Taliparamba Municipality
Taliparamba was the first capital of the chirakkal Rajas and was an ancient and renowed centre of culture. Learning and arts during the 14 th and 15 th centuries. The name Taliparamba has been interrupted by historians to have derived from Thali (siva temple) and Parambu (ground),a place where the sive temple existed. Thaliparamba is a part of perinjalloor grama ,one of the 64 gramas established in ancient Kerala.Taliparamba is located at a distance of 22 km. From District Head Quarters Kannur.Weaving and pottery are the traditional industries of Taliparamba. PMAY scheme started in ULB in 2017-18 financial year and 291 beneficaries selected in 3 DPRS
No. of wards : 34
Population :44247
MMale population : 20838
Female Poulation : 23409
No. of households : 8909
Density of population : 1767 /km2
SC family : 487
SC Population : 1948
ST family 0
ST Population :0
Male Female Ratio 1000: 1187
Literacy Rate : 96%
No. of BPL families : 2091
Legislative Assembly , Taliparamba
No. of house holds : 8909
SC family : 487
SC Population : 1948
ST family 0
ST Population :0