Kudumbashree to train rural women in Uganda Updated On 2017-09-24
Kudumbashree received an invitation for giving training for women of uganda on the topic 'Entrepreneurship development in agriculture sector among rural women'. Kudumbashree had given 15 day training to 26 senior officials of agriculture, irrigation and animal husbandary departments of few african countries during March 2017. The training was conducted under the leadership of National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management, Hyderabad and U.S.Agency for International Development (USAID). It is in continuation with that training Kudumbashree officials are invited to Uganda.
Kudumbashree will give 10 days training on Entrepreneurial Development, different programmes on agriculture, production of value added products, relevance of forming consortiums etc to women of Uganda. Kudumbashree's expertise in giving Entrepreneurial Development will help them in training the women there.
A 26 member team from Liberia, Uganda, Ghana, Afganistan, Mongolia, Malawi, Kenya and Mosambia had visited Kerala as part of their training organised by National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management, Hyderabad and USAID. Kudumbashree had entrusted Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) for giving training to this team. It's on getting motivated by the training received at Kerala, they invited Kudumbashree to Uganda.