Rs 200 crores package for 20,000 ADSs for fighting back Covid-19 Updated On 2021-06-25

It is decided to give Rs 1 lakh each to every Kudumbashree ADS for supporting the NHGs, that are in crisis due to covid-19 and to fight back the pandemic. ADS (Area Development Society), the ward level federation of the NHGs in Kudumbashree three tier community system would give the amount to the NHGs based on the risk factors and eligibility criteria. The NHGs would use this as a Revolving Fund. The NHGs may make use of the same for emergency needs, medical needs and to retrieve livelihood opportunities. The Government had given in principle approval for the Special Package of Rs 200 crores for the 20,000 ADSs in Kerala, for this. The  Oorusamithis of Attappady will also get this assistance.  

Kudumbashree community network is taking greater efforts to convey the message to the society, that each and everyone  should participate in the fight against covid-19. These concepts are communicated to maximum people and thereby Kudumbashree aims that a strong self defense against covid-19 is created.On realising that it is needed to extend support to many families who are struggling due to the crisis of covid-19, Kudumbashree had presented a few project proposals before the Government regarding the same. As per the decision taken at the meeting of the Honorable Chief Minister of Kerala held on 14 May 2021, three projects put forward have got approval. The other projects that got approval are explained as follows.

1. A total of 25.17 lakh NHG members of 2.30 lakh NHGs had availed the Interest Free Loan of Rs 1917.55 crores as per ‘Chief Minister's Helping Hand Loan Scheme’, during the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Rs 165 crores, the first installment of the interest subsidy was received from the Government and the same was provided to the NHG members during the month of March. The interest subsidy of Rs 93 crores for the second year is to be received by March 2022. A decision has been taken to give this in advance, as a support during COVID.  The proposal for the same was given to the Finance Department and the approval was received for the same. The NHGs would be provided with the interest subsidy very soon.

2. During the floods, 2,02,789 members of 30,267 NHGs, who were affected adversely by the floods, had availed Interest Free Loan of Rs 1794.02 crores as per the ‘Resurgent Kerala Loan Scheme’. The subsidy of this Interest Free loan was provided from the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund. During the first year, Rs 131 crores was provided to the Kudumbashree members and during the second year, Rs 129.87 crores was provided as Interest Subsidy. It is aimed to provide the subsidy of Rs 75.16 crores for the third year which is to be given by the end of this financial year, in advance. The proposal regarding the same is submitted to the Finance Department. Subsidy would be provided on getting the approval for the same.

Kudumbashree, is the poverty eradication mission of Kerala and members are mostly from poor economic backgrounds. Government took the decision to implement this project through Kudumbashree aiming at extending a helping hand to the needy during the crisis of covid-19. The effective utilization of this amount could be ensured through Kudumbashree that has the best community network. The proposals and the draft guidelines regarding this project (Rs 1 lakh each to all ADS) had already been submitted to the Government. It is expected that we would be able to provide this amount to the ADSs, once the Government Order regarding the same is received.

Kudumbashree as Implementing Support Agency for Jal Jeevan Mission Updated On 2021-06-23

Kudumbashree has received an opportunity to function as the Implementing Support Agency of Jal Jeevan Mission being implemented by the Water Resource Department of Kerala. This opportunity is received in some panchayats of Kerala. There are Project Implementing Agencies in all LSGIs of Kerala to implement the projects of Jal Jeevan Mission. Kudumbashree has been selected as the Implementing Support Agency in 262 panchayats. Some livelihood opportunities were provided to Kudumbashree members as part of implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission. 

The aim of the Implementing Support Agency is to support the Project Implementing Agencies who implement the projects as part of the Jal Jeevan Mission The opportunity to function as the Implementing Support Agency of Jal Jeevan Mission was available for NGOs and Government Missions. On knowing about this, Kudumbashree decided to take up these activities through Kudumbashree and took part in the tender process. Based on the request, Kudumbashree got the opportunity to function as Implementing Support Agency in 262 panchayats. In the other panchayats, selected NGOs function as the implementation support agency. Kudumbashree Mission is making greater efforts to showcase the best of their performances, where they received the opportunities.

The Jal Jeevan Mission has demanded to do the activities of Implementing Support Agencies in two ways. The activities should be implemented by deploying 5 persons where the project should be completed within 7 months. Whereas, at the Panchayats, where the project should be completed within 18 months, 3 persons will get the livelihood opportunity as part of the agency work. It is the responsibility of the Implementing Support Agency to complete the aims/ goals of the Jal Jeevan Mission, to oversee the project implementation and solve if there are any issues. Implementing Support Agency will smoothen the project implementation and support the Panchayath and the Project Implementation Agencies.

