Kudumbashree Thrissur District Mission launches 'Pink Auto' at Kunnamkulam Updated On 2019-03-12
Kudumbashree Thrissur District Mission launched 'Pink Auto' service at Kunnamkulam. The Pink Auto was launched on 8 March 2019, International Women's day. It is launched as part of the National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) Project being implemented in Kerala. The Pink Auto is driven by Smt. Sherly Suresh, a micro entrepreneur of Kudumbashree Mission hailing from Adupputty, Kunnamkulam. Rs 3.92 lakhs was the total project cost, out of which 85 % of the cost was availed through bank loan and the rest 15 % was availed as beneficiary share.
As the 'Pink Auto' is fixed with fare meter, the consumer need not to give any extra charges. The 'Pink Auto' is fixed with Global Positioning System (GPS) which ensure safe journey. The Pink Auto is parked at the municipal office premises and is used for personal site checking as well. The 'Pink Auto' is at service at Kunnumkulam municipality from 10 AM to 5 PM. Those who come to Kunnumkulam municipality and the municipality staff are making use of the Pink Auto service. Kunnamkulam Urban Local Body (ULB) extended training and helped the beneficiary secure driving licence. After the municipality office working hours,' Pink Auto' would be at service for the public as well. Smt. Sherly Suresh is getting more than Rs 1000 a day by extending Pink Auto services. For the first six months, the NULM office will directly control the operations of the Pink Auto services.