Total houses sanctioned in BLCN : 787
Houses after data cleaning : 713
Houses Started : 181
Houses upto Foundation : 81
Houses upto Roof : 57
House counstruction completed : 1
Total Houses geo tagged : 247
CLSS applications in survey : 598
CLSS loan availed : 34
CLSS subsidy availed : 2
Affordable housing in parnership : 294
Beneficiary led construction - Fund Details
Total project Cost - 2481 lakhs
Total fund received - 216.04 lakhs
Total fund disbursed - 214.7 lakhs
Government of India Share - 1180 lakhs
Government of India Share received - 63.75 lakhs
Government of Kerala Share - 393.5 lakhs
Government of Kerala Share received - 21.25 lakhs
Municipal share - 593.7 lakhs
Municipal Share received - 112.74 lakhs
Beneficiary share - 313.3
Beneficiary Share received - 18.
Activities carried out in Municipality
1. Non started beneficiary meeting conducted in Municipality.
2. Data cleaning completed. 74 beneficiaries are ineligible. The consent of ineligible beneficiaires are receiving
3. Non started ward level meetings of non started beneficiaries are started. All the warsd will be completed by July 2018
4. One day permit is issuing in every wednesdays
5. AUGES - Enrolled 22 beneficiaires in Ayyankali employeement programme. All of them will be registered after ward level meetings