A kiosk of Kudumbashree has started functioning in Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kochi. The kiosk will function on Sundays, from 11 AM to 4 PM, when brunch and lunch would be served to the public. It's the time during which more people make visits to the hotel. The kiosk was launched on 1 November 2020. It is as per their new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy, Grand Hyatt, the hotel chain which has various branches across the world made such a decision. As per this understanding, the kiosk was set up at Grand Hyatt Hotel from 11 AM to 4 PM on 1 November 2020.
The Hotel officials decided to arrange opportunities for marketing the locally manufactured products, aiming at the development of the people living near each of their hotels. It is as per this decision, the officials of Grand Hyatt approached Kudumbashree. The opportunity was given to sell Kudumbashree products inside the hotel during every Sundays. The Kudumbashree Ernakulam District team took initiative to make use of this opportunity and set up a kiosk with Kudumbashree products at the special space arranged by the Hotel without levying any charges. Various flour powder, curry powders, pickles, squashes, coconut oils, handmade soaps etc. were for sale at the kiosks. This activity will be continued for the next six months on all Sundays.
Kudumbashree always plans to develop multiple activities for marketing of Kudumbashree products and have been trying to improve the marketing of products from Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs' by promoting sales through fixed outlets, organizing trade fairs and making use of online marketing opportunities and platforms. Its while discussing such new avenues to take the products of Kudumbashree micro enterprises to more people, Kudumbashree received a proposal from Grand Hyatt Hotel, Ernakulam. By arranging such a regular system, Kudumbashree would try to know the needs of the customers and make available various products for them. The Ernakulam District team had made use of this opportunity with the best coordination.