Fourth Phase of Gender Self Learning Programme launched Updated On 2019-01-14
The fourth phase of the Gender Self Learning Programme was officially launched. Shri. A.C. Moideen, Minister, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala inaugurated the NHG level campaign of the fourth phase of Gender Self Learning Programme at District Co-operative Bank Hall, Thrissur on 14 January 2019.
Kudumbashree Mission had been framing and successfully implementing different programmes focusing women through Gender Self Learning Programme (GSLP) for the past 11 years. Vulnerability study, crime mapping, Neetham campaign, Pusthaka yatra were the activities implemented by Kudumbashree as the after effect of Gender Self Learning Programme. The themes Women & employment, Women & health Women & mobility had already been discussed in the last 3 modules of Gender Self Learning Programme.
The programme is organised in NHGs through group discussions. Gender Status- Equality & Justice will be the theme discussed in the fourth module.The concept is meant to create an environment for women to learn what empowerment is for themselves and how they should learn to recognize suppression, vulnerability etc. The GSLP programme will be organised at NHGs for 6 months. A book has also been prepared for the self learning process reach to the 43 lakh members in 2.77 NHGs. 300 facilitators from 14 districts across Kerala had been selected and trained. The facilitators will select one member each from every NHGs and thereby equip the NHGs for the self learning programme.
Gender Self Learning Programme could be regarded as the first social educational process that would have direct implications on rights and entitlements of women in grass roots. Unlike conventional women empowerment programmes that adhere to awareness classes, gender self learning programme aims at facilitating neighborhood groups on discussions that reflect on discrimination, violence and inequality. Each woman represented in the network is regarded as a participant, information provider and knowledge creator.