of ADS, JHI and JPHN). They imparted training to the volunteers of each ward. Also the volunteers were provided with brochures and leaflets. Volunteers visited each house, and checked the premises for presence of mosquito sources. Also, a survey form was filled. The activity will be repeated once in every month.
National Award for Kudumbashree NROs achievement
Updated On 2017-07-01
Kudumbashree NRO is the wing of Kudumbashree implementing ‘kudumbashree model’ in other states. NRO is working in two domains viz. convergence of Panchayat Raj Institutions with Community Based Organisations (PRI CBO Convergence) and in Micro Enterprise Development (ME project). At present, Memorandum of Understanding is signed with 12 states and 1 union territory and trained mentors from Kerala stay in selected panchayats in these states, and gives training to local women in both these domains. Ministry of Rural Development announced National Award for Kudumbashree NRO for the exemplary performance in their areas of work. This is the first time Kudumbashree NRO is getting an award since its inception in 2013. Kudumbashree NRO is planning to expand its areas of work in 2017 -18 by taking up Start Up Village Enterprise (SVEP) projects in selected states. Also, MoUs with many states for new work and for extension of work are under process
National Award for Kudumbashree
Updated On 2017-07-01
Kudumbashree is the state nodal agency for many programs of government of India like PMAY, NULM, NRLM, MKSP, SVEP and DDUGKY. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) is the flagship program of Rural Development Department for providing skilling to rural youth. The aim is to provide skill development and to give placement to 52,000 youths before 2019. Till now, training imparted to 17,000 students, of which 11,000 are placed. 70% placement is mandatory as per program guidelines. Kudumbashree got the national award for being the third best state nodal agency for implementing DDUGKY program. Kudumbashree is receiving national award for implementation of DDUGKY for the first time. Mobilising the right candidate through kudumbashree community network resulted in successful implementation of DDUGKY in the state. At present, 34 agencies are empanelled to give training in 46 areas of specialisation/ skill development.
Launching of DDU-GKY MIS
Updated On 2017-07-01
An MIS Platform for evaluating and co-ordinating the activities under Skill and Placement Programme named Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kausalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) being implemented by Kudumbashree has been launched on 12th July, 2017. The switching-on ceremony was inaugurated by Honorable Minister for Local Self Government Department and Social Justice Dr. K.T. Jaleel in the presence of Kudumbashree Executive Director Shri. S. Harikishore, I.A.S., Assistant Private Secretary to LSGD Minister Shri. A. Santhosh Kumar, DDU-GKY Programme Managers Shri. Shibu. N.P., Shri. Das Vincent.C and Shri. Leopole.T. The SIDCO representatives Shri. Manoj, Shri. Nishad and Shri. Arjun also took part. DDU-GKY ensures Training and Placement of Rural poor youth across the 28 States in India. Kudumbashree is the Nodal Agency for monitoring the implementation of DDU-GKY in Kerala. The aim of MIS during the first phase is to co-ordinate and review different activities carried out in every Training Centers of DDU-GKY. As part of bringing uniqueness among the activities of this programme, a web based monitoring system is now in place. During the second phase, the data regarding trained candidates, training sector, duration of training, placement and fund utilization will be available in this platform. The youth who would like to pursue different courses based on their aspirations could do the registration on this platform. The attendance of students in Training centres could be marked on this platform with the help of Aadhaar linked Biometric Device. This will also help to track the candidates who have been placed after successful completion of training. The MIS is linked to, an official website of DDU-GKY. This will also be linked to Kudumbashree’s official website.
Green Bytes
Updated On 2017-07-01
Marketing ‘healthy food habits’ among people in the form of salad bowls, diet bowls & fresh cut vegetables thereby developing healthy eating habits among public and generating revenue for women is one of the intervention of Kudumbashree in micro enterprises. The intervention which is coined as ‘Green Bytes’ is started in Government Secretariat where fresh cut vegetables, salads & fruit bowls are sold. The counter also offers fruit salads. The Mission focuses on serving the requirements of persons having health issues like lifestyle diseases by marketing diet bowls and healthy drinks like amla, carrot, lime & other fruits mixed with honey, ginger etc. The calorific & nutritious value of each bowl will be provided. As it markets fresh cut vegetables for easy cooking the women employees will be benefited and assessing the scope of the intervention, the Mission will start similar outlets in various part of the city and will extend it to other districts.
ABC - opportunities unlimited
Updated On 2017-07-01
Kudumbashree has the history of assisting the governance machinery to solve problems. One of the key social problems faced by Kerala is the street dog menace. There were even instances where street dogs bit and killed men. In order to curb the street dog menace, approved methodology is Animal Birth Control, where in street dogs are caught, and they are dropped back to the original locality after doing the Animal Birth Control surgery (ABC). Surgery is performed by registered medical practitioners in institutions. Kudumbashree’s ABC project aims at creating Block Management Units of women who will catch dogs (using various techniques, the most popular being ‘cage trap’) and will take them to veterinary hospital for doing surgery. After the surgery, post operative care will be provided by the Kudumbashree ABC team, and the dogs will be dropped back to the place from where they are caught after a period of two days. As per a latest Government Order, the amount to be given by each Panchayat to the ABC team is Rs. 2,100/- per dog for the entire process. Till now (10/7/17), 500 dogs are caught in the state and 72 units are trained in various districts
Expanding wings in Assam
Updated On 2017-07-01
Kudumbashree is a National Resource Organisation with a mandate of assisting other states to start ‘Kudumbashree model’. At present, Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with 12 states and 1 union territory. Once MoU is signed, Kudumbashree mentors (experienced women from the community, who will work as master trainers) will be appointed in these states (in selected blocks/ panchayats) who will select community cadre from the state and will impart training and build their capacity. Mentors work in two domains. One is development of Micro Enterprises; and the other is convergence project of Community Based Organisation with Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRI CBO convergence). Assam was one of the first states that signed an MoU with Kudumbashree. Initial MoU was for a period of 3 years, and the project was implemented successfully. As a result of this, Assam State Livelihood Mission requested for another MoU for extending the project to 50 new Panchayats from 2017, and this new MoU was signed in the presence of Hon. Minister