The State Level Co-ordination Committee (SLCC) selected 23 new proposals which have come before the committee for the approval. Through 34 PIAs 18,025 candidates were trained out of which, 12,763 were appointed .The total sanctioned training target is 51,200. A proposal has been submitted by Manpower Group Services India Pvt. Ltd., a Champion Employer designated by MoRD. The committee agreed to consider the proposal under Training and placement model and sanctioned a total target of 2000 numbers.
The Meeting was chaired by Shri. A. Shajahan, IAS, LSGD Secretary. Shri. S. Harikishore, IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree, Smt. Lethi. S, Additional Secretary to Finance Department, Smt. P.K. Seethalekshmi Amma, Additional Secretary to Labour and SkillsDepartment,Smt. Nisha. S, Additional Secretary to Govt. on deputation as Director (A&F), Kudumbashree, Shri. K.S. Dharmarajan, Additional Director, Directorate of Employment and Industrial Training Department, Shri. Divakaran.M.N., Additional Director, Scheduled Caste Development Department, Smt. Josephine. J, Assistant Director, Scheduled Tribes Development Department, Shri. Mahesh.L.S., Manager (R&HRD), Kerala State Women’s Development Corportation Ltd, Shri. J. Harikrishnan, Chief Operating Officer, KASE, Shri. Pradeep, Senior Superintendant, Social Justice Department and other concerned officers attended the meeting which was held at Government Secretariate Annexe1 in the Chamber of Secretary, LSGD, on 21 July 2017.