In a Panchayath, the Implementing Support Agency would get Rs 8.30 lakhs for the activities for 7 months. The Implementing Support Agency will get Rs 17.26 lakhs for the activities for 18 months. Kudumbashree CDSs would be entrusted with the task of overseeing the Kudumbashree ISA team at the Panchayats, where Kudumbashree got the opportunity to function as Implementing Support Agency. Through this association, Kudumbashree would be able to give a livelihood opportunity to more than 750 people across the state through this opportunity to function as the Implementing Support Agency.

The details of the Panchayats, where Kudumbashree got the opportunity to function as the Implementing Support Agency of Jal Jeevan Mission is available in this link : It was unable to start the activities during the crisis of covid. Directions had already been given to start the activities by selecting those who are interested to become part of the team. Once lockdown relaxations are announced, activities will be started.

Home Shop Project progressing with good growth Updated On 2021-06-18

The Home Shop Project of Kudumbashree is progressing well with good growth. Home Shop network takes the products of Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs directly to the households. The activities of ‘Home Shop’ ie being extended to all the districts and now Home Shop’ network is functioning in 13 out of the 14 districts in Kerala. Though delivering products to the households was interrupted during the lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic, the Home Shop system is securing significant growth. Sales of Rs 91.58 lakhs were secured through Home Shop during January 2021. Rs 1.09 crores was recorded during February and Rs 90.27 lakhs was secured during March. Sales of Rs 75.19 lakhs were recorded during the month of April. The lock down notified due to the second wave of covid-19 pandemic came into being during the month of May and sales of Rs 21.45 lakhs was recorded through the ‘Home Shop’ system, during May. 

The operations and logistic management of the ‘Home Shop’ system is managed by a management team. Products are collected from the entrepreneurs under the leadership of this team. Products are stored and are taken to the households through ‘Home Shop owners’. This is the model followed by Kudumbashree for the management of the ‘Home Shop’ system all across the state. There would be one or more Home Shop Management teams in a district. There would be many ‘Home Shop Owners’ under every ‘Home Shop Management team’. This project is framed in such a way that marketing is ensured for the products of Kudumbashree entrepreneurs through the network of Home Shop owners. Along with ensuring sales, a good income is also ensured for ‘Home Shop owners’ who are the service providers in the marketing sector.

As of now, there are 19 ‘Home Shop Management teams’ altogether functioning across the state. System is established in all districts except at Malappuram. There are 2 ‘Home Shop Management units’ each in Kasaragod, Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Palakkad, Alappuzha and Kottayam districts.  Whereas, one unit each is there in Kozhikode, Kannur, Kollam, Wayanad, Pathanamthitta, Idukki and Thrissur. 1861 ‘Home Shop owners’ are functioning under these managements. Out of which, Kozhikode district which has 602 ‘Home Shop owners’ is showcasing the best performance. 749 products of 320 Kudumbashree enterprises are now part of the ‘Home Shop Marketing System’ across the state. We have conceived this project in such a way that the income of the ‘Home Shop Owners’ would be increased by making maximum Kudumbashree entrepreneurs of all districts be part of this Home Shop system by this year itself.  

It is expected that the Home Shop system would turn into a strong system in the marketing sector of Kudumbashree by the end of this year. Kudumbashree's efforts to market Kudumbashree products are mainly through four channels. Kudumbashree organises trade fairs, setting up permanent marketing outlets and arranges marketing opportunities through an e-commerce platform to take the products of Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs to maximum reach.

Approval for Kudumbashree to start E-Seva Kiosks Updated On 2021-06-17

Kudumbashree has received the approval to start E-Seva Kiosks. The Motor Vehicle Department has given in-principle approval to start E-Seva kiosks where there are no Regional, Sub Regional Transport Offices and in accessible public spaces (Bus stand, Corporation/Municipality offices etc) to extend various services including that of Motor Vehicle Department, if Kudumbashree is interested. In principle approval is received for setting up 100 E-Seva kiosks. The joint meeting held during January decided to implement this project. Once the spaces for setting up such kiosks are identified by Kudumbashree, the Motor Vehicle Department will be intimated. After approval, a proposal will be submitted to the Government for approval.

