Kasaragod is a municipal town and the district headquarters of Kasaragod district of kerala state in India.It is known for the Chandragiri fort and Bekal forts,historic Kolathiri Rajas,natural environment of Ranipuram and Kottencheerihills,historical and religios site likethe Madhur temple and Anathapura temple and MallikDeenar mosque.
No.of wards : 35
Most populous ward with population2767 : ward 34,Nellikunnu
Least populous ward with population 928 : ward 27, Thalangara kandathil
Town area:16.7sq.km
Metro area : 93.3 sq.km
Total population :54172
General : 52463
SC : 1543
ST: 166
Male :26314
Female : 27853 as per 2011 census
Population density : 3246 per sq.km
Growth of population : 2.9%
Sex ration : 1058:1000
Literacy rate : 95%
Percentage of working population : 32.2%
male: 50%
female :15.4%
As per 2011 census ,
No.of normal households in kasaragod municipality is 272906.
Institutional: 345
Houseless : 159
Housing programmes implemented in kasaragod municipality:
Total no: of houses sanctioned : 339
Total expenditure : 15255000
Total no : of houses sanctioned for new house : 88
Total no: of houses for upgradation : 86
Total no: of houses for infrastructure : 15
Expenditure in lakhs : 127.54
Total no: of approved beneficaries by CSMC : 362
Expenditure till date : 17310000