Training for Coastal Volunteers Updated On 2017-11-18
Four day training for Coastal volunteers has been kick started at St Gregorious Renewal Centre, Thiruvananthapuram on 17 November 2017. The training scheduled to be held from 17-20 November 2017 was inaugurated by Shri. S Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission.
The Four day training will include various sessions to improve the work of the coastal volunteers. Lectures will be given on Kudumbashree and its perspectives, Gender and Balasabha, various features and other aspects of Micro Finance and MIS, Micro Enterprises, Marketing, Asraya, Buds and BRC etc.
Activities and audio visual sessions were also arranged to make them interact with one another. To help develop a purpose of life, 'Know Yourself' session was also aranged for the Participants, which would enable them to identify their basic emotions, strengths, weakness, values and attitudes.
The participants will be given an opportunity to face crowd as well.Training will be given to develop necessary presentation skills. Yoga and Creative Thinking sessions are also arranged for their spiritual and Creative growth. Lectures for improving bthe communication skills is also scheduled. Field visits are also arranged.
70 coastal volunteers from Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kazargode took part in the training programme. Certificates will be distributed to the coastal volunteers on the successful completion of the training programme.The training will come to ans end on 20 November 2017.