Maradu Municipality

The beneficiaries were classified under following vertical components

Component No: of Beneficiaries
Insitu 0
AHP 702
CLS 448
BLC(N ) 446
BLC(E) 0
Total 1596


PMAY Progress


DPR Agreement Executed 1st Installment Released Amount Released 2nd Installment Released Amount Released 3rd Installment Released Amount Released 4th Installment Released Amount Released
DPR 1 90 78 2340000 76 9120000 67 8040000 50 1500000
DPR 2 67 53 1590000 45 5400000 34 4080000 5 150000
DPR 3 50 40 1200000 32 3840000 22 2640000 4 120000
Total 207 171 5130000 153 18360000 123 14760000 59 1770000


DPR Actual No. of Beneficiaries Attachment & Aadhar seeding No. of houses Geotagged
DPR 1 155 136 97
DPR 2 200 184 105
DPR 3 91 86 59
Total 446 406 261


Geotagging 261 houses 75.8% (from the eligible 344 beneficiaries)
Beneficiary Attachment 406 91%


CLSS  73
Ayyankali Thozhilurapp Scheme 98


Target /Goal for this year


•Completion of construction of BLC (NC) of eligible beneficiaries

•Completion of 100% attachment /Aadhar seeding in MIS of eligible beneficiaries

•Completion of 100% geotagging of eligible beneficiaries

•Inclusion of new beneficiaries in the upcoming DPR

•Mobilization of more beneficiaries in CLSS by conducting CLSS Loan Mela

•Inclusion of maximum beneficiaries in Ayyankali Thozhilurapp Scheme

•Promotion of PMAY /NULM convergence

•Arrangement of additional fund for beneficiaries of BLC (NC) through CSR