Name of Corporation : Kozhikode Municipal Corporation
District : Kozhikode
Thaluk : Kozhikode
Area (in km2) : 118.312 Km2
No. of wards : 75
Population : 609224
Male : 291252
Female : 317972
Number of Households : 120213
Density of population : 1316 Km2
SC Population : 22800
ST Population : 1259
Male Female Ratio : 1098
Literacy Rate : 95.08
In 2011, Kozhikode district has a population of 3096293 of which 609224 accounts Kozhikode city Population in which male and female were 291252 and 317972 respectively.
Density: Population density of Kozhikode city for 2011 was 184 people per sq. km. Kozhikode district administer 2,345 square kilometres of areas.
Literature Rate: Kozhikode city has an average literacy rate of 96.80% (national average is 74.85%). The male literacy rate is 97.93% and female literacy rate is 95.78%.
Sex Ratio: Stood at 1093 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 1057 which is also more than the average national sex ratio of 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 960 girls per 1000 boys compared to figure of 959 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data.
Child Population: In 2011, there were total 41574 children under age of 0-6. Of total 41574 male and female were 21208 and 20366 respectively.
3.2.13 Social and Demographic Profile
Population |
2011 |
Actual population (District Population) |
3,086,293 |
City Population |
609224 |
Male(City Population) |
291252 |
Female (City Population) |
317972 |
Population Growth |
7.20% |
Average Literacy |
96.80 |
Male Literacy |
181451 |
Female Literates |
196582 |
Housing Profile
The Working Group on Housing constituted for formulation of the Tenth Five Year Plan had observed that around 90 per cent of housing shortage pertained to the weaker sections. Therefore, there was a need to increase the supply of affordable housing to the economically weaker sections and the low income category. The information of slums and squatter settlement in major urban areas in the developing world is largely attributable to the lack of public sector resources and capability to adequately plan for, provide and manage the required levels of housing, infrastructure and services needed to match the demand and stimulate economic growth. As per UN-HABITAT, a United Nations agency, slum is an area that has the following characteristics: inadequate access to safe water; inadequate access to sanitation and other infrastructure; poor structural quality of housing; overcrowding; and insecure residential status. Slums are usually characterized by urban decay, high rates of poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment. The identification of an area as a slum is based solely on socioeconomic criteria, not on racial, ethnic, or religious criteria. In general an urban area is declared as a slum when the Government or the Urban Local Body is satisfied that
Household Profile
The population of Kozhikode Corporation has steadily risen from 1866 when it stood at 36,602 to 436,527 in 2001. The family size of Kozhikode MC is calculated as five. Among the Just above Vulnerable and the Upper Crust of the Poor category the family size was 5.82 and 5.87, respectively. For MIG and MV it is calculated as 4.23 and 4.67 respectively. Women headed families primarily belong to JV and UP groups and constitute 29% of the total poor families surveyed. There is a steady increase in the proportion of male -headed families across the city, from the MV category to the HIG category. With regard to the heads of the families under the socio-economic study, 31% of JV and 38% of UP households are women headed.
Census data (in respect of housing)
1120 |
EMS Hous |
301 |
Bhavanasree |
61 |
1116 |
157 |
Agathi Asraya |
15 |
Various Housing Schemes in the corporation