In principle approval is now received for extending various online services of Governmental Departments including that of the Motor Vehicle Department through these kiosks. These enterprises would be known as 'Motor Vehicle Department- E-Seva Kiosk. Thus, the District teams are directed to identify spaces where service kiosks can be started profitably. They are also directed to select the interested entrepreneurs as well. Once the proposals from all districts are received, it would be compiled and be given to the Motor Vehicle Department. It is aimed to get the Government Order and final approval, once this process is completed.

E-Seva Kendra is a convergence project of Kudumbashree and the Motor Vehicle Department. The process of setting up E-Seva Kendras at every Regional Transport Offices and Sub Regional Transport Offices and extending various services of the Motor Vehicle Department to the public is ongoing now. At present, 53 E-Seva Kendras are functioning inside/ nearby the Regional, Sub Regional Transport Offices in the state. Kudumbashree got the approval to start E-Seva Kendras at all Regional, Sub Regional Transport Offices in Kerala during 2016.  E-Seva Kendras were started in 53 locations as per this. The District Mission Coordinators are directed to identify spaces, where such E-Seva Kendras can be started adjuncting with the remaining Regional, Sub Regional Transport Offices. 

Kudumbashree is now able to provide the best of the services of the Motor Vehicle Department to the public and help the NHG members earn better income through E-Seva Kendras of the Motor Vehicle Department.  It is also expected that Kudumbashree would be able to extend the service to more sectors by setting up the newly approved E-Seva Kiosks Kudumbashree also aims at submitting the report including the list of the areas where E-Seva Kendras and E-Seva kiosks are needed, after doing a feasibility study. 

Kudumbashree Kannur District team comes up with ‘Aadhi Umbrellas’ from the Tribal Resettlement Area of Aralam Farm Updated On 2021-06-16

Kudumbashree Kannur District Mission has implemented the idea of branding and marketing the umbrellas produced by tribal families. Umbrellas produced by Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs from the tribal resettlement area of Aralam Farm of Kannur District are now available in the market in the brand name 'Aadhi Umbrellas'.

Intensive training was given on umbrella making to 28 tribal women from the tribal resettlement area of Aralam Farm under the leadership of Kudumbashree Kannur District team. They were provided with ‘umbrella making kits’ as well.  They formed two micro enterprise units and got it registered in the Kudumbashree CDS. In the first phase, these units have taken up the aim of manufacturing 5000 umbrellas for the market. They aim to sell 21 types of umbrellas under the brand name 'Aadhi Umbrellas' through the Kudumbashree network. The printed umbrella is priced at Rs 345 and the three fold black umbrella is priced at Rs 325, whereas Rs 335 is the unit cost for the multicolour umbrella.

'Nila' and 'Lotus', the micro enterprise units follow the general procedure followed in umbrella manufacturing. They buy the umbrella making kit from the market, assemble the umbrellas at their homes and bring the same to the market.
Through this enterprise activity, the Kannur District Mission aims at facilitating the tribal families (who are into daily wage based labour works) to get an additional income during this crisis period. Wishing good luck for the marketing of ‘Aadhi Umbrellas', which is a new enterprise in the tribal sector, making umbrellas. 

For buying umbrellas, please contact: 04902953006, 9645183673

Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission launches 'Homer' Home Delivery Service Updated On 2021-06-14

Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission had launched 'Homer', the Home Delivery Service. This new activity is conceived and is being implemented by Kudumbashree's Kasaragod District team themselves. In the background of the lockdown notified to contain the spread of covid-19, many people had found it difficult to go to the shops to buy essential goods. 'Homer' is the home delivery service launched by Kasaragod District Mission, understanding this situation. Through this service delivery programme, essential goods, medicines etc are delivered directly to the beneficiaries. A new enterprise opportunity is opened for the NHG members through this.

Initially, this service was made available at four areas of Kasaragod district viz., Mangalpady, Cheruvathoor, Kasaragod and Kanhangad. Two NHG members each who have two-wheelers or auto rickshaw are selected from these four panchayats/municipalities. Following that, their mobile numbers are shared among all the households through the community network of Kudumbashree. This is how the 'Homer' programme is being implemented. The list of the needed goods may be sent to their numbers through WhatsApp. The goods and medicines are delivered to the beneficiaries from the shops as per this list. The minimum order should be of at least Rs 500/-. Delivery charge will also be collected for the service. The goods will be delivered within the area of 5 kilometers. Rs 40 is charged within 2 kilometers as delivery charge. Rs 50 is charged within 2 to 4 kilometers and Rs 60 is charged within 4 to 5 kilometers.

