75th Independence Day Celebrations: National flag flown in 45 lakh NHG families Updated On 2022-08-19
National flag was flown in 45 lakh NHG families as part of 'Har Ghar Tiranga' Campaign in connection with the 75th Independence Day Celebrations. Tricolor flags were hoisted in three lakh Kudumbashree neighborhood groups and 45 lakh women's families in the state. It was also a matter of pride that the Kudumbashree units stitched the national flags hoisted in the NHGs this time in connection with the Independence Day celebrations.
After the NHG meetings, the presidents of each NHG hoisted the national flag. Newly formed Auxiliary groups along with existing NHGs actively participated in the Independence Day celebrations organized by Kudumbashree CDSs in association with the respective local bodies. In addition to the mega quiz, elocution and painting competitions organized for Balasabha-Auxiliary Group members, Independence Day Pledge with the participation of 10,000 Balasabha members, cultural processions led by NHG-Auxiliary Group members were organized in the CDSs. Flag distribution to NHGs were done through Kudumbashree CDSs. These were made available from the respective local bodies. Kudumbashree CDS and ADS gave leadership to the NHG level programs.