Name of the State : Kerala
Name of the City : Kannur Municipality
State level Nodal Agency : Kudumbashree Mission
District : Kannur
Thaluk : Kannur
Area (in KM2) : 78.35
No. of division : 55
Population : 232486
Male : 107079
Female : 125407
No. of Households : 61883
Density of population : 2967.27
SC Population : 11337
ST Population : 903
Male Female Ratio : 1090
Literacy Rate : 96.23
No. of BPL families : 11795
According to the 2011 census of India, Kannur city has a population of 56,823. Males constitute 46.2% of the population and females 53.8%. Kannur has an average literacy rate of 96.23%, higher than the national average of 74.04%. Male literacy is 98% and female literacy is 94%. In Kannur, 12% of the population is under six years of age. Muslims form the majority of the population with 32026 members forming 56.3% of the population. There are 21557 Hindus forming 37.9% of the population. Christians form 5% of the population with 2892 members. Malayalam is the most widely spoken languages. While tulu,Beary and Kannada is also spoken and understood by many people.
Review of existing data-SECC, demand survey
Validation of SECC data
The Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC), 2011 is being carried out by the Government of India to generate information on a large number of social and economic indicators relating to households across the country. The total households shown in SECC data is 5293 (including institutional & houseless) whereas the number of households in 2011 Census is 5641.
As per census 2011 |
As per SECC 2011 |
Total no of Households |
5641 |
5293 |
Total population |
22428 |
20144 |
Total male population |
11031 |
9741 |
Total female population |
11397 |
1401 |
The details of SECC survey data 2011 is shown below. This table shows the total number of families, gender, household type and ownership pattern depicted in SECC.
Ownership status in SECC 2011 |
Owned |
rented |
shared |
Living on premises with employer |
House provided by employer |
other |
Not specified |
Total |
4085 |
869 |
17 |
7 |
183 |
90 |
42 |
5293 |
In SECC data total no of families who have own houses are 4085. In PMAY demand survey the families surveyed for housing /enhancement assistance is 70 in which 58 families who have their own land to build opted Beneficiary led construction/and 12 for Enhancement. The rented or landless less families derived from PMAY demand survey is around 109