The service charge received from these orders is the income of the service provider. A social service is being extended by Kasaragod team through 'Homer' programme, in addition to creating an opportunity for employment. A positive feedback is received in the initial days. On the first day, 9 orders were received (value of order is Rs 5850). On the second day 11 orders (value Rs 7300) were received. The increase in the number of the orders imply that the people are accepting devices through the 'Homer' programme. Kasaragod team aims to extend these services to more areas after studying the prospect of this pilot project.  It is expected that the NHG members would be able to extend the best services and be able to earn better income.

Kudumbashree launches 'Kunju Pareeksha' (Simple Exam) to fight back Covid-19 Updated On 2021-06-10

Kudumbashree has launched 'Kunju Pareeksha' (A Small, Simple Exam), to take the awareness lessons about the covid-19 pandemic to families through children. Shri. M. V. Govindan Master, Minister, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala inaugurated the programme. It is planned to conduct 'Kunju Pareeksha' as a series of 4 exams. The first among those exams is being held on 10 June 2021. The exam could be written till 10.30 PM, 13 June 2021. Children may visit this link launched by Balasabha and may write this online examination. The exam is being conducted as part of Balasabha. The members of Balasabha as well as the non members can become part of this online test. The dates of the remaining three exams would be notified later.
Kudumbashree team is taking many efforts to communicate the details of the protocol to be maintained to prevent covid-19 to maximum number of people. 'Kunju Pareeksha' is conceptualized and is implemented as a result of this.  It is planned to conduct four online tests. They are model exam, quarterly exam, half yearly exam and annual exam. It is aimed to take the idea of preventing covid-19 to the children through the questions and answers of these exams. The questions of the exams would include the precautions one should take while sitting inside our houses. Also, questions will be about the precautions to be taken when going out. Also, basic informations that each one should be aware of about covid-19 pandemic will be part of questions. It is sure that this exam would be knowledgeable for the children. Also, Kudumbashree team had prepared such questions that make answering the test really enjoyable.

It is expected that Kudumbashree would be able to share various information about the prevention of covid-19 to the children through these four exams. Rewards would be given to the best CDSs and Districts, who ensure good participation. Through this Kudumbashree envisage to spread awareness among the children. Balasabha is better known as 'the NHGs of children' and there are 32,267 Balasabha activity groups in Kerala.

The exam could be completed within 10 minutes. To write the exam, log on to :

'Mission Covid-2021' Campaign Progressing Updated On 2021-06-09

The 'Mission Covid-2021' Campaign of Kudumbashree is progressing all across the state. This campaign is being implemented, making use of the strength of the Kudumbashree organizational network. Kudumbashree Response team (KRT) which consists of 5 NHG members each are the core of this campaign. 1064 CDS Chairpersons in Kerala, Resource Persons from each CDS (minimum of 2 persons each), ADS members and the office bearers (five members each) of about 3 lakh NHGs would take this campaign to the families, communicate the concepts and take the campaign to the next level.

If anyone becomes covid positive among the Kudumbashree families, the CDS team which functions under the respective LSGIs would arrange the medicine, food, oxygen, vehicle, counselling etc whenever needed. Now awareness regarding the preventive measures against covid-19 is being given to those with chronic diseases, those who are specially abled, their parents, persons with disabilities and the beneficiaries of Destitute Free Kerala Programme. They would also be extended the needed covid support and instructions on mental health as well. Also, the instructions and information given by the Government as well as Kudumbashree regarding covid and other information including the financial assistance would be taken to all NHG families on time. All NHG members would be given information about vaccination and support will be given to those who need assistance in making the registrations for getting the vaccine. Thereby they would ensure that all the NHG members have taken the vaccine. Needed support will also be given to the war room that functions in the LSGI level and to the Help Desk as well.  

A local governing committee composed of Resource Persons and CDS Chairperson would function in all the LSGIs across the state. A block level committee of resource persons would function for supervising the same and there would be yet another committee in the district level as well.  The activities of this programme are fully taken up and is being implemented only under the leadership of the members of Kudumbashree organizational system and resource persons. This is the speciality of this campaign. As part of the campaign, the LSGI level committee would form a five membered 'Kudumbashree Response Team (KRT) which includes the office bearers in every NHGs, at first. ADS would regularly update them about the information regarding covid and educate them to extend various services. The CDSs would give necessary guidance to the ADSs. The NHG members would take this information to their families. A handbook has also been prepared for the same. In addition to this, audios and videos would also be shared regularly with the NHG members for the next one month.

