Kudumbashree Balasabha comes up with 'Suchithwolsavam' for effective waste management Updated On 2023-04-06
Kudumbashree is planning to implement the idiom, 'Old habits die hard' in garbage disposal methods as well. Kudumbashree Balasabha-led 'Suchithwolsavam' Campaign to create strong social awareness about effective waste management will be launched on 22 April 2023. A total of 3.9 lakh members of 28,387 Balasabhas under Kudumbashree in the state will come forward for propagating the message of cleanliness activities as part of this programme.
A number of activities have been planned as part of the campaign based on the idea of spreading the message of hygiene through children to families and from families to the society. Prizes will also be given to the children and Balasabha who make great performance. Training will be given to Resource Persons and CDS Chairpersons as part of the preparations for the campaign. A state-level module building workshop related to the campaign was started in Thiruvananthapuram.
Major activities as part of the campaign:
1. Each child will accurately record the level of waste generated in their own home in the green card given through Kudumbashree to the children who are members of Balasabha. The details of the organic, inorganic and plastic waste will also be collected. The goal is to gradually reduce the amount of waste generated in each Balasabha member's home.
2. Credit points will be given to Balasabha members who reduce the level of waste in their homes after the campaign starts.
3. The prize is financial assistance to start a children's library for Balasabha which reduce the level of waste significantly.
4. Activities such as plantation and maintenance of fruit trees on World Environment Day, preparation of report on waste disposal implemented locally, home visits to create awareness on pre-monsoon sanitation and waste disposal. Activities such as poster making, bird watching, sky watching and arrangement of drinking water for birds at home.
5. Literary camps, writing workshops and art competitions will be organized to showcase creativity.
6. On the occasion of the conclusion of the campaign, an environment protection gathering will be organized in all CDSs.