Start Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) is a scheme supports the rural start-up entrepreneurs by training them to choose the right enterprise to start and run, making available loans through SHGs for starting the enterprise and subsequently linking them to banks for additional funds for expansion and supporting them for the initial six months of its business to ensure sustainability of the enterprise. Read Stories
CDS chairpersons are the elected women leaders working for Kudumbashree and take part a major role in implementing the blood and soul activities of Kudumbashree in the Panchayath/ Municipal level. Women Leaders is a page where best practices from the field of Community women leaders are documented and uploaded.
The underemployed and unemployed urban poor will be encouraged to set up small enterprises relating to manufacturing, servicing and petty business for which there is considerable local demand. Local skills and local crafts should be particularly encouraged and each Urban Local Body (ULB) support to develop a compendium of such activities/projects keeping in view skills available, marketability of products, costs, economic viability etc. The success stories from the Urban Livelihood programs are documented here
DDU-GKY is the demand-driven placement-linked skill training initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development,Government of India (MoRD), uniquely aimed at rural poor youth between 15 and 35 years of age,with the purpose to create income diversity in poor families and help rural youth realize their career aspirations. Skill Training Programs is a page where best practices from the Training programs are documented and uploaded.
Collective Farming is an initiative introduced by Kudumbashree to encourage cultivation among neighborhood groups. It not only brings in significant changes in the lives of the poor but also helps to increase agricultural production by bringing fallow and cultivable waste land into agricultural use, and has significance as a food security measure. Women enter the programme as cultivators as opposed to agricultural labour and control over the means of production and access to formal credit help in increasing the returns from farming. Agriculture Groups is a page where best practices from the farming activities are documented and uploaded.