The key feature of this campaign is that the data regarding the progress of the campaign is not being collected or compiled at the state level. The experiences regarding the classes given in each LSGIs under the leadership of Kudumbashree resource team and the information shared among the NHGs, would be shared once in a week in online mode at the local level. Following that, the Resource Persons of the CDSs under the respective blocks and the CDS Chairpersons would share their experiences in the block level online meetings. Cross learning would be made possible through these experience sharing and thereby improve the activities. In addition to the various awareness materials given from the state level team, the district teams may do more activities at the local level. 

Various activities are being implemented by Kudumbashree to make the public aware about the necessary actions which we all should adopt to prevent covid-19. A series of awareness classes was given to the NHG members and general public  in association with the Indian Medical Association. The 'Chain Call' programme was also conducted. 
Click here to read the handbook This book is available in the link

Important announcements for Kudumbashree in the updated Annual Budget for 2021-22 financial year Updated On 2021-06-08

As in the previous years, many important announcements had been made for Kudumbashree in the updated Annual Budget for 2021-22 financial year, presented by the Finance Minister,Government of Kerala on 4 June 2021.  During the financial year of 2016-17, Kudumbashree receipts were Rs 75 crores. In the Budget for 2021-22 financial year, Rs 100 crores was allotted for Kudumbashree as part of the special livelihood package. The state share of Kudumbashree in this budget is Rs 200 crores. The Kudumbashree plan fund has therefore increased to Rs 300 crores. Considering the funds of other centrally sponsored schemes and some other projects, the total budget of Kudumbashree for the year 2021-22 will be more than Rs.1500 crore.

The important mentions about Kudumbashree in this budget are listed below.

1. During the financial year 2021-22, bank loans of a minimum of Rs 1000 crores will be given to the NHGs. The loans upto Rs 5 lakhs will be given at 4% interest rate.

2. In the background of the crisis caused by covid pandemic, the allocation of the existing livelihood package is increased to Rs 100 crores for providing subsidy to enterprises and for imparting training to those who have lost their livelihoods to find out new ones.

3. Kudumbashree is making significant contributions through about 70,000 women farming groups (Joint Liability Groups) in the agricultural sector. Rs 10 crores was earmarked for starting Agriculture Value Added Production units through Kudumbashree.

 4.  In order to utilize employment opportunities in the care economy, manpower will be provided in each Grama panchayat after giving training for the care of senior citizens, differently abled etc.

5. To ensure the representation of young women in Kudumbashree, 10,000 Auxiliary Neighbourhood Group (NHG) units will be started during this year.

6. Organic vegetables would be procured from the local farmers and would be marketed through the 'Kudumbashree Stores' of the Kudumbashree NHGs. Kerala Bank would give loans for starting such stores, purchasing vehicles and for store renovation. 2 to 3 % subsidy will be given to those who repay the loan in time.

7. As part of the Knowledge Economy Mission, the Kerala Technological University has set up Kerala Digital Work Force Management System (DWMS). Steps have been taken to consider it as a Sub Mission of Kudumbashree. 1048 Community Resource Persons, 152 block coordinators for training and 14 District Programme Executives for training for Kudumbashree and Kudumbashree State Level Mission team will mobilize their work associating with the District Programme Executive of K-Disc and 274 skill development executives of ASAP.

8. Rs 10 crores is initially earmarked for the reduction of extreme poverty.  A committee has been formed to conduct a detailed survey in this regard to determine the indicators and  to submit the suggestions for the project.

9. Rs 5 crores is initially earmarked for the Smart Kitchen Programme which aims at lessening the burden of the household works.

Children from BUDS Institutions cheerfully celebrate World Environment Day Updated On 2021-06-07

Children from BUDS Institutions cheerfully celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June 2021. Students of most of the BUDS Institutions in Kerala have planted fruit bearing trees to mark the World Environment Day. The main activity done by the students was sharing the photos taken with the trees planted last year, enjoying its growth. Also, they shared the photos taken with the trees which were planted on this Environment Day. In addition, various BUDS Institutions took up other complementary activities such as placard making, cleaning houses and its surroundings, drawing competitions etc.

 BUDS Institutions are the convergence project of Kudumbashree and local bodies for educating and supporting children with intellectual disabilities. Various activities have been formulated and implemented under the leadership of the BUDS Institutions, ensuring the full participation of the children. The teachers and parents  took efforts with great enthusiasm to formulate activities as a continuation of the activities of last year's environment day celebrations, thereby helping the students to get more close and connected to nature. They had also given the students various challenges, organised online meetings and shared the photos of the activities. The students of BUDS Institutions have indeed celebrated the Environment Day of 2021 at its best.