Mukkam Municipality PMAY Status Report
Beneficiary Led Construction
Total Houses Sanctioned: 376
Total Beneficiaries Attached: 375
Total Houses Geotagged: 372
Total Agreement Executed: 360
Building Permit Issued: 350
First Instalment Released: 348
Second Instalment Released: 331
Third Instalment Released: 280
Total Houses Completed: 104
Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
72 CLSS loans has already been sanctioned to the Beneficiaries. The Total loan amount Sanctioned under the CLSS is Rupees Four Crore and Thirty Lakh.
Affordable Housing Programme
49 families selected for assistance under PMAY AHP head. The DPR preparation and land acquisition is going on to start the implementation of AHP.
Status Report PMAY MUKKAM (November 2021)
Total Houses Sanctioned: 653
Completed : 538
Up to Roof: 593
Lintel: 603
Started: 610