
Asraya is a destitute rehabilitation program designed by Kudumbashree. The program is targeted at the poorest of the poor population. While implementing the poverty alleviation programmes, it was observed that the programmes implemented by the Government and other agencies never reach this population. These people, who live in utter distress and despair, constitute a very small number in the society, approximately the bottom two per cent of the total population. Kudumbashree designed a project called Asraya - Destitute Identification Rehabilitation and Monitoring Project for the rehabilitation of destitute families. Destitute families are identified using a transparent risk index framed by the Mission. Individual needs of the family are identified through a participatory need assessment. The project envisaged to address lack of food, health problems including chronic illness, pension, educational facilities to children, land for home, shelter, drinking water, safe sanitation facilities, skill development, employment opportunities, etc.