Kudumbashree joins hands with Indian Oil Corporation Updated On 2017-09-13
Kudumbashree joins hands with Indian Oil Corporation Limited to undertake for the upkeep of the Public Convenience Facilities provided by IOCL at its Outlets. The agreement regarding this tie up was signed between Shri. S. Harikishore, Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission and Shri. P.S.Mony, Chief General Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited on 1 August 2017.
As a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the Kerala Government intends to declare Kerala as the first Open Defecation Free (ODF) State in the Country. And in order to achieve this, objectives,Indian Oil Corporation Limited in partnership with the State Government is providing clean and well maintained Public convenience Facilities in its Outlets across the State.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited is engaged in the business of refining and marketing of various petroleum products through its Retail Outlets. In compliance with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan move of Government of India and for better standard of service to its customers, toilets/Washrooms are provided by them at the Outlets across the State. Kudumbashree Mission, a congiomeration of Self Help Groups (SHG's) engaged in various activities including House Keeping at Office premises, Railway Stations etc will therefore undertake the upkeep of the Public Convenience provided by Indian Oil Corporation Limited at its Outlets.
Kudumbashree Mission is already engaged in the housekeeping activities including upkeep of restrooms in Railways etc.